Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Coming from a banking background, a business which is very sensitive to the operating environment - I am used to preparing for any eventualities. What am I going to do with my paid-for overseas plane tickets, paid-for Broadway tickets, confirmed hotel reservations during NYC's busiest time of the year -- I have already mapped out how I will proceed should more facts come to light. I am not going to moan about it - but adjust as best as I can. What if a show like TheMusicMan ( which may have the best chance of new shows to find success in a post-Virus environment) cannot open as scheduled or when my original schedule does not materialize... I am already thinking of a spring 2021 possibility Or maybe a trip for when the leaves start turning red and gold in 2021
Or simply move on, if it is not meant to be!
Featured Actor Joined: 4/8/08
jo said: "Kimbo - You have made some points to consider but we all are in conjecture at this point. I did not contradict you per se - I simply reposted what was publicly posted or from public knowledge, re what Hugh, Warren and Sutton have updated as to what they were doing re The MusicMan progress. But towards the end I did acknowledge that nobody knows how and when the health crisis will resolve... but that the creative and acting team seem to continue prepping for the show … and may take advantage of when or if an opportunity to open comes along."
Fair enough, and sorry if I misconstrued what you said earlier. As far as people prepping for the show - whether it's Assassins having weekly music rehearsals, or Company staying in touch over Zoom, I just don't think it holds much water since as you say, there's no way of knowing right now whether shows will be able to resume in June or in January... it's helpful I'm sure for the cast, but not really indicative of if or when the rest of us will ever see those casts perform. But I'll bow out quoting Sutton's most recent interview for "Live at Five" where, when asked whether Music Man would still open on its current schedule, she said she was "hopeful". Hope... that's about all any of us can have right now, but you're right, that should still count for a lot.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/14/11
The only thing we know about all of this is that we don't know. This pandemic could easily continue into the fall and Broadway could end up staying closed until January. Or it could end up peaking this week (in NY) as a lot of experts are starting to predict, things could improve rapidly after that, and we could be up and running again by mid-May. More than likely it's somewhere in between both of those, but we have no idea. So saying "Broadway should cancel all shows through May already" or saying "I should cancel all of my fall travel plans now" are both, frankly, not good ideas. Maybe we will end up cancelling shows through the end of May. Maybe people will have to change all of their travel plans for the fall. But just 4 weeks ago we never thought we'd have to shut down for more than a couple weeks, so it seems silly now to assume we're going to be shut down for 8 months (or assume we'll be up and running by May). Bottom line, it's all changing so quickly, we don't know.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
^^ All true. However, I think most are in agreement that a mid May return would be societal suicide. We're just about to hit our peak supposedly, and even when we do, who knows how long the plateau will be. Cuomo is a two faced hack, but admittedly with him, we're doing better than most places at keeping this in some semblance of control. We all know you can't just open things even when it starts on the downslide. All that does is invite a likely more virulent wave of this bitch. And again, that's already predicted to happen this fall and winter. It's why the Imperial report is so grim, because it acknowledges that because many nations didn't do enough in time, measures of distancing cannot be let up for an upwards of a year and a half in the wait for the vaccine.
What a friend said who works on that side of healthcare, it's a waiting game for an FDA approved drug treatment and considering the many reports of certain drugs seemingly working (NOT the one the Orange mentions...), that can happen by late next month to somewhere in June. So that can help to get to a point where life things, work, school, you name it, etc. aren't cancelled left and right, but with the admission that "normal" won't be a thing until 2021 when that vaccine comes. And of course just like the vaccine, the FDA approved drugs are also subject to production logistics. But regardless, this is a day-by-day game we're all playing.
Yes, I think the treatment and testing are the key things. Broadway is not going to open next week or in May and it's not going to wait 18 months for a vaccine. I think things will start to get back to some semblance of normal when people can either be tested to see if they are immune and/or they feel safe enough to gather in groups knowing they can be treated if they do get the virus.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
^^All that, and certainly Broadway ain't gonna wait that long least not without a state or federal measure. But legit question, CAN you be tested for immunity? Maybe I missed some important news? Pure question, not a fight. You can certainty be tested for the virus itself just like any disease in existence, but testing for immunity is basically testing if you've had it before, which to my knowledge isn't a thing yet, not to mention it seems to still be up for debate just HOW immune one can be from this one one has had it. There have been enough concerning reports of people getting it a second time and being more severe.
JennH said: "^^All that, and certainly Broadway ain't gonna wait that long least not without a state or federal measure. But legit question, CAN you be tested for immunity? Maybe I missed some important news? Pure question, not a fight.You can certainty be testedfor the virus itself just like any disease in existence, but testing for immunity is basically testing ifyou'vehad it before, which to my knowledge isn't a thing yet, not to mention itseems to still be up for debatejust HOW immune one can be from this one one has had it. There have been enough concerning reports of people getting it a second time and being more severe."
You are right that I don't think it's a thing yet but Cuomo keeps talking about testing for antibodies as a way to start reopening the economy once we're past the apex by letting those people (and low risk people) go back to work. I'm not good with science so I don't fully understand what the test is but I just know it's being talked about.
Chorus Member Joined: 10/6/19
JennH said: "^^All that, and certainly Broadway ain't gonna wait that long least not without a state or federal measure. But legit question, CAN you be tested for immunity? Maybe I missed some important news? Pure question, not a fight.You can certainty be tested for the virus itself just like any disease in existence, but testing for immunity is basically testing if you've had it before, which to my knowledge isn't a thing yet, not to mention it seems to still be up for debate just HOW immune one can be from this one one has had it. There have been enough concerning reports of people getting it a second time and being more severe."
From my understanding they are using antibody testing currently for use in experimental treatment with current COVID patients. The antibodies in plasma from those who have developed immunity is thought to activate the production of antibodies in someone who is currently fighting the disease. This is being tested out in at least California. As for people getting the virus a second time, there is some debate of whether or not someone is actually getting reinfected or if they were not fully recovered from the virus. (There are reports from those who had the virus where they say they felt better only for a day or two later to feel even worse.)
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/31/18
The tests to test if you've already had it have been VERY inaccurate from what I have read. In the UK we have a number of shipments arrive and none of them have been accurate and a lot of the tests were faulty. I believe that is why they haven't been rolled out in major numbers yet.
There is also little evidence that you are immune to it once you've had it. It is not the virus that is killing people it is the over reaction of their immune system to the virus that is killing them. So while the virus itself may not attack as hard the 2nd time around, there is still no way to predict how your body is going to react to it a 2nd time when it is already still reeling from the first bout.
Broadway will stay closed as long as there is even a remote chance of a 2nd round of this thing happening, be it 6 months a year or 2 years.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/2/18
This thread being bumped caused me to reflect on the first post, and how outlandish it seemed at the time, less than a month ago. Wow.
The Public Theater has cancelled all activities and live performances through 5/17, with Joe's Pub events being cancelled through 5/31.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/24/14
I just got the email from the Public saying they have credited my Public Theatre account and encouraged me to donate my ticket. I’ve emailed the Public asking for a full refund since I don’t know when I will be back in NY. We shall see how long it takes.
Kad said: "JBroadway said: "
I wonder if we will see certain off-Broadway theatre removing seats or capping their sales off at 200 (or whatever) so as to be allowed to remain open.."
If the cap is 500, then off-Broadway would be, in theory, allowed to continue as-is."
Agreed....we are looking at many months before things could go back to full capacity if that is at all possible.
Robbie2 said: "Robbie2 said: "Robbie2 said:
As for - Thursday CASES
NYC 51,809
NYS 92,381
USA 234,968
*** 1 Week ago here's the amount of CASES for NYC-NYS ***
As of last Friday 3/27, there were7,845confirmed coronavirus cases inNew York State, with5,151of them inNew York City, according to official data.
TODAY - Friday 4/3
NYC 57,160 CASES from 5,151 last Friday
NYS 102,863 CASES from 7,845 last Friday
USA 277,491 CASES"
Took a break from reporting CASES since Friday but as for today- TUESDAY
NYC 72,324 positive CASES
NYS 138,863 postive CASES
USA 386,077
***731 people died yesterday in NYS - bringing the total to 5,599 Deaths just in NY!
On a positive note we are starting to see a decrease a cross the board ~ slowly the curve is flattening but Cuomo is still unsure what will happen after we peak at some point during the week???
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
Robbie2 said: "Robbie2 said: "Robbie2 said: "Robbie2 said:
As for - Thursday CASES
NYC 51,809
NYS 92,381
USA 234,968
*** 1 Week ago here's the amount of CASES for NYC-NYS ***
As of last Friday 3/27, there were7,845confirmed coronavirus cases inNew York State, with5,151of them inNew York City, according to official data.
TODAY - Friday 4/3
NYC 57,160 CASES from 5,151 last Friday
NYS 102,863 CASES from 7,845 last Friday
USA 277,491 CASES"
Took a break from reporting CASES since Friday but as for today- TUESDAY
NYC 72,324 positive CASES
NYS 138,863 postive CASES
USA 386,077
***731 people died yesterday in NYS - bringing the total to 5,599 Deaths just in NY!
On a positive note we are starting to see a decrease a cross the board ~ slowly the curve is flattening but Cuomo is still unsure what will happen afterwe peak at some point during the week???"
Robbie, I can just picture you cackling with glee (I'm guessing you're a Mr. Burns type complete with Smithers by your side?) as you anxiously await the moment to post the daily death tolls.
JSquared2 said: "Robbie2 said: "Robbie2 said: "Robbie2 said: "Robbie2 said:
As for - Thursday CASES
NYC 51,809
NYS 92,381
USA 234,968
*** 1 Week ago here's the amount of CASES for NYC-NYS ***
As of last Friday 3/27, there were7,845confirmed coronavirus cases inNew York State, with5,151of them inNew York City, according to official data.
TODAY - Friday 4/3
NYC 57,160 CASES from 5,151 last Friday
NYS 102,863 CASES from 7,845 last Friday
USA 277,491 CASES"
Took a break from reporting CASES since Friday but as for today- TUESDAY
NYC 72,324 positive CASES
NYS 138,863 postive CASES
USA 386,077
***731 people died yesterday in NYS - bringing the total to 5,599 Deaths just in NY!
On a positive note we are starting to see a decrease a cross the board ~ slowly the curve is flattening but Cuomo is still unsure what will happen afterwe peak at some point during the week???"
Robbie, I can just picture you cackling with glee (I'm guessing you're a Mr. Burns type complete with Smithers by your side?) as you anxiously await the moment to post the daily death tolls."
HUH!? cackling with glee-who says that??? far from it...Who are Burns-Smithers??? I took a break from reporting cases and this is the 1st time I reported deaths as I was in shock and wanted BWW to know the #'s which are terribly SAD!
Broadway Star Joined: 8/7/11
Burns and Smithers are characters on "The Simpsons",which I just remembered for some odd reason.
If actors are going to be required to wear masks and keep a distance from other actors Rudin should think of bringing back Silence of the Lambs the musical.
Saw this on the r/Broadway reddit from toreadorables and thought it was worth to share here.
“Oh, look! It’s two familiar voices with some frequently-asked questions.
HEY OFFICER LOCKSTOCK, WHEN IS BROADWAY RE-OPENING? Well there, Little Sally, Governor Cuomo has laws — harsh laws, too, but they’re meant to keep us safe! The short answer is, nobody knows. It won’t be April 12. Maybe June, or even later in the summer.
Broadway will be among the last “things” to come back. They’ll need to make sure the coast is clear before they let 1,500 people sit inches apart for 2.5 hours. Some people also won’t want to go into a crowded space, so Broadway’s grosses are going to be down when it returns (and thus, discount opportunities for those willing to take a risk).
And then there’s the possibility that Covid-19 could return next fall. There’s just so much we don’t know. Scary, right?!
EVERY SHOW IS GONNA COME BACK, RIGHT? Woah woah woah there, Little Sally. In addition to the plays that already announced cancellation or postponement, there will be others. Some new shows and some older shows; there will also be some that re-open but can’t sustain, and they’ll close soon after.
Remember: capitalism is the backbone of Broadway producing, and the economy will greatly hurt the risks that producers can take. Theatre is a luxury item, Little Sally, and the economy is so far down the UGC’s public toilet that Miss Pennywise can’t even reach it with a plunger. It’s going to take time to bounce back, and the next 5 years on Broadway will look much different than the past 5. The “Broadway boom” of has ended, for the foreseeable future.
WHAT ABOUT THE TONYS? WILL THEY JUST WAIT TIL 2021? Don’t bet on it! The Tonys are Broadway’s biggest night, and most importantly it’s a huge advertising tool. It’s within everyone’s best interest to hold the Tonys within 2-3 months of reopening, and to have a big, splashy show with stars on CBS celebrating the best of Broadway. And maybe the eligible crop of shows isn’t as robust as other years, but the Tonys will be a crucial part of the Broadway League’s attempt to return to normalcy.
WHAT ABOUT MY COUSIN IN ST. LOUIS? THEY GO TO TOURS AND LOCAL SHOWS — WHAT’S HAPPENING AROUND THE COUNTRY? Each state’s recovery will be different, but the touring market is going to look a lot different over the next 2 years. This will have big ripples. The majority of tours might not even resume til 2021. It’s far too early to tell.
And don’t forget about non-profit theatres, which all rely on donations! The mid-sized companies will be the hardest hit, and those are usually the ones doing the most interesting work.
I’M JUST A CHILD! WHO SHOULD I TURN TO IN THE NEWS? Excellent question, Little Sally! Dr. Anthony Fauci is one of the most important figures in the news right now: he‘s the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), serving under 6 presidents from both parties since 1984. He’s closely advising President Cladwell. Find his most recent interviews on YouTube, and heed his warnings.
NY Governor Andrew Cuomo is also doing a fantastic job advocating for his state and being a beacon of hope in the epicenter of this pandemic. Just don’t listen to President Cladwell!
WHY CAN’T THEY JUST RELEASE THE LINCOLN CENTER ARCHIVAL RECORDINGS? That’s less likely than Broadway returning on April 12! The short answer is, it’s not going to happen because of all the unions, artists, and producers involved. Manage your expectations, and find other questions to ask.
HOW CAN I SUPPORT OUT-OF-WORK ARTISTS? I SHOULD JUST SEND THEM FANMAIL, RIGHT? No! You should donate to the Actors Fund! It’s not just for actors — it provides money and loans to people all across the entertainment industry, coast to cost. You can also find smaller, locally-based funds and GoFundMe’s to help artists.
Stay safe :)”
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
^^^ That's been said everywhere for the past month in so many opinion pieces...well thought out opinions, so this shouldn't shock anyone.
Summer 2021 is the earliest Broadway could possibly return.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
aliceripleyofficial said: "Summer 2021 is the earliest Broadway could possibly return."
Based on...
I'm not saying this will happen. I'm not saying it won't. I'm saying that it's only been a month and every day is still a new barrage of information that we're still learning how deal with. THIS summer certainly ain't happening, that much is clear or at least mostly clear. But trying to gauge too far past that is pointless.
Here's the direct link for the EXCELLENT post Call_me_jorge is referring to:
Broadway Star Joined: 3/27/19
JennH said: "aliceripleyofficial said: "Summer 2021 is the earliest Broadway could possibly return."
Based on...
I'm not saying this will happen. I'm not saying it won't. I'm saying that it's only been a month and every day is stilla new barrage of information that we're still learning how deal with. THIS summer certainly ain't happening, that much is clear or at least mostly clear. But trying to gauge too far past that is pointless."
Agreed. I love that there are thousands of experts working nonstop on this, trying to figure it out, and we keep encountering people declaring SUMMER 2021 or SEPTEMBER! as if they have ANY idea what they are talking about...