kennedy_rose said: "BenElliott said: "Virginia Woolf just announced they're closing and I'm gutted. This is all truly an artistic tragedy."
Huh...I can actually think of other things that qualify as artistic tragedies. This definitely NOT one of them.
It's been revived over & over again. It'll come back in another form...someday. Until then, focus on the tragedy we are facing in the real world."
This was someone's ART. This is a tragedy. Any show that closes like that is a tragedy. If a Van Gogh painting were destroyed in a fire it would be a tragedy. Any actor would tell you that they pour their heart and soul into their work and to see it washed away like that must be so painful. This IS a tragedy and this being a BROADWAY MESSAGE BOARD, we have every right to mourn the loss of these shows. We will be mourning loss of life, loss of art, loss of normalcy, loss of income, and possibly the loss of society as we know it. American life is going to change and not for the better. We are able to mourn the loss of all of these things.
qolbinau said: "I know this sounds pessimistic but I am now convinced we will not be able to contain the virus due to the delayed, inconsistent or lack of action from most western countries. I only hope we can hold on until there is a vaccine."
Exactly. There will always be viruses and they will always be looking for vaccines. The circle of life.
Stand-by Joined: 1/25/20
Alex M said: "kennedy_rose said: "BenElliott said: "Virginia Woolf just announced they're closing and I'm gutted. This is all truly an artistic tragedy."
Huh...I can actually think of other things that qualify as artistic tragedies. This definitely NOT one of them.
It's been revived over & over again. It'll come back in another form...someday. Until then, focus on the tragedy we are facing in the real world."
Seriously?Please let people be upset. Once again this is a broadway message board for people with a love of broadway. They are allowed to feel upset about shows closing."
We are ALL allowed to have our feelings and our opinions. Just because I disagree doesn't mean that person can't HAVE their feelings and express them. I am doing the same. Calm down.
Julie Andrews could no longer sing, for example. Is that an artistic tragedy? Perhaps to some. But if someone like Lin-Manuel Miranda was crossing the street and got hit by a bus and died...that FOR ME, qualifies as an ARTISTIC TRAGEDY. Why? Think about it...
kennedy_rose said: "We are ALL allowed to have our feelings and our opinions. Just because I disagree doesn't mean that person can't HAVE their feelings and express them. I am doing the same. Calm down.
Julie Andrews could no longer sing, for example. Is that an artistic tragedy? Perhaps to some. But if someone like Lin-Manuel Miranda was crossing the street and got hit by a bus and died...that FOR ME, qualifies as an ARTISTIC TRAGEDY. Why? Think about it..."
Why would you even think about posting such a thing? What a terrible comment. Please.....stop posting on BWW.
kennedy_rose said: "BenElliott said: "Virginia Woolf just announced they're closing and I'm gutted. This is all truly an artistic tragedy."
Huh...I can actually think of other things that qualify as artistic tragedies. This definitely NOT one of them.
It's been revived over & over again. It'll come back in another form...someday. Until then, focus on the tragedy we are facing in the real world."
For goodness' sake, he wasn't talking about just Virginia Woolf, because he used the word "all." I think that the unprecedented closure of Broadway and the imminent demise of multiple Broadway shows, several of which haven't even opened, qualifies as an artistic tragedy. It's emotionally, artistically, and financially devastating to NYC theatre. What's not tragic about that?
Robbie2 said: "Robbie2 said: "4000 CASES in NYC as of this evening...NYC Needs to do this now!!!
All Californians, Nearly 40 Million People, Have Been Ordered To Stay Home To Stop The Spread Of The Coronavirus "This is a moment where we need some straight talk and we need to tell people the truth: We need to bend the curve in the state of California.""
As of Friday afternoon, there were 7,845 confirmed coronavirus cases in New York State, with 5,151 of them in New York City, according to official data.
A jump in CASES overnight from 4000 > 5151 in NYC!!!"
5151 > 6211 CASES in NYC now!
Cuomo announced that there are 10,356 confirmed Covid-19 cases across New York. There are 3,254 new cases across New York state, Cuomo said, with at least 1,803 new cases in New York City alone for a combined total of 6,211.
Fifty-four percent of New York State cases are of people between 18 and 49 years old.
At least 45,000 people have been tested for Covid-19, and about 15% of those cases are being hospitalized.
40-60% will get the VIRUS in NY!
Stand-by Joined: 1/25/20
CT2NYC said: "kennedy_rose said: "BenElliott said: "Virginia Woolf just announced they're closing and I'm gutted. This is all truly an artistic tragedy."
Huh...I can actually think of other things that qualify as artistic tragedies. This definitely NOT one of them.
It's been revived over & over again. It'll come back in another form...someday. Until then, focus on the tragedy we are facing in the real world."
For goodness' sake, he wasn't talking about justVirginia Woolf, because he used the word "all." I thinkthat the unprecedented closure of Broadway and the imminent demise of multiple Broadway shows, several of which haven't even opened, qualifies as an artistic tragedy. It's emotionally, artistically, and financially devastating to NYC theatre. What's not tragic about that?"
YES HE WAS. Look, let me express my opinion and you all can have yours. This forum SUPPORTS free speech, if you are so easily offended, then YOU get OFF this BOARD.
kennedy_rose said: "CT2NYC said: "kennedy_rose said: "BenElliott said: "Virginia Woolf just announced they're closing and I'm gutted. This is all truly an artistic tragedy."
Huh...I can actually think of other things that qualify as artistic tragedies. This definitely NOT one of them.
It's been revived over & over again. It'll come back in another form...someday. Until then, focus on the tragedy we are facing in the real world."
For goodness' sake, he wasn't talking about justVirginia Woolf, because he used the word "all." I thinkthat the unprecedented closure of Broadway and the imminent demise of multiple Broadway shows, several of which haven't even opened, qualifies as an artistic tragedy. It's emotionally, artistically, and financially devastating to NYC theatre. What's not tragic about that?"
YES HE WAS. Look, let me express my opinion and you all can have yours. This forum SUPPORTS free speech, if you are so easily offended, then YOU get OFF this BOARD."
So you’re allowed to post your opinions about others opinions (in a not very nice way) but others can’t post opinions about your opinions? Seems totally fair and reasonable
kennedy_rose said: "CT2NYC said: "kennedy_rose said: "BenElliott said: "Virginia Woolf just announced they're closing and I'm gutted. This is all truly an artistic tragedy."
Huh...I can actually think of other things that qualify as artistic tragedies. This definitely NOT one of them.
It's been revived over & over again. It'll come back in another form...someday. Until then, focus on the tragedy we are facing in the real world."
For goodness' sake, he wasn't talking about justVirginia Woolf, because he used the word "all." I thinkthat the unprecedented closure of Broadway and the imminent demise of multiple Broadway shows, several of which haven't even opened, qualifies as an artistic tragedy. It's emotionally, artistically, and financially devastating to NYC theatre. What's not tragic about that?"
YES HE WAS. Look, let me express my opinion and you all can have yours. This forum SUPPORTS free speech, if you are so easily offended, then YOU get OFF this BOARD.
Ugh, gotta love unnecessary and incorrect CAPS usage.
Stand-by Joined: 1/25/20
CT2NYC said: "Ugh, gotta love unnecessary and incorrect CAPS usage."
Perfect. Now you understand an artistic tragedy.
kennedy_rose said: "CT2NYC said: "Ugh, gotta love unnecessary and incorrect CAPS usage."
Perfect. Now you understand an artistic tragedy."
No, sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about.
Stand-by Joined: 1/25/20
CT2NYC said: "kennedy_rose said: "CT2NYC said: "Ugh, gotta love unnecessary and incorrect CAPS usage."
Perfect. Now you understand an artistic tragedy."
No, sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about."
Let's back back to Broadway, shall we?
Folks, refer to this article in the NY Times today:
Does not bode well. Opinions welcomed.
BenElliott, when you said, "This is all truly an artistic tragedy," were you talking about just Virginia Woolf or the whole Broadway closure situation? Care to clarify?
Stand-by Joined: 1/25/20
CT2NYC said: "BenElliott, when you said, "This is all truly an artistic tragedy," were you talking about just Virginia Woolf or the whole Broadway closure situation? Care to clarify?"
He did clarify in the original post. All he cares about is the closing of Woolf. An artistic tragedy.
kennedy_rose said: "CT2NYC said: "BenElliott, when you said, "This is all truly an artistic tragedy," were you talking about justVirginia Woolfor the whole Broadway closure situation? Care to clarify?"
He did clarify in the original post. All he cares about is the closing of Woolf. Anartistic tragedy."
I wasn't talking to you. Clearly, we have different opinions about the original post. To me, the sentence, "This is all truly an artistic tragedy," sounds like it's referring to something larger than just one closing. I'd like him to clarify, but, regardless of his answer, that's the connotation of those words. If he meant just the closing of Virginia Woolf, he shouldn't have used the word "all."
For example, if I said, "My parents' house was destroyed by the hurricane. This is all truly a tragedy," I'd be referring to my parents' house, as well as all the other destruction caused by the hurricane. Get it?
So, until he clarifies, please stop speaking to me.
Virigina Woolf and Hangmen are just two of many inevitable tragedies that will strike Broadway this year.
Kennedy needs to take this down a notch or two and up their medication.
The teens are clearly bored and unhinged.
BenElliott, was clear and I agree that this is nothing short of an artistic tragedy. I'm thinking that Six, Company, and Flying Over Sunset might be the only survivors of this season. What a shame.
Hopefully some of these will get a remount in the near future.
Stand-by Joined: 1/25/20
BenElliott said: "I meant ALL OF THIS IS A TRAGEDY
Virigina Woolf and Hangmen are just two of many inevitable tragedies that will strike Broadway this year.
Kennedy needs to take this down a notch or two and up their medication."
First of all, don't make fun of people on meds. Don't you know many Broadway performers take prescribed medication?
Second, these aren't tragedies. These are "inconveniences"...which we will ALL get over.
I was knocked for my use of ALL CAPS and ignoring the determiner pronoun ALL. But I needed to make my point. You emphasized Virginia Woolf and I get why you'd be disappointed to not see it. But these are not tragedies. The tragedy would be a Tsunami wiping out 1/2 of NYC, including Broadway. But how DARE I think of such things? Or of a pandemic called COVID-19 changing the world. I can't think of awful circumstances that will drastically change our lives?
Stand-by Joined: 1/25/20
CT2NYC said: "So, until he clarifies, please stop speaking to me."
He clarified and so did I.
kennedy_rose said: "BenElliott said: "I meant ALL OF THIS IS A TRAGEDY
Virigina Woolf and Hangmen are just two of many inevitable tragedies that will strike Broadway this year.
Kennedy needs to take this down a notch or two and up their medication."
First of all, don't make fun of people on meds. Don't you know many Broadway performers take prescribed medication?
Second, these aren't tragedies. These are "inconveniences"...which we will ALL get over.
I was knocked for my use of ALL CAPS and ignoring thedeterminerpronoun ALL. But I needed to make my point. You emphasized Virginia Woolf and I get why you'd be disappointed to not see it. But these are not tragedies. The tragedy would be a Tsunami wiping out 1/2 of NYC, including Broadway. But how DARE I think of such things? Or of a pandemic called COVID-19 changing the world. I can't think of awful circumstances that will drastically change our lives?"
I'm a medicated person myself and in my (unprofessional) opinion, you need help.
This IS an artistic tragedy and I will not engage any further with someone this unhinged. I hope you seek help or take up a hobby.
Stand-by Joined: 2/26/20
kennedy_rose said: "BenElliott said: "I meant ALL OF THIS IS A TRAGEDY
Virigina Woolf and Hangmen are just two of many inevitable tragedies that will strike Broadway this year.
Kennedy needs to take this down a notch or two and up their medication."
First of all, don't make fun of people on meds. Don't you know many Broadway performers take prescribed medication?
Second, these aren't tragedies. These are "inconveniences"...which we will ALL get over.
I was knocked for my use of ALL CAPS and ignoring thedeterminerpronoun ALL. But I needed to make my point. You emphasized Virginia Woolf and I get why you'd be disappointed to not see it. But these are not tragedies. The tragedy would be a Tsunami wiping out 1/2 of NYC, including Broadway. But how DARE I think of such things? Or of a pandemic called COVID-19 changing the world. I can't think of awful circumstances that will drastically change our lives?"
Besides ignoring the word "all," how long are you going to ignore the fact that we're not talking about a natural disaster. We're talking about an ARTISTIC TRAGEDY, but you seem unable to wrap your head around what that expression might mean to others besides yourself. Do you think you're the only one who can see a difference between those two things? Do you think you're the only one who has that kind of insight? Your point that this is not as bad as a tragedy that results in loss of life is pointless, because no one ever said that it was.
Has anyone else noticed how the most contentious posters on this board seem to eventually vanish off the face of the earth, only to be seemingly reincarnated with a new screen name?
Things that make you go hmmm...
Stand-by Joined: 10/26/14
AlanB3 said: "The mute/ignore function can be your best friend."
AlanB3 how do we use the mute function so that we don't see what certain people post? I didn't realize there was one but am very interested in learning how to implement it.
220Basswood said: "AlanB3 said: "The mute/ignore function can be your best friend."
AlanB3 how do we use the mute function so that we don't see what certain people post? I didn't realize there was one but am very interested in learning how to implement it."
Go to Settings in the upper right hand corner. Under Message Boards you can put the persons name in. It comes in handy when a topic goes way off course.