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Posted: 3/25/15 at 4:48pm

Yeah but Voyage To The Moon had been made as well, don't forget that.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

Posted: 3/25/15 at 4:54pm

Oh okaay. IMO, that piece of dialogue just doesn't work.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
Posted: 3/25/15 at 5:01pm

I agree. It sounds like something a little boy would say in the 1950s, not 1903/04.

(In fact, it made me think of a line from Plain and Fancy when Richard Derr is asking people for he directions and sees a small boy:

Where are you headed junior space man?
To the moon!
Is it anywhere near Bird in Hand!!)

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

Posted: 3/25/15 at 5:10pm

"Well Matt, I suppose if you liked/loved the show we all must agree with you."

I was merely stating facts.

I wash my hands of this nonsense.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

Posted: 3/25/15 at 5:21pm

Just got home from FN, I have to say I was not sure how this was going to go down.I LOVED IT!!!! The cast is great. I love the music and the book. Having just lost a close family member it really hit home. Cannot wait to see it again (this time with a huge box of tissues).

cardamon Profile Photo
Posted: 3/26/15 at 1:51pm


Is this the first photo of the dog playing Porthos?

From the NY Times

Posted: 3/26/15 at 2:05pm

I saw the show once in Boston and now twice in New York. The first time I saw it at the Lunt, I was impressed by how much had changed and thought it was all mostly changes for the better. The second time I noticed the vast number of problems still remaining in the show.

I think the thing that strikes me the most is the style of music works so clearly against the story they are trying to tell. The songs are all good enough pop songs, but as music that is meant to propel the story forward, none of them actually do that, they stand in as moments to reiterate information that was just point blank told to the audience in the scene preceding the song.

Someone earlier in this thread mentioned it feels "cold and corporate" and I couldn't agree more. It seems the writers know where emotional moments need to be placed, but I think so few of those moments actually leave a lasting impact. Instead it's a sort of pseudo-emotional moment that knows what buttons to push to get a reaction from the audience but doesn't know how to leave a real impact. This movie leaves me in tears every time I see it, the show leaves me impressed with a couple bits of staging, but overall feeling nothing.

It just seems overall misguided. When I think of this movie and this story, I think it should be beautiful. It should be lush a stunning, I think this sort of sleek, straight forward entertainment style does the story a disservice. If it wasn't bearing the title Finding Neverland, maybe I wouldn't be bothered as much, but in no way does it measure up to the film for me.

Jus my two cents. In general, I think Whizzer kind of hit the nail on the head. While I actually enjoy the show much more in New York than I did in Boston, I think there are things that just fundamentally do not connect with this show and I don't see how that can be worked out during previews. Unless they bring in a new book writer and composer.

valeposh Profile Photo
Posted: 3/26/15 at 5:04pm

Cardamon - yes, that's Jack, who plays Porthos, Super cute and friendly.

"Mr Sondheim, look: I made a hat, where there never was a hat, it's a Latin hat at that!"

Bilbo3 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/26/15 at 5:32pm

It's very sad hearing all the underwhelming reactions to Morrison. Looks like Jordan was the better choice after all. The even sadder part is Morrison will still probably get a tony nomination for this.

Countdown til Jordan comes on raging about how much loves me! 3..2..1...

Back Row
Posted: 3/26/15 at 6:16pm

It's hard to properly evaluate the opinions on either Morrison or Jordan because both have fan bases that would offer raves even if it was just a cardboard cutout of their respective idol on stage. I do not think a Tony nomination is a lock for Morrison, nor would it have been for Jordan. There's just too much competition. Grammer may be a lock, but frankly, unless he earns absolute raves and a couple of other leading men crash and burn, Morrison faces an uphill battle just to get a nomination. The role simply does not offer that many Tony worthy moments.

jkstheatrescene Profile Photo
Posted: 3/26/15 at 6:19pm

Sadder still is that the show has been overhauled (and continues to be overhauled) since Boston, and has had but one week of NY previews - the only performances of this Morrison has done by the way - and so many people here (many of whom have not even attended a NY preview) are already deciding that it is awful and that Morrison will somehow still get a Tony nomination and somehow that will be sad all by itself.


(For the record, I happened to enjoy it very much, flaws and all. And while Morrison starts out somewhat subdued, as the character begins to find happiness and enlightenment, Morrison becomes much more exciting to watch. Of course, people said similar things about Jordan, too.)

The truth is, in many ways, Finding Neverland is like Wicked. Flawed like Wicked, commercial like Wicked, and, for me at least, very entertaining, like Wicked. In fact, I liked this better than Wicked. Of course, I prefer the whole mythology of Peter Pan over that of The Wizard of Oz, so I'm sure that colors my view, too.

Princeton Returns Profile Photo
Princeton Returns
Posted: 3/26/15 at 6:21pm

I thought matthew Morrison was actually pretty good, but he actually doesn't have much to work with and it's not an award worthy part or performance. I had my doubts about the show from the moment they started mentioning things like 'new family musical ' and the going down the pop route. But I was surprised at how bad it actually is, it feels like it was put together in an afternoon

Posted: 3/26/15 at 6:57pm

I liked Matthew a lot.

The show is still in can one fairly compare the finished product of Jeremy's performance in the show with Matthew just starting out? That just seems wrong....

Well comparing seems wrong in general...but that's another thread.

valeposh Profile Photo
Posted: 3/26/15 at 7:37pm

I haven't seen Jordan's take on the role, neither have I heard him sing the songs. I didn't want to "ruin" my experience at the theater already knowing the songs.
That being said, I think Matt's Barrie is incredibly insightful. I love seeing the journey from a restrained artist with a severe writing block to the joyous and carefree Barrie, up to when he realizes he has to become more mature to help with the kids. That being said, they're still working on the show. I don't think a comparison (if one has to be done, which I don't agree with) can be done as of yet. If Matthew does get nominated, he deserves it fully. He's great in the role, and carries the show on his shoulders quite literally, not being on stage for just two scenes.

"Mr Sondheim, look: I made a hat, where there never was a hat, it's a Latin hat at that!"

Posted: 3/26/15 at 7:38pm

"But I was surprised at how bad it actually is"

In your opinion.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/26/15 at 10:05pm

I must be in the vast minority. I absolutely loved this show.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

rcwr Profile Photo
Posted: 3/26/15 at 10:08pm

Me too, bwayphreak, I just don't feel like I can argue for it any more when I haven't seen it since Camb.

*clings to icon that doesn't even match the NY version*

Posted: 3/26/15 at 10:25pm

While I enjoyed Glee during its run, I do think Matthew Morrison's light dimmed considerably playing Will Schuester. Maybe he just needs a bit of time to snap out of it and get his mojo back?

Also, that dog is adorable.

rcwr Profile Photo
Posted: 3/27/15 at 12:01am

Is it tacky to ask for lyric help? Feel free to tell me, I honestly don't know. I fell so in love with the song "Stronger" that when I was seeing the show repeatedly in Camb, I memorized it -- mostly. I'm trying to learn how to sing it even all these motnhs later. But there's one line I could never hear over that glorious percussion (and I can't come to NY to see the show again). I'm wondering if anyone knows this line and wouldn't mind telling me?

"I can run now
so much faster
__ __ __
be my master"

I feel ridic because I bet it's something super simple!

Posted: 3/27/15 at 12:50am

There may be a good show hiding in there but it needs a real score. I don't believe the actors are the problem.

Posted: 3/27/15 at 12:53am

Just got home from tonights performance. LOVED IT!!! The effects at the end were awesome. Matthew and Kelsey both signed autographs.... Laura didn't come out.

rcwr Profile Photo
Posted: 3/27/15 at 1:14am

I'm right now watching Kelsey Grammar on Seth Myers, and Kelsey says that he cries several times during the show! I'm so surprised. Is this true? When?

Posted: 3/27/15 at 9:28am

"I must be in the vast minority. I absolutely loved this show."

I'm with you...not perfect but I already have tickets to see it again after it opens.

valeposh Profile Photo
Posted: 3/27/15 at 9:51am

rcwr- I've seen Kelsey teary eyed at the Peter Pan performance in Sylvia's room, and after the final scene, when he comes back onstage for the curtain call.

"Mr Sondheim, look: I made a hat, where there never was a hat, it's a Latin hat at that!"

dramamama611 Profile Photo
Posted: 3/27/15 at 10:01am

I loved it in Cambridge, although I could see its flaws. I haven't seen it in NY yet.

I don't know what's to argue ABOUT. Some folks aren't going to ike it, so what? They are entitled to their opinion, just as am I.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
