Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
I’d rather them film it without an audience to ensure the safety of everyone in that theater. Crew, cast, everyone. If they can have Samantha Barks perform without an audience, and Diana without an audience, they can do this too. Especially if they want to ensure that the audience doesn’t get sick either. Best if they do it without an audience. Not even friends or family of the crew.
Featured Actor Joined: 2/18/17
I got a few questions about how they do this filming. Do they run the show like a normal Broadway show and hope for the best while filming it? If somebody makes mistake, would they stop the filming and do it over? Would the actors prefer an audience if it could be done safely so they can get some immediate "feedback" about their performance? Is it any different for actors doing a Broadway show that is being filmed?
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
JGPR2 said: "I got a few questions about how they do this filming. Do they run the show like a normal Broadway show and hope for the best while filming it? If somebody makes mistake, would they stop the filming and do it over? Would the actors prefer an audience if it could be done safely so they can get some immediate "feedback" about their performance? Is it any different for actors doing a Broadway show that is being filmed?"
They won't "hope for the best." For RENT, Hamilton, and Memphis, they filmed multiple performances, and then did pick-up shots without an audience to fix any problems that occurred during filming (or, to add trickier or gimmick shots that would be obtrusive during the live filming). In this case, since there is unlikely to be an audience present, they likely won't stage a full performance, but rather, film in segments, allowing them to pretty much immediately re-shoot anything that needs fixing.
Featured Actor Joined: 2/18/17
Thanks Fosse76 !!!
Not sure if it was pre-recorded, but Jenn Colella was just on the BroadwayCon party line and said she's currently quarantined in a hotel in midtown, with the rest of the CFA film cast, in preparation to film. She said the filmed version will mainly be the cast that was there at the time of the Broadway shutdown, but didn't name specific people.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/8/19
LizzieCurry said: "Not sure if it was pre-recorded, but Jenn Colella was just on the BroadwayCon party line and said she's currently quarantined in a hotel in midtown, with the rest of the CFA film cast, in preparation to film. She said the filmed version will mainly be the cast that was there at the time of the Broadway shutdown, but didn't name specific people."
There was also a photo on Jenn's Instagram story either yesterday or the day before that showed her and her dog on stage at the Schoenfeld. Maybe that was pre-recorded and they're already in the theater?
I’m very very happy she’ll be part of the recording.
It was a thrill seeing Colella live, and I’m so glad her Tony-nominated performance will be captured for eternity.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/20/08
Presumably they are quarantined for the duration of the process, and they could be in the rehearsal stage of the process, so there’s no reason she couldn’t be saying she’s quarantined at a hotel in prep for the film and also showing up onstage at the theatre.
As expected, Jenn will be Beverly/Annette. Just a matter of the following:
1.) who's playing Janice? Pearl Sun was the last actress playing the role, but she was only filling in for Emily Walton.
2.) who's playing Hannah? Kenita R. Miller was playing Hannah while Q. Smith was on maternity leave.
3.) who's play Kevin T.? Chad Kimball has said some things on social media regarding the virus that has drawn some dislike. Could Tony LePage fill in?
4.) Are Petrina & Astrid comnig in from Canada to play their roles?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
1). I'd guess Pearl
2). I'd guess Q
3). No clue. Kimball was great in the role, but he burned some bridges. I'd guess not Chad, but someone other than Tony.
4). I'd bet the house on Astrid. Petrina also very likely
It's a tightly-knit company. I wonder if Geno (Oz) and Lee (Nick) will return. I will be very surprised if there is no audience, but like all of the pop ups thus far, it will be fully vaxxed, tested, and socially distanced.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
ghostlight2 said: "1). I'd guess Pearl
Emily Walton was only on temporary leave due to a previous commitment. There's no reason to think she won't be be in the filming.
2). I'd guess Q
My guess as well.
It's a tightly-knit company. I wonder if Geno (Oz) and Lee (Nick) will return.
No reason to think they would.
I will be very surprised if there is no audience, but like all of the pop ups thus far, it will be fully vaxxed, tested, and socially distanced."
An audience would require the house staff (i.e., ushers), and to date none of them have been contacted. Though it may be still too early to contact them (the ushers at the Broadway were only contacted the week before that pop up event).
I wonder if they'll maybe throw some lines to the swings so that they also can appear. Technically the cast play at least three different characters, so itd be easy to give them a role in the filming.
Don't think the swings will randomly appear on stage. If anything, they just be backstage doing vocals for certain numbers.
ACL2006 said: "As expected, Jenn will be Beverly/Annette. Just a matter of the following:
1.) who's playing Janice? Pearl Sun was the last actress playing the role, but she was only filling in for Emily Walton.
2.) who's playing Hannah? Kenita R. Miller was playing Hannah while Q. Smith was on maternity leave.
3.) who's play Kevin T.? Chad Kimball has said some things on social media regarding the virus that has drawn some dislike. Could Tony LePage fill in?
4.) Are Petrina & Astrid comnig in from Canada to play their roles?"
I'd say until the cast list comes out, anything is possible. Petrina was the only one in the original cast would is actually from Newfoundland, so I would expect to see her. I'm assuming there are cast members that the production would definatly wanted to be in the show. The question will be can they arrange to get there and do the job. I'm sure we'd all want the original cast, but while Rachel Tucker was playing Beverly, etc. a case could be made to have chosen Beverly from the tour, rather than Jenn Colella who wasn't with the show anymore (although, I know she was Tony Nominated for her role).
ACL2006 said: "Don't think the swings will randomly appear on stage. If anything, they just be backstage doing vocals for certain numbers."
I was wondering about this. Josh Breckenridge said on Broadwaysted that he was getting ready for the filming, but not in what capacity. Though he was/is also the dance captain, so maybe he'll be doing that and not performing?
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
ACL2006 said: "Don't think the swings will randomly appear on stage. If anything, they just be backstage doing vocals for certain numbers."
I don't know...if Newsies was able to add more cast, this one can easily do it as well. I can think of at least three or four scenes in which they could use the swings as characters, since those characters can pretty much be anyone, or otherwise only exist for that scene. Since this doesn't have the same filming obstacles that exist during live performances, it can easily be done.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
"I don't know...if Newsies was able to add more cast, this one can easily do it as well. I can think of at least three or four scenes in which they could use the swings as characters, since those characters can pretty much be anyone, or otherwise only exist for that scene. Since this doesn't have the same filming obstacles that exist during live performances, it can easily be done."
There is no reason to do that, especially in a time where Covid is still a danger. As it is, the cast and crew are likely in bubbles. They'd want fewer people, not more.
Josh Breckenridge is likely there since he's the dance captian. They could potentially have the swings just sitting in the audience as an emergency situation for when they are set to film. CFA has/had 6 standbys when Broadway shutdown last year.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
ghostlight2 said: "There is no reason to do that, especially in a time where Covid is still a danger. As it is, the castand crew are likely in bubbles. They'dwant fewer people, not more."
What? There's no logististical reason not to include them. You can argue an artistic reason, but the entire company is already going to be in the theater, so the "fewer people" argument doesn't hold.
fashionguru_23 said: "ACL2006 said: "As expected, Jenn will be Beverly/Annette. Just a matter of the following:
1.) who's playing Janice? Pearl Sun was the last actress playing the role, but she was only filling in for Emily Walton.
2.) who's playing Hannah? Kenita R. Miller was playing Hannah while Q. Smith was on maternity leave.
3.) who's play Kevin T.? Chad Kimball has said some things on social media regarding the virus that has drawn some dislike. Could Tony LePage fill in?
4.) Are Petrina & Astrid comnig in from Canada to play their roles?"
I'd say until the cast list comes out, anything is possible. Petrina was the only one in the original cast would is actuallyfrom Newfoundland, so I would expect to see her. I'm assuming there are cast members that the production would definatly wanted to be in the show. The question will be can they arrange to get there and do the job. I'm sure we'd all want the original cast, but while Rachel Tucker was playing Beverly, etc. a case could be made to have chosen Beverlyfrom the tour, rather than Jenn Colella who wasn't with the show anymore (although, I know she was Tony Nominated for her role)."
For what it's worth, Jenn Colella just posted a picture on Instagram with a photo credit to Astrid. Not a cast announcement, but it does imply Astrid is in New York.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
"What? There's no logististical reason not to include them. You can argue an artistic reason, but the entire company is already going to be in the theater, so the "fewer people" argument doesn't hold."
Well, sure, there are logistical reasons not to include standby actors on stage. Backstage, the wings, the green room, dressing rooms, all very small and tight. Even though I imagine everyone has been in a bubble, they will still be masking and distancing offstage. There is no reason to have more people than usual onstage, where risk of transmission is greater as they sing full out. What would be the point?
Just to give standbys/understudies stage time? That just seems very unlikely to me.
Also, since you mention it, artistically it is an issue as well, While there is little dancing in the show, the chair choreography is complicated and quite integral to the show. They've had a fairly short rehearsal period to relearn this. If someone screws up, it throws everything off. Why risk it, especially for a product filmed for posterity.
We can agree to disagree. We will know in a few weeks.
Beowulf Boritt was at the theatre to do some touch ups to the set today. Also looks like they got platforms set up in the orchestra for cameras to be placed on. Exciting to see!
I came up for an unusual bway visit and of all the shows I saw, this was the least impressive. DEH, Hamilton, Falsetto's all blew this show away.
Th'ank you for your relev'ant rev'iew.
South Florida said: "I came up for an unusual bway visit and of all the shows I saw, this was the least impressive. DEH, Hamilton, Falsetto's all blew this show away.
Happy for you