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Funny bloopers from your own shows- Page 5

Funny bloopers from your own shows

roseaddams Profile Photo
#100re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/14/07 at 10:42pm

I did a production of Midsummer Night's Dream where Bottom missed his final entrance with the mechanicals, once he comes back and announces he'll do the play within the play. First, the actor with the cue repeated his line after ten seconds or so of silence. Then after our concern subsided, we started looking scared and dumb. Then Peter Quince started yelling 'BOTTOM!' in this ridiculous falsetto which caused me to lose it completely -- I'm turned full back to the audience stuffing my hand in my mouth, making it look like a nervous breakdown and supporting Snug, who's lost it thirty seconds previous. When he finally entered, he got huge applause, and the happiness we were supposed to feign at his return was actually realistic. Then I punched him backstage. It was relieving.

"You mean what was the best picture of the year or what did they pick as the best picture of the year?" - California Suite
Updated On: 5/14/07 at 10:42 PM Profile Photo
#101re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/14/07 at 11:15pm

I was watching my school's prodution of You're a Good Man Charlie Brown, and during "the Book Report", and the whole cast was sitting and then standing then sitting over and over, and in the middle of the song Charlie Brown's bench broke, the audience all laughed, and Charlie Brown played it off like "why does everything happen to me?" I talked to him later about it and he said that the bench was definietly not supposed to break! lol thank god it happened to him and not another character.

#102re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/14/07 at 11:21pm

Not really funny, more scary, but during one performance of Robin Hood last year at my middle school the girl playing Lady Merle(Maid Marian's physco guardian) totally forgot what she was saying and in the middle of her line she just said "Um...or something" and mumbled. Everyone on stage was terrified. Also during that same performance, I was Maid Marian and my arms were supposed to be tied behind my back and Robin was supposed to come in and save me. But the backstage people threw away my rope for some reason right, and I didn't know this until I had to go on, so I had to use a scarf that fell off before Robin saved me. The audience was giggling and could totally tell I wasn't really tied up.

TheatreDiva612 Profile Photo
#103re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/14/07 at 11:24pm

I was in a production of Godspell (this was the final dress), and my friend Regan was singing Bless The Lord and at the end of the song, she is standing on a table that is being held in the air, and she is supposed to dive off the table (like a diving board into a pool), that was about 8 feet in the air, and the people that were supposed to catch her did not. She landed on her head. After everyone flipped out and she layed there for a few minutes and was fine, the director said "Alright lets try it again." I about died.

#104re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 5/20/07 at 10:32am

^ LOL!

I wish I had more funny moments but I don't re: Funny bloopers from your own shows

#105re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 1/8/08 at 10:20pm

Oh! I remembered the third funny moment ^^

Atticus accidentally called Mrs maudie Miss Stephanie. Scout corrected him, prompting a lecture about not talking back to your elders. :p

nickip Profile Photo
#106re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 1/8/08 at 10:45pm

When I was in Beauty And The Beast I had my pants safety pinned so they would stay up, and the second I get on stage to dance for "Gaston" the pin fell out! I was just about loosing my pants the entire time.

I was Jacob in Joseph... this summer and my mic pack fell off as I sang my ONLY SOLO. It was underneath my costume, hooked into my underwear and the staging made it impossible for me to pick it up after it fell to the stage, so I had it dragging behind me, coming out of my robe for a while!

What is it with me and pants?!


ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#107re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 1/8/08 at 10:47pm

I was in BRIGADOON, my senior year of high school and I played Mr. Maclaren and during the final show, I left the parchment of announcments to be made backstage, I had to wing the entire monolouge: I said most of it on point, but the end was messy because the ensemble was in shock when I didnt know what to do about the part about putting it somewhere, so I said in a very cranky old man way: "And now that all ye are reminded, all ye can go away.." and gave the ensemble a nasty look, and they all went "Aye.." and finally walked off.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

#108re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 1/8/08 at 11:00pm

We did Noises Off in high school and had more casting nightmares than you can imagine, but the most notable one was that our Garry decided three days before opening that he didn't want to be in the show any more and quit. At the last minute, our Dottie got her boyfriend to join the cast. He was from a different school, but we were desperate. He stayed home from school for three days to learn blocking and lines and when we opened, he was good to go. For the first week and a half, however, when act 2 rolled around, someone would sit behind the set and hand him a script for when he had to shout the lines from backstage so that all the blocking up front went off without a hitch, since that whole act is so dependent upon the lines being perfect. One day he decided he was good and didn't want the script. . . . he ended up skipping three pages of dialogue. It completely threw off the blocking, we were running around the stage like crazy people and we ended up doing the "axe bit" three times. It was horribly frightening, but afterwards, incredibly hilarious.

One other casting nightmare we had was when our Selden decided he didn't want to do the play anymore one night before the show started. (like, thirty minutes before) Our director (aka the drama teacher) was so mad and he decided he'd play the role, so he got in the thief costume and is running around backstage, completely furious. Then his wife tells him that he needs to be in the audience and that she'll go on, so she grabs a similar costume and puts it on and she's going to play the role and they're having a mild argument about who should do the role. All of a sudden, two of our cast members come back with the original Selden, whom they've convinced to stop being difficult and just do the play. He's also in costume. So, it's two minutes to curtain and we've got three Selden's and no one knows what the heck is going on.

Sigh. . . . with all of the drama and craziness, that was probably the most fun I ever had doing a show in high school.

dramaparoxysm23 Profile Photo
#109re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 1/8/08 at 11:41pm

he removes his pants and underwear and is sporting a major erection!

That's how it was done when I saw Daniel Radcliffe in Equus. Is this not supposed to happen? (Really, I'm asking.)

I remember days
Or at least I try
But as years go by
They're sort of haze
And the bluest ink
Isn't really sky
And at times I think
I would gladly die
For a day of sky

And Starbucks will use the words 'large' and 'small', not pretentious crap like grande and tall.
"You could get away with anything if you call it art and tell people who don't like it that it's cutting edge culture." --vmlinnie

maya5892 Profile Photo
#110re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 1/9/08 at 1:34am

My school does these short plays with this thing called The 24 Hour Theater project. 3 or 4 groups of writers stay up from 7pm to 7am friday night, write a play, come in the next morning, and we learn our parts and tech it and put it on at 7 that night.

Anyway, these plays are always hilarious and everyone gets a big kick out of them. But this year, this boy and girl had to lean in for a kiss at the closing scene, and then the lights were supposed to go out before they actually did. So, come 7pm we perform it, blah blah and at the end when the lights are supposed to go off, they don't. So, someone in the tech booth, while they're trying to figure out the problem, went on the mic (the "God" mic we call it) and said, "Awkwarddddd" and then the lights went out. It was the funniest thing ever.

roseaddams Profile Photo
#111re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 1/9/08 at 2:10am

Another one that I just remembered -- in eighth grade, because we had so few boys, we had to scramble to find a play, so we ended up staging scenes from famous movies in one of the largest copyright infringement bonanzas of 2003. So we're doing the scene from E.T. where Elliott first shows E.T. to his siblings. I'm playing the older brother and I have on these football pads. But I've also got a wireless mic, and since we only had four for the whole production, we switched 'em a lot. So we get to the point where Elliott says "Take off your pads. You'll scare him." and I unlatch them and throw them off to the side. And they got caught in my mic cord. So they hung limply from approximately my waist. I tried to put them back on, but by then E.T. had entered and I had my hands full dragging our Gertie off stage.

"You mean what was the best picture of the year or what did they pick as the best picture of the year?" - California Suite

michelle3 Profile Photo
#112re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 10/28/08 at 7:09pm

I have two, from Little Women - I was Beth.

-At the dress rehearsal, Meg was taking a bit long getting into costume for a scene where she's pregnant, and the curtain rose without her ready to enter. They said the few lines in the "Off to Massachusetts Reprise" Scene, until Meg is supposed to walk Beth in, and after waiting a few moments, our Jo promptly shouts: "COME ON, PREGGERS!"
-At the real show, during that scene and "Some Things Are Meant to Be," my costumes were falling off. Two-year-old Pins = NOT SECURE. (:

Current Avatar - Sutton Foster, accepting the Tony Award for Best Performance by a Velociraptor.

#113re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 10/28/08 at 8:43pm

I was in the chorus of my HS production of Hello Dolly. Right before her descent down the steps of the Harmoia Gardens for her BIG ENTRANCE (full dress that was used on broadway--so we were told)our Dolly decided to go out on the loading dock for a breath of fresh air. Of course that is where all the stagehands as well as the school dirtbombs (yes, we used that word) would drink, smoke, have lunch.

When it came time for her to walk down the steps which was only a few feet from the loading dock her dress inadvertantly picked up aluminum beer cans, glass bottles, sandwich wrappers, cigarettes, and empty Burger King cups. They all got caught under her long train. She takes a few steps down the stairs and "boom" a tin can came crashing down stairs onto the stage floor. Nobody knew what had happened then she walks the rest of the stairs and all this garbage starts flowing down and over the steps...every step she took, something fell out. The whopper wrapper did it for us because the pickles were stuck to it and only the waiters could see it.

The waiters were in tears when we realized what happened and couldn't stop laughing. By the end of song before boys dance, the lone stagehand had to come out and sweep--we had to do the whole scene again.

#114re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 10/28/08 at 8:59pm

-in Honk! I completely zoned out on stage and missed a line! I also knocked down someone else egg when we all hatched [we were ducklings, and our "eggs" were wooden and flapped down, it's hard to explain haha]
-in Cinderella I was so little and I just rolled around on stage during my solo [I was a made up pumpkin part haha]
-in Snow White our Snow White forgot a line, and I was a dwarf and I just randomly said a line and she remembered it re: Funny bloopers from your own shows we were like 7-9 though
-in Aladdin our Genie got a little too into the magic carpet scene and knocked over every prop on the right side of the stage!
- in High School Musical I was one of the bad auditioners, and we kinda did an A Chorus Line style thing and we held up headshots, and I held up mine upside-down re: Funny bloopers from your own shows it kinda worked though :p

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#115re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 10/29/08 at 6:44am

I have two, I guess...

My first was when I did "Wizard Of Oz" approximately a bajillion years ago. (Okay, it was six years ago, but it seems like a bajillion.) I was playing the Wicked Witch of the West, and it was such a small, low budget production that when I melted, I was supposed to lay under a black sheet onstage. I had to lay there while the cast danced around and sang "Ding-Dong, The Witch Is Dead!"

Well, I had on these fake fingers-- green and warty with long red talon-type nails. I thought it'd be funny if they were sticking out from under the sheet. But wouldn't you know, someone accidentally kicked my hand, and the fake fingers went FLYING into the audience. You can imagine there was all kinds of screaming and crying from the little kids in the audience after that.

My other, and MUCH more embarrassing one, was when I played Lydia Bennet in "Pride and Prejudice" about two years ago. Now, Lydia is, to put a fine point on it, a total harlot, with a good bit of bimbo mixed in. And it being "Pride and Prejudice," the whole cast was wearing these lovely low-necked, floor-length empire waist dresses that had elastic around the neckline and under the bust.

Well, there were about four dance numbers in the play, even though it wasn't a musical-- people went to balls all the time back then-- and in one of the dance numbers, my partner stepped on the hem of my dress. Which caused it to fall down, so I was naked from the waist up. Luckily, I was wearing a bra. Even more luckily, I was at the back of the stage, near the curtain, so I just went offstage and didn't come back on until I had a line. Surprisingly, no one in the audience that I talked to saw anything, probably because I was in the back, but several of the other kids onstage saw.

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

VonTussleGirl Profile Photo
#116re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 10/29/08 at 1:46pm

I just finished playing the Genie in a production of Aladdin. My first entrance was done Flashdance style, in which I did the movie choreography to "Maniac" (Which I actually knew prior to the show, so there weren't really any problems there). Anyway, at the end of the song I'm lying back on a chair and my "Genie Assistants/Vegas Showgirls" (Needless to say, this was not the Disney version.) pour glitter on me to simulate the water scene. Opening night was the first night that we had used the glitter - I had actually thought we weren't going to be using anything as we had just faked it in rehearsal - and the showgirls didn't know how much to use, so they just poured it out of the craft-store jar it came in.

That f'ing glitter went EVERYWHERE. In my mouth, in my ears, down my top (nothing more fun than trying to get glitter out of your cleavage!), literally everywhere you can possibly imagine. Anyway, I have a line right after this and am spluttering and trying to keep from swallowing said glitter, and finally just end up grabbing a handful from the chair, throwing it at Aladdin, and going "Ta-dah! I'm the Genie of the Lamp!"

Not really a blooper as much as just an experience I would prefer to never repeat, but whatever.

Shannon Bo Dannon Profile Photo
Shannon Bo Dannon
#117re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 10/30/08 at 11:18pm

I was a costumes head for my high school's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. Well we thought it'd be fun to put the actor who played Flute in a crazy girl costume for when he played Thisbe..we had a mop head wig, a torn up sparkly dress and attached balloons filled with glitter on his chest to create boobs, and whenever he "killed" himself he'd pop one of the balloons and the glitter would fall over Bottom aka Pyramus, and it was a fun scene.

Anyway, we're backstage and we attach the balloons to the actor and he goes off to do the scene. Well in the time he got from backstage to the stage one of the boobs fell off (there was a small gap behind the backdrop and apparently it got caught to the wall or something). So he goes onstage with just one bouncy balloon for his chest and the audience is cracking up. I see what's happening and immediately become HORRIFIED! Our Stage Manager was screaming on the headset "WHERE'S THE BOOB?!" (or as loud as you can scream backstage ha), and even our director came backstage to see what was happening.

Thank god we had an extra balloon, and the actor playing Snug (the lion) had a few minutes with no lines and came backstage to get the extra balloon and proceeded to help the actor who played Flute pin it on. On the stage we had a "backstage curtain" since they were performing the Pyramus and Thisbe scenes so the audience couldn't see the pinning process. Flute then proceeds to come back on with two balloons and the crowd laughed even harder. Some people after the show told us it was their favorite part.

At the time it was so scary but now it's a fun story to tell. =]

#118re: Funny bloopers from your own shows
Posted: 10/31/08 at 4:36am

I was in a community production of Thoroughly Modern Millie about a year and a half ago which in the 21 show run had so many things happen that I can't even remember them all so here are a few I was on stage for.

1. During the scene of Muzzy's party in Act 1, Everyone on stage is dancing and Millie is supposed to (pretend to) kick the tray the maid is holding of champagne glasses and the "champagne" is supposed to spill on Dorothy Parker's dress. Well, this night, our Millie put a little too much force into her fake kick and actually DID kick the tray sending the water in the glasses flying straight up into the air and drenching the entire cast onstage.

2. In the same scene towards the end of the run, the glue that held the glasses to the tray must have gotten too worn down because when Millie kicked the tray (not sure if she accidentally kicked it again or not), the glasses flew off the tray, past Dorothy Parker and into the wings.
