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Adam Lambert on the AMAs

darquegk Profile Photo
#75re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 11/27/09 at 11:11am

I don't like Lady Gaga, but I think she's extremely talented. Her "unplugged" sets seem directly targeted at those of us who think she's just an Autotuned and replaceable pop tart. True, she relies on spectacle and shock, but so did Alice Cooper and David Bowie, and they were genuinely good at what they do. Gaga is doing some of the best electro-pop today, but let's just hope she isn't a one-trick pony. If she has enough talent and smarts to learn from her glam predecessors, when electro ends, she'll become a musical chameleon and stay on top of the game.

logan0215 Profile Photo
#76re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 11/27/09 at 11:50am

I don't think people are disputing that Lambert was singing live (horribly). It was brought up that Lady GaGa lipsyncs which is completely untrue.

Also, for a "stripped down" performance by GaGa, see the attached link.

I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America. [turns and winks directly into the camera] - Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock

#77re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 11/27/09 at 2:39pm

I don't think people are disputing that Lambert was singing live (horribly). It was brought up that Lady GaGa lipsyncs which is completely untrue.

Well, NeoNormal did say that Adam wasn't singing live. Which is basically as silly as Jane suggesting that Lady Gaga is talentless just because Jane doesn't enjoy her schtick. I save the designation of talentless for the absolute bottom rung of pop opportunism, like Heidi Montag. Lady Gaga's songwriting abiilities alone are a significant talent, whether you consider her songs innovative or not.

Lady Gaga doesn't lipsync, but she does rely heavily on backing tracks etc. People could be confused by that.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#78re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 11/27/09 at 4:15pm

Wow, hit a raw nerve with you, Craww. Get over it.

Also, try to understand - I called her talentless because I haven't detected her talent quite yet. You seem to have a problem because I don't share your OPINION.

Updated On: 11/27/09 at 04:15 PM

CSonBroadway Profile Photo
#79re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 11/27/09 at 5:11pm

But her talent isn't an OPINION. Maybe Taylor Swift's talent could be questionable, but there is no denying GaGa has TALENT.

I'm a professional. Whenever something goes wrong on stage, I know how to handle it so no one ever remembers. I flash my %#$&. "Jayne just sat there while Gina flailed around the stage like an idiot."

Jane2 Profile Photo
#80re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 11/27/09 at 5:28pm

"But her talent isn't an OPINION"

Listen to you, the judge of what an opinion is.

OMG what is with you people? It should not bother you what I like or do not like. Or what you consider talent and what I consider talent. Why does it bother you so much?

I can't imagine getting into such a snit if someone doesn't think my favs aren't talented.

Please let this go. I'm getting tired of asserting my rights to an opinion.



logan0215 Profile Photo
#81re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 11/27/09 at 6:11pm

"Lady Gaga doesn't lipsync, but she does rely heavily on backing tracks etc. People could be confused by that."

Even at that, it's rare and reserved for performances like Awards Shows where she is performing choreography.

The VMAs astounded me because she sang live and did full choreography along with the theatrics. I then thought "Hey, the dancers are doing the same thing as she is more or less," then noticed she was doing the entire performance in HEELS.

I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America. [turns and winks directly into the camera] - Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock

#82re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 11/27/09 at 7:07pm

Wow, hit a raw nerve with you, Craww. Get over it.

What are you talking about? Why are you so defensive? It wasn't a personal insult, so I don't see why you're talking about "get over it" and "raw nerve".

For someone who's so obsessed with their own opinion you seem to have a hard time when someone's opinion is disagreeing with yours. I hate when people say "It's just my opinion" on the internet. 1) Duh. 2) Our responses are just our opinions, so what's your point? It's like people who whine "free speech!" to get people exercising their own free speech to shut up. 3) No matter what anyone tells you, some opinions are wrong. Sorry.

#83re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 11/28/09 at 3:42pm

I really don't think it should have been on primetime TV period. And I do believe that GMA was right in canceling his performance. I'm 25 years old, I'm not an old person that doesn't condone that behavior, I just didn't think it was appropriate. My kids were awake when that was on and they could have easily come in when I had it on... I don't approve.

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#84re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 11/28/09 at 3:51pm

My kids were awake when that was on and they could have easily come in when I had it on... I don't approve.

If you are 25 then I wager that your kids aren't that old. WHAT were they doing up at roughly 11PM?

And I do believe that GMA was right in canceling his performance.


jrb_actor Profile Photo
#85re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 11/28/09 at 5:39pm

Well, NicAllen whatever did you and your children think when Janet made sexual dance moves involving crotches, Lady Gaga smashed liquor bottles on a firey piano, and Eminem bragged about 17 rapes under his belt?

#86re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 11/28/09 at 6:03pm

"Well, NicAllen whatever did you and your children think when Janet made sexual dance moves involving crotches, Lady Gaga smashed liquor bottles on a firey piano, and Eminem bragged about 17 rapes under his belt?"


Honestly, it's not like this was a family-friendly show to begin with, and Adam just pranced in with all his sexual antics. It was provocative from the very outset of the show.

Yes, Adam got a bit carried away, but he got carried away for a REASON. If the show hadn't been provocative to begin with, he never would have let himself go there. (Which is why it was demeaning of GMA to assume that he wouldn't have the common sense to do something family-appropriate on an early morning show)

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.

MusicSnob1 Profile Photo
#87re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 11/28/09 at 6:15pm

I have to say - I don't even like Adam Lambert but NicAllen is a total dipstick. Why are you watching a typically risque Awards show, with your young kids (I have to assume), at 11:00 PM???

Rules and regulations change for primetime, based on the airing time. Adam may have caused a stir and pushed a few buttons but no law or rule prohibits him from expressing that sexual message. Therefore, you are in the wrong and YOU are at fault; How 'bout you just monitor what your kids watch? Stop being lazy.

Or maybe they should be in bed at 11:00 PM? Just a thought. But what do I know? It's not like I've raised 4 kids or anything.... Mmm. We'll try to not make this about parenting, though - it will fall upon deaf ears (and sore eyes)

When I think about you, I touch myself.

Pgenre Profile Photo
#88re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 11/28/09 at 6:37pm

" I do watch "General Hospital," and there's a [Adam Lambert] song that plays when James Franco's character appears on the show."


Best post of this thread!


TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#89re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 11/28/09 at 6:46pm

P, check your Facebook messages. I have something...

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#90re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 11/28/09 at 6:56pm

Well. Huh. Ahem. Uh. I want a Facebook message, too!

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#91re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 11/28/09 at 7:01pm

Way to plug yourself (Te he), Jerby.

We're already friends on Facebook. re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#92re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 11/28/09 at 7:08pm

#1 My inbox is empty.

#2 Wait--I don't have the real you connected with this name. Who are you? lol

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#93re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 11/28/09 at 7:10pm

Zach B.

& the PM isn't related to the thread but I could send it to you anyway if you want it. Updated On: 11/28/09 at 07:10 PM

sesot Profile Photo
#94re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 12/3/09 at 12:04am

The backlash from Adam's performance continues. ABC has cancelled 2 more appearances in addition to his GMA performance. They cancelled new years Eve and a Jimmy Kimmel performance.

Adam has admitted he didn't sing in tune and said he just got carried away in the moment and was having fun at the AMAs. He hasn't directly apologized, doubt ABC would care if he did. What a way to kick off his career and album release. They say there is no such thing as bad publicity; it will be interesting to see how this impacts him good or bad in the next few weeks.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#95re: Adam Lambert on the AMAs
Posted: 12/3/09 at 12:20am

I think he's going to come out of this okay. Yes, there's a lot of backlash happening, but I think the people who were upset by the AMA's are probably people who would have found him off-putting even if that all hadn't happened. And with every new development in the post-AMA controversy, with everything that gives him this reputation of being "dangerous" or whatever, there's a growing intrigue that surrounds him. That gets people curious and draws them in. I also think he's handling the aftermath extremely well, and that's going to go far as well. (There's a long off-topic thread going on the ABC cancellations.)

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 12/3/09 at 12:20 AM
