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Funny bloopers from your own shows- Page 3

Funny bloopers from your own shows

thejcm Profile Photo
#50re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/7/05 at 9:57am

We just finished Grease at my high school a couple weeks ago. I was Vince Fontaine and the Teen Angel.

Of course like LizzyBaby213 the night the show was taped everything went wrong. To start off we had so many mic problems that night. We had a studio mic for the parts where I would do my radio business and the mic wouldn't come on until about halfway through my part.

Then during "Those Magic Changes" our Doody started with the 2nd verse and if you know the song, you know that it's the same exact melody as the 1st verse, so if he had just sang through the 2nd verse and then just sang the 1st verse next it would have looked normal...but no. He stops about three lines in, tries to adlib here and there and somehow manages to finish the song. That was the worst thing to happen that night.

Then right before I walked out to sing "Beauty School Dropout" I was coming down the steps from the dressing room and I tripped from the last step and twisted my ankle and fell into a tin trash can we used in the show causing this huge bang while Frenchy is wondering about what she's going to do with her life. I make it to my spot in the audience (where I started the song and walked up on stage joined by my backup dancers). Needless to say, my fall killed my nerves and I sang the hell out of that song that night.

Then during "You're the One that I Want" (which we added in as so many places do) our Danny picks up Sandy and spins her around and off goes her mic pack, flying across the stage. It was at the end of the song, so it was really easy to get it back to her, but still funny nonetheless.

There were more, but those were the biggest, and the most fun to laugh about.

"Who says you can't bend over backwards and eat bugs if you want to? I guess the bugs would probably say you can't do that that, but assuming that they are willing and consenting bugs, then there's no problem. Let's wig out eating bugs." -RuPaul

thepopularone Profile Photo
#51re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/7/05 at 12:10pm

One time when I was performing in Man of La Mancha I was Don Quixote and before I was about to sing Knight of the Woeful Countenance and there was a line to start it up, well, right when I was about to say the line, something went into my eye, and I couldn't scratch my eye cause I would have been out of character, but also because we had painted my gloves silver that night because the silver gloves of mine we could not find, so there I was on my knees, with something in my eye, so I did what I could, I blinked, ALOT, and the best part was, the audience LOVED it, they were all laughing. So I was actually pleased with their reaction and I think I ended up doing it again the next night.

Taryn Profile Photo
#52re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/7/05 at 12:28pm

We finished up with Into the Woods in early April. Our Mysterious Man DISAPPEARED for one of his scenes. Basically, he wasn't there to go on for his "When is a white cow not a white cow?" scene with the Baker where he has to give him back the five gold pieces. So our Baker runs onstage with the bag of gold and goes, "Look what I found!" to the audience and runs back off.

Needless to say, our musical director was pretty damn pissed.

nychick9876 Profile Photo
#53re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/7/05 at 10:20pm

wow where do i begin. my sophmore year we did "Annie" for our spring musical. one guy's mike unhooked and he turned around to kick it back up. then our stage manager had the bright idea to put water in the wine glasses-it was her character that brought them on-and ofcourse she knocked them all off. we were supposed to be upset and i was trying not to laugh that i had to put my head on my friends shoulder to make it look like i was crying. the next year we did this one act called "competition piece" this one girl runs and jumps in the arms of this guy shes supposed to do a kissing scene with, well our actress jumped to far and knocked them both down. it was hilarous. and we recently performed YAGMCB for our outreach program and our snoopy decided to go to the bathroom thinking she didn't have a scene for a while. well she was supposed to start the scene so our charlie looks at me telling me to walk out and says "patty have you seen snoopy?" it was for a bunch of little kids and we had the whole audience looking for snoopy. oh good times!

sometimes i think my head is so big because it is so full of dreams- the elephant man

#54re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/7/05 at 10:27pm

My middle school did Fiddler On The Roof back when I was in 7th grade and when the show ends all the villagers follow Tevye around in a circle then leave the stage to represent leaving town, well I was to go down stairs off the side of the stage and so Im walking and its dark and Im holding a crate. I tripped on a step and and the only thing you heard was my crate falling on the ground and me falling on top of it and it breaking. I fell and hurt my ankle, I was so scared I wouldnt be able to preform for the parents because this happened during the little kids show and they all laughed at me thinking it was part of the show. But my ankle healed.


We did this short play called "Traveler's Latern" and I played an uncle of the main characters and so me and my wife were walking on and I took a step infront of her and my shoe went slam right on her foot and they had a kneel on them, dress shoes and I crushed her foot, she began screaming and yelling and going crazy on stage and the audience loved it because the two were always bickering anyway.

#55re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/7/05 at 11:11pm

My school did Anything Goes this year

For the room scenes backstage we had to esemble these beds, and they were extremely hard to get together and were always difficult, so while on stage erma and moonface where doing their scene and erma sits on the edge of the bed and it falls apart with her on it! so Moonface being the good improver he is he suddenly screams "the cabins haunted!" it got a lot of laughs

For this one scene Billy throws whip cream, and it always got all over the stage and since there were only short blackouts to move the sets they couldnt always get all the cream up, so reno came running out before the bedroom scene and slipped in it and from behind the door u see her foot go flying as she falls to the ground, in delovely the dancers fell but made it look gracful "we gave her the award for ost graceful fall" and then my one friend aaron had to run across the stage and he ended up doing a tuck and roll as he fell it was hilarious!

This one has to be the best ever! We used this old weel chair for the old lady, my friend leah, and in this one scene her daughters running push her backstage, and well as they still running cut the corner backstage someone was there, so they lost control of the wheel chair u hear this huge bang,as the wheel chair crashes and breaks part of the set, and leah is catapulted out of the wheel chair, there was a good minute of laughter from the audience, cast ,crew,pit everyone! Best moment ever!

"If There's One Thing to Learn it's You Just Can't Go Wrong If You Follow Your Heart, and End With A Song"

#56re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/7/05 at 11:19pm

During a performance of Scapin, the character Sylvestre came on stage as a pirate, complete with an eye patch and a stuffed parrot on his shoulder. During a scene between Sylvestre and me, the parrot wouldn't stay standing on his shoulder. (The audience roars.) Sylvestre repeatedly tried to make it stand, but it kept flopping down. So, Sylvestre ripped the parrot from his shoulder and shoved it down the front of his pants. (The audience loses it and applauds.) Sylvestre reacts as if the parrot were causing... discomfort, so he takes it out of his pants and throws it behind him over his shoulder. An ensemble cast member, with quick reflexes, sees the parrot out of the corner of his eye and catches it and the parrot lands standing straight up in his hand as if it flew right to him. (The audience goes berserk.)

It took every ounce of energy in me to stay in character. I almost lost my mind and walked offstage in a fit of hysterical laughter. It was the funniest thing I had ever seen.

#57re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/7/05 at 11:21pm

I've had quite a few 'wardrobe malfunctions' over the past few years, the most notable of them involving me getting pushed on roller skates, falling, and losing my pants down to my knees. All because someone had my pants on by mistake... Eesh.

Also, we had one performace of 'Footloose' this year in which just about every sound cue went wrong. When the bell was supposed to ring, we heard the 'Welcome to the show! Please don't eat or drink, etc.' speech, and when the train was supposed to rush past, we heard the schoolbell. The band, which was in another room, couldn't be heard for the first part of the opening, so I was just kind of standing there singing to music that nobody could hear.

And... this one isn't me, but I love hearing it, in any case. When I was younger, I came to see our high school's production of 'West Side Story.' In Tony and Maria's final scene, the actor playing Tony had a bloody nose, which initially scared the hell out of the poor girl playing Maria. He used it to his advantage, though, and I still remember it.

"Bangarang, Rufio!" --Hook

lovettespies Profile Photo
#58re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/7/05 at 11:44pm

7th Grade production of Camelot. The scene where Lance and Guinevere are caught went horribly wrong. All of the soldiers were wating behind flats to spring out and the Lancelot says "I swear, we're completly alone." At that moment, one of the boys dropped his sword and ran into the flat make a huge boom and then a number of cursies that resounded throughout the theater. The two actors tried not to laugh for the entire scene.

I was Consuela, the blonde shark in a recent production of West Side Story. We were rehearsing the scene before America, that only the girls had blocked since the boys had done fight rehearsal. The script read.
Bernardo: Thank God you cange your hair
Pepe (in reference to my bleached head): Is that possible?
Consuela: In the USA, everything is real.
Anita: We are foreigners
Pepe and Consuela: Lice!
All 3: Cockroaches!
When we got to that point there was a silence, and I nudged the boy playing Pepe and he looked back blankly. I whispered "It's your line" "Really? Are you sure" he said. I nodded. With a confused look he wrapped his arms around me, played with my hair, and said what he thought was his next line. "LICE!"

Keep the peace, take care of each other, and may you find your promised land. -TJST

VonTussleGirl Profile Photo
#59re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/8/05 at 1:58pm

More 'Sound of Music' mistakes... (We just finished a run of the show.)

During two shows, the kid playing Rolf managed to screw up the SAME LINE in 'I am Sixteen' TWICE. The lyric, originally "I am seventeen, going on eighteen...," first came out as "You are sixteen, going on seventeen." That still made sense. But the very next show, what came out of his mouth was something about "I am sixteen, going on eighteen." That basically became the running joke of the show. ("Hey, how old are you again, Chris?" ect.)

After the wedding, a whole group of nuns who were supposed to exit offstage left, decided to go down the stairs to the stage, up one of the aisles, and exit through the back of the house. Smart nuns, smart!

There was more, but that's the big stuff.

innocentchoirboy Profile Photo
#60re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/23/05 at 10:47am

So I just Finished "Man of la Mancha" and i have a new blooper to add.

At the end of the show, Quixote dies, and the following dialog takes place

SANCHO: Aldonza-
ALDONZA: No! My name is Dulcinea!

it's the climax of the whole musical. but here's what happened Closing night...

SANCHO: Aldonza-
ALDONZA: No! My name is Aldonza!

AARRGGG!!!! and she could have fixed it to! my last show in high school, i'm playing my dream role as Don Quixote, and she has to screw it up!!!! oh well. the finale went well and there was still a standing-O, so it's all good.

"We ought to make the pie higher." --George W. Bush, South Carolina Republican Debate; February 15, 2000

#61re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/23/05 at 10:54am

Hey be fair, I think it is more noticable in a situation like that if you try to fix a mistake like that. It disrupts the ebb and flow and you are better off going forward. And honestly, two things:

1) 90% of the audience doesn't pick up on it.

2) It gives you a story to tell so it's all good.


#62re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/23/05 at 11:30am

I was in a production of "The First Day: A Middle School Nightmare" (A modern-day version of Dantes Inferno taking place in a middle school,) at the Seattle Children's Theater. I played Virgil, the main character's poet guide through this hell, and during one scene, I was supposed to bring her her class list. During the second performance, I left it offstage. I said "I'll be right back," and ran offstage to get it. I slipped, and fell head-first into a corner of the table being used by "The Silver Chair," which was also being performed that night. I got up, got the class list and ran back onstage to finish the scene. During the rest of the scene, I felt a warm drop sliding down the side of my face. "Please let that be sweat," I thought. I got offstage and discovered that it was blood. I had been bleeding quite noticably onstage. I still have the scar next to my eye.

So now you've met the court of 364, and if you ever wish to come...don't.

#63re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/23/05 at 11:33am

Two of my favorite line mess-ups:

In Harriet the Spy: "Call the police, the national guard, the cavalry, and the...those officers on horseback...the canine unit!" That conjures up an interesting image.

In Captain Blood: The line was actually "Enguard you Spanish scum." But the actor slipped and said, "Enguard you Spanish cum!"

So now you've met the court of 364, and if you ever wish to come...don't.

The_Jackal2 Profile Photo
#64re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/2/07 at 8:27pm

When I was in a production of Annie, in the final scene, I was one of the orphans who was supposed to come in, greet Annie, and then go running towards the Christmas tree. Well, one of the servants was standing between me and the tree so I tried to run around him. Of course, I didn't realize how slippery my shoes were so I slipped and landed on the stage! Oops.

Then one time, I was in this play where a bunch of students are taking a test, but weird things start happening to one student. By the end, she's been in a trial and scentenced to death. I sat right in front of her so I had to turn around and put the electrocution hat on her. I then pull out a battery but when I stuck the plug in, the bell was supposed to go off. One night, I didn't and we all sat there absolutely frozen for what felt like about half a minute, though I'm pretty sure it wasn't that long. Anyways, someone off stage finally went "RING!" but I was pretty scarred for a few seconds...

seaweedjstubbs Profile Photo
#65re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/2/07 at 9:01pm

I've got a couple.............

1. Every year, there is a local production of Ira David Wood III's "A Christmas Carol." I participated in 2002. There was a scene where all of the children had to walk in front of Scrooge and his nephew, and then run as fast as we could around a drop to get to our places before the other drop came up. Well, I wasn't paying attention and accidentely hit Mrs. Cratchit in her stomach. What made it worse was that the actress playing her was pregnant! Sorry Mrs. Cratchit!

2. In the North Carolina premiere of "Blue," there was a point where I had to make a very quick change and get back onstage. Well, I was in such a hurry that I forgot one of the most important things to do in a quick change: zip my zipper. So everyone in the cast who came onstage after that tried to tell me discretely to zip my fly. The next day the whole crew was wearing pins that said XYZ. so embarassing. (also, on the last show, the fire alarm went off right before the most dramatic part of the show!)

3. I was a Wickersham Brother in a production of Seussical. During the scene where we steal the clover from Horton, we were to run off the stage and into the audience. Well me and my fellow Wick. Bro. decided to do a little improv in the crowd and he stops at a seat beside a kid. So with my great improv skills, I turn around to tell him to come on, and as soon as I did, he popped up, and hit his head on my lip. The kids in the audience got enjoyment out of this, but it hurt like crap for me. My lip was bruised for about a week.

Sorry this was so long

littlechavela2 Profile Photo
#66re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/2/07 at 9:10pm

Peter Pan flying from the balcony on a zipline and smashing into a wall of the darling house

Broadwaynut81 Profile Photo
#67re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/2/07 at 9:51pm

Quite a few come to mind with this one...

littlechavela- I was in a production of Peter Pan and the same thing happened... I also remember when our Cap'n Hook mixed up the tango and tarantela and started singing the second to the tune of the first. I think that was the performance where everything went wrong.

I was in a production of Into the Woods and the girl playing the Witch totally missed her cue when it was time for her reunion w/ Rapunzel (the magic for beauty thing...) and the Rapunzel kind of stood there and walked off--what made it worse was this was the show that was videotaped.

Now for mine...

I did a show in grade school called "Time and Time Again" and in the middle of the title song the change in my voice started to shine through and I pulled a Peter Brady and squeaked at the end of my verse. Ooh I was a little embarassed.

In high school I did a production of "Rhinoceros" by Ionesco, it was an all boy's school and while the female roles were played by females, one of them was played by a guy. During his entrance (usually he ran in from backstage...) he ran in from the back of the auditorium and took a flying leap onto the stage. Blooper being we were all doubled over laughing... in character. It took a few minutes to get us back to the show.

#68re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/3/07 at 12:37am

In high school and college, I was witness to many hysterical moments involving off-stage mikes accidentally being left on.

All I have to say is why is it that whenever situations like that occur, the actor sporting the mike in question is always saying something inappropriate?

#69re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/3/07 at 1:04am

I ran the lighting board for my school's production of "Rumors" by Neil Simon. So, I'm up in the booth with the sound tech and the stage manager when it comes time for a gun shot to be heard. The sound tech starts her cue and out to be used later in the act. She quickly cuts the music, but fortunately our actors were very good at improv and covered. The gun shot ran out a few seconds later. When it came time for the actual cue, the actor said, "Honey, why don't put on that wonderful music we heard before?" getting a large laugh from the audience.

In another sort of blooper, this same actor would later improv most of his lines in the second act--which were often quite funnier than Simon's (as much as I love him). However, the only ones not laughing were the stage manager and our faculty advisor.

Recently, we did "The Taming of the Shrew". We don't have a large selection of men to work with, so some roles became women. One role was Baptista but the actress bowed out tech week due to medical issues. So one of the stage managers, a boy, suddenly is playing the part. So during the show, the actors occasionally slipped and refered to Baptista as "mother". It happened to the actress who played Bianca, but she covered it up by saying, "I mean father. Daddy."

"Movies will make you famous; Television will make you rich; But theatre will make you good."--Terrence Mann

"Pretty much...if you've seen any shows that have a jerk boyfriend in that show...I'm that guy."--Richard H. Blake

Diane: Aww, you are such a chick flick. I would totally pay $12 to see you. (Kristin Chenoweth on "Ugly Betty") <-- my blog. Give it a read, please.

LyTeMyCanDyI Profile Photo
#70re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/3/07 at 1:10am

In my high school's version of Grease! During YTOTiW (yea, we added it) Danny Zuko's mic pack fell and he trailed it behind him the entire time. Also, in that same scene, the table fell over for no good reason. We all ignored it except for one idiot girl.

The next year, our Sky missed an entrance and left Sarah, Arvide, and I (Cartwright) stranded.

The first night, our tree fell in the Havannah scene right before If I Were A Bell. Sky stopped, gave the audience a 1 second hang gesture and then flexed his (nonexistant) muscles and lifted the tree back. Sarah just played it off as a giddy drunk.

Megan Mullally as Karen Walker on Will and Grace: "Tell me more. Tell me more. Like does he have a car?"

galindagirl2 Profile Photo
#71re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/3/07 at 1:28am

I was in a musical where I had to complete the entire opening sequence barefoot. We were using a giant metal set that I had to run around and climb on. At one of the performances, I'm running, and I feel a SLICE across my toe. I had to keep moving obviously, but as I ran to my next spot and glanced back, I noticed a trail...well you get the picture. I finished the opening, which ends up with me wearing shoes. I bled inside my shoe for a good deal of the first act. At one point I had to take my shoes off again, which was...interesting. I was the lead, so I left the stage for an equivalent of maybe two minutes in the first act, enough time for the SM to pour some water over my foot and supply me with a band-aid...AH! Good times in live theater :)

#72re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/3/07 at 1:40am

last summer i did the Mystery of Edwin Drood...i was in the dream sequence ballet and there was a part where one dancer did a hand stand and was supported by the other girl, who at the time was holding in some gas and nearly dropped the girl in the handstand on her face if i didn't catch her in time....

same girl different day, during one of the narrators rants to the audience while all of us characters are sitting onstage, she rips one and everyone onstage is trying the hardest not to break while the first couple or so rows of the audience heard it, so they're laughing....and not only was it funny that she farted, but she had the guiltiest expression on her was all rather hilarious and we did a poor job of not breaking

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#73re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/3/07 at 1:54am

Not sure if this is really funny, but I was in a production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and every night as the brothers we would try so hard not to wreck the actual coat before the switch of the torn coat that twice during the run we didn't even get the good coat off. Because of the music and lyrics being so fast we had to toss Joseph in the ditch with his coat still on.

Then there were only seconds before we had to make the switch with the torn coat so twice I jumped into the ditch after him to retreive the good coat prior to the switch. It was sort of strange because if I could jump in after the coat and then get myself out obviously Joseph could to, but there wasn't really a whole lot else to do... we had to have that coat.

VonTussleGirl Profile Photo
#74re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 4/3/07 at 2:50am

In the version of The Pied Piper I just finished doing, the town council president Saurkraut has to make the Mayor sign a proclaimation - it's one of the most crucial scenes in the show.

That damn proclaimation scene was the bane of my existence.

On opening night, we completely skipped that set of lines - us town council folk became an angry mob about two pages two early and chased the Mayor off before Saurkraut could even deliver his stirring speech.

Also, Saurkraut had a line about how "it's time to strike a blow for freedom!" Somehow one night, it came out "Citizens! It's time to blow for freedom!"

And on our closing performance, Saurkraut lost the proclaimation prop and had to do the entire scene without it. It went a bit like this:

Saurkraut: And the long and short of it is, either sign this proclaimation or forthwith- um...
Mayor: What proclaimation?
Saurkraut: Well, I wrote a proclaimation...
Town Crier: Oh! Ooh! I memorized it!
Saurkraut: Oh... would you like to say it then?
Crier: Sure... The Mayor of Hamelin offers a reward of one thousand guilders to whoever can rid the town of this plague of rats that now infest our city.
Saurkraut: So.. um... if I had it, would you sign it?
