I noticed that Helena was usually voted for something, so I went through and checked, and it seems that Jessie Mueller is very popular. She's been Datchery 11x, the murderer 3x, and one of the lovers 6x. There was only one performance when she wasn't voted anything, and it was the first preview. Pretty impressive.
I think this is an accurate tally of the performances thusfar. I'll try to keep this updated fairly frequently
[Tally includes Final Dress]
Bazzard: 10
Helena: 11
Crisparkle: 1
Rosa: 7
Puffer: 5
Helena: 3
Bazzard: 2
Crisparkle: 1
Neville: 1
Durdles: 1
Helena/Neville: 4
Helena/Durdles: 3
Puffer/Deputy: 4
Puffer/Durdles: 1
Puffer/Bazzard: 2
Puffer/Crisparkle: 2
Rosa/Durdles: 3
Those numbers don't add up. There's a total of 22 performances recorded for Datchery choices, 20 for Murderer choices, and 19 for Lover choices.
Swing Joined: 5/18/09
Bazzard: 10
Helena: 8
Crisparkle: 1
Rosa: 7
Princess Puffer: 5
Neville: 1
Helena: 3
Crisparkle: 1
Bazzard: 2
Helena and Neville: 4
Helena and Durdles: 2
Puffer and Deputy: 6
Puffer and Crisparkle: 2
Puffer and Bazzard: 1
Puffer and Durdles: 1
Rosa and Durdles: 3
Chorus Member Joined: 6/23/11
Have to admit, I saw the show and really wanted to see Crisparkle as the murderer. Gregg Edelman really stood out. Still, I saw this past Weds mat, and Betsy Wolfe's confession was awesome.
Per a friend in another roundabout production...
Sunday, November 4, 2PM
Datchery: Bazzard (tie with Helena, decided by audience member)
Murderer: Crisparkle (by one vote over Puffer)
Lovers: Puffer and Deputy
Also-- a correction to the murderer chart above, Durdles was selected as murderer at one Saturday evening show a couple of weeks ago
Updated On: 11/4/12 at 07:31 PM
Yes, it was at the performance I saw; Sunday the 20th, the evening show.
any results from today?
Featured Actor Joined: 9/13/08
Last night:
Datchery: Bazzard
Murderer: Helena
Lovers: Puffer + Deputy.
Chita and the little boy were HILARIOUS as the lovers, and the cast was cracking up all the way through their scene.
Swing Joined: 5/18/09
11/7/12 matinee
Murderer: Rosa Bud
Datchery: Helena
Lovers: Puffer and Bazzard
The audience was completely dead. Completely. Got moved from row HH of the rear mezz to sixth row center orchestra before the show and the audience was just not energetic at all. The woman next to me continuously fell asleep for most of the first act. Betsy won with 119 votes. Neville and Crisparkle were just behind her each with 90something votes.
11/7/12 evening
Datchery: Helena
Murderer: Puffer
Lovers: Helena and Bazzard
For the lovers, it was a tie between Helena and Rosa Bud, so they asked a woman in the front row to pick the winner.
I am very curious to see Rosa Bud as Datchery. Has anyone ever seen this happen in any production? How does it work with the scene before, and including "Garden Path to Hell?" Does she leave the stage at all? Very curious.
"11/7/12 evening
Datchery: Helena
Murderer: Puffer
Lovers: Helena and Bazzard"
I didn't think it was possible to be voted as both Datchery and a Lover. Is that something that recently changed? When I saw it a few weeks ago, Helena was voted Datchery, Rosa was the Murderer, and that left Puffer as the lover by default.
There really isn't anything in the DROOD guidebook that says the actor voted for DATCHERY isn't to be included in the run off for lovers. Usually the audience will vote for a character who hasn't already been selected for something, but it's not at all unusual for a really popular character like Helena or Bazzard to be selected multiple times in one evening.
When Rosa is selected as DATCHERY (it does happen) she normally leaves her scene with Puffer early and does a fast change into the DATCHERY garb
Stand-by Joined: 7/5/11
"11/7/12 evening
Datchery: Helena
Murderer: Puffer
Lovers: Helena and Bazzard"
Assuming this post is accurate, they must have made this change sometime since the second preview. The performance I saw played out the same way (Helena as Datchery, Puffer as murderer) but Rosa Bud was selected lover by default.
Thanks for clearing that up Michael Bennett! That's really cool. Is it up to The Chairman to decide if the actor who played Datchery is eligible again to be one of the lovers? Or does it just depend on the night?
The Chairman has a lot of pull in how the voting goes down (he after all is the one who calls it) but my guess is that if one of the Datchery winners was excluded from the list of candidates for Lover, Norton was given a note from the creative team, as in subsequent performances, the only person excluded from that selection has been the actor selected for murderer, which is in keeping with the voting rules as set forth by Holmes in the back of the licensed script.
Thanks Michael Bennett! I wish I would have been at the performance where Helena was Datchery and one of the lovers! Very cool!
Stand-by Joined: 1/5/08
Speaking of whether someone who is voted as Datchery can also be up for one of the Lovers, I wonder why this isn't the case with whomever is voted Murderer. In this production, they are not included in the Lovers voting. It's not a staging/costume thing as the murderer remains on stage after their confession. Just because they're the Murderer?
Since Betsy Wolfe seems to be often getting picked as murderer, there's only Helena and Puffer for the female Lovers choice. Although, this is turning into quite a hilarious/cute bit of staging, as the day I was there, it was very close between the two of them, and Jessie was pointing at Chita, like, 'She won, yeah?' but then Chita sort of pushed Jessie forward.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/20/08
Results tonight:
Datchery: Bazzard
Murderer: Helena
Lovers: Puffer and Neville
Neville and Puffer were HILARIOUS as the lovers tonight, the cast had a very hard time keeping a straight face during that seduction, that's for sure.
And what a star Jessie Mueller is, she was brilliant.
COULD NOT AGREE MORE about tonight. Chita forgot to sing she and Andy were improvising so much. When they kissed, I thought the audience was going to die. And Jessie KILLED her "Murderer's Confession"... she has grown tenfold in the part.
DATCHERY: Helena Landless
LOVERS: Princess Puffer and the Reverend
This show-- and cast-- is phenomenal!!!
Featured Actor Joined: 4/13/11
11/10 2pm
Datchury: Bazzard
Murderer: Helena
Lovers: Puffer and The Deputy
It was hysterical and really loved it. Jessie Mueller couldn't stop cracking up during the lovers song because the pairing was just that funny. Credit goes to Nicholas Barasch found Chita for making that scene so good.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/15/07
11/10 Evening-
Datchury: Helena
Murderer: Rosa Bud
Lovers: Puffer and the Deputy.
Agreed with Markecib. Jessie and Andy's reactions during the Lover's song were hilarious. I dont know if he always does this, but Nicholas dipped Chita with her back to the audience until her head almost touched the ground. You could tell the cast is still having fun reacting to all the voting results.