Broadway Legend Joined: 11/4/04
what if i were in that situation, where would i stick the mic? haha!
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/11/05
haha my picks are anthony and adam :] tayes a close third though...
Featured Actor Joined: 11/27/04
I don't think I could possibly love that story any more.
For anyone who hasn't gotten it, I urge you to get the Rent book, it is fantastic and it has some laugh out loud anecdotes and some that bring me to tears.
I just sounded like a commercial.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/14/05
Wow. It's awesome that you post on the boards Fredi. I was too young to see the OBC, but I have the recording and you're amazing! Thank you so much.
Fredi! Holy crap, it's been a longgggg time. It seems like only yesterday I was asking you what it was like making out with Idina every night... tear, tear...
What is goin' onnnnnnnn?
Now I have to think of some really creative questions to beat out last years..
in times like these i come up with no good questions. But, I'm getting the RENT book for my xmas (i've waited longg enough). I'm so excited for it.
double post=fredi walker love<3. Updated On: 11/25/05 at 11:02 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/05
LMAO. Fredi has to be the envy of nearly every man, and many women alike as she has locked lips with Idina nearly as many times as Taye has....
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/20/04
Taye wasn't under the sheet...
making out with Idina was okay - if I wanted to have a girlfriend, I'd want one as hot as her for sure...
there are other stories to be sure... but I'm very careful what i say when others are involved...
ohh right, i always sorta feel sorry for the actors playing Benny cause there not really a part of the 'family' .
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/11/05
haha xM3L24x youre post made me think of anthonys line in the movie..there are times when im dirt broke, etc..
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/4/04
yeah, seriously... old times.
*gets nostalgic*
Well...then Anthony along with Jesse or Adam would be good too. I'll stop talking about the sheet though.
Yeah, I always feel sorry for Benny. He tries to be nice in Happy New Year when he makes the toast to dogs... and then he gets rejected and I sulk.
I'm a dork =)
the other day i was on my computer (the one im on right now lol) and I hear 'there are times..' and i rush to my tv to realize that its actually NOT the rent trailer, that it is possible to say those words and not be Anthony. I was like wow, I have like RENT rador on..i'm ready for anything.
Hi Fredi!
nice to hear from you!!! Hope all is well!
Haha, I do that too..I run to the TV whenever a Rent commercial is on, and then I cry like a baby because one of my favorite musicals has made it to the big screen, and then I cry because Jonathan isn't here to see it. =(
oh dont even..i started crying this morning while reading what Julie Larson wrote in Life Magazine.
omg i have problems w/ double posts today (sorry) Updated On: 11/25/05 at 11:09 PM
Featured Actor Joined: 11/27/04
On the way back from Thanksgiving dinner at my uncle's house, my mom said that line, about "I wonder, Why the hell am I still living here? And then they call, and I remember."
I love how every conversation I have somehow relates to RENT.
Featured Actor Joined: 3/31/05
I'm tired of lurking here.
Hi, Fredi. I think you're great. I never saw the OBC, but you're absolutely amazing on the recording. And I could go on about how wonderful you are, but I don't want to fawn over you. Too much. Thanks for talking to us all. I think it's great.
I agree with everyone who feels bad for Benny. I really like him too. He's not as bad as he seems, in my opinion.