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Funny bloopers from your own shows- Page 2

Funny bloopers from your own shows

rmposey Profile Photo
#25re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/5/05 at 12:06pm

During one performance of Amahl and the Night Visitors, someone standing in the back of the auditorium leaned against the light switches and all of the house lights blazed on. It happened during sleeping/overnight scene so it was pretty startling. =)

During Trial by Jury, the guy playing Edwin was supposed to kind of cower behind me. He grabbed by arms and pulled me in front of him, but was a little enthusiastic and actually flung me off the bench we were sitting on. Hee hee. Now, I am by no means a slight girl but I suppose his enthusiams combined with my slippery taffeta costume were a dangerous combination. During that same show, for one of the gags, we popped open a bottle of fizzy lemonade. It had gotten pretty shaken up and exploded with a gigantic pop and flowed down all over the stage and my costume. Ah, fun, fun times!

I should have eaten the saw and used the cake to bludgeon my way out - Alfred Hitchcock

#26re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/5/05 at 12:12pm

Many years ago - a production of SWEENEY TODD... The actor playing the Judge sometimes got tongue-tied. In the finale, he is supoosed to sing:


Well, what came out his mouth on closing night was something about...


I swear to God!

#27re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/5/05 at 12:21pm

When I was in a production of Grease a few years ago in high school, we were rehearsing Greased Lightning and the kid playing Kineckie slid in the middle of the stage and he fell into the pit. Thank god there were no instruments there otherwise there would have been big problems.

kikki327 Profile Photo
#28re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/5/05 at 4:31pm

Bye Bye Birdie -- during the Shriner scene where Rosie
has to walk on the table, she started walking across it and it collapsed!! good thing it was only rehearsal.
- during a rehearsal, in the scene after "Kids" where Mr. MacAfee and Albert sing "hey rio..." and Rosie walks in, our Rosie was changing her costume and didnt come out in time, Mr. MacAfee and Albert keep singing "hey rio....flyin' down to rio......hey rio, flyin' down to rio.....HEY RIO! FLYIN' DOWN TO RIO!!" and they started doing a kickline....and our director goes "where Rosie??" and Mr. MacAfee says "Shes in RIO!" At our cast parties, we always do "Top 10 funniest moments of rehearsal" and that was #1. lol.

Into the Woods -- Cinderella's Prince says "I'm not perfect.....I'm only human." during one of the performances, our prince said "I'm not human....I'm only perfect." which was hysterical cause hes a concieted jerk!! haha.
- the scene at Cinderella's Mother's Grave where the dress "falls" from the tree....Cinderella sings "I'm off to get my wish!" holds out her arms... and waits....and waits...looks up....nothing happens....then lights go out and she runs off the stage!! the dress got caught between the tree and the lights above stage!!! So for the next scene she had to wear the alternate ball gown....which was SO incredibly ugly. LOL.

GirlforTartaglia Profile Photo
#29re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/5/05 at 5:06pm

In Seussical, the Cat in the Hat had to go across the stage on a hellicopter aka a wheely platform pushed by some jungle animals. Anyway, one of the wheels got stuck, the Cat flew off the platform and luckily landed on his feet. He managed to make up a line, the jungle animals had to lift this massive wheely thing to the other side of the stage, making so much noise in the process. For those of us frozen on stage, we couldnt help but tremble from trying not to laugh.

And the other thing about the Phantom Lady was, Bert, she realized, in the city that never sleeps... What did she realize, Kitten? That all the songs she'd listened to, all the love songs, that they were only songs. What's wrong with that? Nothing, if you don't believe in them. But she did, you see. She believed in enchanted evenings, and she believed that a small cloud passed overhead and cried down on a flower bed, and she even believed there was breakfast to be had... Where? On Pluto. The mysterious, icy wastes of Pluto.

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#30re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/5/05 at 5:23pm

#1 doing annie, the girl playing miss hannigan and i were talked into pit singing about 90% of new deal for christmas since it always sounded like hell, so we'd sneak behind one of the walls of the mansion and sing all of the chorus and i did warbucks, well one night our drake forgot we were there and flung open the door to get sandy..well he hit miss hannigan square in the face. The whole audience was now staring at us so warbucks (in one of his few smart ideas) goes "DRAKE i thought i told you to get her the hell outta there...and take whoever that guy is with you!!"

#2 also during annie, our very arrogant, very self absorbed new conductor forgot to cue the hooverville music, so we started it a capella... until he stopped the show, made us go back and do it with was his first and last show with the school.

#3- sorry wrong number-we had to time all the phone calls to these special light pools coming on and off so you could see who she was actually talking to...every night however the lighting woman would forget to kill the first operator's light she would have to sit there and ad-lib with mrs stevenson for as long as it took for the light to go down, since when george (me) and the other man come one the phone i had to appear in the same spot as her.. the longest was close to 4 minutes

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

yodamarie78 Profile Photo
#31re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/5/05 at 11:34pm

During a production of Of Mice and Men one of the guys was supposed to say "You come after me and I'll kick you G**d*** head off." The night his parents came to the show he was going to drop the God part because he said they would stop the show and drag him from the stage if they heard that. However when he got to the line somehow what came out was "You come after me and I'll kick you f***in' head off" complete with psuedo-Brooklyn accent (I'm from Georgia). For a good 20 seconds everyone on stage froze staring at each other, but the show did go on. We gave him a hard time during intermission, but at the end of the show no one remembered what he'd done because in the next scene I literally fell through a door on my entrance when I missed the edge of the platform.

BwayBaby18 Profile Photo
#32re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/5/05 at 11:38pm

When i did Victor/Victoria we made these huge Sex Symbols all intertwined.... well the guy playing squash opens the door to say a line and a female sex symbol broken and slamed down to the floor..... in the same production someone took Norma's soap (that goes in her mouth which was really whipped cream) and replaced it with shavign cream......

conanissexy18 Profile Photo
#33re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/5/05 at 11:47pm

When we did The Foreigner at our school, I was Betty, and my friend, a true redneck, decided he would get a little creative with his Klan outfit for the final showdown at the end of the show. He enters while my back is turned, wearing the entire Klan outfit...and a red baseball cap (one he wears during the entire show) on top of the hood. Just picture it.

If that wasn't bad enough, NOT TWO SECONDS LATER, he says his first line with a spoonerism. Instead of asking me "What's going on in this house," he yells in my face, WITH A BULLHORN, "What's HO-ing on in this GOUSE?"

I started crying because I was trying not to laugh, and we just stared at each other. I COULDN'T SPEAK, I was laughing way too much. Everyone in the audience loved that part.

#34re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/5/05 at 11:53pm

When I did City of Angels, I was Buddy/Irwin, and in the scene when Irwin S. Irving gets shot, before the lights went up, the bed broke, and was tilted downward, So, needless to say, it looked like we had a good time. We were both taking shifts laughing and I said somehwre in there "God, this never happens" and then our Stone walks in and just is laughing over his lines and the audience is going nuts. As was the light board, as they forgot to end the scene by bringing the lights down. We were there for like 5 minutes, and about a minute after I was shot and supposedly dead, but still laughing...and this was opening night by the way...

When I did Les Miserables, I was Valjean, and in a dress rehearsal, right before The Bargain when I come in with Little Cosette, my fly was undone, so, it looked like, well, yeah. In the notes for that rehearsal, it said:

"Keep it zipped up when with Little Cosette. I know you're French and it's the 1800's, but still, she's way too young for you. Wait until In My Life."
Updated On: 5/5/05 at 11:53 PM

#35re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/6/05 at 12:12am

Not funny at the time, but now we can all look back and giggle. I recently was in a production of "Hair". Our last dress rehearsal was a complete diaster. I have never seen so many injuries in my life. Our Berger cut his toe on a set piece, one of the "Tribe", tripped over a set piece right before "Intials" and almost went down for the count, I stabbed the side of my foot on a block and almost fell off a block at an earler point and the most serious injury occured when one of the "Trible" members went to step off the platform and onto a box in the backstage area, right before a scene change. Well, there was not adequate lighting and someone had moved the box (I have no idea why) and she stepped out into nothing, landing on her foot and somehow slicing it open. The actress playing Dionne fell with her and twisted her ankle, but the other cast memeber was severely hurt, screaming and crying in pain. There was blood everywhere and she had to be taken to the emergency room in the middle of the show. the poor thing had to have two toenails cut off and she was told that they'll never grow back.

She was doped up on pain meds for the run of the show and had to wear mocasions on her feet, while everyone else went barefoot. We can at least laugh about it now. She had a good sense of humor about it and was told me how upset she was that she was taken to the hospital right before the nude scene. :) And the doped up on pain killer thing would only work for a show like HAIR, so it was all good.

#36re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/6/05 at 12:23am

Last year, my school did Godspell-and our Judas (in 'All For The Best') had a cane (or whatever the black poles with the white tips are) that he used. How he got it was our Jesus threw it to him from like 15 feet away (just tossed it to him). One time, he forgot about it for just a second, turned and there it was. It smacked him in the face...

I had my first lines in a production of Peter Pan we did (just scenes from the show)...I had a voice crack on my first line (Ow! No captain, no!) I was trying to make it look like the arm he hooked was in pain, and I grabbed the arm that hadn't been touched...

Same first night on-we (pirates) are supposed to enter in and run into eachother causing us to fall. I did it so well that I actually hit my head on the stage and was tearing up during the tango. After we finished the song, when I exited off stage, I almost blacked out.

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

Sluggy Profile Photo
#37re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/6/05 at 11:38am

I've so enjoyed reading this thread!

I was stage managing a production of Oliver! which featured many 8th graders as Fagin's kids. In one scene, a beaded necklace snapped and the beads began rolling all over the stage. I envisioned the nightmare of multiple cast members tripping, etc. The kids were so great - stayed in character as pickpockets and gobbled up the beads with ad-libs like "give me those", "I want it", "mine!", etc. Not one bead was left, and I'll bet the audience thought it was planned!

I directed this same group in one-acts when they got to high school. During a competition, we had difficulties with "Sunday Tea With Desiree" (Anyone know this piece? It uses character names from "A Little Night Music".) First, the students got through 5 minutes and then had to start over because the judges hadn't been in the house. Then, a wheel fell off the tea cart, causing it to list Titanic-like and sending a few dishes crashing on the stage. Desiree didn't miss a beat - "I'll pour...CRASH....and Petra will serve."
What a great bunch of young performers!

"Which way do you want these pleats turned?" "Toward Mecca."

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#38re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/6/05 at 12:20pm

In Wonderful Town, I was playing Ruth. I was on the phone with the "city editor," Mr. Baines, and suddenly the cord fell out of the phone. The girl playing Eileen started tapping the hangup buttons as if that would help, and I quickly plugged it back in and said something like "Mr. Baines? Oh, Mr. Baines, I thought I'd lost you! That was lucky!"

During the scene where Ella visits the dentist, Dr. Kitchell, in Bells Are Ringing, we had a small flat up behind the dentist chair for a wall. My friend Mike, who was playing Kitchell, bumped into it, and it almost fell. He caught it, turned around, and said, "Oh, I'm sorry. My office is falling apart." The audience roared.

In City of Angels, the guy playing Buddy was wrapped up in a sheet during his massage scene. He put on a robe over the sheet and the girl playing the masseuse was trying to get the sheet out from under it. It got stuck, so he started hopping around ridiculously for about a minute. It was all I could do to not laugh; the audience was hysterical.
Updated On: 5/6/05 at 12:20 PM

VonTussleGirl Profile Photo
#39re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/6/05 at 7:16pm

In The Sound of Music, we had quite a matinee one day... during the party scene, Max, Elsa and the captain all managed to be late for their scenes. Our Captain, bless his heart, couldn't remember how to tie a tie knot, and they continued to perform the scene without him (I was playing Louisa). So we get to the point where it's been about a minute and Zeller and Von Schreiber have ad-libbed an entire argument about Austria and Germany, the girl playing the maid finally comes in with "Why don't we all go out to the terrace?" This, of course, is exactly when the Captain enters and says his line, "It's much more pleasant out on the terrace."


Then, ironically, Elsa was having costume problems of her own: she was wearing these frankly dangerous stilettos, one of which came undone and she promptly tripped and twisted her ankle. So both she and Max missed an entrance because he was busy making sure she was okay. So our Maria just sort of stood there until Brigitta had the good sense to begin their little dialogue.

#40re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/6/05 at 8:48pm

when I did Sound of Music (Uncle Max) I adlibbed my entire part and managed to screw many people up, but they got with the program swiftly. It was fun.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#41re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/6/05 at 9:31pm

My friend was supposed to pull me offstage at the end of the scene, but she pulled too hard, so my ankle buckled. I was fine, but I was wearing these shoes with a really big thick heel, and the heel banged down onto the hollow stage. The huge BOOM! echoed through the auditorium.

In the video, you can see both of our faces just fall and we look horrified, but we burst out laughing the second we got offstage, and so did everyone else backstage. Our evil teacher got mad and blamed me. Um, because yeah, I totally wanted that to happen. *eyeroll*

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#42re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/6/05 at 9:40pm

In an original show created by the music teacher in my school we were dancing to the candy man and my friend had to be flipped over but accidently the people flipping him dropped him on his back. It hurt him but it wasnt to bad. Also that day we had 5 shows and my friend cut up her face badly on a bike accident the day earlier which made the performance 1 less. Also my friend who did the flip thing was wearing a chicken hat and it unstapled and we had to run through the hallway to get to the closest stapler. Also like always many problems with our curtain and props!

suNLily Profile Photo
#43re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/6/05 at 9:42pm

There have been so many it's hard to remember them all.

#1: Annie

Rooster and Lily and Mrs. Hannigan were being dragged out of Daddy Warbucks' house when Roosters moustached came off. This kid is a great actor HORRIBLE AD LIBBER he goes "I should have used super glue!!!" Let's just say a big argument about if super glue was invented or not followed that performance.

#2 Les Miserables

This is an offstage blooper funny but scary at the same time. My friends and I were standing offstage waiting for the next scene when the scrim started to go up. My friends dress got caught on it and she started to go up with the scrim! Finally someone came to their senses and pulled her down before she got to high up or the dress ripped.

#3 Pinocchio

Yet another bad ad lib moment. And yes it involves the same kid from number one. It was Antonios monologue thing before the whale scene. This actor was told to stall so we could get the whale onstage. Next thing we know he's saying stuff like " And when the whale sneezed he got snot all over Geppetto, and Geppetto had to take seventy showers to get the whale snot off him." Disasterous when told to third graders

MissElphie Profile Photo
#44re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/6/05 at 10:01pm

1)We did our first performance of Bye Bye Birdie (it was also our first real dress rehearsal) in front of visiting seniors. In the scene where Conrad comes down in a robe, our Conrad make a quick change and didn't think to put anything under his robe...and it fell open.
I played Rosie and during the final dance sequence, Albert spun me in a circle and my skirt went up to my waist, but I didn't think to wear shorts underneath...
Needless to say, twice in that show, the seniors got more than they paid for.

2) When we did L'il Abner, our sign that hid the "National Monument" writing on the Jubilation T Cornpone statue fell off about halfway through the first act, and ruined the end of the show. Everyone on stage was so freaked, people forgot their lines and we somehow ended up repeating the same scene twice and going in circles.

Updated On: 5/6/05 at 10:01 PM

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#45re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/6/05 at 11:01pm

When we did Alice in Wonderland, I was the Dodo, and they attached feathers to the fron tof my shirt, and as I get up it starts snowing feathers...

And when we did Cabaret last year, I didn't even manage to make it to the stage, but I had a body mic and as I was leaving the dressing room and the wire from my very ill-atatched mic got wrapped around the door... and proceeded to detatch itself at the very top by the actual mouth piece where you talk into. So I had to get on stage, and I'm walking around the dressing room yelling "I broke my mic! I broke my mic!" Luckily my friend fixed it for me but it was really funny... (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

broadway86 Profile Photo
#46re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/6/05 at 11:13pm

"Hello, Dolly!" - During the final scene, we had an actress playing the painter standing upstage, tending to a huge wooden sign outside Horace's store. The second she left the stage, the sign came crashing down. God knows what would have happened, had she stayed a little longer.

"Antigone" - During the scne when Creon (myself) and his son face off, one of the guards collapsed at an intense moment. The audience gasped, but we kept going. It was only later until we found out that people thought it was part of the show.

"H2$" - When I (as Finch) examined my new office, I held the string that opens the windowshade and the blinds were ripped clean off. The girl who played Rosemary came onstage, without knowing what had happened. She said, "Oh, Ponty. You're new office. It's *laughs* beautiful..." She broke out into laughter, but it looked natural.

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#47re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/6/05 at 11:46pm

Also for Cabaret, for the club scdenes, we had this big board that ha da pic of a bar on it... and it fell over. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

#48re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/7/05 at 4:34am

Two good tales:

We did a production of Once on This Island at my high school, and near the end there's an overlapping/echoing part of overlapping lines from the show. The girl who said her line before me was supposed to say "What can a peasant do for a grandehomme but shine his shoes?" Or something like that... and all she got out was "What... blhbehla... SHOES!" Talk about a nickname that stuck through the rest of high school...

I was in a production of YAGMCB (as Lucy) and we'd been going pretty well through the run, and (as per usual) the night that the show was taped, EVERYTHING went wrong: Schroeder fell smack dab on his butt during a cross. Charlie messed up on The Kite for the first time during the run... so much so, that they had to start the verse over again. AND! The guy who was Snoopy decided that it would be a good idea to moon the girl who was playing Patty and I from across the stage right before the Home on the Range scene. Now on the video you hear me gasping from backstage, and I run on saying "Give me back my pencil, you blockhead" while laughing hysterically. Good times...

#49re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/7/05 at 6:10am

This goes back many years...

I was doing the lighting for a summer stock production of MY FAIR LADY when the actor playing Higgins was singing "You Did It" and uttered "I can tell that she was born Cesarean" instead of "I can tell that she was born Hungarian".

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)
