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Betrayal Seating Discussion- Page 3

Betrayal Seating Discussion

#50Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 8/28/19 at 5:16pm


#51Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 8/28/19 at 5:49pm

I have a single ticket for the matinee on Saturday, September 7th that I won't be able to use after all. It's one of the $25 seats, Orchestra I20. The full post is on the Buy/Sell board. PM me if you're interested. Thanks!

CarmenA3 Profile Photo
#52Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 8/30/19 at 2:09am

Saw the show tonight (8/29) and loved it! It's a slow start, but sucked me right in until a phone went off 4 TIMES during the pivotal scene between Emma and Robert. Grrr

Anywho, I was in seat Mezz A27 (last seat on house left). The bar did not interfere at all with my view - I completely forgot about it during the show.

The upstage projections are also projected in the black drop area in front of the stage bottom, so you won't miss any of the few projections they had (I think this is an update from earlier performances which didn't have the lower projections, right?). 

Yes, there are a few times that you miss seeing someone who is upstage on stage right. Since I knew of those moments from this thread, I didn't feel like I missed anything important. It was usually the "off" character that you could not see.

Front of mezz felt really close, I had no problems seeing facial expressions. If you are a Charlie Cox fan, you want to sit on the opposite side - his back is to you during the lunch scene and a few other scenes.

I will say that being on the aisle seat was great for heading down to stage door. We zoomed out during the bows with no problem. As stage door is in front of the theatre, we went straight down.

It's a very quiet show and I found I couldn't hear a sentence every so often. On my return (to sit on the opposite side), I will grab a headset.

Betrayal Mezz A27

#53Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 8/30/19 at 4:42pm

How are the locations for General Rush and the online lottery?

#54Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 8/30/19 at 5:09pm

CarmenA3,  I'm glad that bar didn't distract your view.  It would have drove me crazy.  I know I would have fixated on it.

CarmenA3 Profile Photo
#55Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 8/30/19 at 5:25pm

ArtMan said: "CarmenA3, I'm glad that bar didn't distract your view. It would have drove me crazy. I know I would have fixated on it."

I thought it would bug me too (and it was hard to capture the right angle in pics), but even at 5’2”, the bar was more out of the way than it appears in the pic. So anyone even an inch taller won’t have a problem :) 

#56Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 8/30/19 at 5:27pm

CarmenA3 said: "Anywho, I was in seat Mezz A27 (last seat on house left).The bar did not interfere at all with my view - I completely forgot about it during the show."

I was at the same show on the opposite end and view looks pretty identical but in reverse.

The phone going off four times was INSANE!!

For $25 I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the seat to anyone. But lucky for me I was able to scoot over to the left by 2 seats at the start of the show (with the usher's blessing).

Here's the view from A28. I didn't get a chance to snap a photo after moving 2 over into A24. The boxes did not look like a great place to sit. I didn't have any issue making it to stage door even though I had to cross the theater to exit.

Betrayal Seating Discussion

CarmenA3 Profile Photo
#57Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 8/30/19 at 5:44pm

mpkie said: “I was at the same show on the opposite end and view looks pretty identical but in reverse.”

That’s awesome! Late wave over to you :)

I agree - those box seats looked terrible. The folks in them on my side kept trying to lean over to see! One left during the show and never came back - I wonder if they left completely or maybe got a spot in the SRO area. 

Was there a bar on your side like the one on mine? 

I’ll be sitting here in Sept, hoping some seats are open so I can move. How was the view at A24?

#58Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 8/30/19 at 6:11pm

mpkie, Thanks for posting that picture.  I will be sitting in D7 in the orchestra on September 22.  From your picture, there is a lady, I'm pretty sure sitting in the same seat.  (orchestra left)  If not, it is the row behind her.  (I can't figure out where A starts. )  It doesn't look that bad.  I'm sure I'll miss some moments, but not 50% of the show, which was originally reported.

#59Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 8/30/19 at 8:53pm

Does anyone know if row aa or row bb is the first row? I’ve seen two different seating charts claiming both to be the first row.

#60Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 8/30/19 at 10:29pm

CarmenA3 said: "Was there a bar on your side like the one on mine?

I’ll be sitting here in Sept, hoping some seats are open so I can move.How was the view at A24?

Yes, there was a handrail on house right, too. It didn't look like it would interfere at all with the view to the stage at all.

I thought the view from A24 was good but obviously wouldn't have picked it for the full price, since I imagine A26 and A28 wouldn't have been much different. In A24 you no longer see the light fixtures that you can see in my picture. As you said, you can see facial expressions and you get Charlie Cox straight-on while getting Tom Hiddleston's back in that one scene they are facing each other. You definitely need to be centered to not get someone's back. And of course if an actor stood upstage left, you could not see them (though I too knew they were there from this board, lol).

From A24, the text on the back of the stage showed the words "Two Years" and the word "Earlier" was completely missing. Perhaps from A28 one may not have seen the word "Years" or would have been cut off.

quizking101 Profile Photo
#61Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 8/30/19 at 10:42pm

I sat in Left Orchestra B5 in the $25 seats. Honestly, I was shocked at how little I missed. Their faces felt so close that you could literally see tears and snot slowly dripping from Hiddleston’s face when Ashton reveals her indiscretions midway through the show.

Considering how many Marvel/Daredevil fans were in the audience, it was ridiculously well-behaved to the point you could hear a pin drop. This show messed with my head because it’s so fraught with tension even during the comedic moments because, as you go backward in time, the audience knows what the characters don’t as they increasingly become more unaware of each other’s betrayals (hence the title) throughout the 90 minutes. I felt gripped about five minutes in and it didn’t let go.

Hiddleston, Cox, Ashton, and Eddie Arnold (the waiter) all came out and were friendly, chatty, and pleasant with everyone. HIDDLESTON DOES NOT SIGN MARVEL-RELATED ITEMS AND THEY WARNED US OF THIS (and as previously stated, the autograph hunters were cornered off the the side away from reach). It honestly seems like they enjoy the fan interaction and it helps them break the tension after the show.

Check out my eBay page for sales on Playbills!!

Joe Mayo
#62Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 8/31/19 at 7:41pm

mamaleh said: "How are the locations for General Rush and the online lottery? "

For online lottery, mezzanine 3rd row, right side of house for the 8/31 performance. We were seated next to 2 other lottery winners to our left and regular tickets the two to the right.

Saw every scene without obstruction, we did miss some facial expressions in scenes where one of the characters was facing the other direction, but that will be true unless you are center of house.

Audience was well behaved and all 3 made stage door appearances. Well worth seeing, especially at lottery prices.

Updated On: 9/1/19 at 07:41 PM

#63Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 8/31/19 at 9:33pm

I saw Betrayal on August 28 and sat in Orchestra B-5. The seat/view was fantastic! In fact, a good portion of the play was almost directly in front of me.   At $25, this ticket was a steal.

#64Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 9/1/19 at 11:46am

I just bought B5 for Nov 16th based on reviews of it here. Since this is a Saturday matinee I'm assuming that cast won't do Stage Door?


Susanswerphone Profile Photo
#65Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 9/1/19 at 12:03pm

I sat in B 5yesterday. Didn't miss a thing. My B7seat for sale went to someone who said he saw everything except the proj ections.

For anyone curious, the b.o. Was still selling rush for the evening performance when I picked up my matinee ticket at 1:30. The person ahead of me purchased two, center orchestra.

#66Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 9/1/19 at 5:10pm

Donna74 said: "Does anyone know if row aa or row bb is the first row? I’ve seen two different seating charts claiming both to be the first row."

My $25 partial view seat was A1.  First row.  And there was no partial view. Full view, 

I was afraid as I had read online how bad some of these seats were. But I must have lucked out, first row on the aisle. I missed nothing and I was so close to see every facial expression. As a matter of fact (SPOILERS BELOW)
when Hiddleston is confronting his wife in Italy, sitting there, trying to remain in control, barely letting his eyes water in grief, this string of snot fell from his nose.  It should have been gross, but it was actually astounding.  I have seen single-tear acting but never snot acting. I doubt this happens in every show, right?  And I hope he wasn't embarrassed by it, it was almost a metaphor for his character. So controlled, he won't even let himself cry, but his body betrays him in this unexpected way.  It was amazing.
The acting was uniformly amazing. It's my first Betrayal.  Is it generally this moving?  I feel I'm missing out somewhat as it feels like the sort of revival that would have extra meaning if one had seen other productions.  I liked the guys a wee bit more than her, though I thought she was very good. It could be I just find the actress unlikable (I felt the same about her in a Jake Gyllenhaal movie she is in on Netflix) but that is the part.  Do the men usually come off better than the wife?  I felt great sympathy for both men but not much for her (and it could be because the guys were UBER hot..)  I'm guessing what some called "over-direction" was that Lloyd showed his hand, as I presume this is a very minimalist production comparatively so the styling comes through? Cause I found the direction magnificent, some set pieces glorious in their transition and simplicity.   Maybe the scene of Jerry throwing the little girl up?  I'm guessing that was a directorial flourish not in the script?  But Robert holding the girl through the rest of the scene was a brilliant choice I thought. 

I really admired the writing.  So modulated and precise.  He even knew when to throw in a comic waiter at exactly the right time.
What a wonderful afternoon in the theatre.


#67Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 9/2/19 at 1:43am

Can we have this thread be spoiler free and just a place for people to get seating advice? Thanks!

I'm traveling to NYC this weekend and hope to rush. I'm excited to learn that Rush tickets were still available and seemed to be in a good location (center orchestra). Just in case I did buy a $25 ticket for the Wed matinee, D7, after reading the positive seat location reviews here.

Updated On: 9/2/19 at 01:43 AM

keen on kean Profile Photo
keen on kean
#68Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 9/2/19 at 12:01pm

I agree about the spoiler by Owen22. It was sad to see it in print.

CT2NYC Profile Photo
#69Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 9/4/19 at 10:58pm

$25 partial view mezzanine seats are available for opening night tomorrow at 6:30p.

#70Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 9/4/19 at 11:31pm

Is there anyone who has seen this from the front row that can comment on the view? I sat there for The Ferryman and I can't imagine it's much different for this production in terms of stage height, etc., but figured I would ask. 

bekk99 Profile Photo
#71Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 9/5/19 at 6:14am

I had a $25 H18, but I was able to scoot over to H14. I think the two seats made a difference, but even there I missed half the supertitles and probably three scenes of “offstage” actors. I don’t think I missed any action, thankfully, but it is blocked such that from either far side you are watching the backs of heads fairly frequently.

#72Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 9/5/19 at 7:31am

I'm seeing the show tomorrow. I know I'm sitting in the front mezz, but I forget which seat. I will report back! 

#73Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 9/5/19 at 8:34am

I ended up winning the Betrayal lottery last night and it put me in Mezz R, G6. It was a really good seat, but you might be hunching over if you sit any farther back. In terms of supertitles they are still projecting identical projections on the base of the stage, so if you're in a partial view I really don't think you'll miss enough to lose track of the plot (as it's been said you miss "off stage" actors, which isn't necessary but is extremely well done for the production). 

Also there was only one person in the boxes (the closest box to the stage on the right), and she left halfway through. I feel like everything but boxes are a good deal for this show. 

#74Betrayal Seating Discussion
Posted: 9/5/19 at 10:32am

Saw from front row mezzanine, last seats on house left (A23 & 25 I think?). The row was completely full so we couldn't move. Mostly just missed some "offstage" characters. Charlie Cox was speaking out of view for about 1/3 of one scene before he moved into view. For $25 it was perfectly fine. The boxes were completely full and those people were not having a good time.
