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Goodbye DRS "It's a shame it couldn't last"- Page 2

Goodbye DRS "It's a shame it couldn't last"

#25re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 5:25pm

What time does the final show end?

rose_pearl Profile Photo
#26re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 5:53pm

It's over by now...oh man. = [


Who would play you in the movie? "Taye Diggs." --Brian d'Arcy James

#27re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 6:03pm



I actually kind of can't belive it is gone

xM3L24x Profile Photo
#28re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 6:09pm

This is so sad. I've been listening to Dirty Rotten Number all day.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrel Profile Photo
Dirty Rotten Scoundrel
#29re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 6:10pm

Gonna miss this show re: Goodbye DRS.

Copeman63 Profile Photo
#30re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 6:24pm

Just got out of the final show, which was good. The girls were fabulous, but I have to admit it was sad seeing the show close without John and Norbert, because they were just so perfect! Nothing really different happened...
-Keith singing "Ruprecht's crazy 'bout paws on puppy dogs, paws on puppy dogs." Whoops...
-Sherie Rene got some great appause on her "entrance".
-The whole Lucy Arnez knee thing was great, the audience loved it.
-The Dirty Rotten Number got a ton of applause, but no standing O, atleast visible from the orchestra seating.
-The Producer came out and thanked alot of people, while all the old people shuffled out, haha.

I'll miss this show, but I'm always going to miss the memory of the original cast even more!

If Lincoln were alive today, do you think he'd be pleased with his tunnel?

rose_pearl Profile Photo
#31re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 6:26pm

So, none of the actors made speeches?


Who would play you in the movie? "Taye Diggs." --Brian d'Arcy James

#32re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 6:36pm

wow, that is very sad!
im glad sherie got some good applause- she is so amazing
i wonder what she will be doing next...

bohemianxsunshine Profile Photo
#33re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 6:38pm

DRS, i never actually seen the show sadly, mom didn't think it was appropriate for my age, even though ive seen rent about a million times. The music is flawless. Definately deserved a longer run.

good bye drs!! broadway will miss you!!

theatre major, class of 2011 ♥
MARIAN: Well, what would you like to take out?
HAROLD HILL: The librarian.
MARIAN: Quiet, please!
HAROLD HILL: (whispering)The librarian.

I would like to invite you to Voices for Rent! The Official Rent fanbase! Come and join your fellow RENTheads!

Copeman63 Profile Photo
#34re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 6:41pm

Th actors all stood behind the producer, just smiling/crying. He did acknowledge Sherie and Racheal DeBennet, because they've been with the show since the first reading, which was lovely.

If Lincoln were alive today, do you think he'd be pleased with his tunnel?

filmgirl325 Profile Photo
#35re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 6:55pm

So sad...I'm so glad that I was able to see the show with the original cast as many times as I did. Best of luck to the incredibly hard-working cast, all of whom were an absolute joy to watch.

"It's the smile you smile that counts, happy thoughts in large amounts, any problem you can trounce, you can bounce right back."--Donald O'Connor

#36re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 7:37pm

Sorry to see it end, it was one of my favorite shows. Happily, it's coming to Florida in the near future, so I can see it again. Best wishes to all the cast in their future endeavors.

Dre2387 Profile Photo
#37re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 8:09pm

I am so depressed right now.

I love you Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. You will always been my secret love.

<--- the set of A Midsummer Night's Dream that I was assistant stage manager for during the 2007 season at the STNJ outdoor stage.

You must remember all the same that at the crux of every game is knowing when it's time to leave the table... And it's important to be artful in your exit. No turning back, you must accept the con is done... It was a ball, it was a blast. And it's a shame it couldn't last. But every chapter has to end, you must agree.
~Dirty Rotten Scoundrels~

There's a special kind of people known as show people. We live in a world full of dreams. Sometimes we're not too certain what's false and what's real. But we're seldom in doubt about what we feel.

It is a far, far better thing I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest I go to, than I have ever known.
~A Tale of Two Cities ~

#38re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 8:16pm

yeah it was really funny
i saw it 2 times
once w/ Jonathon Pryce and NLB
and once w/ Brian D'Arcy James and Keith Carridne (i have no idea how to spell any of their last names!)
i liked it both times
but it is a shame it couldnt last

JamesMacon Profile Photo
#39re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 8:22pm

Now I am sad too re: Goodbye DRS

SirLiir Profile Photo
#40re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 8:27pm

My Final DRS Review:

Today was my 16th and last time (obviously) at DRS. The show went out very well, lasting a year and a half and entertaining us Scoundrels every time. Today the final Scoundrels (Keith Carradine, Brian d'Arcy James, Sherie Rene Scott, Richard Kind, Lucie Arnaz, and Sara Gettlfinger) finished the show and gave a very fine performance. Rather than review the whole show, I will just summarize each actor and their take.

Keith Carradine: He was the most improved of the bunch, his Lawrence being a dry but confident Lawrence. He played the role with a smug that worked very well for the character, allowing his calm demeanor to contrast Freddy's debauchery. His singing was quite good, not fantastic but certainly adequate. All in all, he was an very good Lawrence who unfortunately did not have the time to further develop his role.

Brian d'Arcy James: I am trying to be as objective as possible here. Three words to describe Brian: Raunchy, raunchy, raunchy! He was much more free with the character than Norbert and was not afraid to take the role to different territories. It worked well in many places, while in others, I was certain he was just overacting like mad. That's not a bad thing for the role but I just felt he was a tad too zany. Regardless, he did exactly what he needed to do: ensnare the audience. He did this effortlessly. His gestures and mannerisms were also all his own this time (he mimicked Norbert a lot last time) and it was great to see new takes on old material. In the end, though I only saw him twice, I felt Brian did an excellent job as Freddy and succeeding Norbert.

Sherie: The same excellent self as always. No need to write anymore in my opinion. She was always a joy to watch.

Lucie Arnaz: She was the star today for me. She was funny, had a great voice, and demonstartes how she is a comedic master. Her speech before act 2 explaining what was going to happen was brilliant. I actually wished they had done this more because the Zis Zat scene was so funny with the 'switch'. I really hate seeing her go. She was an excellent Muriel and a pleasure to have seen. Unfortunately, she had to work very hard today because of...

Richard Kind: I like Mr. Kind. He is a great actor. I did not like him AT ALL in DRS. His Andre was, to be blunt, bland. Nowhere was the grace and quiet dignity of Greg Jbara's Andre. Instead, this Andre was a hunched-over scheming frenchman who had absolutely NO chemistry with Lucie. The two failing in love just didn't make sense. Some of his choices worked but many did not. And his accent...yikes. Andre needs to be a counterbalance to the schemes of Lawrence and Freddy. Richard Kind was just another scoundrel in a full pool.

Sara: I will dearly miss that squeal.

The ensemble: An extra big shout out to them for all thier hard work. They are in many ways the stars of DRS and they worked their tails off every day to ensure its success. I salute them.

At the end, there were no suprise guests or old friends stopping by, but producer Marty Bell gave a nice speech, thanking the actors, the writers, and the producers for everything. He said something that I hope will remain true: Today the Imperial lost a classic show but the show will continue to live regardless in performances, both professional and amatuer, the world 'round.

defygravity2 Profile Photo
#41re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 8:31pm

Thanks, SirLiir for your thoughts. Norbert is performing 25 minutes up the freeway from me this week, and it is KILLING me not to go see him in this awesome show!

JamesMacon Profile Photo
#42re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 8:34pm

Thanks for that awesome review! It will be missed!

DRSisLove Profile Photo
#43re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 8:40pm

Thanks for the review! At 3:05 at 5:40 today, a little partof me died.

This show will be SO missed, luckilly I have tickets for the tour next June (which seems so far away)

Mamie Profile Photo
#44re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 8:56pm

Too soon to talk revival? LOL

OK - then here's a HUGE wish for a fantastic success to 1. The Dreamgirls movie; 2. The Hairspray musical movie, and; 3. The Dirty Rotten Scoundrels road tour.

If I wish really hard and all those things come true, then maybe, just MAYBE, the Dirty Rotten Scoundrels musical film can be made. And I'll go and see it 75 times - IF the two charming ones (Greg and Joanna) appear in it as Andre and Muriel.

(OK - I still look for Santa at Christmas too!)
A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03

#45re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 9:14pm

Finally home! I got tickets at TKTS @ 1:30 and got row N all the way on the side.

I found it very weird seeing the "new cast" because I had seen Jonathan Pryce & Norbert 5 times. I liked Gregg Jbara better than Richard Kind.

Brian was good as Freddy but he seemed alittle old for the part. He didn't seem like a young person that Freddy would be. But his acting was great. Norbert was better IMO.

Keith was ok...I had trouble "getting used to him".

So ofcourse at curtain call, everybody was taking pictures. I took about 5 & an usher comes up to me and said "No more taking pictures" & I was like "Theres about 10 people around me w/ cameras too..." & what pissed me off is she didn't say anything to anybody else when there was clearly 3 people within a 5 seat perimeter of me with cameras.

At the stage door: Everybody came out. I was standing next to some people that post here. To let you know where I was: That rude lady was directly next to me.

For the people that weren't there, this lady at the stage door bombarded every actress & was like "WERE YOU IN THE ENSEMBLE?!?! I'm doing this new show blah blah do u wanna do it? whats your telephone #?" Even the stage door guy said to her "calm down lady". This older woman to the left of her even said to her "You know, this show just closed. It isn't very appropriate to be doing this now" & the lady just gave a look. And the people to the right of me (who post on here) even gave rude remarks that I agreed w/ 100%. You don't ask every single chorus girl "ok so just give me your telephone # & ill call you about being in my show". Even if the show didn't close today, you just don't do that. stupid lady. I wanted to like get her away.

SirLiir Profile Photo
#46re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 9:19pm

Wasn't she something? I actually was at that spot on the barricade and she pushed me over to get there. If I had known what she was going to do, I would not have moved. I moved to let other people get autographs, not for the actors to get harrassed.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#47re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 9:20pm

I was there as well this afternoon. It was my first time seeing any of the new cast members and I have to say, that overall, I was kind of disappointed. It was my fourth time seeing the show and I remember laughing a hell of a lot more my second and third time seeing it (with Jonathan Pryce and Norbert as the leads). Still, I think it is a great show with an excellent score, but I guess something was lacking for me this afternoon.

Sara Gettelfinger and Sherie Renee Scott: both fabulous as always...the only original leads left, I'm sure the closing was very sad for them. Sara's song in Act 1 was excellent and Sherie's "Here I Am" brought the house down. She has an incredible voice.

Richard Kind: totally agree with SirLiir on this one...completely miscast. He had no chemistry with Lucie and his accent was in and out the whole show.

Lucie Arnaz: the highlight of the show for me this afternoon...she was fabulous. Loved her songs, loved her comedic timing, love her! She has great stage presence and her speech before Act 2 began was precious...she thanked her surgeon (who was in the audience)! Just adorable. I really hope she comes back to the NY stage sad that her comeback to Broadway was cut short.

Keith Carradine: good, but nothing amazing, IMO. In comparison to John Lithgow and Jonathan Pryce (who was the best IMO), Keith was just blah. I don't really know how to explain it. He was fine and he did his job well, but there was something missing.

Brian D'arcy James: Great voice. Excellent acting. Wonderful comedic timing. Still, something was missing for me. I think Norbert's performance is just embedded in my head so I was comparing him to Norbert the entire time. He was definitely raunchy, but I felt like the ruprecht scene was even raunchier with Pryce and Butz. Brian definitely made me laugh though and if anyone was going to replace Norbert, he was a good choice.

The stage door was like all BroadwayWorld members! Spotted Iluvtheatertrash, WesternSky, SirLiir, YankeeFan, DirtyRottenGuy and All_For_Laura...there were probably more of us there too! Lucie Arnaz was definitely the sweetest person...she was signing and taking pictures and she is just adorable!!! The only one I missed was Sherie.

Overall, a fun afternoon...sad to see this show close, but I guess ticket sales were just not good (though today appeared sold out). It was my fourth and final time seeing the show. Glad it had a long and healthy run!

#48re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 9:21pm

I'm sad to see DRS go.
I got to see it with the original cast expect for Sarah, Mylinda Hall was in as Jolene.
I fell in love with Jonathan as Laurence and Norbert as Freddie.
Joanna was a fanatastic Muriel and I adore Greg as Andre.
Sherie was fanatastic, I fell for her "scheme" the moment she walked on stage.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#49re: Goodbye DRS
Posted: 9/3/06 at 9:22pm

Oh my god...that lady was SO ANNOYING!!! Guess I saw you too, ILoveWicked330 if you were right next to her. I was on the opposite side of the barricades.
