If 4 separate people on this board noticed her behavior during the show? Yes, it is THAT bad.
And how do you know the 7 year olds didn't like or appreciate the show anymore so than her? Because they weren't sobbing buckets and distracting everyone around them?
and enthusiasm like that should be tamed but encouraged at the same time.
That's a completely paradoxical statement.
"frogs_fan85, yes I remember you! How are you doing? It was you friend that yelled La heiem, right?"
I was there alone so that guy wasn't my friend, but I did find him amusing.
I don't really think the sobbing was the issue, though. I thought she was going to accidentally get stabbed with Mano's bow during Pirelli's. He was pointing at the guy in front of her, and she like, stuck her face over his shoulder. She was bouncing and practically not even sitting down for most of the show, leaning over almost onto the people in front of her. Feel what you want, but it's not a rock concert. Somewhere the line has to be drawn.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/16/05
Behavior like that is inexcusable. I feel bad for those who paid good money to sit next to her and enjoy the final show and had to deal with ridiculous antics like that. That is really unfair
Broadway Star Joined: 10/6/05
I don't know that the 7 years olds didn't like or appreciate the show anymore so than her but I'm assuming that they didn't. I could be wrong. And yes, that was a paradoxical statement. Let me attempt to rephrase.. I think what I meant was that someone like her should not lose her enthusiasm for the show but should learn to control it.
Honestly, all that I know is that she was very sweet at the stage door. I don't know what she was like in the theatre so I can't judge. Who knows, we might even be talking about completely different people, haha.
Updated On: 9/4/06 at 11:48 PM
Nobody's saying she wasn't a sweet person. Come on, now.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/6/05
i never said anyone was saying she wasn't a sweet person. I'm starting to feel like everything I say is wrong right now. No hard feelings to anyone.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/18/04
"Feel what you want, but it's not a rock concert. Somewhere the line has to be drawn."
"I don't care if you're upset because it's closing- if you're distracting the audience around you as well as the actors onstage during the show, it's ALWAYS inappropriate."
I agree. And why didn't her MOTHER calm her the f--k down? I wasn't able to attend the final performance, but if I had I'd have been mighty pissed if I had to be subject to that type of distraction.
Who cares if she's 13 or 14? If she's not mature enough to act appropriately she shouldn't be there, period. When I saw Sweeney I sat next to a group of five or six girls who couldn't have been older than 14 or 15. They were beautifully behaved.
That is very innapropriate, that she behaved that way.
Swing Joined: 5/21/06
-is cowering in a corner in shame because guilty of the wave of Sweeney fanfic-
-runs in fear-
The key to the behavior is that you can not act in a way that distracts those around you.
Yes, she was young, and yes she has every right to be excited but her excitement was distracting to others and that is beyond any level of appropriate behavior.
When you act in a way that takes away from the experience for others, you have crossed the line.
Each of us is entitled to react in our own way, while I still think there was a bit too much of an attempt to make the evening "about me" from many in the audience, instead of about the talented actors and the event created on the stage. That said the only place that I feel it is inappropriate is when it becomes a distraction to others, and that is the issue here.
Well said, penguin. I also got the impression that there were definitely attempts to, say, be the one who sobbed the loudest or cried the hardest, or clapped the most -- very much making it about personal attention than what it should have been, which was a chance to see it one last time in a room filled with warmth, love, and affection for the piece. I'm certainly not saying anyone hasn't the right to their feelings, nor am I disparaging honest emotional reactions, but I did get the impression that some of it was melodrama to the extreme more than it was about the art being created on stage. Yes, it is very much a shared experience, especially with a show like that, but... there needs to be a happy medium.
Yeah. I know I for one was crying. The loss of this show affects me personally as it has changed me in that it helped me to get my priorities on order, in term of theatre. But it's changed lots of people, and for me to make it any harder for all of them to enjoy the show for one last time owuldn't be fair to anyone.
the descriptions of that ADD girl and her mom sound strikingly similar to a girl and her Mom that my friend and I had to sit next to on the 26th. It was torture and watching her at the stage door was really embarassing. It's funny because now she's like, stalking Mano and leaving page long comments on his myspace every single day and it sort of scares me, lol.
I wonder if these two girls are actually the same person.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/6/05
i'll take a look at mano's page and tell you if i recognize her.
Honestly, i cried too, but kept it to a minimum. I think the only selfish act i committed was wanted to see the actors and telling them how much i appreciated them even when there was already tons of people there.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/6/05
Exactly Emcee.
i don't mean to be mean, but i noticed that girl as well. i too found her very very distracting. she was leaning far forward in her seat. i bet it annoyed who ever was behind her. she should have been able to control herself just a tad better. i would get caught up in the show than she would catch my eye and take me out of it.
but the thing is, she wasn't a child. she looked at least 15 to me.
...well i guess if you consider that a child...
For the record, this was not an issue of "bringing a child" like you might take a family outing to a Disney show and bring what you can reasonably call small children. This girl was with her family, and very clearly a big fan of the show -- it wasn't as though her parents had "brought" her to see it. That said, it's the kind of behavior you might expect from a very young child who is totally mesmerized and knows no better and can't control him or herself to keep from distracting others. She was definitely of an age old enough to be able to keep herself under control.
*I* don't consider that a child. No way.
If I had been sitting behind her....oh man. I was five seats down from her and that was enough for me.
Ahhh! I saw that girl too, before the show started from the last row of the mezz!!! My friends and I got our tickets at different times, so they were on the oppposite aisle of the same row, and I kept trying to catch their eye to see if they saw her antics in the second row.
She must have spotted Sondheim or something before the show started because she was turned around facing the back of the house, bawling, waving her arms around and having an all-around fit. Sorry, but when your actions are so big and over-the-top that people...however far away that is, I think it's a bit much! I couldn't see her once the lights went down, but sounds like she didn't calm down once the show started.
ohhh, i was sitting about 3 rows behind her and she was making me nuts! sondheim was sitting right behind me (yes, i could have DIED) and so maybe that was one of the reasons she kept turning around. it was reasonably annoying, because i noticed her before the show started and then of course the entire way through the show.
aspiringactress - i completley agree with you as far as this show helping me set some priorities. i know it sounds bazaar, but i totally hear you.
and the earlier comment about how michael was just watching patti through one of the songs - i noticed that several times, and those were the moments that broke me down to tears. for anyone who's ever been part of a cast that's become very close and is very much in love with their work, the realization that it's over makes those last connections SO sincere and so sad. and i know i've said it before, but i love their chemistry and you can tell how deeply they respect and care about each other both personally and professionally.
Chorus Member Joined: 6/15/06
Unfortunately I had to attend a family function and couldn't make it to the show, but I loved reading about your experiences. It sounded like it was a very special night.
Re: The girl. I wonder if someone complained to her mother. Or at least to an usher. Totally unacceptable. Sorry, I would have no patience for that.