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COMPANY starring Katrina Lenk and Patti LuPone will open March 22 - Page 10

COMPANY starring Katrina Lenk and Patti LuPone will open March 22

#225COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/18/19 at 9:24am

Is Michelle and Patti really true? I will DIE.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#226COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/18/19 at 9:41am

No, current rumor is Stephanie J Block got an offer. Id assume shed take it if true, but Patti Lupone seems to be confirmed. Seems as if no one else from London will be heading over. 

east side story Profile Photo
east side story
#227COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/18/19 at 10:49am

Mike Barrett said: "No, current rumor is Stephanie J Block got an offer. Id assume shed take it if true, but Patti Lupone seems to be confirmed. Seems as if no one else from London will be heading over."

But how are you sure that your rumor is true, and Williams hasn't accepted the role? 


Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#228COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/18/19 at 11:00am

east side story said: "Mike Barrett said: "No, current rumor is Stephanie J Block got an offer. Id assume shed take it if true, but Patti Lupone seems to be confirmed. Seems as if no one else from London will be heading over."

But how are you sure that your rumor is true, and Williams hasn't accepted the role?


Well, I don’t know since I don’t have this information I’m just passing on what I’ve read here. I also said it’s a rumor. 

GeorgeandDot Profile Photo
#229COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/18/19 at 2:48pm

Stephanie J Block is far too old for the role. She's approaching Joanne territory.

Michelle Williams can't sing it. She struggled to sing Sally Bowles.

Both are terrible choices.

QueenAlice Profile Photo
#230COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/18/19 at 3:10pm

Stephanie Block is actually older than Elaine Strich was when she played Joanne originally.  Of course Patti is 25 years older than Stritch was when she created the role, so I suppose age is all relative here!

“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#231COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/18/19 at 3:45pm

Age aside, Stephanie looks FANTASTIC for her age. She’s also a great actress, so I think she can pull it off. And while I’d love to see her, for the love of god id buy premium if Kate Baldwin is Bobbi alongside Patti LuPone and Gavin Creel.

#232COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/18/19 at 3:58pm

i think the roundabout album is the best version. id like lachanze to reprise her role. but i believe it was a man in london

#233COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/18/19 at 5:34pm

Yes, in this version Marta is PJ and Bobbie's other boyfriends are Andy and Theo.

I was drawn back to the show again and again in London so I'm interested to see how it's received in New York. In this production, Bobbie's a compelling character and her acting's possibly more important than her singing. She has lots of silent moments and reactions in between the scenes. Actually, the scene transitions are a big part of the staging because all the sets are like boxed-up memories in black spaces and you watch her walking in and out of them.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#234COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/18/19 at 5:49pm

Does Joanne still ask Bobbie "When are we gonna make it?"

#235COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/18/19 at 6:15pm

No, she says "I think you and Larry should make it." The first time, I wasn't sure if that moment worked, but it's grown on me. It's kind of insulting to Bobbie and it says something a bit more unusual about Joanne. I think in an interview somewhere Patti said she likes it because Joanne's no longer predatory.

I actually think the gender swap makes Joanne a more interesting character too. She's like a mentor to Bobbie and you can also see parallels between them, depending on which direction Bobbie goes in. And when she sings 'here's to the girls who just watch' she's aiming at Bobbie.

steven22 Profile Photo
#236COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/18/19 at 6:18pm

I’m having a hard time imaging someone other than Jonathan Bailey as Jamie...

Him and SJB together would be a dream.

Updated On: 7/18/19 at 06:18 PM

#237COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/18/19 at 6:59pm

All I want is for Stephanie J. Block to be back on Broadway in a show that's actually good! I would be so down for her to be in this.

#238COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/18/19 at 7:08pm

So is Brandon Uranowitz going to be in the Jonathan Bailey part?

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
JBroadway Profile Photo
#240COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/19/19 at 7:53am

Speaking as a Jewish person myself:

I agree that Uranowitz comes across as undoubtedly Jewish onstage. And if I saw him deliver the line “I had never met any Jews before” (or whatever it is), I think I’d have to choke back the wrong kind of laughter.

Seeing Uranowitz in Grand Hotel was one of the only times I’ve ever felt uncomfortable by a portrayal of a Jewish person onstage - because he was leaning into the sickly, inept Schlemiel stereotype so hard, he made Woody Allen seem like a WASP by comparison.

#241COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/19/19 at 9:15am

Id love to see Annaleigh Ashford as Bobbi... not that it will happen as she’s doing Sunday/George  in London

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#242COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/19/19 at 9:27am

Uranowitz is also an actor, not just a jew. He can certainly pull this off. Him, Baldwin, and Lupone would have me SHELVING out money to this show. Never ever seen Company either, so I truly can't wait! 

QueenAlice Profile Photo
#243COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/19/19 at 9:52am

Unless they are going to get a name, I think they will end up bringing Rosalie Craig over.  Some of the 'inquiries' into American actresses could be a ploy so the producers can go to AEA and say they explored American options, no one 'suitable' was available and that they need to bring Craig over.  I can't imagine producers thinking Kate Baldwin or even Stephanie Block would sell enough seats to satisfy a commercial run of this on Broadway. At least with Craig they can sell the lead of the original production and I bet, based on what she was paid in the west end, her salary demands would be less.

I say this as someone who thought Craig was disappointing, and would much prefer seeing an American actress play the role. 

“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”
Updated On: 7/19/19 at 09:52 AM

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#244COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/19/19 at 10:02am

QueenAlice said: "Unless they are going to get a name, I think they will end up bringing Rosalie Craig over. Some of the 'inquiries' into American actresses could be a ploy so the producers can go to AEA and say they explored American options, no one 'suitable' was available and thatthey need to bring Craig over. I can't imagine producers thinking Kate Baldwin or even Stephanie Block would sell enough seats to satisfy a commercial run of this on Broadway. At least with Craig they can sell the lead of the original production and I bet, based on what she was paid in the west end, her salary demands would be less.

I say this as someone who would much prefer seeing an American actress play the role.

I don't get this. SJB and Kate Baldwin would at least have some familiarity with American audiences. SJB literally just won a Tony and Baldwin was recently seen in a beloved musical (and Tony nominated). They might not be Anne Hathaway famous, but they have a larger base here than Rosalie Craig ever would. So why would they bring Craig over? To a producer, how is that any better than having SJB lead the cast?

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.
Updated On: 7/19/19 at 10:02 AM

BJR Profile Photo
#245COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/19/19 at 10:41am

QueenAlice said: "Unless they are going to get a name, I think they will end up bringing Rosalie Craig over.  ... At least with Craig they can sell the lead of the original production and I bet, based on what she was paid in the west end, her salary demands would be less.

This is what I thought, too. Going for a movie star made sense. Hell, even a big Bway name like Audra (or the equivalent). But otherwise, it seems the usual pattern is bringing over the UK star and relying on Bway audience’s usual Anglophilia. 

Kad Profile Photo
#246COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/19/19 at 10:42am

I love SJB, but I would be very surprised if this rumor came to pass. 

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

QueenAlice Profile Photo
#247COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/19/19 at 10:54am

Valentina3 said: "QueenAlice said: "Unless they are going to get a name, I think they will end up bringing Rosalie Craig over. Some of the 'inquiries' into American actresses could be a ploy so the producers can go to AEA and say they explored American options, no one 'suitable' was available and thatthey need to bring Craig over. I can't imagine producers thinking Kate Baldwin or even Stephanie Block would sell enough seats to satisfy a commercial run of this on Broadway. At least with Craig they can sell the lead of the original production and I bet, based on what she was paid in the west end, her salary demands would be less.

I say this as someone who would much prefer seeing an American actress play the role.

I don't get this. SJB and Kate Baldwin would at least have some familiarity with American audiences. SJB literally just won a Tony and Baldwin was recently seen in a beloved musical (and Tony nominated). They might not be Anne Hathaway famous, but they have a larger base here than Rosalie Craig ever would. So why would they bring Craig over? To a producer, how is that any better than having SJB lead the cast?

All of this is hypothetical -- but in the hypothetical scenario I'm depicting -- The producers would want to bring Craig over because the show was conceived with her in mind for the lead, she was nominated for the Olivier Award and Ben Brantley already gave her a glowing review.  In London, Craig was also paid a fraction of what Stephanie Block was paid for THE CHER SHOW (and presumably Craig would do the part on Broadway for a lot less than Block would demand moving forward as a Tony winner).  So in this hypothetical argument, which is better? Paying less for the prestige of original star or more for an American actress who doesn't really sell tickets?

Part of my hypothetical scenario is also the presumption that the producers might want Craig all along but have to prove to American AEA that they explored American options for the part.  AEA might require that.

If they are going to go with someone as old as Block, they should just get Audra McDonald, who WOULD be a name for this that would incite ticket sales.  


“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#248COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/19/19 at 11:03am

Its no disrespect to her or her talent, and this would be a musical, but not sure about Audra being a sell right now. Just look at Frankie and Johnny.... 


SJB I think would be a fine but not overly exciting choice. She'd be great as expected but idk. Craig is the most ideal but they are lucky they have a lot of decent options for this show and this part. 

QueenAlice Profile Photo
#249COMPANY eyeing a spring 2020 transfer at a Shubert theater
Posted: 7/19/19 at 11:11am

I think its safe to say that Audra McDonald starring in a musical would be a much bigger draw than Audra McDonald starring in a somber, two person Terrance McNally play.

And please don't get me wrong - I think Stephanie Block would probably be superior to Craig in the role, but I think the producers will feel a fidelity to Craig and want her to come over with it if a bigger name isn't available. But I think a lot of you in NYC will be disappointment by Craig if she transfers.  There is a different standard for Broadway - I'm sorry to say it but its the truth. Rosalie Craig is not at the level of the top American musical theatre actresses. 

“I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.”
