I've Got James Woods is to the tune of I've Got You Two from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
Somewhere That's Green
Peter in West Side Story
There was a second "Road" episode in which Stewie and Brian end up in the Midddle East. "Road to Baghdad" maybe?
"Road to Europe". There's also one after that called "Road to Rupert" - the episode where Stewie dances with Gene Kelly in the scene from Anchors Aweigh.
I forgot that the "My Fair Lady" episode with Stewie and Eliza also has Peter, Quagmire, Cleavland, and Joe doing a little Fosse bit while they are in prison (falsely accused of burning down the clam). Gotta love some Fosse jazz hands!
And, if you can't tell by my avitar, Roger doing "Xanadu" was one of my favorite bits on "American Dad" ever!
Stand-by Joined: 1/22/08
the somewhere thats green parody is absolutely hysterical!!!
Swing Joined: 6/3/05
So there was a musical reference on Family Guy this evening that is driving me nuts trying to figure out. It was the episode where Brian is trying to become an artist and they go to New York.. and Peter sings this song about Meg and making her popular or something.. and these are the lyrics.
Peter: (singing) I had a dream,
And it’s all about you, Meg Griffin.
Not much you can do, Meg Griffin.
You can’t dance
You can’t sing
No, you pretty much can’t do a thing,
Never fear,
Daddy’s here,
Honey, you going to make our name famous.
You’ll be larger than life,
I’ll be proud you fell out of my wife.
You’ll be known far and wide,
Like the princess who died.
I’m going to make you famous, wait and see
Honey, I’m going to do this for you,
But it’s really for me…! (holds the last note through the act break)
Can anyone help me out with show or song name?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/28/05
That's "Everything's Coming Up Roses" from Gypsy.
I was just watching a family guy dvd when I read this and 2 seconds later stewey say's "You're the worst thing to happen to musical theater since Andrew Lloyd Webber". hahah i think that line is hilarious not bein a big webber fan (like his music, not his shows... well not MOST of them) and it was funny it was referenced when reading this. I bet they reference musicals in more episodes then they dont but idk...
Stand-by Joined: 2/17/07
Funny thing, I've talked to Seth about the musical stuff. I joked with him to keep it up cause, as a gay man, I enjoy it. He responded that it was his goal to secretly turn american's youth gay. Funny guy.
Oh, if you are in Los Angeles, Seth and the woman who voices lois are doing a night of 26 songs at the Ahmanson Theater.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
The woman who voices Lois is Alex Borstein, formerly of MAD TV - most famous for her "Miss Swan" character - the Korean lady who says "He looka like a man!"
Updated On: 5/8/08 at 11:03 AM
and miss swan has been in a ep of family guy too
This show is hands down one of the best out there for this reason (among many others).
The thing I want to know is if they will ever put out a CD of all the songs?
That would sell like hotcakes.
The Simpsons have put out 3 CDs of all the songs from their show, so I think someone needs to talk Seth into doing the same.
I know I would sure buy a copy, as would, it seems, a good portion of the people on the boards here!
Updated On: 5/8/08 at 11:49 AM
It was a PARODY of ECUR. It was close, but the music was changed slightly. I guess they couldn't get the rights to the real music.
Chorus Member Joined: 10/1/07
There was one episode where Stewie sang a song from HMS Pinafore, I showed my partner the day before we went to see the Gilbert & Sullivan Players group performance, throughout the entire show, he kept seeing Stewie singing and couldn't stop laughing.
For an off-Broadway reference, there was also "The Jew Man Group".
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/6/04
so i just saw the FREAKIN SWEET show that Seth McFarlane and Alex Borstein do up in Los Angeles at the Ahmanson... show is HILARIOUS! probably the funniest sh** stuff i've seen in along time... they really need to take this show around on tour or something... not only did they do theater stuff but he and Alex sang the theme songs to movies and tv shows (my favorites being the jazz version of the Neverending Story, Reading Rainbow and the He-Man Theme Song).... these two are hilarious together....
Was there a cd of the live released?
there was an episode where Brian Sang a song from Pirates of Penzance
the episode where they can't figure out what Meg's age is Lois sings
You are Sixteen going on Seventeen
I've casted my Family Guy Sweeney Todd:
Sweeney: Peter
Mrs. Lovett: Lois
Anthony: Chris
Johanna: Jillian
Judge Turpin: Stewie
Beadle: Brian
Pirelli: Either Quagmire or Herbert, but I think Herbert would be really funny.
Tobias: Jake (the upside down face kid)
Mr. Fogg: Bruce the gay guy
Edit: Meg: Beggar Woman. I forgot to write that down the first time :/
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/23/08
"The Sound of Music" is Seth McFarlane's favorite movie.
gertie, who is jillian?
jillian was the stupid blonde that brian was dating for a while. And in Sweeney though I like your cast they would need to find something for Adam West to do.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/15/04
I would suggest Meg as the beggar woman...but Sweeney needs to be somewhat remorseful after killing her and Peter couldn't muster up that emotion.
I don't know if it's been mentioned (4 pages), but the title sequence is an homage to A Chorus Line.
In a recent episode, the two vaudevillians came back as ghosts (Stewie shot them in an earlier season) and sang the old, old, old, Al Jolson song (of course, the mere fact that it's an Al Jolson song makes it old, old, old) "Where Did Robinson Crusoe Go With Friday on Saturday Night?"
I love "Family Guy" anyway, but I had to five him a tip of my hat for knowing that song!