Tango: Maureen made me want to take tango lessons as well! However, the closest I have been to a dance class, is 10th grade gym. Guys with sweaty hands, and two left feet. Fun times.
haha I just had a similar conversation with my mom..but instead she said "Really? I'm worried about you talking to pedifiles. Be careful, okay? How do you know its her, etc.."
Fredi Walker?! Wow. I think you have an absolutely amazing voice and I think you are such a great person for taking time out of your day/night to chat with your fans. It means alot.
but - the microphone fiasco in We're Okay is right up there...
for those of you who haven't scene the live show... We're okay is done with 2 prop telephones upon which I'm having 3 simultaneous conversations.
and, as you may or may not know, we wore the "Madonna/Janet-type" microphones which sometimes experienced technical difficulties...
when that happend (which was a little too often..) we were instructed to reach for hand mikes which were kept in the on-stage band stand...
Okay..that being said - this particular night my mike went out in the middle of the number when my hands were already filled with phones. i spent the better part of a verse juggling between phones and the hand-mike - but at the end of the number, i had to speak into both phones at once and could not hold the hand mike too! Soooooo, i stuck the mic in my boobs and finshed the number! It seemed like the logical thing to do.
the audience hooted (and so do i to this day)
"Stupidity should be PAINFUL!" - Cam
"Yeah - painful for the STUPID not the rest of us!"
That's hilarious! What a great story. I love hearing this stuff.
"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife
Wow...what a great story! I can only imagine the reaction of the audience! Bet that's not only a favorite moment for you but most of the people who were in the audience that night!
Haha, that is fantastic! I would have loved to be at that show. I probably would have gone to pieces. Seriously though, putting the mic in your boobs was smart!
My sheets pick..Anthony and Taye =) Updated On: 11/25/05 at 10:57 PM