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Favorite 'Bad Guy'

NoDayButToday2 Profile Photo
#0Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/19/04 at 7:05pm

I like the dentist from LsoH best Favorite 'Bad Guy'

what about you?

Broadwaybaby614 Profile Photo
#1re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/19/04 at 7:14pm

Me too :)

Also, Caldwell B. Cladwell from Urinetown.

"And now for something completely different..."

#2re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/19/04 at 7:18pm

Mrs Meers from Millie

NoDayButToday2 Profile Photo
#3re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/19/04 at 7:23pm

Oh yea and I definately love the Master/Madam T from Les Miserables. They crack me up.

#4re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/19/04 at 7:38pm

madame morrible and the wizard

Delphine Profile Photo
#5re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/19/04 at 7:45pm

This is a bit different, but I would totally make out with Chauvelin from The Scarlet Pimpernel.

StickToPriest Profile Photo
#6re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/19/04 at 7:48pm

Mrs. Lovett

"One no longer loves one's insight enough once one communicates it."

The opposite of creation isn't war, it's stagnation.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#7re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/19/04 at 7:50pm

I'm guessing you mean "bad guy and woman"?

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

Crazy4MattMorrison52 Profile Photo
#8re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/19/04 at 8:03pm

amber von tussle

"gimme a bottle of bourbon and half a chicken and i'll conquer the world!"

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#9re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/19/04 at 8:07pm

Idina Menzelstein

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#10re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/19/04 at 8:21pm

Javert - Bad, but in a good way.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

johny0828 Profile Photo
#11re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/19/04 at 8:22pm

the phantom

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#12re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/19/04 at 8:25pm

But is the Phantom a bad guy?

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

lostwallflower Profile Photo
#13re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/19/04 at 8:46pm

Javert, Scar, and Zoser.

"I'm a cuber, I'm a cuber, I'm a cuber, I'm a cuber, I'm a cuber, I'm a cuber. Please don't take me to the pickle farm."- Brak

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#14re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/19/04 at 8:48pm

gaston, scar, mrs meers, velma kelly, and Mr. Applegate from Damn Yankees (the most fun i've ever had in a role)

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

#15re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/19/04 at 8:51pm

Ooh... I'd have to say Caldwell B. Cladwell, Mrs. Lovett, and El Gallo.

NoDayButToday2 Profile Photo
#16re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/19/04 at 8:56pm

'I'm guessing you mean "bad guy and woman"?'

well yea if you want to get all technical...
seems to me that everyone figured that out already though

Sumofallthings Profile Photo
#17re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/19/04 at 8:56pm

Mr. Applegate is tremendous fun. He can be played so over the top or so understated. It really is a terrific role.

BSoBW2: I punched Sondheim in the face after I saw Wicked and said, "Why couldn't you write like that!?"

#18re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/19/04 at 9:51pm

im with Sum's first post.

Andrew, tonight isn't about you! It isn't even about me!!! - [FD]

#1Elphie Profile Photo
#19re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/19/04 at 9:59pm

definitely Javert.

paradox_error Profile Photo
#20re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/20/04 at 2:28am

but is he really a bad guy? Sure he kills people, but i think he is the only member of the cast that has any true reason for the crimes he committs.

Guido Contini Profile Photo
Guido Contini
#21re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/20/04 at 2:37am

Fire Chief Willie Conklin

"Applause begets applause in the theatre, as laughter begets laughter and tears beget tears." CLAYTON HAMILTON, "Theory of the Theatre" "I think theater ought to be theatrical ... you know, shuffling the pack in different ways so that it's -- there's always some kind of ambush involved in the experience. You're being ambushed by an unexpected word, or by an elephant falling out of the cupboard, whatever it is." TOM STOPPARD

midnghtdolphin Profile Photo
#22re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/20/04 at 2:40am

macavity from cats... bad-ass cat if there ever was one. or mr. hyde. Updated On: 9/20/04 at 02:40 AM

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#23re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/20/04 at 2:45am

The real bad guy in SWEENEY TODD is Judge Turpin. Sweeney and Lovett are written for us to be on their side, even though they are murderers and essentially, yes, the bad guys, but they don't get away with it... which makes Sweeney and Mrs. Lovett even more adorable together than Velma and Roxie.

phantom3 Profile Photo
#24re: Favorite 'Bad Guy'
Posted: 9/20/04 at 8:13am

That would have to be Eric... but to answer Sumofallthings question... yes. For all intesive purposes, he is. I mean he commits murder, kidnapping... however i like to think of him as... persuaded by true love, something he was never able to have. so you could go either way with this... evil madman, or misunderstood crusader... maybe a little of both? that's for you to decide.

I remain, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, O.G.
