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Funny shows you don't find funny? - Page 4

Funny shows you don't find funny?

#75re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/5/09 at 7:22pm

By Jeeves---the only show I came close to walking out during intermission----but the people behind us were having such an insane conversation that I stayed because they were much more entertaining than the show.

#76re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/6/09 at 2:06am

I did not laugh at Curtains at all...awful show
I left early from Toxic Avenger
Spamalot did nothing for me

faithzilla Profile Photo
#77re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/6/09 at 2:25am

Oh no! I'm seeing The 39 Steps in October! You all make me so nervous!
However, The Producers (new version) is my favorite movie of all time, which many seemed to dislike, so maybe (hopefully!) I'll enjoy it.

#78re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/6/09 at 8:09am

I didnt mind The 39 Steps, its worth seeing, but I didnt find it especially funny

#79re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/6/09 at 11:05am

I'm another who found Legally Blonde completely unfunny. They stole most of the jokes from the movie and reworded them in a way that took away the humor, or maybe it was because I had already heard them (like changing Cameron Diaz buying an angora sweater to Beyonce buying a tangerine sweater). When they were original lines, they were just blatant references to pop culture that were supposed to be funny because, hey, I know what is! Let's also not forget the funny foreign names, or lesbian jokes.

And, yeah, I agree that LBB's Elle just lacked charm, charisma, and, honestly, she also didn't come across as too intelligent. But that was also partially the book's fault. But I'll stop there, as I'm sure most of you are already familiar with my huge, huge issues with the musical's book.

Anyway, the other musical that comes to mind for me is Aida. I thought the joke-filled book took away from the serious storyline. I'm not saying that the musical had to be 100% drama, but a lot of times it felt like they were trying too hard.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#80re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/6/09 at 4:24pm

Young Frankenstein had a few funny moments here and there, but I wasn't bursting out laughing every few minutes.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

#81re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/6/09 at 4:29pm

I saw a few naughty clips of YF and I laughed obnoxiously hard at all of them.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

jansal Profile Photo
#82re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/6/09 at 8:32pm

Legally Blonde is a show that has always baffled me. I never understood what people liked about it.

Shrek is also pretty unfortunate. I admit, it made me giggle, but when you've got to resort to farts, you know there's a problem.

Soliantu Profile Photo
#83re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/6/09 at 9:38pm

The Wiz, in general

jansal Profile Photo
#84re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/6/09 at 9:54pm

Oh god, yes! So dated and just AWFUL.

TheatreFreak05 Profile Photo
#85re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/6/09 at 9:59pm


I think you will enjoy The 39 Steps if you go in knowing that it is not a laugh-your-socks-off kind of play. It is more of about the cleverness of the production. (although I did laugh quite a bit!)

coryografer Profile Photo
#86re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/6/09 at 10:59pm

I think if you are "of a certain age" you would find more of these shows to be funny. I loved Curtains....... Debra Monk nearly destroyed me with laughter several times. I can play the OBC recording and relive those laughs. Boeing Boeing is funny if you remember the movie or original play. (there's that age thing again) And [title of show] I found very very amusing and it gives me great giggles when i listen to the CD (didn't get to see the show in person). Isn't it great that we don't all get amused or touched by the same things?

JP2 Profile Photo
#87re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/6/09 at 11:08pm

It baffles me that people think The Producers is funny. I just don't get it. Er, didn't*
