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HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway- Page 11

HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway

Kad Profile Photo
#250HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/9/15 at 12:49pm

You must have been amazing in debate club.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#251HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/9/15 at 1:19pm

Regardless of the fact I didn't love the show, I hope sales pick up. The musicians and the sets are worth the time and the price!

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

ethan231h Profile Photo
#252HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/9/15 at 1:38pm

^Are you sure about the set?

#253HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/9/15 at 1:40pm

^ HA! Ethan, you surprise me.

ethan231h Profile Photo
#254HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/9/15 at 1:49pm

How as nobody talked about the fact that Brynn fell through the trap door during "I Love Betsy" on Saturday night and sprained her ankle. Her understudy went on for her yesterday.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#255HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/9/15 at 1:52pm

Bitches be clumsy

Kad Profile Photo
#256HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/9/15 at 1:54pm

You see? You give a woman an inch and she'll fall through a trap door.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#257HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/9/15 at 1:55pm

I miss the days when women would fall through trap doors without complaining.

Kad Profile Photo
#258HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/9/15 at 1:57pm

More dumb blondes!!

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#259HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/9/15 at 2:31pm

Phyllis and Kad, your last few posts just totally made my afternoon!

#260HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/9/15 at 10:11pm

I'm sure the cheap Elvis impersonator papering person is not helping Honeymoon at all. Makes me want to see the show even less.

#261HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/10/15 at 5:16am

I decided to finally sit down and listen to the cast album. It's not awful. The score is nice and peppy through a lot of it. It's very, you know, wordy. It's lyrically dense but a low percentage of that is actually funny material and useful information about the characters.

I do get that not so savory bent with the mom irrationally making him swear not to marry (and killing a nurse?), the way Betsy sings about marriage, all the go and buy shoes lines and such, the "be a man" message of Do Something, the way Betsy jumps to thinking about how well Tommy treats her (like she's Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman), the Friki Friki song... It's not that I need a perfectly P.C. show. I have a lot of fondness for Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. It's just that the music here isn't that funny or engaging. Honestly, Friki Friki just feels like a corrupted and cheap version of Happy Talk.

Nothing in the score really makes me care about the characters. They could have made a stronger argument about why Betsy wanted to get married so badly. The one foot out the door line seemed more valid than the rest of it. For someone supposedly baby crazy she didn't really seem it. She just said it. The skin cancer song didn't offend me but it wasn't amusing either. It's a little hard to sympathize with Jack given the way he runs off to play in the poker game. And it's just kind of sad that Tommy thinks he can make everything like it was just by getting a doppelganger who I assume has a different personality and different interests. There are very simple "lessons" here and it seems like it takes way too long for the characters to learn them.

Also, Brynn O'Malley sounds a little strained at times on the album and no one's vocals were impressive enough to sell me on seeing the show. There were enough pleasant enough numbers and enough variety in the score that I could see it getting nominated but I haven't heard the competition yet. Basically it's not awful enough it should be boycotted but it's not wonderful enough for me to be really upset that it's not doing better.

#262HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/10/15 at 10:19am

Closing notice today?

sweetTb'way Profile Photo
#263HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/10/15 at 11:20am


#264HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/10/15 at 1:04pm

To those who have commented that Danza can't sing, I disagree. He sounds like a lounge singer at a Ramada Inn which I thought was exactly right for the character. I certainly wouldn't want to hear his songs sung by Nathan Gunn. As for the sexist/misogynistic debate, the material was alreay dated when the film premiered. And being dated is not the same as being a period piece. It may have had something to do with why the movie didn't do very well 20-odd years ago.

#265HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/11/15 at 11:09am

Saw a Breakdown on Monday for a replacement or an additional cover. This may mean nothing, but if they are expecting to close... I would be surprised if they brought on anyone new. I'm thinking they are going to try and hold on until April. I think they call that "Good money after bad."

Huss417 Profile Photo
#266HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/11/15 at 11:13am

I would think at this point it would be the producers having a breakdown.

"I hope your Fanny is bigger than my Peter." Mary Martin to Ezio Pinza opening night of Fanny.

philly03 Profile Photo
#267HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/11/15 at 11:15am

Jason Robert Brown must be writing 10 new shows with Tony Danza in the lead (and investing!) and these producers. He's going to have all new commercial and critical hits!

#268HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/11/15 at 11:15am

^ yup
That's funny.

Kad Profile Photo
#269HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/11/15 at 11:17am

They may be posting that as a union requirement.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#270HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/11/15 at 11:18am

They only require a 6 month call. This is specifically one role.

Kad Profile Photo
#271HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/11/15 at 11:19am

A performer could possibly be leaving.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#272HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/11/15 at 11:47am

A casting notice means nothing for the prospects of the show's run.

EthelMae Profile Photo
#273HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/11/15 at 4:56pm

I only saw now that Ms. O'Malley fell thru the trapdoor and injured herself. I wrote somewhere before that after I saw the show, I knew that trap door was built for injuries. It scared me everytime it opened and closed. If you weren't on your mark- look out! I hope she's better.

#274HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
Posted: 2/11/15 at 8:25pm

"A performer could possibly be leaving."

I hope it's not Brynn because of her injury. Any word on how bad it is and whether/when she'll be back?
