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Family Guy Musical References

SpellingBeeFan4Ever Profile Photo
#50re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/15/07 at 11:43pm

What should be next?

Timeless To Me (Ednas part)
I Wanna Be A Producer
La Vie Bohem

I can picture them all.

He's a faker, and you've been taken in by his con. And in doing so, you are enabling him. He is doing more damage to aspergers than papa's words ever could. -Chane/Liverpool on me having asperger syndrome.

lakezurich Profile Photo
#51re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/16/07 at 1:58am

I could see him doing Wicked... like something happens to the actress while she is Defying gravity

"I'll never forget the creepy old man singing "Somewhere That's Green". I laughed so hard it hurt."

Me too!!!

Rant, Wickud, Rant, Wickud, Rant! We're not gonna pay Rant! 'Cause everythink is Wickud!

"Leave Walt Disney Theatricals new sparkling production of The Little Mermaid on Broadway alone!!!"

lakezurich will be played by Paul Groves in the BWW musical

dramaparoxysm23 Profile Photo
#52re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/16/07 at 2:58am

Peter: ...Like that time I was in Wicked.

Cut to Peter, "It's me you want! It's me!" and...the lift won't work because he's too fat. Or maybe he goes up but his pants get caught on something.

Okay, not great, but I wanted to post it.

ANYWAY! The American Dad episode with the "Dance: Ten; Looks: Three" parody is "Big Trouble in Little Langley".

I remember days
Or at least I try
But as years go by
They're sort of haze
And the bluest ink
Isn't really sky
And at times I think
I would gladly die
For a day of sky

And Starbucks will use the words 'large' and 'small', not pretentious crap like grande and tall.
"You could get away with anything if you call it art and tell people who don't like it that it's cutting edge culture." --vmlinnie
Updated On: 12/16/07 at 02:58 AM

Mealz1042 Profile Photo
#53re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/16/07 at 11:10am

i havent read the entire thread so sorry if this is a repeat but they put on the king and i and peter goes, "if i wanted to do a bad show i would have done rent"

also theres the episode where stewie is teaching Eliza to speak proper english and they sing "the life of the wife is ended by the nife" aka "the rain in spain stays mainly on the plane"

<-- Gwen Stewart, SOLoist at the last show of RENT
Cages or wings? Which do you prefer? Ask the birds. Fear or love, baby? Don't say the answer Actions speak louder than words. (Tick, Tick... BOOM!)

#54re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/16/07 at 11:16am

There was one episode where they went to see Phantom and the Phantom was singing this spoof of Music of the Night. Peter starts yelling, "Show us the gross half of your face! Take off your mask and show us the gross half of your face!"

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

#55re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/16/07 at 11:27am

argh, thanks to Family Guy we had to Shipoopi (the family guy version) as the opening number of our Christmas review, and by the looks of things the director got most of the other songs through what he knew from family guy

O yeah, plus we had the Family Guy theme tune as the Overture

broadwayrules  Profile Photo
#56re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/16/07 at 2:58pm

I can;t remember if is from the Simpsons or Family Guy: "You are the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber!"
But, i do love the line from the Simpsons when the alien asks for tickets to Aveune Q!

Smaxie Profile Photo
#57re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/16/07 at 3:24pm

To clarify a post from earlier in the thread, the "FCC Song" is set to "Volunteer Fireman Picnic" from TAKE ME ALONG.

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

Mealz1042 Profile Photo
#58re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/16/07 at 4:35pm

has family guy ever made fun of rocky horror? I feel like that would be a good one.

<-- Gwen Stewart, SOLoist at the last show of RENT
Cages or wings? Which do you prefer? Ask the birds. Fear or love, baby? Don't say the answer Actions speak louder than words. (Tick, Tick... BOOM!)

jane915 Profile Photo
#59re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/16/07 at 8:15pm

On a more recent episode of american dad, there was a scene, in which roger (the alien) was dressed up as olivia newton john from xanadu, performing on a cruise ship. i guess it pertains more to the movie, but i found it hilarious, nonetheless.
Updated On: 12/17/07 at 08:15 PM

oohshizz146 Profile Photo
#60re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/17/07 at 12:35am

I actually did hear something about seth macfarlane really liking broadway and thats why there always are those ref.s

"I told you, NO Rodgers and Hammerstein!"- Bart Simpson

Perfectly Marvelous Profile Photo
Perfectly Marvelous
#61re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/17/07 at 12:51am

My two favorite references were the "Somewhere That's Green" parody and Peter's performance of "Shapoopi".

I enjoyed the episode where Brian and Stewie parody a Bing Crosby/Bob Hope buddy movie, too. [The name of the episode escapes me at the moment].

"I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and dreamer of improbable dreams." - Doctor Who

"Yes, the brutalities of progress are called revolutions. When they are over, men recognize that the human race has been harshly treated but it has moved forward." - Les Miserables

jane915 Profile Photo
#62re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/17/07 at 3:02am

tonight's episode (a repeat) featured joe, quagmire, cleveland, and peter performing "good mornin" (singin' in the rain)

SpellingBeeFan4Ever Profile Photo
#63re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/26/07 at 5:01pm

One was in Petearded they sing a spoof of "Goin' Steady" called "He's Reatarded"

Another was in 8 Simple Rules for Buying My Teenage Daughter where Stewie and Brian were at a performace of Les Mis and they announced Jean Valjean was to be played by Kirk Cameron (Mike from Growing Pains) Stewie responded with "Oh My God. It's like what are you doing tonight? Seeing Kirk Cameron as Jean Valjean in Les Mis"

He's a faker, and you've been taken in by his con. And in doing so, you are enabling him. He is doing more damage to aspergers than papa's words ever could. -Chane/Liverpool on me having asperger syndrome.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#64re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/26/07 at 5:59pm

I just saw an episode where the Mother has been left a very huge ‘guest house/mansion’. And when they move into it, they do a total send up of “I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here” from ‘Annie’. I think the new title was “My God, This House Is Fricking Great”.

I also loved it when Stewie sends up William Shatner’s ‘Rocket Man’ (although not really a show tune…)

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2
Updated On: 12/26/07 at 05:59 PM

musikman Profile Photo
#65re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/26/07 at 7:56pm

I know I don't post here often, but I had to join in on this conversation.

Saying that, I CAN'T believe no one has posted this yet. I can't remember why or what was happening...but something bad was being done in front of an audience..and all of a sudden a guy stand up and screams:


gets me everytime.

-There's the muddle in the middle. There's the puddle where the poodle did the piddle."

purpleprince101 Profile Photo
#66re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/26/07 at 9:19pm

What about the "Brand New Day" parody (The Wiz) in the episode, Barley Legal. Its on youtube somewhere. I was laughing so hard, It hurt.

dramaparoxysm23 Profile Photo
#67re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/26/07 at 9:56pm

I enjoyed the episode where Brian and Stewie parody a Bing Crosby/Bob Hope buddy movie, too. [The name of the episode escapes me at the moment].

That would be "Road to Rhode Island".

I remember days
Or at least I try
But as years go by
They're sort of haze
And the bluest ink
Isn't really sky
And at times I think
I would gladly die
For a day of sky

And Starbucks will use the words 'large' and 'small', not pretentious crap like grande and tall.
"You could get away with anything if you call it art and tell people who don't like it that it's cutting edge culture." --vmlinnie

sondheimboy2 Profile Photo
#68re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/26/07 at 11:51pm

In one episode Stewie mentions when he toured Europe in the musical version of "My Left Foot", then you see him on a stage in a wheelchair doing a tap-dance with his left foot.

And in another episode, Peter mentions having been in a musical version of "Red Dawn" and sings about being a "Wolverine".

"A coherent existance after so many years of muddle" - Desiree' Armfelt, A Little Night Music "Life keeps happening everyday, Say Yes" - 70, Girls, 70 "Life is what you do while you're waiting to die" - Zorba

SpellingBeeFan4Ever Profile Photo
#69re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/27/07 at 10:50am

I still say Peter should be Edna one of these days. It would be hillarious.

He's a faker, and you've been taken in by his con. And in doing so, you are enabling him. He is doing more damage to aspergers than papa's words ever could. -Chane/Liverpool on me having asperger syndrome.

#70re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/27/07 at 12:36pm

There was a second "Road" episode in which Stewie and Brian end up in the Midddle East. "Road to Baghdad" maybe?

SpellingBeeFan4Ever Profile Photo
#71re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 12/29/07 at 8:43pm

I found a few

One was the one where the town does Toad he sings "Just give it up" to the tune of "Your'e the one that I want"

Another in the same episode was when Stewie said "I'd do stuff differently if I was Oliver Twist." Then to the tune of the Oliver musical underscore he asked for me (in the same Mark Reed way) and then threatend to shoot Mr. Bumble and made him put on a dress.

Last was where Petetr sings a song I don't know but sounds familar. It's the song that starts at 33 seconds in this clip

He's a faker, and you've been taken in by his con. And in doing so, you are enabling him. He is doing more damage to aspergers than papa's words ever could. -Chane/Liverpool on me having asperger syndrome.

jane915 Profile Photo
#72re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 1/2/08 at 11:17pm

here is a link to the american dad episode that references xanadu...
link to entire episode

SpellingBeeFan4Ever Profile Photo
#73re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 1/4/08 at 11:18pm

What is the freaking FCC song tune of? What broadway show is it from?

He's a faker, and you've been taken in by his con. And in doing so, you are enabling him. He is doing more damage to aspergers than papa's words ever could. -Chane/Liverpool on me having asperger syndrome.

Craig Profile Photo
#74re: Family Guy Musical References
Posted: 1/7/08 at 12:27am

There's "some" musical reference in nearly every episode whether it's a joke, musical cue or whatnot.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men" - Willy Wonka
