I think there should be a rule that you can't enter for someone else.
I always thought there was. I mean, I know you can't enter more than one name. I guess you could go and write someone else's name down, but if you're just going to enter for someone else and are going to give them your tickets anyway, what difference does it make whose name you put in?
I don't think staff -- like, the people who maintain the lottery (not cast members) -- should be able to enter for their friends, because that creates troublesome situations. I've seen that happen, and in that case, I'm sorry, it's hard to believe they didn't see to it that their friends' names were drawn.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/9/08
When Wicked was in Chicago, cast members entered the lotto all the time, occasionally won, and no one thought twice about it. As long as the lotto is done in full view, I don't see anything wrong with cast members entering the lotto.
I know for a fact he doesn't rig the lottery, and goes out of his way not to. Where do your stories come from?
Yeah, you know for a fact HE didn't rig the lotto, shesamarshmallow, because you were the one cheating and pulling your friend's name.
shesamarshmallow, cut the crap.
The "stories" come directly from people who have cheated. Clearly I'm not the only one who has heard them, since other people in this thread have both witnessed it happen and been the ones who benefited from foul play.
Unfortunately for Creative Goods, their employees (of which I'm guessing you are one) tend to talk quite liberally.
If you're trying to peddle off the excuse that the names are pulled inside because of the big crowd, why does the man who pulls them sometimes go behind the glass in view of the spectators and sometimes behind the doors in the lobby where he can't be seen?
If a cast member enters for you and makes sure you win, that is cheating. I am sure we can make up a million scenarios that constitute cheating or are unfair.
Yes, it is wrong, but unless someone has hardcore proof, there is not much you can do unfortunately.
One question that I have on the subject has to do with the lotto for Wicked. The guy who does that lotto pulls the cards and numbers them inside on the table. Now, I understand that this is because there are just so many names and it is easier to count the winners inside and discard the rest inside before going out to call them. But, I am surprised no one ever thought of any foul play going on with that lotto just because he picks the names inside.
I am not trying to suggest that foul play does go on. It is just an example of how just because someone is picking the numbers from inside doesn't mean that there is a situation of foul play happening.
The biggest difference is that at Wicked he is directly behind glass doors and people can see him as he pulls the cards. I've watched him myself and have watched multiple people video him as he does it, so he KNOWS he is being watched.
At WSS, I have been there when the guy went behind the second set of doors where no one could see him. THAT is when it gets suspicious. My friend and I tried this past week and he did pull there in the box office area so he could be seen, but the potential does exist for him to go behind doors that are NOT see through and "pull" the tickets.
Leading Actor Joined: 6/26/09
I know for an absolute fact that Wicked has been rigged in the past because I went (back in 2007) with two people I met where I was staying. They knew one of the people organising it and told me about how he would cheat to make sure they won tickets. And so they did.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/28/08
Cast members can enter for themselves. At Wicked when Amanda Rose went on as Nessa for her first time ever she had about 15 people with her entering also although no one won. I have seen various cast members enter and some win. On the Wicked tour Katie Rose Clarke entered her dogs name and he won...LOL.
Which lottos require you to put your zip code on? Usually it's just write your name on a piece of paper with 1 or 2 tickets that you want if you win
I have seen various cast members enter and some win. On the Wicked tour Katie Rose Clarke entered her dogs name and he won...LOL.
and no one considers this unfair?
If it's a case where that's the only way for, yes, even cast members to obtain tickets, then no, there's nothing unfair about it. Their being in the cast doesn't magically make their name more likely to be called. And they are just as entitled to help their friends as anybody else, SO LONG AS it's not rigged in their favor. That would be unfair.
can someone cheat me in for Wicked tickets? i want to see Nicole Parker before she leaves!
Stephanie J Block use to play the Wicked tour lotto all the time (and lose all the time) oh the good old days.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/28/08
""I have seen various cast members enter and some win. On the Wicked tour Katie Rose Clarke entered her dogs name and he won...LOL."
"and no one considers this unfair?""
Actually no one said a thing about it since he was present and did have ID.
Fair or not fair,IMO, every show has a right to conduct their lotto their own way. If you don't win, take your $25 and go out for a nice meal, shop downtown, whatever... What's the big deal?
ashbash, what we are talking about as cheating is as follows. A show has a set of rules for how their lotto is conducted. A vast majority of them are conducted in the same way where you put your name in for one or two tickets and you must be present when they call and have photo ID. And, if you're caught entering more then once you will loose the chance to buy your tickets. But, to rig a lotto which is supposed to be luck of the draw is considered cheating. I can understand when people would find it fishy that someone at West Side Story would go behind the golden doors in the box office that lead into the lobby just to pick names. It would give the guy an easy chance to go and pick whatever name he wants.
Yes, every show does have the right to conduct their own lotto their own way. But, it is considered to be cheating when it goes against the rules set forth by the producers.
Fair or not fair,IMO, every show has a right to conduct their lotto their own way.
So they have the right to allow the people who are drawing names to rig it for their friends? That's cheating. That's why it's a big deal. What a ridiculous thing to say. Losing in a fair situation, yes, no big deal, get over it. Losing when the person running the lottery made sure to "draw" their friend's name is a problem. If it is arranged so that a certain person is sure to win, that defeats the entire point of having a lottery.
For the record, there was never a problem at WSS lotto in DC. The same man drew names, which he did in lobby in full view. Cast members lost, cast members' family members lost- the cheating didn't start until it moved.
I was at the Hair lottery yesterday, and while I wouldn't accuse them of cheating, I think they need to tighten up their process so there is no appearance of impropriety. Yesterday, the girl pulling the names (Allison, a cast member?) was holding the bucket of slips at waist level, looking down into it, and picking the slips. She chose several that had been folded into unorthodox shapes. It's rather simple to make the process as transparent and proper as possible.
On the Wicked tour Katie Rose Clarke entered her dogs name and he won...LOL.
Assuming that's true, that should never have been allowed. Dogs are not people and would not be seeing the show (mostly because unless they're a seeing eye dog, they wouldn't be permitted into the theater. That's absolutely ridiculous that they allowed that to happen.
There is nothing wrong with a cast member entering the lotto, so as it's not rigged so that they win.
Joelle, the Wicked lotto guy (who moonlights as an usher at the Lunt Fontanne) is exceedingly ethical. His lotto, which is efficient and well-managed, should be used as an example for some of these other, shadier lottos.
Updated On: 7/13/09 at 01:32 PM
Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
His name would be Joelle, not Joe with a last name beginning with "L"
Al X.
Updated On: 7/13/09 at 01:38 PM
Yesterday, the girl pulling the names (Allison, a cast member?) was holding the bucket of slips at waist level, looking down into it, and picking the slips. She chose several that had been folded into unorthodox shapes. It's rather simple to make the process as transparent and proper as possible.
My dad's name was one of those oddly-folded slips that she drew, and I can promise you, there was no cheating involved, only strategy. We had tried for tickets both times on Saturday and lost, but we noticed that the guy seemed to be picking unconventionally folded slips. I don't think it was intentional, his hand was probably just naturally drawn to them because they feel different, if that makes sense.
Anyway, this was the last day my family would be in town and this was our last chance to see the show, so we decided to employ a little strategy, not to mention have some fun with it, and folded our slips into interesting shapes. It worked, but it was purely chance that our interesting shape was picked and not one of the other interesting shapes (I saw lots of people dropping in crumples and airplanes and fans, so it wasn't just us who noticed this trend). Especially since Allison picked it and she wasn't even there when we put our names in.
I also saw both Allison and the lotto guy chatting with people who were clearly their friends, and I don't believe any of those people won.
Allison signed our winning slip. She's one of my new favorite people. :)
The only Allison I can think of associated with Hair is Case. Someone said that the person who did the Hair lotto is in the cast. Is Allison Case Really doing the lotto. I HIGHLY doubt she is but just asking to amuse myself.
Yes, Allison Case. She was there, talking to friends at yesterday's lotto before she went in, so she asked the lotto guy if she could draw the names. It's not a regular thing.