good luck to everyone who auditioned yesterday.
and as far as them seeing people for Amber and Penny and such I don't think it's too realistic to think they won't be hiring names for these roles or at least names in the theatre sense of the word. The casting folks have made it pretty clear that they chose the 3 roles they did to do open calls for so that the movie could offer a break to new talents and because they would be able to fill the other roles with Stars so to speak. There is talk that Mandy Moore is being looked at as well as Hilary Duff for the Amber and Penny roles. I'm just saying this so non Tracy, Seaweed, Lil' Inez do not have their hearts shattered if nothing comes of it.
Also as far as height goes... according to my inside source they are not putting the stage version height limit of 5'3" on the movie Tracy, so for you taller girls BREAK A LEG!
Also to whoever said Keala is tallere than 5'4"- Are you sure she wasn't wearing heels when you saw her? There has not been a Tracy that was over 5'3" that was not a stand-by or understudy. And I think the height requirement is bull**** anyway. There are girls who are over 5'4" who are thicker and can dance. Most of the girls who have played her are definitely not fat but put them on stage with taller girls who are thinner and because they are so short they automatically look big. Plus a lot of the height thing had to do with having short Links. Matt Morrison is only like 5'9" max.
Sorry for the tangent.
I don't think that the people going out for roles other than the three listed really expect to get Amber, Penny, etc., but instead are hoping to get a smaller role or perhaps an ensemble role. Or maybe they're just going for the experience. It never hurts to put yourself out there, because the casting people may think you're fantastic and want to put you in the movie somewhere. Or they may cast something else later on, pull your resume out, and give you a call...
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/29/04
Definitely. I only sent in an application not expecting any results, but with the hope that maybe they throw it in a Male Ensemble pile or something. Even so, I wouldn't ever want to audition for Link, even if they said to me, "Please, PLEASE, audition for Link." I only want a Male Nicest Kid, if ever I could hope for an audition.
But yeah, my hopes aren't up. I just figure it can never hurt. :)
sweet, i hope i have luck with this! Updated On: 2/19/06 at 09:19 PM
good luck to everyone who auditioned yesterday.
and as far as them seeing people for Amber and Penny and such I don't think it's too realistic to think they won't be hiring names for these roles or at least names in the theatre sense of the word. The casting folks have made it pretty clear that they chose the 3 roles they did to do open calls for so that the movie could offer a break to new talents and because they would be able to fill the other roles with Stars so to speak. There is talk that Mandy Moore is being looked at as well as Hilary Duff for the Amber and Penny roles. I'm just saying this so non Tracy, Seaweed, Lil' Inez do not have their hearts shattered if nothing comes of it.
Um yeah... I got called back for Penny, so ya never know...
"If we don't live happily ever after at least we survive until the end of the week!" -Kermit the frog "I need the money... it costs a lot to look this cheap!" -Dolly P. "Oh please, Over at 'Gypsy' Patti LuPone hasn't even alienated her first daughter yet!" Mary Testa in "Xanadu" "...Like a drunk Chita Rivera!" Robin de Jesus in "In the Heights"
"B*tch, I don't know your life." -Xanadu After that if he still doesn't understand why you were uncomfortable and are now infuriated, kick him again but this time with Jazz Hands!!! -KillerTofu
Well, I just got back from Chicago for the weekend and had an AMAZING time!!! I went by myself, so i was kind of scared but ended up meeting some REALLY cool people. The audition itself was a fun experience and there were some really good people there. (Hey Bananna!!!) Also, I tried for the wicked lottery both friday and saturday nights and didn't win, but went on sunday for the matinee and me and a girl I met won! And it was exciting and the seats were amazing and the show was awesome!!!!!! So, the weekend was well worth it and I have no regrets whatsoever! But I'm going to be really upset if they screw up this movie!
Stand-by Joined: 12/31/69
Switz, Matt Morrison is 5'11+
sooo i had an amazing weekend in chicago! a cold one, but a good
i was in the second group (number 749) and sang "without love" (the only girl besides one other who didnt sing good morning baltimore)...anyone in my group?
anyhoo, no call back, but i wasn't expecting one and i wasn't in the least bit discouraged. the experience was just amazing though and i met several exciting, sweet people. i just had the time of my life and who knows, i mean, the casting director guy who was there made it very clear that just because they are in the very opening stages of casting and we could get a call any day. :) either way, i just had the greatest time.
hope you all had great auditions!
was anyone in my group?
Broadway Star Joined: 9/29/04
question... do all the girls see you audition?
yes, everyone in your group sees you audition at the open calls.
I was #703, and I think Fxy2003 was #699 so we were in the first group. Looks like we just missed you, Bright.
Yep I was #699...we must have just missed you!!! My friend Nikki was in the second group though...the girl who did get a call back from group two was really sweet though and totally looked the part.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/29/04
And at these auditions, none of you have seen any white males? :P
has anyone who was at an open call and did NOT get a call back at the audition gotten a call from them? just wondering because they mentioned they would still be calling people who didn't get a call cack that day if they reconsidered them for a part/ensemble/WALL
How many people were called back in Chicago? Does anyone know how many people were called back total? When are the calling people? Congrats to everybody!!!
I think a total of 5 people were called back in Chicago...4 from group 1 and 1 from group 2 and that's it!
Broadway Star Joined: 6/28/03
wow only 5? thats crazy. the one in atlanta had around 20
Fxy- Did you stay until all the auditions were over? I can't believe only 5 people got called back! If that's true, then there were only 2 Tracy's that they asked to see again...
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/29/04
Bwaybaby, I keep looking at your picture (no stalking, don't worry), and I just can't help thinking you look SO much like a Tracy! Gosh, they should never have passed you up.
Yeah, I stayed until the end, not on purpose, but because I was waiting for a friend in Group 3 and then by the time we finished taking pictures in front of the giant hairspray sign (te he he) the last group was done and no one got called back from the last 2 groups!
Broadway Star Joined: 6/28/03
haha! aw thank you volleyballer! well I did get a call back so we shall see!
looks like call backs were scarce in chicago. there was a lot of talent, it's a shame.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/29/04
Really? Haha, now I feel stupid. I remember reading everyone's story, and everyone seemed to get a call back, then not get a 2nd. But hey, GREAT JOB!!
"Switz, Matt Morrison is 5'11+ "
not possible- I've talked to him several times and he's never been more than an inch or 2 taller than me in non heeled shoes and I'm 5'7", plus a friend dated him back about 6yrs ago and she has always said he wasn't tall enough for her to wear heels and not be taller than him she is 5'8".
not that it matters
Updated On: 2/22/06 at 10:29 PM