"You can't get autographs of creatives at the stage door - so, that could be an advantage."
I'm sure you know this, but you certainly can get autographs of creatives at the stage door, if they are there (which of course is hit or miss once previews are over). I've done it many times, most recently with Henry Krieger at Side Show. He was extremely nice.
I wonder if the autograph lines are going to be insane. The $600 VIP pass only includes 3 guaranteed autographs. The Flea Market setup works really well, where you are only allowed to line up less than an hour beforehand, and the same line is used for all the celebrities during that hour. I hope they do the same format. If there are individual long lines for individual people, it could get really frustrating.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
"delongpre, have you been to the Flea Market in recent years? It has pretty much consisted of teenagers shoving old ladies out of the way (and by old I mean me, I'm 24 and I felt ancient compared to half that crowd)."
Uh oh. I keep missing the flea market. Last year it was because I injured my foot, decrepit 23-year-old that I am.
An informal FAQ of sorts from one of the organizers: http://penbitten.com/post/110085671761/on-the-first-few-days-of-broadwaycon-being-public
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
Okay, that's enlightening. The timing reasons are in-line with what I expected, and I'm glad they're being transparent about the behind-the-scenes planning (like sponsors and such vis-a-vis badge price). I hope it does well.
I wish they would do some sort of payment plan like some of the music festivals do.
While January is indeed a fairly cheaper time of year to visit the city, it's still an expensive prospect. Will fans- many of whom are young, many of whom live out of state, and for many of whom going to NYC to an annual or biannual event- be willing to schlep out here? Particularly since it's historically the nadir of the season, after the post-holiday closings and before the spring rush of the bigger shows. For the folks who see coming to NYC as a few-times-a-year treat especially to see theatre, this is going to be a harder sell, I think.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
Well, while many fans may be younger, the bulk of theatergoers is still in the female-white-40s range, right? Regardless, this convention must start at the local "grassroots" level before it can grow to regional or beyond. Winning over the locals is IMO much more important since they have easiest access; maybe those within a day's driving distance. (Is NJ cheaper?) But the organizers may be able to bait more tourists once they share more information (guest list and program schedule). I don't expect badges or hotel to sell out the way other established conventions do in the early stages.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
I'm out...was never even interested from the moment this was announced.This looks more like a very expense all you can eat buffet. At this point I'd rather pay a la carte for the autographs I want.
Used to love the Broadway Flea Market until it became exactly what someone else said about pushing shoving etc.
As for meeting creatives...LOL I've met plenty of them at the theater, special events, talk backs, signings etc: Stephen Sondheim, Billy Joel, Burt Bacharach, Mel Brooks, Cy Coleman, Frank Wildhorn, Marvin Hamlisch, Jerry Herman, John Kander, Fred Ebb, Henry Frieger, Bill Russell, etc
You just need to read a popular Broadway website that features news announcements and blogs...then GO to the event. You do not even need to go IN. When I met many of these artists I was much younger, didn't have the money and merely waited outside the stage door. It is all about planning and timing.
A convention does make it easier but I forever laugh and reminisce with my cousin about the nights we would come in to NYC for an autograph night. EBay has really ruined it though...LOL I'm showing my age.
For the price of this convention I'd really need to see someone difficult to obtain like Andrew Lloyd Webber slated to attend. However, what happens if they do list a big name person, that schedule changes and you dropped a couple of hundred dollars for your convention ticket!? However, for many fans even a small portion of those I listed above would garner their attention.
I wish them luck but I think it is going to be too expensive this way. Even Disney started with tickets to ride specific things and then when established moved to the expensive all you can ride buffet.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
If this can get major sponsors and vendors the way other major conventions have, I'd expect prices to fall. At least that's what I got from the informal FAQ. But this is #0, so liftoff will be challenging.
As for meeting creatives...LOL I've met plenty of them at the theater, special events, talk backs, signings etc: Stephen Sondheim, Billy Joel, Burt Bacharach, Mel Brooks, Cy Coleman, Frank Wildhorn, Marvin Hamlisch, Jerry Herman, John Kander, Fred Ebb, Henry Frieger, Bill Russell, etc
Well aren't you special. LOL
Will fans- many of whom are young, many of whom live out of state, and for many of whom going to NYC to an annual or biannual event- be willing to schlep out here?
By announcing it now they can start saving their money and supplement it with holiday money, maybe? Either way it'll hopefully make it worth their while. And maybe Air BnB would be happy too.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
Lizzie - my point in mentioning the wide variety of names was to point out that creatives can be found if you want to find them.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
Tourists with three days to see things aren't going to waste their time playing tag across multiple venues just for the creatives beyond actual shows or a much bigger event like a convention.
Right. Have them in one place in a concentrated period of time.
Hey, Mr. Davenport might have been on to something a few years ago - even if he didn't follow up on his own.
Old Prediction
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
A producers/investors panel with Q&A that gives some insights into the biz would really be interesting...
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/11
There may be enough young enthusiasts - the clear demographic for this event - in the Tri-state area to make it work. And the younger artists they would be most interested in are the ones most likely to participate. I may well be mistaken but I think you're more likely so see Jeremy Jordan and Laura Osnes than John Cullum and Rosemary Harris. And unlike the model for similar -Cons, this wont' be middle-aged folks looking for has-beens.
Swing Joined: 2/8/15
Already booked the hotel for this. LeakyCon was amazing and the people who run it do a great job. If nothing else, it will be 48 hours of being around people who get the passion and the love of Broadway. Where we aren't the weird ones and loving something so enthusiastically is totally cool.
It won't be for everyone, but I know it will be great for me.
Updated On: 2/8/15 at 10:46 AM
If nothing else, it will be 84 hours of being around people who get the passion and the love of Broadway. Where we are the weird ones and loving something so enthusiastically is totally cool.
YES! That is exactly it!
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
Well, it's too early to see what the guest list will look like, but I can see it going either way--rising stars, retired stars. The only comfortable time for a weekend appearance by those actually in shows at that time would be Sunday evening, I think.
I'm curious how quickly the hotel reservations are going now, before the entry badges go on sale. There should definitely be some kind of video documentary, informal or official, for the very first convention, at least. :) Though I'm sure recording the actual panels and stuff will be discouraged much like recording shows.
Idk this sounds boring and not thought out.
A Broadway convention O.o
I would have this be the weekend of the Tony Awards or some other theater related event for starters. Maybe the NY Theater Fes, Fringe Festival!?
There are not enough good ideas to have such an event. If they could combine Broadway Bares or Gypsy Of The Year it would make more sense. But this is random as hell.
If it was a showcase of a musical or two, some one act plays with Broadway stars would be exciting! Child please, This has FAIL all over it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
Anthony Rapp and that other lady sure aren't children, so I don't know who you're referring to.
But as others have already said, a convention gathering isn't for everyone. I don't doubt there will be actual off/on-Broadway showcases somehow with actual performers, not entire shows, but it's too early for those bookings. However, you sound like someone who has never been to a fan convention in your life. Your loss, though. :)
Pootie, I'm going to try and not be ignorant.
After reading Mellisa's tumblr, I still don't see how this would be fun without ALL of Broadway participating. She is a parody writer/RentHead who obviously loves Anthony R. So the two got together and want to show their love of Broadway..Ok, That's cool. But A Convention it is NOT.
Comic-con type events cover entertainment such as Movies, TV, Gaming, Comics/Manga! All of which have studios with material to show and activities to participate in.
THEATER is not setup like that. There will not be booths showing you behind the scenes of Upcoming shows and no celeb will be having fun sitting, signing autographs, taking pics with fans.
There will NOT be discussions/Q&A on "The Future of Broadway", "Broadway History", "Diversity on Broadway"
They can book any ol' theater and have sing-a-longs.
Call it anything but a Convention.
Call it a workshop because that is all it could try and be.
I have total faith in this. There may be kinks the first year (there always are) but those will get worked. Rapp knows CONs and this is his thing. I'd easily plunk down $600 for the weeken (start saving now). I've been to CONs and CHILLER and spent a lot more than that being nickled and dimed inside to meet all the people I want to meet. If $600 gives me carte blanche and VIP access, sign me up.
I think this will be great. Broadway fans are rabid and this is what they want. Like comic book fans, they are an untapped niche that needs addressing. I love the timing-when the city is slow and quiet!
Can't wait!
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
"Hey, Mr. Davenport might have been on to something a few years ago - even if he didn't follow up on his own."
And he blogged about this too, missed that. So he may or may not appear in a producer capacity, but certainly as a "fan."