"Summer 2021 is the earliest Broadway could possibly return."
Stop spreading bullsh*t around. Immediately.
Sutton Ross said: "Summer 2021 is the earliest Broadway could possibly return."
Stop spreading bullsh*t around. Immediately.
Sure my Summer 2021 statement may be hyperbole but I don't know what world y'all are living in that you think a room of +/-1000 people will safely be a thing in the remotely near future. New York will take a VERY long time to recover from this and large gatherings such as theater, concerts and sporting events will be the absolute last things to re-up.
Fauci has said that in Phase 3, it’s possible for sports stadiums to open up with some fans in the stands (obviously with some social distancing procedures in place). Still seems risky and I’d guess it would be easier to practice social distancing in a huge stadium than in a small theater, but I guess we’ll see...
I’d think most all the states will reach Phase 3 by the end of the year. The problem is whether they can stay there or beyond that. Any increase in cases is supposed to return that area back to pre-Phase 1 as I understand it. But who knows...Georgia is opening back up despite not meeting criteria to enter Phase 1.
I can see theatres opening before sports stadiums. Sporting events involve shouting (spreading of saliva) and a lot more possible physical contact than the normal theater does. Plus there’s significantly less people in a theater than at a stadium.
Updated On: 4/21/20 at 02:54 PM
And of course a lot of this depends on the people who fill those seats not being risk-adverse. I’m guessing sports fans may be more willing to take risks before theater attendees, but I could very well be wrong. Also, NYC has been the epicenter for the pandemic in the United States so that is obviously going to play a part.
I can tell you that I have taken a huge financial hit with the shut-down. It’ll likely take me a year or longer to recover. I’m not complaining. It’s absolutely what needed to happen. Once I’m able to resume work travel, I’ll do that with trepidation out of necessity. But I see any fun trips to NYC being a year or two years away for me.
Suddenly, seeing every NYC show I want to see seems less important to me than being on financially stable ground and being safe.
I went to the beginning of this thread and even though it was started just a few weeks ago it seems like a lifetime ago. This thread is going to be a very interesting realtime record of the times in years ahead.
I did the same yesterday. It's fun to see Roxy not care, then care, and then go back to not caring after 40,000+ people have died.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/27/19
Kad said: "It's fun to see Roxy not care, then care, and then go back to not caring after 40,000+ people have died."
I have seen this pattern of constantly shifting sympathies elsewhere and it USUALLY correlates pretty closely to certain "news" networks' propaganda feed....
On MSNBC just now, Cuomo said he can’t see Broadway opening before there’s either a therapy for the ‘Rona or a vaccine.
I also believe producers won't want to re-open until there is some certainty that they won't be shut down again. Sporting events might try doing this without fans in the stands, but theatre/opera/ballet can't do that and it really is a gamble to start this just to shut it down again. On the audience front, beyond taking the risk of going to the theatre, there is a bigger risk of planning a trip to New York, hotels, flights, etc. that might get cancelled. Suddenly, 2021 seems more real than before.
According to CNN, the Washington Post has announced that upon an interview with Director of the CDC a second wave of COVID-19 in the fall/winter could be far worse than this first wave since it would coincide with the flu season. Let’s hope not.
Miles2Go2 said: "According to CNN, the Washington Post has announced that upon an interview with Director of the CDC a second wave of COVID-19 in the fall/winter could be far worse than this first wave since it would coincide with the flu season. Let’s hope not. "
I honestly expected this. I saw a news article somewhere that oxford (I believe) is working on a vaccine that could be pumped out by September which seems pretty unbelievable considering the time it takes to make and mass produce vaccines, but... who knows.
I’m pretty sure I’ll be seeing a lot of shows on the West End before Broadway opens up again.
Per Kad on 3/11/20.
"Trump did not institute travel restrictions to and from China until after there were US cases, on 1/31- which meant there were already cases worldwide. Experts do not seem to believe that these restrictions, or any travel restrictions, did much of anything in the way of stopping the virus spread or saving lives. "
Per Dr. Fauci on 3/16/20.
" On ABC News "This Week" on Sunday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the National Institutes of Health, indicated that the Trump administration's early decision to ban most travel from China slowed the spread of the Wuhan flu in the United States "
Just curious if when you were looking back and having fun at old comments on this thread if you ever thought of saying you were wrong.
Jesus. Everyone was wrong and speculating to some degree so let’s just calm down on the calls for apologies when nobody knew what was happening.
yankeefan7 said: "Per Kad on 3/11/20.
"Trump did not institute travel restrictions to and from China until after there were US cases, on 1/31- whichmeant there were already cases worldwide. Experts do not seem to believe that these restrictions, or any travel restrictions, did much of anything in the way of stopping the virus spread or saving lives. "
Per Dr. Fauci on 3/16/20.
" On ABC News "This Week" on Sunday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the National Institutes of Health, indicated that the Trump administration's early decision to ban most travel from China slowed the spread of the Wuhan flu in the United States "
Just curious if when you were looking back and having fun at old comments on this thread if you ever thought of saying you were wrong."
Experts were saying that. And, in fact, there is hardly consensus on the effect it had. Sure, it may have indeed slowed the spread or saved lives. But it still isn't the blunt dismissal of the situation Roxy attributed to it.
"The impact hasn’t been quantified. While Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health has praised the travel restrictions on China for slowing the virus, it’s not known how big an impact they had or if “thousands and thousands” of lives were saved."
Trump brags about his China travel ban. Health experts say it’s had little effect
Coronavirus is already here. Blocking travelers won’t prevent its spread.
Fauci is wrong: Italy did close its border to China
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
FlyHigh523 said: "Miles2Go2 said: "According to CNN, the Washington Post has announced that upon an interview with Director of the CDC a second wave of COVID-19 in the fall/winter could be far worse than this first wave since it would coincide with the flu season. Let’s hope not. "
I honestly expected this. I saw a news article somewhere that oxford (I believe)is working on a vaccine that could be pumped out by September which seems pretty unbelievable considering the time it takes to make and mass produce vaccines, but... who knows."
I've heard something similar somewhere...or maybe it WAS this, I don't quite recall. But if so, I don't think it's THE vaccine the world is waiting on. And if Cuomo (or any "leader" for that matter) think the people/economy are going to wait on a vaccine before anything reopens, he's nuts. I'm not expecting miracles here, but this is why I'm beginning to think viable treatments are possibly more important than the vaccine. We all know they take that long, or longer, to perfect, but as I've said elsewhere, treatments would be monumental in bridging the gap. I know a few friends of mine have said they want a total collapse just start from 0 again. While I get the mindset behind that as this mess has shown light on the gaping holes in our system, how fragile it really was previous to this, and how all the talk of economic growth was just that (talk), and anyone who wants progress want all that fixed, I don't think they exactly realize what that really means...
Jordan Catalano said: "I’m pretty sure I’ll be seeing a lot of shows on the West End before Broadway opens up again."
That's if we ever get to fly again, let alone internationally.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/27/19
yankeefan7 said: "Per Kad on 3/11/20.
"Trump did not institute travel restrictions to and from China until after there were US cases, on 1/31- whichmeant there were already cases worldwide. Experts do not seem to believe that these restrictions, or any travel restrictions, did much of anything in the way of stopping the virus spread or saving lives. "
Per Dr. Fauci on 3/16/20.
" On ABC News "This Week" on Sunday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the National Institutes of Health, indicated that the Trump administration's early decision to ban most travel from China slowed the spread of the Wuhan flu in the United States "
Just curious if when you were looking back and having fun at old comments on this thread if you ever thought of saying you were wrong."
Trump banned China flights but didnt restrict access from China- I personally flew on a plane from Hawaii to NYC with Chinese citizens (and i noticed them all wearing face masks which I thought was odd at the time- early February). He also said, again and again, that the virus was a hoax and that it was under control, and that it would all go away soon. To argue that Trump did ANYTHING prophylactic because he canceled some flights (at the urging of Fauci and the health officials) before he spent the next month lying about it and downplaying it-- is delusional with a capital Trump.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
Miles2Go2 said: "And of course a lot of this depends on the people who fill those seats not being risk-adverse. I’m guessing sports fans may be more willing to take risks before theater attendees, but I could very well be wrong. Also, NYC has been the epicenter for the pandemic in the United States so that is obviously going to play a part.
I can tell you that I have taken a huge financial hit with the shut-down. It’ll likely take me a year or longer to recover. I’m not complaining. It’s absolutely what needed to happen. Once I’m able to resume work travel, I’ll do that with trepidation out of necessity. But I see any fun trips to NYC being a year or two years away for me.
Suddenly, seeing every NYC show I want to see seems less important to me than being on financially stable ground and being safe."
Unfortunately, AMEN! It is going to take a lot longer than 'opening things back up' to get me into crowded spaces...I suspect that I will at least need to have a vaccine in me OR just maybe (but, truly not likely) if we enter into a period where no new cases are being reported, if there actually does turn out to be a dormancy period, as some have indicated is possible.
That frustrates me because I just turned 70 and who knows how many years I have of active theatergoing and overseas travel I still have in me, that assuming that I do NOT get Covid19. I have saved a Playbill from every show I have ever seen except one, so I guess I can start to reminisce re the ones I did see (and even the ones I did not, based on the advertisements in the Playbill).
Some more encouraging recent news, as Gilead Science's Remdesivir continues to defy the odds as of right now, progressing to the large scale Phase 3 of its clinical trials. It has proven effective thus far in both humans and monkeys in the USA and overseas, and an estimated 33% of potential drugs/vaccines do NOT make it past the second phase (25-30% make it past 3).
Could this be the one? Gilead is also looking into expediting the manufacturing process if approved (6 months rather than at least a year), and when all is said and done, some people could be back in theaters as 2021 rolls around.
Leading Actor Joined: 4/3/14
Remdesivir is showing effectiveness in trials, but it is only for TREATMENT once you have contracted the virus. So thus, the virus still remains around and highly contagious (leading to outbreaks and overwhelming the health system). This will not help with the fear of getting large amounts of people into a theatre. We need a vaccine to get to that point. It's that simple.
Given how this virus mutates, we'll probably have to take an annual vaccine similar to the annual flu shot.
If anyone here lives in Seoul, South Korea, I'm really curious how the international tour of Phantom is handling this. My understanding is they did suspend the show once one of the cast members had symptoms (not sure but she may have gotten it before leaving North America) but they reopen tomorrow April 23rd.
Are audience members seated different in the house due to social distancing? Are people required to wear facial coverings? Do the actors not kiss onstage (i.e. Raoul and Christine in "All I ask of you"?
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
AnnieBlack said: "Remdesivir is showing effectiveness in trials, but it is only for TREATMENT once you have contracted the virus. So thus, the virus still remains around and highly contagious (leading to outbreaks and overwhelming the health system). This will not help with the fear of getting large amounts of people into a theatre. We need a vaccine to get to that point. It's that simple."
Of course it's only for treatment, that's the point...nobody is expecting THE vaccine anytime soon, that's a fantasy. Any viable treatments with next to no error margin will help bridge the gap between now and the vaccine and hopefully keep a total anarchic socioeconomic collapse from happening...certainly don't start lifting these pauses and distancing measures too soon, that's asking for trouble, but humans and the economy can't afford to wait until 2021 either. No nation can survive a 10 month economic pause. Of course this whole "people or the economy" debate could have been avoided if we didn't have inept leadership who could have taken this seriously form the start...but this is where we are. Treatments can help lift these pauses...in baby steps of course.