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Funny shows you don't find funny? - Page 2

Funny shows you don't find funny?

jennamajig Profile Photo
#25re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 12:12pm

Young Frankenstein. I laughed at Andrea Martin, b/c she can save even the worst material, but that was it. I was sitting front row and found myself more interested in the fact that I was close enough to see how some the costumes were constructed...

Now for shows that aren't exactly supposed to be funny, but end up being funny (in a not good way)? I've seen a bunch of those :).

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#26re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 12:29pm

Was Legally Blonde supposed to be a comedy? If so, that. The whole Orfeh/Ireland subplot was an excuriating waste of time, but for some reason the audience was cracking up.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

SingingCats Profile Photo
#27re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 12:41pm

I agree with 39 Steps. I sat there the whole time, thinking I can see why some people are laughing at this... but I don't think it's funny in the slightest. I honestly felt bad that the actors were working so hard and getting so little laughter out of me.

Different strokes for different folks, I suppose.

Updated On: 8/3/09 at 12:41 PM

#28re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 12:43pm

Mamma Mia!

At the movie theater and the Broadway theater, everyone was laughing and I just... didn't. I thought more along the lines of "Heh, that was cute" but everyone was just going CRAZY!

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#29re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 12:52pm

Shrek. That stupid burping and farting contest had everyone practically rolling in the aisles. I was embarassed for the actors.

I know you. I know you. I know you.

#30re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 1:20pm

It wasn't supposed to be a complete comedy, but the only jokes I laughed at were given by the HILARIOUS Robin de Jesus. Everything else got big laughs from everybody in the theater except my family and I. I have yet to find another person who isn't in love with the show.

#31re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 1:20pm

Boeing Boeing.

singtopher Profile Photo
#32re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 1:31pm

God Of Carnage and most Neil Simon plays i've seen.

"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it." -Stephen Colbert

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#33re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 3:19pm

orangeskittles, that's so funny. It just goes to show how two people can see the same exact show and come out of it with totally different opinions, since I thought she and Andy's part of LB was the funniest part of the admittedly very flawed show.

For me? I just didn't "get" a lot of the humor in Shrek. I thought it was really stupid. And the audience really ate it up there, so, like you, I felt pretty alone!

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

Mother's Younger Brother Profile Photo
Mother's Younger Brother
#34re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 3:20pm


once a month Profile Photo
once a month
#35re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 3:25pm

God of Carnage
Young Frankenstein
Cry Baby
9 to 5
Blithe Sprit

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#36re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 3:26pm

Legally Blonde-I really felt like punching Laura Bell Bundy in the face through my tv screen.

The Toxic Avenger-I did laugh a little, but it's not something I feel the need to see again because it wasn't that great.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

Pgenre Profile Photo
#37re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 4:01pm

This is sacrilige but...


Really? Cuz NOTHING funny happened once I got there.

Maybe it's because I saw it with JoAnne Worley and then Rip Taylor and NOT Nathan/Whoopi or the Silvers/Mostel productions.


I really didn't laugh once at anything besides a witty lyric here or there (thanks Steve).

It's probably my picky taste in comedy... Woody Allen and Larry David (and Kathy Griffen) are really the only people who can make me laugh consistently.

This type of humor just doesn't jibe well with me, I guess. I much preferred THE FROGS or COMPANY if we want Sondheim Comedies.


Kelly2 Profile Photo
#38re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 4:17pm

"Legally Blonde-I really felt like punching Laura Bell Bundy in the face through my tv screen. "

To be fair, I didn't think the humor transferred to screen really well. I kinda rolled my eyes at the MTV version, and I LIKED the show.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

StageManager2 Profile Photo
#39re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 4:49pm

I recently watched LEGALLY BLONDE for the first time (I'd borrowed somebody's DVD) and I don't think it's a good adaptation of the movie, which I liked and laughed in. I cringed at some parts (e.g. "Hey, sister!" "Hey, not related!"), and didn't laugh once. I also thought Laura Bell Bundy was badly miscast. For starters, that voice! She reminded me of Nicole Sullivan doing a bad impression of Reese Witherspoon-as-Elle Woods for a MadTV LEGALLY BLONDE spoof.

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra
Salve, Salve Regina
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
O clemens O pia
Updated On: 8/3/09 at 04:49 PM

Demitri2 Profile Photo
#40re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 5:10pm

One more vote for "The Producers". At intermission the woman sitting next to me (who I didn't hear laugh once) said to me, "You seem to be enjoying the show as much as I am". Another would be "Xanadu".

little_sally Profile Photo
#41re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 5:15pm

[title of show]

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#42re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 5:50pm

BOEING-BOEING came to mind immediately. I really wasn't a fan of the revival, except for Mary McCormack who should have won the Tony for her absolutely incredible comedic turn.

#43re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 8:25pm

But then again I rarely find that goofy British slapstick thing funny.

wickedlover94 Profile Photo
#44re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 8:27pm

Um, Don't Dress For Dinner.

"It'a all about Popular!"

#45re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 8:40pm

Wait...The Producers is supposed to be funny? Who knew. What was funny was it winning so many damn Tonys!

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#46re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 9:36pm

I also liked Legally Blonde the movie. I don't know if it was Laura Bell Bundy's acting choices, or if she was told to do them, but she made Elle come off very obnoxious.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

mc1227 Profile Photo
#47re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 11:24pm

I think Legally Blonde was not very funny at all. I liked the show but didn't think it was a laugh out loud type of show.

I would disagree with most of you regarding The Producers. I thought it was extremely funny. Of course, many of the jokes were geared to an era that many young theatre goers would not relate to. I actually thought that Dirty Rotten Scoundrels was the funniest show I have ever seen.

The only review of a show that matters is your own.

backwoodsbarbie Profile Photo
#48re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 11:27pm

Mel Brooks' humor doesn't do much for me, neither does Monty Python's in Spamalot.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#49re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/3/09 at 11:53pm

Oh god. DRS is another one. I HATED that show. Cast was good. Everything else was awful.

I didn't really laugh at Spamalot the first time. Some kind of spark happened the second time, though, and it was really enjoyable.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
