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Broadway to Close?

#725Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/1/20 at 5:04pm

nycward said: "I think the real issue about when broadway will reopen is the reality of who in the hell will actually show up? I can't imagine that once Broadway gets the go ahead to reopen that there will be much of a tourist industry left and frankly I can't imagine being in a closed space of a Broadwaytheatre for some time to come. The economics will be bleak for a rather long time for not only producers and traditional backers but an audience that will have limited resources for travel and entertainment.A pandemic like this will create a slump that will last for a very long timeand that is what is really so sad."


Similar point made in this NYT article:

“The psychology won’t just bounce back,” said Charles Dumas, chief economist at TS Lombard, an investment research firm in London. “People have had a real shock. The recovery will be slow, and certain behavior patterns are going to change, if not forever at least for a long while.”


Robbie2 Profile Photo
#726Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/2/20 at 4:24pm

Robbie2 said: "Robbie2 said: 

As for TUESDAY night CASES -

NYC 43,139

NYS 75,813

USA 183,532


As for today -  Thursday CASES

NYC 51,809  an increase of 8,670 from Tuesday

NYS 92,381 an increase of 16,568 from Tuesday

USA 234,968  

NY now has 38% of CASES down from 60% last week  as the rest of the country-states are showing significant increases especially in NJ, CA, FL, LA, MI, GA, MA, PA Ill

"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George

#728Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/2/20 at 7:09pm

Not to be a Debbie Downer but things are changing so fast on a daily basis it is impossible to imagine when this thing is gone.

It was only announced yesterday or the day before that they didn't realise how contagious this thing is. We also don't know 100% yet if once you have it you have immunity to the virus. It could also mutate like it has in Italy.

There is no way mass gatherings of the theatrical kind are gonna be happening before October/November. Can you imagine what it'd be like if you're in a crowded theatre after this and someone coughed? They'd probably get shot! 

China started opening movie theatres again last week, it lasted 2 days before they closed them again.

I'd say at the end of June we will start to be allowed back to work/use public transport again in large numbers as a test run for a month or 2 (the people who are dying now, were first infected a month ago) and if another outbreak doesn't start up during that time then maybe theatres, sporting events etc will be started up again after that. 

After 3-4 months off they are going to need rehearsals, maybe replace cast members etc and I highly doubt EVERYTHING will reopen again at once. There is no way they are going to let 100's of 1,000's of people to descend on such a small area if they don't think they have it totally under control again and who is say people are going to go flooding back after all this anyways.

You are then heading straight back into winter and who knows if this thing is going to come back around again. 

It wouldn't even surprise me if they remain closed down until this time next year just in case. Another major re-opening and closing in a matter of a few months would be an even bigger disaster.

Mr. Wormwood Profile Photo
Mr. Wormwood
#729Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/2/20 at 9:20pm

Impossible2 said: "Not to be a Debbie Downer but things are changing so fast on a daily basis it is impossible to imagine when this thing is gone.

It was only announced yesterday or the day before that they didn't realise how contagious this thing is.We also don't know 100% yet if once you have it you have immunity to the virus.It could also mutatelike it has in Italy.

There is no way mass gatherings of the theatrical kind are gonna be happening beforeOctober/November. Can you imagine what it'd be like if you're in a crowded theatre after this and someone coughed? They'd probably get shot!

China started opening movie theatres again last week, it lasted 2 days before they closed them again.

I'd say at the end of June we will start to be allowed back to work/use public transport againin large numbers as a test run for a month or 2 (the people who are dying now, were firstinfected a month ago)and if another outbreak doesn't start up during that timethen maybe theatres, sporting events etc will be started up again after that.

After 3-4 months off they are going to needrehearsals, maybe replacecast members etc and I highly doubt EVERYTHING will reopen again at once. There is no way they are going to let 100's of 1,000's of people to descend onsuch a small area if they don't think they have ittotally under control again and who is say people are going to go flooding back after all this anyways.

You are then heading straight back into winterand who knows if this thing is going to come back around again.

It wouldn't even surprise me if they remain closed down until this time next year just in case. Another major re-opening and closing in a matter of a few months would be an even bigger disaster.

Where did you see that the virus mutated in Italy? That's news to me...

#730Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/2/20 at 9:27pm

Mr. Wormwood said: "Impossible2 said: "Not to be a Debbie Downer but things are changing so fast on a daily basis it is impossible to imagine when this thing is gone.

It was only announced yesterday or the day before that they didn't realise how contagious this thing is.We also don't know 100% yet if once you have it you have immunity to the virus.It could also mutatelike it has in Italy.

There is no way mass gatherings of the theatrical kind are gonna be happening beforeOctober/November. Can you imagine what it'd be like if you're in a crowded theatre after this and someone coughed? They'd probably get shot!

China started opening movie theatres again last week, it lasted 2 days before they closed them again.

I'd say at the end of June we will start to be allowed back to work/use public transport againin large numbers as a test run for a month or 2 (the people who are dying now, were firstinfected a month ago)and if another outbreak doesn't start up during that timethen maybe theatres, sporting events etc will be started up again after that.

After 3-4 months off they are going to needrehearsals, maybe replacecast members etc and I highly doubt EVERYTHING will reopen again at once. There is no way they are going to let 100's of 1,000's of people to descend onsuch a small area if they don't think they have ittotally under control again and who is say people are going to go flooding back after all this anyways.

You are then heading straight back into winterand who knows if this thing is going to come back around again.

It wouldn't even surprise me if they remain closed down until this time next year just in case. Another major re-opening and closing in a matter of a few months would be an even bigger disaster.

Where did you see that the virus mutated in Italy? That's news to me...

I read it on The Guardian website yesterday.

Mr. Wormwood Profile Photo
Mr. Wormwood
#731Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/2/20 at 9:35pm

Impossible2 said: "Mr. Wormwood said: 

Where did you see that the virus mutated in Italy? That's news to me..."

I read it on The Guardian website yesterday.

I would love to see a link. When I did a quick search about it all that came up were tabloid sites and conspiracy theory comments on other sites...

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#732Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/2/20 at 9:46pm

The article states this and does not mention anything about Italy:

The team behind this research suggested that this may indicate the L strain is more “aggressive”, either transmitting more easily or replicating faster inside the body. However, this theory is speculative at this stage – there haven’t yet been direct comparisons to see whether people who catch one version of the virus are more likely to pass it on or suffer more severe symptoms.


#733Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/2/20 at 10:01pm

Mr. Wormwood said: "Impossible2 said: "Mr. Wormwood said:

Where did you see that the virus mutated in Italy? That's news to me..."

I read it on The Guardian website yesterday.

I would love to see a link. When I did a quick search about it all that came up were tabloid sites and conspiracy theory comments on other sites...

It was in one of the Live Updates threads it wasn't a full article.

I just had a look but it is impossible to find anything on those bloody things.

The posts on them also seem to get edited quite frequently which makes it even more frustrating trying to find stuff you've previously read.

It was the end of a sentence from an expert where they were talking about it mutating and it finished with 'like we've seen happen in Italy'.

#734Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/2/20 at 10:02pm

Sutton Ross said: "The article states this and does not mention anything about Italy:

The team behind this research suggested that this may indicate the L strain is more “aggressive”, either transmitting more easily or replicating faster inside the body. However, this theory is speculative at this stage – there haven’t yet been direct comparisons to see whether people who catch one version of the virus are more likely to pass it on or suffer more severe symptoms.


That wasn't where I read it.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#735Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/2/20 at 10:11pm

You stated it was yesterday, when that article was posted. If that were true, it would be public information posted on a thousand websites, it is not.

#736Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/2/20 at 10:24pm

Sutton Ross said: "You stated it was yesterday, when that article was posted. If that were true, it would be public information posted on a thousand websites, it is not."

Doll I am not falling for your endless trolling so don't even try it with me.

I said where I read it, on the live updates. That is not a live update thread, that is an article. 

I am not responsible for the whole internet and what articles are picked up by other sites.

As I said it was just the part of a sentence, it didn't go into any great detail about people being mutated into elephants or anything.

If you really think I am going to go looking for a part of a sentence to satisfy some <<edited by BWW staff>> on the internet you are very sadly mistaken.


Updated On: 4/3/20 at 10:24 PM

#737Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/2/20 at 10:52pm

The Italy mutation was a headline article today on my Microsoft homepage.  I did not click on it to read it, but it was definitely there.

Updated On: 4/2/20 at 10:52 PM

#738Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/2/20 at 10:52pm


Updated On: 4/2/20 at 10:52 PM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#739Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/2/20 at 11:13pm

Yeah, I read that one as well. Neither article mentions Italy in any way. I don't want fiction about this communicated to people, and that is false information. That's all I was trying to get across.

"The genomes studied were only sourced from China, so it is unclear what strains are most common in other countries or if there have been further mutations."

#740Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/2/20 at 11:39pm

Sutton Ross said: "Yeah, I read that one as well. Neither article mentions Italy in any way. I don't want fiction about this communicated to people, and that is false information. That's all I was trying to get across.

"The genomes studied were only sourced from China, so it is unclear what strains are most common in other countries or if there have been further mutations."


Then take it up with the expert that said it. I didn’t write it I only read it. Wtf would I gain from stating supposed fiction on a frickin Broadway forum that 20 people post on. 

The information in that article is old news, there has been 2 strains of it for months since originating in China and it pretty much mutates wherever it goes.

Spanish scientists from the University of Valencia and the Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research obtained the coronavirus genome and studied the mutations compared to the original Fernando González, one of the researchers from the University of Valencia who participated in the study, consulted by El Confidencial said: "The genome of the virus is in continuous mutation, and that is precisely what allows us to follow its trajectory in different countries and transmission routes. The isolated patients that we have sequenced in Valencia differ in six, one and nine mutations of the virus originally sequenced in Wuhan.

"But this is normal: almost all the viruses that have been sequenced so far have some differences with the first one.

"The one that has more differences is in Brazil with 16 mutations."

The coronavirus that infected more than 80,000 people in China, and killed more than 3,200, is not exactly the same one that has infected 27,980 Italians, nor the one that 11,300 Spaniards contracted.

As it spreads and goes from one country to another, it undergoes mutations.

This was verified this week by researchers from the University of Valencia and the Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research in the Valencian Community, who obtained the first genomes of the virus in Spain, from samples from three patients.

In this way, they were able to compare them with the genome identified by Chinese scientists on January 14, and by those isolated in many other countries in recent weeks.

The most important revelation of the mutations detected in Spain is that they are not associated with factors of greater or less lethality than the original genome of the virus.

The University of Valencia in a statement said: "The conclusion that has been reached after the analysis carried out is that, until now, no mutation has been found associated with greater virulence, lethality, or some interesting property from a clinical point of view."

Italian researchers came to the same conclusion.

Massimo Galli, responsible for infectious diseases at the Sacco hospital in Milan, who isolated the virus genome when it began to spread in Italy, has found that COVID-19 has mutated "two or three times" in Italian territory, but without changing its lethality.

He said: "There are always mutations in the RNA molecule in these viruses, but we do not believe that these can cause greater virulence."

These claims go in line with the genetic map of the virus that his team, along with Milan StateUniversity, isolated in early March.

Updated On: 4/3/20 at 11:39 PM

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#741Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/3/20 at 12:43am

I don’t think they will be able to open the theaters by fall. When they do open them they will only allow a certain amount of patrons and patrons will have to sit 6 feet apart. It won’t be financially feasible for producers.

#742Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/3/20 at 7:23am

Theaters won't be back to normal until social distancing rules are relaxed, which will probably be in the very late fall. It seems that the movie studios are comfortable with November / December releases, and I think we should all should expect the same for broadway, not any earlier than that. 

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#743Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/3/20 at 8:21pm

Not sure if this was known already (I’m losing track), but Nick Adams and Kyle Brown had or have Covid-19:

ljay889 Profile Photo
#744Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/3/20 at 9:26pm

Company’ producer strives to keep it together

"Producers quietly are saying they won’t be back until June or July."

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#745Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/3/20 at 11:30pm

Robbie2 said: "Robbie2 said: 
As for  - Thursday CASES

NYC 51,809 

NYS 92,381

USA 234,968


*** 1 Week ago here's the amount of CASES for NYC-NYS ***

As of last Friday 3/27, there were 7,845 confirmed coronavirus cases in New York State, with 5,151 of them in New York City, according to official data.

TODAY - Friday 4/3

NYC 57,160 CASES from 5,151 last Friday

NYS 102,863 CASES from 7,845 last Friday 

USA 277,491 CASES


"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George
Updated On: 4/3/20 at 11:30 PM

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#746Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/5/20 at 6:41pm

ljay889 said: "Company’ producer strives to keep it together

"Producers quietly are saying they won’t be back until June or July."

We are looking at a much longer period than that. Possibly well into next year...

#747Broadway to Close?
Posted: 4/5/20 at 8:57pm

SmoothLover said: "ljay889 said: "Company’ producer strives to keep it together

"Producers quietly are saying they won’t be back until June or July."

We are looking at a much longer period than that. Possibly well into next year...


I wonder if people who purchased tickets to shows like The Music Man and Company will have their seats changed by the theater to the same general area or, if the prices have gone up since the original purchases were made, the theaters/telecharge will require the customers to purchase new tickets at the higher rate.  I'm inquiring because I bought The Music Man tickets on September 19th and the tickets for center orchestra seats in that region have gone up.    


Posted: 4/5/20 at 9:34pm

220Basswood said: "SmoothLover said: "ljay889 said: "Company’ producer strives to keep it together

"Producers quietly are saying they won’t be back until June or July."

We are looking at a much longer period than that. Possibly well into next year...

I wonder if people who purchased tickets to shows like The Music Man and Company will have their seats changed by the theater to the same general area or, if the prices have gone up since the original purchases weremade, the theaters/telecharge will require the customers to purchase new tickets at the higher rate. I'm inquiring because I bought The Music Man tickets on September 19th and the tickets for center orchestra seats in that region have gone up.


No doubt the theaters will require everyone to repurchase (logistically too impossible otherwise to reschedule potentially months worth of ticketholders) -  but if they use the opportunity to try to get people to buy at a higher price, I say, good luck to ‘em. Whenever Broadway DOES reopen, I think it’s safe to say there will be plenty of seats, and likely discounts, available for Every Single Show.

(And by the way, though I was contradicted earlier on this thread or another one, I still say it’s not looking at all likely to me that The Music Man even opens on schedule this fall. Sutton Foster is contractually bound to shoot the next and possibly final season of Younger whenever this social distancing relaxes - it was supposed to start shooting last month for a premiere later this summer... so unless something changes, and fast, I don’t see how she’ll be ready to start rehearsals in August.  Of course, they can recast with someone like O’Hara or Benanti and try to proceed without her... but my guess is that Jackman would prefer to wait for her and that, if Broadway comes limping back sometime this fall with older theatergoers staying at home, Scott Rudin will have absolutely no problem with that.  He’s not gonna want this revival to be a test balloon for whether or not older patrons of Broadway are ready to come back to the theater, regardless of who’s starring in it.)

Posted: 4/6/20 at 12:47am

Kimbo said: 
(And by the way, though I was contradicted earlier on this thread or another one, I still say it’s not looking at all likely to me that The Music Man even opens on schedule this fall. Sutton Foster is contractually bound to shoot the next andpossibly final season of Younger whenever this social distancing relaxes - it was supposed to start shooting last month for a premiere later this unless something changes, and fast, Idon’t see how she’ll be ready to start rehearsals in August. Of course, they can recast with someone like O’Hara or Benanti and try to proceed without her... but my guess is that Jackman wouldprefer to wait for her and that, if Broadway comes limping back sometime this fall witholder theatergoers staying at home, Scott Rudin will have absolutely no problem with that. He’s not gonna want this revival to be a test balloon for whether or not older patrons of Broadway are ready to come back to the theater, regardless of who’s starring in it.)"

Kimbo -   You have made some points to consider but we all are in conjecture at this point. I did not contradict you per se - I simply reposted what was publicly posted or from public knowledge, re what Hugh, Warren and Sutton have updated as to what they were doing re The MusicMan progress.   But towards the end I did acknowledge that nobody knows how and when the health crisis will resolve... but that the creative and acting team seem to continue prepping  for the show … and may take advantage of when or if an opportunity to open comes along. 

