Caught the final preview. Let's discuss as critics weigh-in on this brand-spankin'-new original musical comedy at the Belasco.
This one could go in any direction. I also saw it during previews, but I think it's going to require either glowing reviews or a lot of people telling their friends to go in order to have a successful run. I know other threads have been wondering how long it will last since they're not making a lot of money.
Think it's going to be Brantley or Green reviewing? Brantley's had a streak of new musicals lately (BMC, Moulin, HOH, 12th Night, Lempicka, This Ain't No Disco) so maybe it's Green's turn.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
They must think their reviews are going to be positive, since they pulled their rush policy. Only have a digital lottery now.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/8/16
Excited for the festivities to get underway.
I predict this is going to be an epic thread.
Sondheimite said: "“
I am The Arm.
Chorus Member Joined: 8/10/18
TotallyEffed said: "Sondheimite said: "“
I am The Arm."
.mrA ehT ma I
Chicago Tribune is mixed to negative.
"At times it feels like you're at "School of Rock," although no one's a kid anymore, but the show actually lands closer to a low-rent version of "The Full Monty" crossed with "Rock of Ages" and transplanted to New Jersey, the state condemned throughout eternity to play the role of making New Yorkers feel better about themselves."
amNY is solidly negative. One star and calls it a "Broadway embarrassment."
"Near the end of the show, Mitch receives tickets to see “Springsteen on Broadway,” which has the demoralizing effect of reminding the audience that it is instead stuck seeing “Gettin’ the Band Back Together.”"
a12la said: "TotallyEffed said: "Sondheimite said: "“
I am The Arm."
.mrA ehT ma I"
!sihT ekiL dnuoS sihT!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/2/14
that AMNY review. that sound you just heard is a closing notice being printed up.
Yikes. Not quite Escape to Margaritaville panning but it's close.
BroadwayConcierge said: "amNY is solidly negative. One star and calls it a "Broadway embarrassment."
"Near the end of the show, Mitch receives tickets to see “Springsteen on Broadway,” which has the demoralizing effect of reminding the audience that it is instead stuck seeing “Gettin’ the Band Back Together.”""
The Observer is negative.
"A sweaty, janky garbage fire."
"Would I rather see an Aerosmith jukebox musical than this “original” rubbish? Hell yes."
"A sweaty, janky garbage fire."
That is SO goddamn hilarious. Love it!
Hollywood Reporter is mixed.
Praises the performances and calls the score "bouncy enough," but criticizes the "unsophisticated" humor. Calls Ken Davenport's opening "sincere, if a tad over-the-top, not to mention a bit desperate."
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/8/16
So how soon before this closes?
After that stupid press release stunt about Sayreville, NJ being a "co-producer" on the show and getting the mayor of the town involved with the stunt, KD couldn't even be bothered to follow through with the stunt and list it with the other 30 producer names on the title page?
Double post - excuse me
Updated On: 8/13/18 at 09:15 PM
BroadwayConcierge said: "The Observer is negative.
"A sweaty, janky garbage fire."
"Would I rather see an Aerosmith jukebox musical than this “original” rubbish? Hell yes.""
You totally buried the lede - “BROADWAY NICKLEBACK”