Meet the power couple of Spring Awakening...
Hah JOw...I was at opening night of that show (Cinderella) and it was damn funny. Pictured with Jakey there is Dan Chameroy, Canadian musical theatre star extraordinare.
The little Canadian girl inside of me is squealing with joy. I love me some Craig, usually accompanied with some Ashley, but still. I actually think Epstein's Melchior will be pretty good, as he handled some of the more over-the-top bipolar/destructive moments pretty well.
Isn't he the one who got caught with a penis pump by his girlfriend?
No...that was JD? He got shot and was killed off a few seasons ago. This was him as a younger child.
I think he'll be a fantastic Melchior. He's all angsty on "Degrassi" and now he can be angsty in SA.
defyinggravity07, no he is not the "pump" boy (that was JT). He is however the boy who got that same girl pregnant AND she had an abortion.
He is clearly well prepared for the role.
Plus his character Craig is a singer on the show. Although it's been a while, I'm pretty sure there's stuff out there of him singing. At first I thought he was replacing Bashoff, since he just has that Moritz look. I was pleasantly surprised to see that he is in fact replacing Kyle Riabko. I just might have to drive up to Sacramento to see this.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
Wasn't he is the Disney channel movie "Mom's got a Date with a Vampire"?
It's been awhile since I saw it, but I don't think so.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
I just checked and he was the main kids best friend.
^That's a clip of a song from Degrassi that Jake sings. There's probably some more stuff. If you have The N, you should watch Degrassi (well, not the new episodes, but the older ones.) I got REALLY addicted to it for a while. Sorry, I'm a little bit of a Degrassi nerd Also, BwayBoundJoe, JT didn't get shot, he was stabbed. Jimmy got shot. Just to let you know
OH! thanks :) It's been a while since I saw the show.
Haha, no problem. Here's another (more recent) clip of Jake singing, for those interested:
I am...not a fan of Spring Awakening, to say the least, but I think I'll be making a trip to see this! I went through a big Degrassi (more specifically, Craig) phase five or six years ago. Gosh, I could just get all nostalgic and fangirly over this!
I've seen Jake perform music live many times and he is definitely capable of singing Melchior's part. I've even heard him singing Spring Awakening a few times...he's done a duet of Mama Who Bore Me with his sister, Gabi, on several occasions. I sort of wish it wasn't the tour he was heading, but rather a Toronto cast, since Toronto is dripping with young talent that was MADE for the show (case in point: Jake, Kyle and Steffi).
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/23/08
The kid with the penis pump was JT, who ended up getting killed. Epstein played Craig, who got Manny pregenant, who ended up having an abortion. Later on, Craig was diagnoised with bi-polar, and he started doing coke and getting nose bleeds.
I think Epstein was in that Disney Channel movie "QUINTS". He played the main character's intelligent best friend.
I don't think he'll compare to Kyle vocally but I'm sure he'll act it well.
Epstein played Craig, who got Manny pregenant, who ended up having an abortion.
Hmmm... sounds like he's already played Melchior.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
"Jakey is a buddy of mine so I've known about this for a week now (he found out a week ago today I think). I am so stoked for him...couldn't have happened to nicer guy or a more talented actor and musician! He's wanted this role for a while now and I.'ll know he'll be a great leader to the company"
I see him more as Moritz.
Hm, might have to make a trip down to the Kennedy Center. Do they have a rush policy?
They do, but it's not really possible unless you live in town. The $25 rush tickets go on sale at the same time as tickets for the general public. There's a limited number of tickets for the entire run. They have to be purchased in person at the Kennedy Center box office. Usually the rush tickets sell out well in advance of the run, but I'm not sure if they have yet for Spring Awakening.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/29/04
Jake is a musician, a singer, and an excellent actor. He'll do just fine as Melchior.
Thanks Orange. I'll actually be in the city in July, so maybe i can still buy a ticket. Thanks!
why couldn't he have joined the broadway company at some point? Argh.