Chorus Member Joined: 5/31/10
I think that Katharine Mcphee was great in Smash. I seriously loved her performance and I really routed for the character and I found her take on Marylin more interesting then Hilty's impression. Mcphee's version of don't forget me gives me goosebumps every time I hear it. I understand some of the Karen Cartright hate as a character but Mcphee was great in Smash.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
-The Book of Mormon is COMPLETELY overrated. Thank god I found a bootleg before paying money to see it. I wouldn't pay anything over 15 dollars to see it.
- The Lion King ISN'T overrated at all.
- I would Love to see Sierra Boggess and Laura Osnes do a duet concert. They are both Amazingly talented and even though Sierra has better technique and has a more clearer voice that isn't shrill like laura's voice, they both are still amazing.
- The only reason Jonathon Groff dated Gavin Creel was to get closer to Sutton Foster.
- Audra McDonald is Amazing and can do no wrong.
- Billy Porter didn't deserve his TONY award.
- I like Legally Blonde
- I don't care that Jerry Mitchell has a twink man slave.
- Lea Michelle needs to get back on Broadway
- Cathy Rigby needs to stop Playing Peter Pan
- That one guy who is still Playing Jesus in JCS needs to stop.
- That one guy who is still Playing Jesus in JCS needs to stop.
He's no longer doing so, and go f**k yourself.
That's my Broadway secret. I don't care how old he gets. He can still sing it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
Uhuh Sure *Rolls eyes*
RENT is dreadful - all of the songs sound as if someone pounded random keys on a piano and decided that passed for a song (and they ruined "Musetta's Waltz). Are they supposed to be SYMPATHETIC because they refuse to pay rent, like everyone else has to? Seriously, that is the most confusing thing about the show. PS MiMi DIES. The end.
Patti LuPone was amazing in everything she has ever done: She was better than Elaine in EVITA, she WAS Norma in SUNSET BOULEVARD, and she was an actual character in GYPSY, whereas Merman just spoke/shouted in monotone (from the closing night audio).
FOLLIES is the most brilliant musical ever written (in its original form).
Dorothy Collins was better as Sally than Alexis Smith was as Phyills and should have won the Tony.
I LOVED Bernadette in both GYPSY (great performance, but I saw her near the end of the run) and FOLLIES (she was very close to Dorothy I terms of a performance, but no quite).
KINKY BOOTS made me question what musical theatre had become and whether I still wanted to be part of it.
Glenn Close was an awful Norma.
Sondheim's worst shows (The Frogs, Road Show) are MUCH better than NEWSIES, RENT, and most other shows written today.
Elena was an awful EVITA, as was Madonna.
What the hell is TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA and how did it win the Tony?
I like Hellman's original book to Candide over Wheeler's revised one.
ANYONE CAN WHISTLE 's book isn't as bad as everyone says (but it needs work)
Karen was a better Marilyn than Ivy, just look at Mambo, Wolf, and Don't Forget Me
Two things:
Jonathan Groff dated Gavin Creel? When?
Also, I didn't know if Jerry Mitchell's Tony date was a boyfriend or son.
And yes, Book of Mormon is almost as overrated as The Producers and Jersey Boys.
THe Drowsy Chaperone is one of the best musicals of the last decade.
Jonathan Groff dated Gavin Creel? When?
Hair revival.
I much prefer Vanessa Williams' take on the Witch in Into The Woods than I do Bernadette Peters'. On the recordings her voice is animated and lively and it's a very enjoyable interpretation.
I think we should keep the personal lives out of these threads. You can have a controversial opinion on a performance or a show, because you can have an opinion on it period, an opinion which, as an audience member, has some weight. An opinion on who someone has dated and why is just not necessary.
Thank you.
Allow me to join in.
The current Broadway production of CINDERELLA is the best version of the musical.
SUNSET BOULEVARD is woefully underrated and is one of very FEW shows where I can tolerate ALW.
The orchestrations in KINKY BOOTS suck so bad and Danny Troob should've won. Oh well, if he works on THE KING AND I, then this time, there will be no excuses.
Laura Osnes is one of the most talented leading ladies on Broadway and Patina Miller, while overrated as hell is doing good in PIPPIN. BUT Vereen is the ultimate Leading Player.
HANDS ON A HARDBODY, while it has a well done story (A CHORUS LINE in Texas) and some great songs (Joy to the Lord is one of them), the whole thing is meh to me.
Jerry Mitchell is a better director than he is a choreographer for KINKY.
Douglas Carter Beane is a really talented writer and is much better at writing books for musicals than Hawng.
I am so glad MATILDA never won the Tony.
The LES MISERABLES film is the best movie musical in DECADES.
There you have it...
Jane Eyre was one of the most underrated musicals of the 2000s. The music is gorgeous, and Paul Gordon should have won Best Score that year over Mel Brooks for The Producers.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
"- FOLLIES sucks
-Sweeney Todd isnt really good."
Actually, that IS the popular opinion--- among the actual theatregoing public, that is.
It's only that small coterie of entrenched elitist snobs-- the ones, unfortunately, who get to set the media agenda --- who believe otherwise.
SWEENEY TODD sucks is not a popular opinion. You need a reality check.
"The media agenda."
And you're saying anyone who likes SWEENEY TODD is a an elitist snob. Makes sense.
The critics need to give Wildhorn a break and actually go into one of his shows with an open mind.
Right now, you would bet Glen Beck would become liberal before Brantley (or any other critic) would actually not have the knife out from him before they even sat down.
Featured Actor Joined: 2/3/04
- I also think Sutton Foster was miscast as Reno and I think Rachel York was perfect.
- I can't stand Spring Awakening...
- Matilda deserved the Tony... Kinky boots is.. meh
- I love Cinderella but for some reason I can't stand Victoria Clark...
- Judy Kuhn is the most boring performer to see.
- Sierra Boggess is a great performer but her Fantine is just plain wrong.
- I like Meryl Streep but she was miscast as Donna and I guess there were more fitted choices for the witch.
- I love Bernadette Peters and when I saw her in Gypsy I cried.
- Little Shop of Horrors was fabulous and Kerry Butler was fabulous in it.
- I think Ashley Brown has to come back to Broadway and in a big leading role. Same with Rachel York.
- Ill never understand why Carol Channing was that popular...
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
"SWEENEY TODD sucks is not a popular opinion. You need a reality check."
Oh yeah? The audience was walking out in droves DURING the performance at the preview I attended. That was reality. Before the media machine intimidated/indoctrinated everyone into silencing their true feelings.
Ok so:
- The Evita revival was astounding and I adored everything (excluding Ricky).
- Kinky Boots did not deserve Best Choreography.
- I seriously believe that Bertie Carvel deserved the Tony, but I'm glad that Billy did win.
- I loved Katie Finneran's Hannigan!
- Parade deserved the award over Fosse
- Plain and Fancy is a show forgotten by many people I know, which is sad because it's actually a decent show.
- I don't get all the bare hype.
"Before the media machine intimidated/indoctrinated everyone into silencing their true feelings."
Your conspiracy theories are so entertainingly delusional.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
The people were walking out in droves. That was no delusion.
Catherine Zeta-Jones is NOT suited for the Broadway Stage. She was great in Chicago (I'm not sure how much of the songs were auto-tuned, probably most of them, but she is a fantastic actress), but A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC was awful (a least when Desiree was on stage). She seemed to have forgotten how to act. Her "Send in the Clowns" made me cry, but only because I though it would never end. She did not have the dignity, nor the vocal prowess for the role, and I have wondered why people keep suggesting her for things. You have to realize that because of her untrained singing, her vocal abilities have deteriorated to the point where she can no longer sing high, or without a crackly overtone (see her Oscar performance singing, and I use that term lightly, "All That Jazz"). However, Bernadette was much more suited to the role, and I cried for the right reasons during her solo, wishing she was on stage more.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/6/04
cell phones should not be allowed in the theater or at least be jammed or something. if you end up using it then you get kicked out. if you're an on call doctor then go to the theater when you're not on call. stop living your lives like you're going to expect an emergency and you have to answer your phone. someone else's emergency is not your own. turn off your damn phone for one hour (check during intermission) or just don't bring it. people in the 50s didn't have cells phone in the theater and things went fine.
Disney should have 21 and only showings of their shows every now and again. i'd love to see Beauty and the Beast without screaming kids.
bootleg videos on youtube should be allowed to stay up. i hate when they removed. i don't live in NY and I can't fly out to see almost every show or ever cast replacement that comes up. sometimes Youtube is my only way to see them.
unless stated, musicals aren't singalongs... i get to punch you if you singalong
You god damn mongos have totally ruined my thread. Don't take this the wrong way, but I want to go back in time and push your pregnant mothers down the stairs.
I don't understand why Patina Miller gets cast in anything. I hate her singing voice and her acting is just so bad... Made me really regret seeing Sister Act. I just don't get all the love for her.
I'll also echo the other poster who is confused whenever people recommend CZJ for roles.
Marla Mindelle deserved a Tony nom over Victoria Clark for Sister Act.
I wish Cinderella had won best revival. I think it was greatly underrated.
I want to see John Gallagher Jr. try something that isn't a rock musical, although I believe he should have been nominated for Best Leading Actor in American Idiot.
I believe if Ben Platt had originated Elder Cunningham in Book of Mormon, he would have won the Tony.