Yes, that is exactly the reason for the switch to grownup Alison, and it's a genius touch. Before this moment she had been observing at something of a distance, and when Bruce turns away from Middle Alison and looks directly at Alison, it's a watershed. She's really ready to confront her past. At least, that's my interpretation. Maybe those more familiar with the book can comment. When I first saw that, I was blown away by the implication. It's just a subtle touch, but so effective, and it's great you picked up on that. I think it took me a while to realize.
I've seen a small dog in theaters before, but I can't tell if it's the same one. Also very quiet. Could you hear the vomiting from where you sat?
Thanks! No, I completely missed the vomiting, thank goodness! It was kind of a restless audience, though. Appreciative for sure, but lots of coughing. The woman in front of me was just coughing loudly every few minutes. I really wondered whether it was going to become a distraction for the poor actors. I'm sure they've dealt with worse, but having it be so close, they've got to notice it.
"As Michael Cerveris made his way around the stage, you're worried that he's going to fall in to one of them."
That TERRIFIED me! At first, I thought maybe the trap doors were malfunctioning. Then it hit me that he was literally standing on "the edges of the world." Really neat little trick there.
Terrified me, too, and it was utterly brilliant.
"I had one question for those in the know: in "Telephone Wire," why does Alison sing it with her father instead of Middle Alison? Chronologically, it should be Middle Alison, but they switch. Is it to indicate that her father is finally starting to see her as an adult? "
Since I haven't seen it I'm probably not technically in the know, but my impression was also that that was the major moment where she can no longer simply observe the past but feels the need to break through into it. It's not just a conversation between her dad and her recently outed self, it's an attempted, but failed, conversation between her dad and her present self. Think of the title and repeated phrase "telephone wire", this connecting cord between then and now, and the failure of communication both between the past and the present (temporal physics and all) and between herself and her dad. And then it's also a conversation between herself and her past self, telling herself to "say something", trying to find more to her own memory, but being trapped by that distance.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/13/08
Caught the show again today, seat C211. I definitely recommend getting on the sides if you can. I was in G102 before and it was fine, but you really catch some facial expressions and other nuance from the sides. I'm not sure paying premium would necessarily get you that much better an experience. Beth Malone was in particularly good voice today and Judy Kuhn once again broke my heart. House probably about 80% full.
Haven't seen the show yet, but I'm particularly interested in the possible acting nominations for this show. What is the likelihood of all 3 Alisons getting a tony nomination? Do all 3 deserve one? I've heard nothing but raves for Judy, I hope she gets in. She sounds great on the cast recording. I have a feeling Michael will get in somewhere also.
"Could you hear the vomiting from where you sat?"
Weird that vomiting is suddenly a feature of the modern Broadway musical.
I just withstood ZHIVAGO today and an early number in a tavern culminates in a secondary character vomiting into his cap, which 3 other characters then shepherd into the trash.
Ill be very disappointed if Ceveris doesn't get a nom. My favorite performance of his to date.
As for the women, it will be interesting to see eligibility. Kuhn is above the title, but might be petitioned for Featured, and Malone the opposite. I think all three are totally worthy on their own merits. ( The above us Lucas)
I can't imagine another actor that could win the Tony besides Cerveris, except maybe Michael Esper, but alas. Brian D'Arcy James is certainly not giving an award winning performance - a great performance, yes, but TONY worthy? Hell no. Unless I am forgetting someone huge, this is Cerveris's award to lose.
Thanks, Dramamama. Judging by the cast recording (which admittedly isn't much to go off of) It seems like Michael is more a supporting role. Do you think there could be any category confusion? Again, I haven't seen the show, just in love with the cast recording.
I know this would be incredibly unlikely, but any chance that all 3 actresses playing Alison could be nominated jointly? It would be something like an expansion on the Emily Skinner/Alice Ripley nomination (and now that I've seen Side Show, it sort-of surprised me that they were nominated jointly and not two different nominations, since their characters have different personalities). It would also be something kind of like the opposite of the 3 Billys nominated.
Though I haven't seen the show yet (not going until Tony Nomination day), it seems from all of you like Beth, Emily, and Sydney combined would be an unstoppable win.
^While I personally believe Bruce to be a leading role, Michael is also billed above the title, which is automatic contention for Leading. Unless they fight it, which would be inane. He will be eligible for Leading Actor. And deserves that.
^This, 100%
No, I cannot imagine all three would, in any way, be considered together.
dramamama611, who do you hope to be nominated, and in which categories?
I haven't seen it yet, and I'm curious what you think/hope.
"I can't imagine another actor that could win the Tony besides Cerveris"
Ken Watanabe is giving an incredible performance in my personal opinion. I think he's Cerveris' biggest competition. But yet, I agree, Cerveris deserves it.
Cerveris will be in leading, and Kuhn in supporting, but that is all that is safe bet. It is unknown where each Alison will fall, but these are the possible, most likely breakdowns:
1) Malone in leading, Skeggs and Lucas in supporting.
2) All in leading.
3)All in supporting.
4) Lucas and Malone in leading, Skeggs in supporting.
I think its unlikely Skeggs will be lead unless they all go there. I have no idea what I would want as a producer, as Kuhn has GREAT chances, and lead is packed with Chenowith, O'Harra, and Rivera.
What does everyone else think?
Updated On: 4/5/15 at 07:57 PM
Ceveris - Leading
Malone - Leading
Kuhn - Featured
Lucas - Featured
I don't think Skegg's deserves a nom. Depsite "Changing My Major" being a great performance, I thought she was noticeably weaker than the other leads. I believe she'd be considered in featured as well.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/10/08
I agree with dramamama's categorization - it seems both the fairest and most likely way to break down all the roles. Cerveris looks likely to win, and I would anticipate nominations for Malone, Kuhn, and Lucas as well (maybe even Skeggs - the last time three actresses from the same show were nominated was NINE, so it's possible)
Am I in the minority here in rooting for a Lucas win? Obviously she, Kuhn, and Skeggs deserve heaps of praise, but there's something so one-of-a-kind and special about Lucas' performance that I would love to see celebrated. "Ring Of Keys" is the emotional center of the show for me, expertly delivered by its performer with wisdom beyond her years.
But really, every single person involved in this flawless and brave production deserves a trophy. Now, which number should they perform on the Tonys? (My vote's for "Welcome to Our House")
I'm all about the Lucas win. I can't think of another instance where I've wanted a kid to win....but I think she's is giving a phenomenal performance, regardless of her age. (which I think I've said previously.)
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
Welcome to Our House is a great idea, I was wondering if they'd do Come to the Fun Home, but your idea is better.
I love "Come to the Fun Home" (the lyrics are BRILLIANT), but if/when Cerveris and Kuhn are nominated, "Welcome to Our House on Maple Avenue" is a great choice, as its shows off the whole family as well as the dynamic of the show.
I was all for a Lucas win, too, and I think she's wonderful, but Judy Kuhn just broke my heart yesterday.
Cerveris won the Lortel Award for Leading Actor in a Musical, so I'd imagine he'd be nominated (and may win) for the same award at the Tony Awards.
Do you think that it will take best score and musical? I think that it's biggest competition for score will be The Visit. Simply because it's the final Kander and Ebb score.
I really was impressed with The Visit, but I was utterly charmed and moved by FH.
I'm hoping for Fun Home to bring home awards in: Musical, Score AND Director.