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Eden as Elphaba in Wicked

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#0Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 6/29/04 at 8:32pm

On Cheno's website (KRISTINCHENOWETH.COM), in the forum, there used to be really good sound clips of Eden Espinoza performing with Cheno in Wicked (Defying Gravity, The Wizard and I, What Is This Feeling?, and No Good Deed). Now, theyre gone and I really wanna listen to them again so if anyone has them or knows where they are (they were located on some site dedicated to Eden) PLEASE post them! She sounded great, brought a new dimension to the role, but at parts was trying a little too hard to sound like Idina. She's great and has an amazing range, but is still not as good as Idina.

MusicPos2 Profile Photo
#1re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 6/29/04 at 10:20pm

I heard recordings of Eden's first performance ever, and while she was much better than she was on Chatterbox, she still has problems with the highernotes. The louder/higher she gets, the more she strains and goes flat. I will cry if Idina isn't in on Sat, but I will give Eden the chance.

Gypsy2 Profile Photo
#2re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 6/30/04 at 3:05am

I don't hear her go flat at all, nor does she have any trouble with high notes. I saw her just this sunday and she hit everything perfectly, and would have kept going if only it was in the music.

You know it and you want it... you just can't believe you've got it.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#3re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 6/30/04 at 3:34am

Well, I have to agree with MusicPos, to a degree. Though I am a big fan of Eden, she does seem to have a bit of trouble reaching the big notes, mostly in defying gravity. She doesn't really hit them with the power and ease that Idina she goes flat a couple of times. Also, her high belt sounds really in the throat at points.

Then again...supposedly, this was her first performance as Elphaba, so I think it is unfair to judge on this one performance. But anyway...I don't know if she does it normally but the riff she does at the end of Defying Gravity on this is AWESOME...better than Idina's. It gives me chills.

Danny Profile Photo
#4re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 6/30/04 at 10:16am

I saw Eden as Elphaba in April and she really stepped up to the plate. I was NOT a happy camper that Idina was out, but she really was great. I'm a hard one to impress and her 'defying gravity' was wonderful. Every clip i've heard on the internet was NOT what she sounded like when I saw her. They do NOTHING for her!! Best of luck to her!

Gypsy2 Profile Photo
#5re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 6/30/04 at 11:05am

Am I the only one that's ever walked into the theater to see EDEN and NOT be dissapointed that Idina's out?

You know it and you want it... you just can't believe you've got it.

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#6re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 6/30/04 at 11:12am

I was excited to see Eden, too!

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#7re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 6/30/04 at 11:14am

Sorry to be a pest but does anyone actually HAVE those clips????

MusicPos2 Profile Photo
#8re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 6/30/04 at 12:37pm

It's kind of rare to go to a show to see the standby or understudy. People do it all the time, but don't be surprised when people are upset that someone like Idina is out.

M J R Profile Photo
#9re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 6/30/04 at 1:14pm

"The power and EASE" that Idina has?!! Uhm, did you SEE the Tony's? - I was horrified for her. (Equally as bad as Tonya Pinkins)

"High time we made a stand and shook up the views of the common man" - Tears for Fears
Updated On: 6/30/04 at 01:14 PM

#10re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 6/30/04 at 1:29pm

I havn't heard either of them live in performance, so I probably have much business saying anything. I've only heard Idina at the Tonys (and the CD of course) and Eden on the clips. Though, the sound quality was not all that great on the clips, Eden still sounded better in my ears than Idina did. She made the song sound interesting. Not to say that it isn't already a cool song, Eden just managed to make it more so.

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#11re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 6/30/04 at 1:51pm

I responded to a similar discussion a while ago
I'll repeat what I said before

It's interesting to read people's comments about Idina's acting abilities. I have seen two different women portray Elphaba and they both approached it very differently.
The way I see Idina play the part is as a cold, cynical, "Daria-type" girl who hides her emotions inside and struggles with them until Defying Gravity when she finally lets herself free.
Eden Espinosa played the part very different. Eden's Elphie was a bookish, geeky girl who wanted desperately to be accepted but during Defying Gravity realizes that she doesn't need to be.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#12re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 6/30/04 at 2:26pm

MJR, you're kidding me right? That is one was not a representation of what I've seen every time I saw her at the Gershwin. (neither was Tonya's performance...she was also stunning when I saw her) Her voice soars on those high notes...Eden seems to have a bit of trouble. My question to you is have you SEEN Idina perform during a regular show?...because I think if you did, you'd realize that that performance was far from Idina's best...far from normal for Idina.

And congratualations for knowing first hand that the cast of wicked unanimously prefers Eden to Idina...boy, now I'm really convinced me that Eden's better.

But really, vocally Eden is great, I just think, from what I have heard of her, that she is not quite as strong a vocalist as Idina is, and I think Idina sounds more passionate when she sings. I would absolutely not be upset if I showed up at the theatre and Eden was there, I'm so interested in seeing her, but that's not going to happen...I will absolutely see her in Brooklyn.

marincrazy11 Profile Photo
#13re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 6/30/04 at 2:30pm

I got my tix from someone who turned them in b/c Idina wasn't in the show that day, and I was thoroughly impressed with Eden. She didn't sound strained at all. But hey you can't fully base what you think of someone's ability of seeing them once.

"Did you know that if you take the first two vowels in Olive and rearrange them it spells I-Love?"-Spelling Bee "It's night like this that hotel bars were specifically made." Light In The Piazza

M J R Profile Photo
#14re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 6/30/04 at 2:31pm

Yes, I have seen both of them in the role (Idina twice).

"High time we made a stand and shook up the views of the common man" - Tears for Fears

#15re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 6/30/04 at 4:38pm

I haven't seen wicked yet, I am seeing it next week. I thought Idina sounded amazing on the Tony's.

Benzy92 Profile Photo
#16re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 6/30/04 at 5:20pm

Eden sparkled as Elphaba and i felt like I was watching a star being born. She gave a remarkable performance.

.. And I saw Idina twice.

Lorelai Profile Photo
#17re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 6/30/04 at 6:29pm

""The power and EASE" that Idina has?!! Uhm, did you SEE the Tony's? - I was horrified for her."

As was I, but I had never heard Idina even come close to cracking a note live? People get nervous performing at the Tony Awards, can't really say I blame them, I could never do it. But hearing Idina's performance at the show was a total shocker to me.....she's never been anything short of amazing in a live performance.

(formerly bronte604) "You really just love money and power and capitalism? You know they're never going to love you back." "Things happen for the best...I don't even believe that myself."

uncageg Profile Photo
#18re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 7/16/04 at 4:47pm

Well in Tonya Pinkins defense, she was sick the night of the Tony's and actually asked not to do "Lot's Wife" but was talked into doing it anyway. I saw her do it Live in April 2 nights before the show officialy opened and while I was not totally impressed with her, she sounded good. I must agree that Idina's voice was not at its best at the Tony's. I saw the show in April also and she was much better. I saw it on a Friday as she says that's when her voice is at its best. She was awesome but having been doing the show a year or more now, you can hear it in her voice. I saw Eden Espinoza in Brooklyn here in Denver 3 times. Don't know how the show as a whole will go over but the music is GREAT! I am flying in to see it in October.

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 7/16/04 at 04:47 PM

zoran912 Profile Photo
#19re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 7/16/04 at 5:06pm

WiCkEDrOcKS - PM ponine24601 for the Eden link. She created the site, I believe.

As for Eden, I loved her Defying Gravity. She has a much smoother voice than Idina. It makes for a different type of thrill when hearing the song.

I'm seeing the show on the 28th. I almost would rather see Eden. How do you think my chances are for that. Will Eden still be with the show?

#20re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 7/16/04 at 5:07pm

the only time i heard eden go flat was when she was singing the ' take a message back from ME'. then she got right back on. i had seen Idina twice before I saw Eden. and gypsy2, you were/are not the only one who was excited about seeing eden. from the moment i saw the notice, i was disappointed for a tiny bit, but i was still excited to see eden's portrayl of the character. while Idina is a powerful performer in all aspects, so is Eden. Each gave an OUTSTANDING performance. that is what makes a performer.

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#21re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 7/16/04 at 5:11pm

I saw Wicked 4 times and it was like this: Idina, Eden, Eden, Idina. I'd pick Eden any day really. I really enjoyed her a lot more than I enjoyed Idina, even though Idina was good.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

#22re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 7/16/04 at 5:13pm

i enjoy both so much it's so hard to choose. i like eden's portrayl a tiny bit better though. i have said that many times...i think.

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon

MusicPos2 Profile Photo
#23re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 7/16/04 at 8:29pm

Idina's performance really depends on when you see it. The files I've heard (including complete recordings from her first performance as Elphaba) of Eden are better than Idina, when I saw Idina the last time: it was reminiscent of the Tonys, but when Idina is at her best, there is no comparison! Eden strains way too much, and how does Idina not play the role geeky? Eden does a couple of nice things with the music, but Idina gives you so much more! I really hope Idina does well on 8/15.

#24re: Eden as Elphaba in Wicked
Posted: 7/16/04 at 10:18pm

I've seen Idina live (not the Tonys) and I could tell that she was "on". Nevertheless, with all due respect to Idina, I have never heard her hit a high note with ease. Not in Wicked or Wild Party or even Rent. She always sounds like she's straining to me. I far prefer Eden's renditions of the songs from Wicked.
