I saw HD twice in San Francisco and got to see both Jess and Julian. I adore both these actor-dancers but I thought Julian was better as Barbary. Jess seemed to play it too stiff and mature while Julian had a more genuine and awestruck reaction to the whirlwind of events happening to and around Barnaby. Julian also has amazing facial expressions that I found very engaging. When he was on stage I kept looking at him whether he was the scene focus or not.
Mr. DeGuzman was delightful as Barnaby.
Analisa Leaming as Irene Molloy was charismatic and charming.
Lewis Stadlen was fine - to me, the production projected an aura of knowing silliness and so his performance fit right in there. I don't know that he was playing Horace Vandergelder so much as he was playing an actor playing Horace Vandergelder.
Betty Buckley took a star turn. She seemingly milked everything out of every moment. From the stage, she acknowledged (by gestures) one man in the audience who was exuberant in his applause and reactions. This not a complaint, but the music seemed to be ahead of her frequently - as she would pause in some of her phrases. I do not think she would have been singing the role differently than on other tour stops- so it must have been a factor of the conductor working with local musicians. .
I actually had never seen a full production of Hello Dolly nor even the full movie. It was so much fun seeing a big brassy no-pretense non-serious musical.
Oh, and the box office and ushers are prepared to deal with potentially unhappy people next week. They are hoping more messages go out to ticket holders advising them Ms. Buckley won't be performing next week here in Denver. They all had tales of when George Hamilton was advertised but did not perform in La Cage - but I have no idea when that was!
Curious as to who has been going on as Dolly during this current period?
Updated On: 4/9/19 at 09:09 PMI am thinking about driving up to Iowa to see the show this weekend but I'd hate to drive up four and a half hours only to have Betty not go on Saturday night. Seems like maybe a younger Dolly would be more ideal for a touring situation
Featured Actor Joined: 3/2/11
Denver staff said she wouldn’t go on in Des Moines. Assuming she’ll come back to tour in city after that.
^thank you so much for that info! Glad to know in advance before I bought my tickets and hotel and everything. I also guess now that the fan letter I sent to her to the theater in Iowa where she was supposed to be performing this week will end up getting that back RTS since she won't be with the tour when it comes there. Lol.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/19/13
I'm from Denver. She didn't do the second week in Denver, and is out the whole run in Iowa. Rejoining in Minneapolis. Beth Kirkpatrick did the first four performances of the second week in Denver and Jessica Sheridan did the second 4.
She certainly is missing a lot of shows. I get the touring schedule is very strenuous for someone of any age and is more difficult for someone of hers. What a disappointment. I was so looking forward to seeing her. maybe the next dolly that they bring in will be a little bit younger and able to withstand the hardships of touring like this better than Buckley has.
darreyl102 said: "She certainly is missing a lot of shows. I get the touring schedule is very strenuous for someone of any age and is more difficult for someone of hers. What a disappointment. I was so looking forward to seeing her. maybe the next dolly that they bring in will be a little bit younger and able to withstand the hardships of touring like this better than Buckley has."
I understand Timothy Shew has been going on as Vandergelder? I would be interested to hear if anyone has seen him in it. He is usually wonderful. Also.. the bio section in their site could use a little updating; as some of the cast has already changed.
While I understand why she's missing, I can't deny anymore she is indeed missing a lot of shows. An entire run in Des Moines? I get if she has vacation but marketing the show with her then her not being there for the entirety of the run is clearly something they did not plan. I hope people with tickets get a good heads up/money back. Hell, Im tempted to switch my matinee tickets to opening night in Boston just so I can see her. If I show up and she isn't in that one thing, though. Scheduled absences need to be announced. Im curious if this has affected sales enough for this show? Anyone know where we can find grosses for tours?
I’m not buying a ticket until 5 minutes before showtime in Minneapolis. Love Betty, but this is ridiculous. If I were in Iowa, I would be LIVID to not have been notified of a planned absence for an above-the-title star. That is standard procedure and these tour tickets are as spendy as Bway. It’s rather insulting of the producers/road management to not address this as it is done in NYC. It takes a few clicks to send a mass email through Ticketmaster, if you find out closer to the performance date. C’mon!!!
Broadway Star Joined: 4/17/10
For what it's worth, my friend saw it in Des Moines last night, and he called me crying because Betty was out (he's a very big fan), but he absolutely loved Jessica Sheridan as Dolly.
Updated On: 4/10/19 at 07:29 PM^I'm glad that Jessica is getting to go on and is doing well but the fact of the matter is she shouldn't be going on so much. I understand that Betty is of a certain age but she's contracted to perform and she keeps missing tons of shows. They should have hired an alternate Dolly and have them take turns performing the role in different cities since it's clear that Betty was not up to the task. I must admit I was greatly saddened that Betty pulled out of Iowa as I have been waiting anxiously since the tour dates were announced for the show to come near me and I am a huge fan of Miss Buckley. Is she pulling out of shows because she's too sick to perform? Or are some these absences excused for other reasons? Like vacation or something?
It seems like she contracted for a lot of time off based on her social media posts. She is usually somewhere doing something when she is off. She typically posts when she is out due to illness.
I know she was lower on the producers list of Dolly, so they may felt forced to accommodate her requests for time off.
Typically, during the first leg of a National Tour the star isn't getting time off. Kinda defeats the purpose, dont you think?
^that's what I was assuming. And in keeping with that,I suspect they'll probably just buck up her understudy to full-time for the second year the tour. Sad that Buckley doesn't seem too into traveling around the country in what really is a great role. It's extremely disappointing.
I heard and also per her social media that she had 2 weeks off -vacation as planned (in her contract) back for Minneapolis 4/16 She's doing the tour for a year and also has another vacation planned (early summer-Charlotte possibly? Her co-star Lewis Stadlen is also on vacation. It is what it is...Disappointing yes, when one plans on seeing Betty but that's show biz folks!
On two-show days, do the other principle cast have stand-ins as well? I’m looking at getting tickets for a Sunday Matinee on August 11th and would love to see Nic Rouleau and Jess LeProtto again.
Jess LeProtto left last month.
LizzieCurry said: "Jess LeProtto left last month.”
Ok. I’m done crying. Can’t find who plays Barnaby now. Anyone know.
darreyl102 said: "Seems she doesn't have the stamina for the tour, which is totally understandable at the age of 71."
Four of your six posts in this thread have referred to Betty Buckley's age and/or stamina. Earlier, she was out with bronchitis. Recently, on vacation. If there were other absences, you can't assume without some proof that they were a result of her age. Please, enough with the ageist comments.
The new Barnaby is right there the official website and on Nic Rouleau's instagram:
FWIW, season ticket holders in Des Moines were sent the following email on March 21. I appreciate they let us know, and understand they probably did it as quick as they could when they found out.
Thank you for purchasing tickets to HELLO, DOLLY! As part of a late scheduling change due to a vacation, Betty Buckley (Dolly Gallagher Levi) will not be appearing in the tour from April 2–14. (including the Des Moines performances). Stepping into the role of Dolly Gallagher Levi will be understudies Jessica Sheridan and Beth Kirkpatrick. Jessica is well-known to Des Moines audiences after appearing in the National Tour launch of THE BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY held at the Civic Center November 28–December 5, 2015.
We appreciate your understanding and look forward to welcoming you to the Civic Center for this engagement.
The one-day only advanced sale for the August 6-11, 2019 Pittsburgh run was today, one day ahead of opening sales to the general public. Bought my ticket, so I can now add this to my growing list of 18 confirmed shows between this weekend and May 2020. Looking forward to seeing this lovely, lovely, harmonious garden of sweet tunes once more, 311 days after I saw it last at the tour launch in Cleveland. Very excited to put on my Sunday Clothes again!