Entertainment Tonight will have a segment on 'Hairspray' focusing on John Travolta.
The preview showed clips of 'Welcome to the Sixties' so I wanted to inform everyone now- that way no one would be dissapointed that they missed it.
This is the first time any actual film footage has been shown on television (except for that brief 'GMB' clip that some people said they saw on the TODAY show back on Jan 1.)
I hope they have the audio track from the film footage going, so it's not just background video... but tune in just the same!
I have no idea how long the segment is- but it's ET, so probably like 1:30+.
Check local listings.
(sorry) bump for the late morning crowd.
I'll watch it just because you recommend it!
oh god pressure- if ET doesn't deliver. :)
If they don't deliver, well, you will have to deal with some consecuences.
They said that it is tomorrow. They showed amazing film footage!! I am so excited!!!
it looks amazing! I cannot wait unti tomarrow , i got so excited, i thought it was today.
The footage they showed was simply incredible -- it's visually more than I expected, especially those production numbers. I actually got goose-bumps when that one second snip of "You're Timeless to Me" bleeped on. John Travolta looks fabulous in every inch of footage he's appears in. I'm sure his Edna is going to be such a nice refreshing addition to everyone else who's played Edna. His Edna is his own Edna -- not a version of someone elses, which I'm thrilled about.
HAIRSPRAY is going to be a huge summer hit!
screencaps are on their way!!!
That footage was nothing short of amazing. I've already rewatched 20 or so times. I'm counting the days until July 20. So excited!
Thanks SNLMedia for the screencaps!
You're very welcome! I LOVE Tracy's finale dress and hairstyle!
i love that we are getting BALTIMORE CRABS FLASH BACKS!?!?!?!?!
A few more screencaps:
I also have watched them about 20 or so times!!! I love the "Miss Baltimore Crabs" flashbacks! Any more screen captures... oh wait. That was all they showed on ET tonight! lol. I can't wait until tomorrow!
Is there a link to the commercial or whatever? I missed it tonight.
oh wow. so good.
Spider- it was simply a teaser for tomorrow. so tune in then!
I'm not sure what they will show.. but perhaps a good portion of the trailer. :)
The costume designers nod to Divine? May be? probably not. :)
Was that it?! OMG what a waste!! I waited 24 hours for this?!
Was that pretty much the trailer we just saw? I don't think the background music ever changed. I'll admit, I was a little disappointed as I thought the feature would be longer, by the way they were building it up. Oh well, still VERY exciting to see LEGAL clips!!!!!!
I hope that there is more! I bet that more will be on Insider!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/31/06
I don't think I would have been so dissapointed if BWW hadn't posted an article making a big deal about it!
Sorry, fellas...that was it. It looked like what they showed was a tease before the big showcase, but alas no...THAT bit was it.