I saw Syndee Winters as Angelica last night and thought she was vastly better than Mandy. It's possible that Mandy is a powerhouse who is just not right for the role. I don't think criticism of Mandy can just be attributed to tweens or attachment to the OBC. I love BVD and Jordan Fisher and Rory, all replacements. The replacements in the women's roles just haven't been as strong. (Although Lexi has improved a lot. Last time I saw it, I thought she and Mandy were both just . . . flat, little stage presence, no there there. Lexi's acting was leaps and bounds better last night.)
@sparepart, who did you see as the Burr understudy in Chicago? Thanks.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/24/16
ACL2006 said: "I can't imagine Brady's joining the show. He starts tapping the next season of "Whose Line" in April, then tapes the next season of "Let's Make a Deal" from June - September. Doesn't give him much time for HAMILTON."
He's in the chicago cast and is going from January to April. Short engagement!
No joke! I saw a video of him performing something from Hamilton and thought he would make an awesome Jefferson. He will be awesome!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
I'm literally on the verge of tears
So fantastic! Can't wait to see him in May :)
Well, holy mother-effin' balls. Way to have Freestyle Love Supreme represent. I think this is an exciting choice that will be interesting to see on stage--I can already imagine JMI's Jefferson, but his Lafayette is really what I want to see.
Understudy Joined: 6/14/16
Man, I'm seeing it tomorrow. I so so so wish I could see Iglehart in these roles. I saw him in Aladdin Saturday night and was blown away by his Genie.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/28/16
Yeah, bummed I missed him. Saw my first non OBC Ham the other day. Happened to be Rory's last show.
I did think, contrary to so many on this chain who have posted, that Lexi was good as Eliza. I thought she had a beautiful voice and was a good actress. Hard for me to be moved to tears at this point, but her Eliza was very moving and there were lots of sniffles all around me. I liked how at the end, to me, she was less ambiguous theatrically and also I have to say that final song, her final verses, are just the most moving to me these days when I listen to the recording and also when I saw the show.
That's all I have to say about it. Wanted to give her some props.
Thank you so much for adding your words, Mediamaven2! I too think Lexi is a wonderful Eliza, and she's grown in the role tremendously over the past five to six months. I thought her performance got increasingly better as the show went on (I was truthfully worried by her acting chops in Schuyler Sisters and Helpless), but she won me over by "That Would Be Enough," and her performance in Act II was sensationally good. I cried during her finale.
Updated On: 1/17/17 at 10:43 PMUnderstudy Joined: 8/1/15
I saw it tonight. I've seen the obc twice and half obc/half new cast so this was my first time with a completely new cast. AND to my surprise it was the most emotional. I'll do a full write up tomorrow, but Andrew was sooooo good as Burr. I had no idea...his voice! (I saw him as Lafayette Jefferson and Burr just show cases his talents even better) I was in the second row and Michael (Hamilton) sydnee (Eliza) had tears streaming down their faces during Quiet uptown. I couldn't keep i together. Damn.
akmiller_98 said: "I saw it tonight. I've seen the obc twice and half obc/half new cast so this was my first time with a completely new cast. AND to my surprise it was the most emotional. I'll do a full write up tomorrow, but Andrew was sooooo good as Burr. I had no idea...his voice! (I saw him as Lafayette Jefferson and Burr just show cases his talents even better) I was in the second row and Michael (Hamilton) sydnee (Eliza) had tears streaming down their faces during Quiet uptown. I couldn't keep i together. Damn.
How was Taran in his first show?
Understudy Joined: 8/1/15
It was good. He hammed it up quite a bit and got lots of laughs. I prefer how Jonathan Groff played it--getting laughs without trying to get them. (Taran messed up the lyrics to the end of I Know Him but recovered very nicely!)
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
Does anybody know if Andrew Chappelle no longer covers his one ensemble track (Sydney's)? His playbill vault now calls him a standby, so that seems to be the case, as of 1/10.
Understudy Joined: 8/1/15
I believe in an interview (a Hamilton podcast--can't remember which one) he said he no longer covers that role.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
Good. he wasn't suited for that role at all.
Greg Haney is superb in that track
Broadway Star Joined: 7/25/04
I had no idea Rory's last show was on Sunday! I saw the show for the first time on Friday. I had bought my tickets last June and purposely stopped reading about cast replacements so I could just enjoy whomever I happened to see (and I couldn't keep up with the changes anyway!). My husband loves King George's songs, and absolutely loved Rory's performance, as did I. I'm so glad we were able to catch him before he left.
Honestly, I thought the whole cast was amazing, but I have nothing on which to compare (except the cast album, of course), unlike so many of you lucky people!
Understudy Joined: 8/1/15
MyLife said: "Good. he wasn't suited for that role at all.
Greg Haney is superb in that track
Love Gregory Haney. He was on last night but not in that role. Donald Webber Jr. was on for it last night and he was perfect! He did a lot more with it than anyone I've seen before. He got audible reactions from the audience.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
I'm fairly certain Donald Webber Jr. is the permanent person in the track now.
Swing Joined: 7/27/16
Quick question about James Monroe Iglehart coming in to play Laffayete/Jefferson. Until this point, these roles have always been filled by athletic guys in their late 20s / early 30s but James is a larger man in his 40s.
Do Broadway shows frequently change choreography/staging for new cast members, or can we expect James to jump off the desk in "Guns and Ships" and hop over the table in "The Reynolds Pamphlet"?
Obviously not a big deal, just something that's been puzzling me since the announcement.
James has proved actually how athletic he is, despite being a big guy. I'm sure the jump will still be in there. Regarding the age, diversity isn't just race, but also the age doesn't really matter.
I actually thought about the jump myself too! The Color Purple, for example, revised a lot of Shug Avery's staging for Jennifer Holliday, so I don't think it's unprecedented to revise things slightly if it doesn't suit the actor. I think Iglehart will be able to do it though.
I've seen him do splits and cartwheels so I think he's more agile than you'd think just by looking at him.