MCW1227 said: "It’s because of Covid. It’s rampant again in the city since relaxing mask requirements. Now I see productions are saying “illness” so their stars don’t have to miss 10 days. It’s still Covid regardless of what they’re calling it."
That's right. Because, as we all know, Covid is the only illness that exists anymore.
Have the flu? Flu, schmu. Covid all the way.
Have a rotavirus? What's that? Did you mean CORONAvirus? Because you definitely have Covid.
Have food poisoning? Nah, you just caught Covid from your afternoon salad.
(See how ridiculous that sounds? That's your logic with this.)
quizking101 said: "To be honest, Shoshana should not really be going out aside from absolutely necessary activities because she’s still technically contagious even if she’s asymptomatic."
She is not, however, "still technically contagious" if she's been testing negative consistently. Which she very clearly said she has been.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/22
Michael Paulson is reporting that Billy Crystal has tested positive for CVID, and today's performances were cancelled. The show was already scheduled to be on hiatus next week, and will resume on 6/7 now.
Both performances of Mr. Saturday Night are cancelled today, due to Billy Crystal testing positive.
The show will return on June 7.
SIX has been cancelled tonight due to “cast illness.”
Edited: Come From Away has also been cancelled.
Featured Actor Joined: 6/1/18
EDSOSLO858 said: "SIXhas been cancelled tonight due to “cast illness.”"
If it's Covid, that does not bode well for this week at all - 5 of the principles and an alternate just spent 2 days on vacation together in Florida. If one/some of them are testing positive there's a high chance they all will within the next few days.
COME FROM AWAY cancelled tonight due to COVID.
ACL2006 said: "COME FROM AWAY cancelled tonight due to COVID."
Thanks, but I had edited my post a few minutes ago.
CFA had to be last minute. Jenn posted a pic of herself in the Bev pilot costume about an hour ago.
I hope no one from Six has what I have. It ain't Covid, but it's a nasty bug.
BroadwayRox3588 said: "I hope no one fromSixhas what I have. It ain't Covid, but it's a nasty bug."
It is a “non-COVID related illness,” according to their Insta story.
I have a really nasty non-Covid bug right now, that I'm 99% sure I picked up in the Theater District. Something seems to be going around. Might be an interesting few days here.
Updated On: 6/21/22 at 07:32 PM
I feel so bad for Jenn Colella on what was supposed to be her first show back...
SIX was cancelled tonight.
I was at Paradise Square - and they announced at about 7:15pm that Joaquina would not be going on.
I went to return my ticket (yes, I love understudies, but I wanted to see her, specifically) - and people were flooding in from SIX across the street trying to buy tickets to see PS.
Hang in there, Broadway!!!!
Doesn’t it seem strange that with so many casts still getting Covid, Broadway opts to make masks optional 7/1?
Updated On: 6/21/22 at 09:26 PM
BobNC said: "Doesn’t it seem strange that with so many casts still getting Covid, Broadway opts to make masks optional 7/1?"
Wait, did you expect casts to stop getting Covid at any point? Because I abandoned that expectation months ago.
Swing Joined: 5/11/22
angoradebs said: "EDSOSLO858 said: "SIXhas been cancelled tonight due to “cast illness.”"
If it's Covid, that does not bode well for this week at all - 5 of the principles and an alternate just spent 2 days on vacation together in Florida. If one/some of them are testing positive there's a high chance they all will within the next few days."
Was anyone at the show on Sunday and know who was on in the cast? They still only have 4 alternates I thought? I saw they were all on vacation, which good for them, but logistically thought that would have been a nightmare.
Featured Actor Joined: 6/1/18
I believe the show was dark Sunday and Monday, which is probably what prompted them to take the trip since 2 days off back to back is pretty rare
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
ACL2006 said: "CFA had to be last minute. Jenn posted a pic of herself in the Bev pilot costume about an hour ago."
Not surprised. They had a party last week to celebrate the [unimpressive] milestone of beating Jekyll & Hyde's run. Not to mention the cast members who often irresponsibly meet fans at the stage door, while unmasked.
The show already had 5 cast out this weekend, and today the ushers had six inserts. Which means there were 7 people out, with the 7th person having the last second test result come out positive.
It should be noted that two of the cast absences were for vacation. But since Friday alone, nine "persons employed by the production company...tested positive for COVID." By contrast, two Shubert emoyees at the Schoenfeld tested positive, but I believe they are backstage workers.
Swing Joined: 1/16/20
Ugh, I have a lottery ticket for Six on Wednesday night and was planning on taking the bus up from DC in the morning. With the Tuesday cancellation news, have to decide if it’s worth the risk of still coming up or not! I’ve mostly seen what I want to see, so not keen on coming up if I think the show isn’t gonna go on.
Curious to see if CFA goes on today. I'm guessing they'll try and get one or two former vast members to return for the week? Pearl Sun? Holly Ann Butler? Geno?
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/30/16
Fosse76 said: "They had a party last week to celebrate the [unimpressive] milestone of beating Jekyll & Hyde's run."
Tell me, when was the last time you produced/starred in/worked on a show that broke a record for longest running show in a Broadway house thats been in use for over a century?
Oh and how DARE cast members (many of which we know to have already had COVID previously) go OUTSIDE unmasked and have a couple seconds of interaction with audience members when we know none of that would be considered “close contacts” by CDC standards. You imply they behave irresponsibly when they literally have to walk through TSQ daily to get to work and they’re one of the only professions left in the entirety of NYC, if not country that still gets tested at least once a week. Obviously, more positive results are going to be picked up by that than what we think we’re seeing in the general public.
Come From Away is currently scheduled to be back today.
Holly Ann Butler was flown back in last night to fill in this week. There's 7 standbys on today.
Jenn Colella was one of the five cast members that tested positive. There's two cast members on vacation this week.
Featured Actor Joined: 6/1/18
ACL2006 said: "Holly Ann Butler was flown back in last night to fill in this week. There's 7 standbys on today.
Jenn Colella was one of the five cast members that tested positive. There's two cast members on vacation this week."
Are you sure about Jenn? Sharon Wheatley just posted a pic minutes ago about Jenn being back and "come see!" It seems odd she'd do that if Jenn was out for 10 days
Chamblee Ferguson was flown in from the tour to play Nick