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Funny bloopers from your own shows- Page 4

Funny bloopers from your own shows

#75re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/3/07 at 8:53am

My school did "Grease". One of the guys was supposed to say, "Let's go watch Mickey Mouse Club." And then Sandy was supposed to come out, showing Danny her new makeover. But Sandy was still getting ready and missed her cue. So the guy who was supposed to say that line improvised. He said, "Why do we have to watch Mickey Mouse Club? Let's watch Barney or Oprah or something inappropriate."

And Marty's mic went off while she was singing "Freddie My Love".

Catsnyrevial: That was a funny story.

Rentgal589 is soon to be under new management.
Updated On: 4/3/07 at 08:53 AM

AudreyTwoTwo Profile Photo
#76re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/3/07 at 12:39pm

When I was in the Wizard of Oz this year, it was the scene change for Munchkinland. (Thank God this was dress rehearsal) The platform that Glinda comes out on was out too early because they still had to get rid of the farm. Well, the barn goes up into the ceiling, and the platform was on top of it (there's a little lip on the bottom of the barn and the platform was rolled over it). When the stage crew pulled it up, the barn was caught on the platform, and they kept trying to pull it up until the wires eventually snapped and the barn almost fell in the pit.
Let's just say I was laughing hysterically because it was a freshman and everyone yelled at him. It was kind of entertaining.

The Best of Times is Now!

#77re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/3/07 at 12:41pm

AudreyTwoTwo: Tell the story of when you dented the chair.

Rentgal589 is soon to be under new management.

AudreyTwoTwo Profile Photo
#78re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/3/07 at 12:57pm

ah, it aint that funny. but fine.

as the coroner, i have a fear of heights, so when i got on the platform, i used this chair that was very old and weak (stage crew told me to use it... why...) and i dented the chair that was already half broken, so i freaked thinking that the cowardly lion wouldnt be able to use it.

ya. so thats basically my story.

The Best of Times is Now!

Perfectly Marvelous Profile Photo
Perfectly Marvelous
#79re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/3/07 at 1:08pm

Both of these stories take place during dress rehearsal (for West Side Story);

I was supposed to come out when Diesel picked up Anybodys (they made it so I was able to peek through the door so I could see what was going on). However, I was running late because I had share a mic with my friend who was playing Bernardo. Unfortunately, he exited on the opposite side of the stage, so getting to me right away was an issue. While I'm waiting, I notice I haven't got a bobby pin to secure the mic with. I dash into the girl's dressing room, frantically searching for one, and by this time, had already missed my cue (because of the mic not getting to me in time and also because I didn't have a pin). One of the guys noticed I had missed my cue, and when I came finally came onstage, he says goes "Oh there she is. I betcha she was in the bathroom. You know how women are!"

I was rehearsing the finale scene between Doc and Tony. I was supposed to get angry with Tony (because he's oh so oblivious) and slap him in the face. The director told me that I should try slapping him a bit harder (so it's more visible and easy to hear). I go to slap him as I had done before, and before I knew it, I had decked him so hard that he fell off the stool! I felt terrible and I kept on saying, "Oh my God...I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to...Oh my God...are you all right? I didn't mean to!" Everyone else burst into hysterics, including the assistant director.

"I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and dreamer of improbable dreams." - Doctor Who

"Yes, the brutalities of progress are called revolutions. When they are over, men recognize that the human race has been harshly treated but it has moved forward." - Les Miserables

Updated On: 4/3/07 at 01:08 PM

#80re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/3/07 at 3:50pm

Peter Pan.

Peter says "Wendy, Let's fly!" And John, who is supposed to be asleep, goes flying out of his bed and into the wall, while Wendy sat there for a second waiting for lift off. There was a meeting about that one.

#81re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/3/07 at 4:06pm

In To Kill a Mockinbird, something went wrong every show. In the first one, the gun they used to kill the dog wouldn't go off. So the guy playing Huck Tate (the sherrif) goes 'My God, this thing's not loaded!' And they ran offstage to fix it.

The second night, a lightbulb wouldn't go on, so Atticus goes 'They just don't make them like they used to...'

I forget what happened the third night. re: Funny bloopers from your own shows

#82re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/3/07 at 7:34pm

AudreyTwoTwo: Thanks.

Rentgal589 is soon to be under new management.

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#83re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/3/07 at 9:30pm

Idk if this is a blooper-but.....

We did Bye Bye Birdie-the guy that played the dad came down with larengitis (sp?!) so the director was in the wings with a microphone saying his lines the whole show why he just mouthed them....

guys and dolls.....the cubana fight scence.....sarah had hair extensions....the cubana girl....actually pulled on out....and we had to cut it because it looked horrible halfway hanging out.

ahmelie Profile Photo
#84re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/3/07 at 10:09pm

About two years ago in our end of the year show, we were using a crappy table for the whole show and in the first scene the table top came off.

We spent the rest of the show trying to fix it without laughing, the audience loved it. When I finally fixed it the audience broke out into a standing O!

We've never been able to live it down and we get such SH*T from our teachers because of it, but I think we did our job. That audience has probably never been so entertained.

Theatre is a safe place to do the unsafe things that need to be done. -John Patrick Shanley

jennelly-bean2 Profile Photo
#85re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/3/07 at 10:35pm

when i was doing Bye Bye Birdie i fell duirng "Telephone Hour"
the gurl next to me her scarf that was tied around her ponytail had fell on the floor next to me and i slipped and fell on it like one of those cartoons with the banana peel and the people slip and fall backwards.....yup thats what it was like hahaha

my last show was Once Upon A Mattress and i was playing Winnifred and during one of the bed chamber scenes where i spilled a vase full of water i was supposed to clean it up with a hankie but i forgot it on the prop table so i just used one of the dresses the ladies in waiting left me thank god the audience thought it was funny

last year i was in Fame and i was playing Mabel and during "Hard Work" i did i high kick and one of my leg warmers flew up into the air and i didn't even notice it until i got offstage and looked down and said "where the hell is my other leg warmer???"
and then it happened the next night during "Dancing On The Sidewalk" so the last 2 nights i used a safety pin with those bastards

once when i was in Les Miserables and i was playing Fantine and when the prostitutes are supposed to help me off the ground after "Fantine's Arrest" i almost ripped my dress getting up and fell back down
it made sense though people with TB usually don't have good motor skills

Andante Profile Photo
#86re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/4/07 at 2:39pm

Into the Woods- an entire scene got skipped during the sat. matinee. So the pit band just waited for about 2 minutes, until Jack's Mother and the Baker's Wife came on to do their scene. It was just awkward silence, and everyone laughed at intermission. On the night Saturday night performance, the pit band played one note after the cutoff given by the director and the entire cast was hunched over, laughing, in their ending pose.

THe first show that I was directly involved in, Guys and Dolls (as Agatha), we went to close the mission door, and it literally fell down. LITERALLY. Also, in the scene before closing the mission door, on closing night, the guy playing Sky handed Sarah his marker. She look down on it, and it contains a certain male organ that begins with 'p'. She starts laughing out, laughs through her line of "General, I can personally guarantee you one dozen, genuine sinners."; meanwhile, Sky says "hallelujah!", the blackout comes, and all you hear is "I hate you, Sky Masterson- I hate you!" EVERYONE was laughing like crazy.

gypsiedtokill Profile Photo
#87re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/4/07 at 3:58pm

I was in a hideous production of Cheaper By The Dozen a few years ago and at the end of the show when the family is all sitting on the couch, hugging each other and singing and being all lovey dovey, this guy in the cast falls down some stairs and out the stage door, rolling into the audience. The best part was that he was wearing big red pants. The director was furious, but the rest of us couldn't stop laughing.

Also, I used to do an outdoor drama, Horn in the West, every summer, and the climax of the show is when Jack, one of the main characters, is shot and killed during the Battle of Kings Mountain. The guy that's supposed to shoot Jack has a misfire with his gun, the backup shot (Daniel Boone, standing offstage, is ready for backup if the first one doesn't go off) also misfires, and my mom, the PSM, is sitting up in her booth with a third backup gun, which also misfires. So Jack lived that night!

I can't talk now. I gotta go get my wallet out of the toaster.

raphael06 Profile Photo
#88re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/4/07 at 5:06pm

This thread has been so much fun to read!

I have a few off the top of my head.

PETER PAN-During tech week, the poor girl playing Peter was nearly killed. The flying comapny had come in and taught her and the three kids how to fly. She had gotten the hang of it and they started rehearsing the numbers. During the number "I'm Flying," the crew got her going so fast that she went through the wall of the Cathy Rigby set that had been rented. Also in the same production, a crew member was no paying attention and had his head split open by a backdrop that was flying in.

THE SOUND OF MUSIC-When I was much younger, I played Friedrich. There was an incredibly fast quick change in which we all had to change into full suits for the party scene in less then 30 seconds. There were a bunch of costume hands who helped strip and change us. One night, they accidentally switched up my pants with the Captain Von Trapp's pants. During the whole next scene my pants were falling down and as we exited up the stairs of the house after "So Long Farewell," my pants fell to my ankles. When I got my pair back from Captain Von Trapp, I discovered that he had ripped them down the middle trying to squeeze them on.

"I chose and my world was shaken. So what? The choice may have been mistaken. The choosing was not."-Sunday in the Park with George

Stop The Clock2 Profile Photo
Stop The Clock2
#89re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/4/07 at 5:41pm

I did Urinetown Last summer(I was Little Sally) and right before "Snuff That Girl" I go up the stair case on wheels and then return to do the number. When I came down the stairs I tripped and fell down.

StarStruckGB Profile Photo
#90re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/4/07 at 8:25pm

While we were doing Beauty & the Beast there's a scene where Belle comes out in a pink dress to Lumiere, Cogsworth, and the Beast. The beast says her dress is pink, Lumiere says to give her a compliment, he does, and he shows her the library.
Even now I don't know what happened, but they scrambles everything up and by the time Lumiere said "say something about the dress!" we were too far into the music and our wonderful Beast just have to go "I would but I don't think I have time! Belle I have to show you something..."
(2nd to last dress rehearsal)

I've also had to pretend to be flirting with Lumiere (as a Vase) during Be Our Guest because sometimes he would be so sweaty his mic would be falling off & I would touch his face to fix it.

During Register Here:

(the same boy who would play the Beast in B&tB) Was the detective who was pretending to be a director when everyone was reenacting what happened during the murder, and without warning on our last show, he pulled out a black beret and really played up his funny/flamboyant side.
Needless to say it was all I could do from busting out in laughter.

I'm sure I have a million more but I feel sick.

Goshen doesn't do High-School-shows.

#91re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/4/07 at 8:57pm

My high school, any time we had a sword fight, or a fall in a show, inevitably one night during the run SOMETHING would fly into our orchestra pit (We didn't have a cover).

My sophomore year of college I was playing "Joe" in "Last Night of Ballywho." And to do the Ballywho scene, we all ran around the back of the theatre (front door to enterance door), and then had to crack the door so we could see the blackout. Blackout goes and Lala pulls the door open and cracks Peachy in the head. Well, during the scene with him, blood slowly begins to trickle and then gush from his eyebrow. I SPEED through my lines turn and walk off about a line early, whisper at someone with a headset to fix Peachy, and walk back on in the house for the fight scene between me and Sunny. Sunny and I then slow that scene down as much as possible to give Peachy time to get fixed.

During a production of "Into the Woods" I played the Witch, and it was final dress and out of NO WHERE I reblocked ALL of "Last Midnight" changed the lyrics, and then got stuck...because after reblocking, I was on the wrong side of the stage for the I ended up having to scream my way offstage towards the was bad.

LuPonatic Profile Photo
#92re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/4/07 at 9:10pm

and why were you playing the witch?

Broadwayboy2631 Profile Photo
#93re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/4/07 at 9:37pm

My voice cracked yelling out " Thanks to you child, we're all free" in a production of The Wiz to a sold-out audience of 600 people. That was pretty embarrassing.

#94re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/4/07 at 10:01pm

I was the Witch because they decided to go with a male Witch, and I was good.

LuPonatic Profile Photo
#95re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/4/07 at 10:22pm

wouldn't that make you a wizard? geez, has no one read Harry Potter?

#96re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/5/07 at 12:40pm

Ok it was my first off-broadway show, and i was understudy. So i never really got to master the quick change in my put in rehearsal. I didn't clasp my skirt correctly. only 3 of us on stage. While singing i start feeling cold, my skirt was around my ankles.!I ran off stage, tried to put it back on, ran back on stage, it fell down again. By this time the audience was pissing themselves, my castmates broke down in laughter. It literally stopped the show. When i came back on"dressed" everyone cheered, and we continued. It was an ice breaker i will never forget. Nothing like flashing an audience twice during your debut!

#97re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/5/07 at 3:34pm

Ok, two stories from my HS production of Crazy for You, and one from the Mikado.

Crazy for You:

A week before tech week, our "Lank" in the production broke his foot. The entire show he had to walk with one wooden crutch (so it didn't look out of place). Our wonderful Zangler improved every night with things like, "At least I have both my legs gimpy!" and "Hippity Hoppity Hippity Hoppity" whenever they had that fight scene.

One line in the show is "Mr. Zangler the audience is throwing fruit at the curtain!" I was in the pit orchestra and we thought it was hilarious, so closing night we talked to the cast. When that line was said, the pit orchestra threw plastic fruit on to the stage and the sax player even booed! The audience laughed hysterically


At one point the lord high executioner opens a scroll and shouts "I am to be beheaded!". Well, the members of the pit orchestra decided to switch the scrolls, so when he unrolled it it said "You got served." (Running joke between the choir and band). He had to act as if he was crying instead of laughing!

Updated On: 4/5/07 at 03:34 PM

#98re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/14/07 at 6:24pm

These are hilarious! I cracked up at the Sound of Music one XD

#99re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/14/07 at 9:53pm

I was in "The Children's Hour" at my high school *SPOILERS*
At the end, a gunshot is heard off stage at Martha's suicide- well one night the gun goes off, show finishes, Karen sinks to the floor in abject dispair, and the curtain closes. -But as the curtain closes it catches one of the set walls and knocks it down. The crash sounded exactly a gunshot. The entire audience thought that it meant Karen commited suicide! And our cast was so emotionaly charged from the show that we thought it truly was a gun shot- we flipped.
It certainly gave the audience something to talk about though, and all the other nights didn't understand what they meant by Karen's suicide.
