Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
Not any great news, but some of you may get a kick out of this.
Two people were caught cheating at the Hair lotto tonight when their names each got called twice. Talk about good and bad luck at the same time. Their tickets were indeed taken away.
Serves them right. Glad to see the Hair lotto officials playing by the rules.
I thought this was going to go the way of the "West Side Story's lotto is rigged" thread, so this was a pleasant surprise.
WSS lotto (sometimes) is rigged. I tell you this because it worked in my favor when I had a cast member friend give me a helping hand.
I know someone in the cast of WSS but I don't think I'd ever ask for help with the lotto.
"WSS lotto (sometimes) is rigged. I tell you this because it worked in my favor when I had a cast member friend give me a helping hand."
Great. More posts like this could get the lotto taken away for the rest of us. We don't need another ACL.
Updated On: 7/8/09 at 08:52 PM
And some people can't even win ONCE!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
They took their tickets away? Man. Those rules are frickin fascist, man.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
I have always idly wondered if there have ever been two people at a lotto with the same name. I have a common name and am curious about this. I was especially curious at something like the final RENT lotto where there were just so many people that there could easily be two people with the same first and last name. If only one was called, would the one who wrote that ticket have to prove it? If they were both called, would they assume someone cheated?
For some reason I have always wondered about this.
Someone with a name similar (one letter difference) was called at the In The Heights lottery. The print couldn't really be read, but there was a zip code line on there, and it was determined to be the other person's win.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/28/08
^that happened at the Wicked lotto once. All they did was have them write down their names again to see which one indeed won.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
And if 2 John Smith's were called and there were 2 John Smith's present, then they wouldn't think there was cheating. IT would, however, suck if one John Smith decided to go to a different lotto instead. Then the John Smith present would be SOL
ashley, I always wondered that, too! I guess that's why they ask for ZIP codes, too.
Stand-by Joined: 10/18/08
I have seen people cheat at the Wicked lotto. Please note, I'm not saying I think it's rigged or there's anything fishy, as I won it once. I kind of wanted to say something, but they didn't win anyway. It is sad that people have the nerve to try something like that. Besides being wrong to do anyway, the thought of getting caught in front of so many people is so embarrassing!
The only time I had been in a situation like this was when I wasn't paying attention at the Wicked lotto and only heard my last name. Turns out that the name was the same it was just a different spelling. Man was I upset because I thought I actually won which happens to me at Wicked once in a blue moon.
I am glad that the people got caught and were denied tickets. When I saw when they had the zip code required for the HAIR tickets, I figured it was in case there were duplicate names.
Funny, the same thing happened at 9 to 5 tonight. What had happened what a fellow's mom had already signed him up and he didn't realize that (neither did the lotto guy) and he got called twice in a row. Simple mistake, but rules are rules.
Understudy Joined: 1/16/09
They actually weren't cheating. It was an inadvertent mistake.
The girl's friend had come and was entering "for her" in the lottery - not intending to go, but putting another entry in to help her odds out. Unfortunately, he did not understand the rules because he put her name on the slip (thinking that's what he should do so she could get the tickets) instead of his.
However, there's really no way to prove that it was a mistake and not an attempt to cheat, so they did the only fair thing and did not give her the lottery seat.
That's kind of funny that it happened that way, singtopher, because the girl who was "cheating" at Hair's name was also called right in a row.
Updated On: 7/8/09 at 11:19 PM
Well that's why you're only supposed to write your own name down. To avoid your name being in there twice.
Understudy Joined: 1/16/09
Obviously the person didn't know, or else they wouldn't have done so. It was a mistake, they suffered the consequences of not getting the tickets that they would have won.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
The ZIP code is actually for advertising tracking purposes. they see who is coming from what areas, etc.
But I guess it helps for duplicate names too
I have always idly wondered if there have ever been two people at a lotto with the same name.
I too have encountered this, at the Wicked lotto back in the L.A. touring days, the name was Maria _____ and two women came rushing forward, the guy running the lotto had them both write their names on blank slips of paper, then gave the tix to the one who matched the handwriting. *shrug* apparently it's not as uncommon a problem as I thought it was, based on the fact that a few people here have come across it.
That's awesome that they took away the tix from the people entering their names twice.
I really wish they'd do something about people who enter twice using
first initial, last name; and
first name, last name
and they let them still get away with winning when both names are called (and, surprise, no one responds to the second name,) because 'technically' they're not the same name. I've seen it happen at Heights *and* at Hair so far. (Hmmm- ponders the fact that she may have given people ideas to cheat, but does not care if it means the lottos will finally stop allowing this.)
I too think that the zip codes and email address lines are just for marketing as well. I have been to many lottos where someone would ask the person running it what those lines were for and they have just said that they could simply ignore it. I guess that they don't focus on the fact that they might have two people with the same name win because while it does happen, it most likely doesn't happen too often to do something about it.
this might be the sociology student in me, but I wonder if they'd use the ZIP codes for any sort of demographic information.
I am sure that they do as well as using the email line to spam your inbox with information you don't want nor really care about.
I guess it isn't important information as far as entering or winning the lotto is concerned which is why I am guessing that the people running the lotto tell people who ask about those two lines to not worry about it at all.