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BWW FAQ (Please read before posting a new thread) New? Read this.- Page 6

BWW FAQ (Please read before posting a new thread) New? Read this.

#125re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 12/18/05 at 4:33pm

re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!

wickedfreak Profile Photo
#126re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 1/12/06 at 10:49am

This is bull.....yall need to get over yourselves!

zzprincesskatt Profile Photo
#127re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 1/12/06 at 1:37pm

Are you kidding? Its completely true, and very useful. And if you think that there isn't a wicked obsession on this board...just take a look at your own signature and username.

wickedfreak Profile Photo
#128re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 3/3/06 at 12:48pm

HOORAH FOR FAQ!!!!!!!!!!!!! Updated On: 3/3/06 at 12:48 PM

BSoBW3 Profile Photo
#129re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 3/3/06 at 12:48pm

Oh, the pixels! The lovely pixels!

The smallest stream is a valent river. It will drown me if it can.

wickedfreak Profile Photo
#130re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 3/3/06 at 12:50pm

I KNOW!!!!!! THE PIXELS ARE LOVERLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Renthead#1 Profile Photo
#131re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 4/16/06 at 5:50pm

Help yourself.

Go ask Alice When she's ten feet tall

Piazzaslight Profile Photo
#132re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 4/16/06 at 5:53pm

Don't mind if I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MARGARET: "Clara, stop that. That's illegal." - The Light in the Piazza

"I'm not in Bambi and I'm not blonde!" - Idina Menzel

#133re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 4/16/06 at 5:54pm

This is a lot of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!

What the puck?!

creasemouse Profile Photo
#134re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 4/16/06 at 6:06pm

Can I just say how boring and patronising that was to read, Sorry I stopped after about the first five minutes.

Isn’t the point of discussion for each person to offer their view? – each of us will have our own experience of getting cheap tickets or understanding the Swing system. There is no definitive version to anything in life and therefore that is why its great to hear different responses. Each person can put their view across, some wrong, some right, funny, tragic etc….variety…And in that variation is the different sides to the argument.

To me the thing that clogs message boards, is the constant stream of people thanking someone for a post, often when X amount of posters have already done it. Or the same thing for people just agreeing with the same comment, when they have nothing else to add to the debate.

Just my thoughts….

Life is a big show tune

BluCat500 Profile Photo
#135re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 4/16/06 at 6:14pm

Hehe, spend a year here and see if you still feel those swing threads or wicked threads are unique individualized learning experiences and offer diverse enlightening opinions...

So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life.~Office Space
Updated On: 4/16/06 at 06:14 PM

#136re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 4/16/06 at 6:17pm

"Can I just say how boring and patronising that was to read, Sorry I stopped after about the first five minutes.

Isn’t the point of discussion for each person to offer their view? – each of us will have our own experience of getting cheap tickets or understanding the Swing system. There is no definitive version to anything in life and therefore that is why its great to hear different responses. Each person can put their view across, some wrong, some right, funny, tragic etc….variety…And in that variation is the different sides to the argument.

To me the thing that clogs message boards, is the constant stream of people thanking someone for a post, often when X amount of posters have already done it. Or the same thing for people just agreeing with the same comment, when they have nothing else to add to the debate.

Just my thoughts…."

The first time I read it I enjoyed it and found it rather amusing. It also helped me with things I didn't know and what not to do to get BWWers pissed off.

Plus you've only been her for 11 days, give it time...
Updated On: 4/16/06 at 06:17 PM

creasemouse Profile Photo
#137re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 4/16/06 at 6:48pm

you dont have to read messages

Life is a big show tune

#138re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 4/16/06 at 6:50pm

"understanding the Swing system. There is no definitive version to anything in life"

But...there IS a meaning to Swing...and no one can change that.

jasonf Profile Photo
#139re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 4/16/06 at 7:30pm

Let me get this straight...are we arguing with the FAQ now?? Where do some people get off? This is why I have problems with my students sometimes. A whole generation of people is being brought up to believe that EVERYTHING an authority says must be questioned, when, in fact, most of the time those who are in authority are there for a reason (note, I said MOST of the time). The FAQ has been approved and agreed upon by just about every person on this board - people who've been here a long time - longer than me, and I've been here quite a while...
What kind of nerve must you have to come in BRAND NEW and question it? It's like when my little seventh and eighth graders come in and question "Why do we have to do this? What are you making us do that for?" The answer is simple: "I'm the teacher. I know what I'm doing here. I have a degree in this. I have been GIVEN the authority to make these rules. You are the student. You don't have the experience OR the authority to know what is best for you. My whole purpose here is to guide you - now either you do this work or you will face the consequences."

It's the same thing here. The FAQ was set up BECAUSE people didn't follow certain rules, or would flood the board with the same nonsense over and over. The FAQ was established a long time ago, and just about every "legend" on here has at some point commented on the validity of them in one way or the other (and if you were here long enough, you would know that). Now, I HIGHLY suggest you either go along with what's in there, accept it as the guidelines they are meant to be to ensure the board stays user friendly, or prepare for SERIOUS confrontations on your posts.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

Atrias Profile Photo
#140re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 4/16/06 at 7:33pm

Oooh, the FAQ. Does anyone think this needs to be stuck to the top of the board?

#141re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 4/16/06 at 7:35pm

It is...

#142re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 4/16/06 at 7:39pm

"Let me get this straight...are we arguing with the FAQ now?? Where do some people get off? This is why I have problems with my students sometimes. A whole generation of people is being brought up to believe that EVERYTHING an authority says must be questioned, when, in fact, most of the time those who are in authority are there for a reason (note, I said MOST of the time). The FAQ has been approved and agreed upon by just about every person on this board - people who've been here a long time - longer than me, and I've been here quite a while...
What kind of nerve must you have to come in BRAND NEW and question it? It's like when my little seventh and eighth graders come in and question "Why do we have to do this? What are you making us do that for?" The answer is simple: "I'm the teacher. I know what I'm doing here. I have a degree in this. I have been GIVEN the authority to make these rules. You are the student. You don't have the experience OR the authority to know what is best for you. My whole purpose here is to guide you - now either you do this work or you will face the consequences."

It's the same thing here. The FAQ was set up BECAUSE people didn't follow certain rules, or would flood the board with the same nonsense over and over. The FAQ was established a long time ago, and just about every "legend" on here has at some point commented on the validity of them in one way or the other (and if you were here long enough, you would know that). Now, I HIGHLY suggest you either go along with what's in there, accept it as the guidelines they are meant to be to ensure the board stays user friendly, or prepare for SERIOUS confrontations on your posts."

Bravo jasonf, BRAVO!

I don't think you have any authority whatsoever to question the FAQ's since you haven't even been here for a month!

#143re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 4/16/06 at 7:40pm

Not EVEN a month.

creasemouse Profile Photo
#144re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 4/16/06 at 7:48pm

"Now, I HIGHLY suggest you either go along with what's in there, accept it as the guidelines they are meant to be to ensure the board stays user friendly, or prepare for SERIOUS confrontations on your posts"

It sounds like a threat. I hope you treat your students better

Life is a big show tune

#145re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 4/16/06 at 7:51pm

"Not EVEN a month."

Are you talking to me? Cause I said not even a month...

jasonf Profile Photo
#146re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 4/16/06 at 8:03pm

When my students act like you are acting, I would give them the same type of choice: either abide by the rules, or face the consequences. It's in no way a threat. You have the choice to act as you choose, just know what the result will be if you continue this line of debate.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

creasemouse Profile Photo
#147re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 4/16/06 at 8:09pm

But I honestly don't feel like I'm breaking a rule (I'm sure I will be corrected if wrong). All I am doing is offering my viewpoint, maybe that is wrong, you know who needs freedom of speach?

Life is a big show tune

#148re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 4/16/06 at 8:11pm

Chillin - just stressing your point.

That it hasn't even been HALF a month.

re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!

Questioning authority IS breaking a rule.

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#149re: BWW FAQ: I'm new! Help me!
Posted: 4/16/06 at 8:16pm

This Board does not, in fact, recognize freedom of speech, as it is a commercial enterprise with limits and restrictions. The FAQ was posted to help those new to the Board to see what some of the road bumps are and what experience has shown is permissible conduct by the operators of this site. And, truth be told, to try and help those who may not realize that some of what they post has already been posted.

I personally found it helpful.

Ignore it. I really don't care. But there is no such thing as "freedom of speech" on a commercial website that is subject to moderators and the right of the moderators to delete threads and posts as they see fit.
