the last three votes have screwed this up completely. I'm still not sure I've gotten this right, but here is what I'm guessing it should be.
Marc Shaiman- 12
William Finn- 11
Marc Shaiman- 12
William Finn- 12
Mr. Shaiman is a nice man and a good composer and everything, but come on... !
Marc Shaiman- 13
William Finn- 11
Marc Shaiman- 14
William Finn- 12
MJL- 1
JRB- 0
MJL- 2
JRB- 1
MJL- 2
JRB- 2
MJL- 3
JRB- 2
MJL- 3
JRB- 4
MJL- 4
JRB- 5
MJL- 4
JRB- 6
No brainer.
"No brainer."
Then obviously, you have no idea who Michael John Lachiusa is.
I agree, as "ref" I'm supposed to remain unbiased, but although Parade, New World and L5Y are superbly genius...c'mon LaChiusa is absolutely outstanding. See What I Wanna See alone is a testament to his greatness.
edit: also, how is it that two great composers have gotten such a measely voter turn-out? Where are the people who put Guettel, Shaiman and Tesori in the teens? Are you telling me that only 9 people are voting in this round? This match up is scheduled to run two days and it seems like it'll have to in order to achieve a worthy score.
Maybe it's the weekend factor. Or maybe the other voters are as paralyzed as I was. I consider Parade one of the very best scores ever written for the theatre (top ten, at least), and The Last Five Years is oustanding too. But then I had to factor in 13 and how totally sick I am of Songs for a New World. When I start stacking up LaChiusa's body of work, especially Marie Christine and The Wild Party (from the same season, no less), I was tipped to vote for MJL.
MJL- 5
JRB- 8
MJL- 6
JRB- 9
No brainer? Wrong. A no brainer would have been William Finn beating Marc Shaiman... oh, wait... *rolls eyes*