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Funny shows you don't find funny? - Page 3

Funny shows you don't find funny?

SNAFU Profile Photo
#50re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 12:18am

I found the Mel Brook's twins: The Producers and Young Frankenstein as funny as colon polyps... actually polyps are funnier.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

PastorErnst Profile Photo
#51re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 12:21am

Monty Python's Spamalot

Don't get me wrong, I loved the movie. The musical just didn't do anything for me.

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#52re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 12:35am

I'm shocked to see so much BOEING-BOEING on here! I was in love with that show!

#53re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 4:03am

Whoopi Goldberg in "Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" in 1997. The whole Jerry Zaks pacing of the show missed the point that old-time vaudeville and schtick jokes need to be ACTED, not just raced through. What a lead-pipe-to-the-head production that was.

hubee Profile Photo
#54re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 4:25am

Producers and Young Frankenstein.

Curtains and Spamalot too but at least I laughed more in those two than in P or YF.

Chuckled in Boeing Boeing and God of Carnage but didn't laugh out loud once in either.

#55re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 10:28am

Blithe Spirit.
Guys and Dolls.
I could go on and on...

StageManager2 Profile Photo
#56re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 10:59am

"I don't know if it was Laura Bell Bundy's acting choices, or if she was told to do them, but she made Elle come off very obnoxious."

Marianne2: My problem with her is that she's somewhat goofy-looking, as is her voice. It's especially evident on the DVD, where you get a lot of unflattering close-ups. She just doesn't scream Beverly Hills princess. I thought her blonde sorority sister had the better look (and speaking voice) for Elle.

Salve, Regina, Mater misericordiae
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra
Salve, Salve Regina
Ad te clamamus exsules filii Eva
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
O clemens O pia

JeaniusIsMe Profile Photo
#57re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 12:48pm

Shrek and Legally Blonde come immediately to mind. But in general, I don't enjoy slapstick comedy. Just don't find it funny.

#58re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 1:03pm

I didn't find Spelling Bee funny. Cute maybe, but I never really laughed.

Same for the recent revival of Blithe Spirit. I enjoyed the production, only chuckled a few times though.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#59re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 2:02pm

Spamalot was another one I just didn't "get". Didn't laugh once. Saw it with the original cast, so it was a thrill of course to see such great performers onstage, but the material was so awful for me.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

scott68 Profile Photo
#60re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 2:19pm

Rock of Ages, The Toxic Avenger, and the first act of Evil Dead: The Musical. (Not that act 2 was better, I just walked out at intermission.)

"Why, I make more money than... than... than Calvin Coolidge! PUT TOGETHER!"
~Lina Lamont

My name wasn't, isn't, and will never be Scott.

#61re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 3:20pm

Title of Show. I've never before seen a show try so hard, and fail so miserably, to create a punchline and land a laugh. Absolutely one of the least funny shows I've ever seen - and I'm plenty "insider" enough to not have had the jokes fly over my head, thankyouverymuch.

#62re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 3:31pm

The Toxic Avenger. I tried REALLY hard to like this one but didn't. The people sitting around me were REALLY enjoying it, but it nothing for me.

Boeing Boeing, except for Mark Rylance and Mary McCormack, who I adored, but on the whole i just didn't find it funny.

TalkinLoud Profile Photo
#63re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 3:39pm

The 39 Steps. Definitely. Changing a hat is funny only so many times. And they reached that quota within the first four minutes.

And while definitely not a a comedy, I find the "humor" in Wicked terribly, terribly unfunny. I didn't laugh one single time.

legally_popular Profile Photo
#64re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 4:48pm


Wicked - The actual lines aren't funny to me, and the real cheesy ones make me cringe, but if the performers are good and funny enough to make a certain line work, then I'll laugh. (Examples: The catfight scene, when Elphaba is yelling at Dorothy, "There's no place like home," pretty much any Wizard of Oz reference).

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#65re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 4:56pm

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

Boeing Boeing

Drowsy Chaperone

The Producers

Avenue Q



"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-
Updated On: 8/6/09 at 04:56 PM

TulitaPepsi Profile Photo
#66re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 5:08pm

I want to give Jordan Catalano a tounge bath for his description of THE PRODUCERS. And I love old-time vaudeville shtick.

I have a very odd sense of humor and the majority of the comedies (or musical comedies) today I am at best only mildly amused by. Some that come to mind are THE LITTLE DOG LAUGHED, GOD OF CARNAGE, ALLERGISTS' WIFE and SPELLING BEE (I love William Finn, but thought this show unendurable).

A special case is ENTER LAUGHING at the York last season. It was supposed to be this tuneful funny show, yet aside from the terrific Josh Grisetti, I thought the show deadly. Grisetti's character was supposed to be this adorable Jewish noodnick who wants to be an actor and puts the sucessful make on a number of beautiful women. But as written, the character came across as a slimy and smugly obnoxious creep. I kept hoping that one girl on the recieving end of his leers would have kicked him in the balls. The score is known for "The Butler's Song" an -oh-so-naughty catalogue of sexual references to 1930s Female stars that if you hear it once, it's cute. Hearing it again, it's stale.

"Hurry up and get into your conga clothes - we've got to do something to save this show!"
Updated On: 8/4/09 at 05:08 PM

saveusmike Profile Photo
#67re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 5:13pm

I love Wicked but I HATED how the audience ate up the crappy dialouge whenever a WoO refrence was made..

(boq getting punch for nessa "melons, berrys, and pears. Oh my!"
Or "why did you come back here?" "They say theirs no place like home")

I also really thought it was corny but the audicent loved it when glinda and elphie went to see the wizard and he said "which is witch" and paused and looked at the audience.

the crowd laughed so hard and it started a clap.

"Everything in life, is only for now" -Avenue Q

#68re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 5:16pm

I don't get how 'For the first time, I feel WICKED' (or whatever that line is) is funny. I didn't find it funny. Not one bit.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

americanboy99 Profile Photo
#69re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 5:49pm

The Producers. Absolutely.

TreyKenyon Profile Photo
#70re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/4/09 at 6:11pm

Jazzy --- I think that line only works if its done right. When I saw the tour, Carmen Cusack said it in a VERY over the top sexual way lol and it got a laugh.

Wicked Tour (2/26/08); Wicked Bway (7/1/08); HAIR (7/1/09); Rock of Ages (7/2/09); Wicked Bway (7/3/09); Mary Poppins Tour (8/2/09); Wicked Tour (11/18/09); Wicked Tour (12/5/09)

rjjn Profile Photo
#71re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/5/09 at 4:35am

But me down for The Producers as well, everything was too forced and overdone.

Also, I didn't find Spelling Bee very funny. Parts here and there made me laugh, but for a show that's supposed to run on its comedic effect, it didn't succeed for me.

"Rather than ignore those who choose to publish their opinions without actually talking to me, I am happy to dispel any rumors or misconceptions and am quite proud to say that I am a very content gay man living my life to the fullest and feel most fortunate to be working with wonderful people in the business I love." -Neil Patrick Harris

#72re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/5/09 at 3:15pm

All I heard for quite some time was how funny and touching Spelling Bee was. I went, I saw, I fell asleep for three minutes. I NEVER sleep at the theatre, but that score (some of the clunkiest melodies I've ever heard) combined with POOR direction (when the children became others' parents, I was completely lost (that should NOT happen) led to a sum of terrible.

How to properly use its/it's: Its is the possessive. It's is the contraction for it is...

#73re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/5/09 at 3:22pm

The 39 Steps
Drowsy Chaperone
Shrek (was it meant to be funny?!)
Blithe Spirit

TheatreFreak05 Profile Photo
#74re: Funny shows you don't find funny?
Posted: 8/5/09 at 5:27pm

I guess I'm the only one who actually LIKED The 39 Steps.
