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"Hair" Number on the Tony Awards

"Hair" Number on the Tony Awards

fgreene1938 Profile Photo
#1"Hair" Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/8/09 at 5:37pm

Am I the only one who was just a little off-put but that hullabaloo? I found it way over the top, gushy to the point of being maudlin, and I thought that the "Tribe" looked about as much like a group of hippies as the cast of "33 Variations". Worst of all, that stampede into the audience (which is a contrived nightly ordeal) was pushy showbiz razzle dazzle of the worst kind, almost demanding that the audience members ENJOY THE SHOW. Too much.
Updated On: 6/9/09 at 05:37 PM

#2re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/8/09 at 5:45pm

I really liked it, but I agree the part with the audience was a little overkill.

I do agree that they looked more like "modern people dressing like hippies" than actual hippies, though. You know, the kind of clothes you'd see if on a 60's theme day during Homecoming week or something.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
Updated On: 6/8/09 at 05:45 PM

yay_gerb Profile Photo
#2re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/8/09 at 5:47pm

that's the kind of show it is. it's the same way at the Al Hirshfeld every night.

"almost demanding that the audience members ENJOY THE SHOW."

this is true, but to each his own. if you don't want to enjoy the show then don't enjoy it. most people buying tickets to Hair(especailly after seeing the Tonys) will know what they are going to expect from the show.


#3re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/8/09 at 5:50pm

The Tribe members did seem a little...clean-cut for a bunch of quasi-homeless hippies when I watched in Central Park, but I loved the show, including the parts when they entered the audience. Their performances are genuine enough to make it work as an expression of joy - especially because when I saw the show I was bouncing in my seat well before the audience interaction bits happened.

The direction on the Tonys could have been better, but that's old news by now.

#4re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/8/09 at 5:50pm

That's what I was expecting walking into the Hirschfeld, and yet all those expectations melted away when the performance began. You run a risk of losing so much when you take a performance out of its natural element and place it, sans context, somewhere else.

On the other hand, pull out the part of the sentence about the tribe and "33 Variations," and fgreene is exactly describing my reaction to the Liza performance.

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dramamama611 Profile Photo
#5re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/8/09 at 5:55pm

I have always thought that these hippies were too clean...but a small and forgettable criticism in an otherwise wonderful show.

At the Hirschfeld they make no bones that they acknowledge the audience. Usually I hate audience interactions, but somehow this works for me.

I guess I partake in the kool aid!! It's part of the experience. If you don't like it, go see something else. More availability for me!

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#6re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/8/09 at 6:04pm

James Gandolfini did not seem to smile a lot throughout the Tonys. Until Gavin came dancing in his face. Lol.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

Robert Taylor Profile Photo
Robert Taylor
#7re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/8/09 at 6:47pm

Yes. Yes, you were.

#8re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/9/09 at 1:15am

I completely agree with the OP. How many times can you run into the audience and harass them without it getting old? I found the whole thing completely pretentious. But then again..I find the whole show pretentious.

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#9re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/9/09 at 1:23am

I loved the interaction so much, but I'm also a huge Rocky Horror fan so I think that could explain some of it.
I can't stop watching the moment when the entire group in the opening join the HAIR cast! It's so fun to pick out who is dancing with who. My favorite - Allison and Raul. A perfect combination for me :)

I<3bway Profile Photo
#10re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/9/09 at 1:31am

Aww, I really liked the Hair number.

And for some reason, it makes me want to see Anne Hathaway in a remake of the movie.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#11re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/9/09 at 1:33am

Best performance of the night by far.

Best show of the season.

Best show on Broadway.

I just love this show! re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards

lexlex Profile Photo
#12re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/9/09 at 1:36am

I thought it was the best part of the show! It made me want to see HAIR even more.

#13re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/9/09 at 2:25am

Exactly what pretensions do you see in a song about hair? I'm genuinely curious.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#14re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/9/09 at 6:13am

As much as I enjoy the audience interaction....I have to admit: I do think it's a little overused in the production. (But my only criticism of the show!)

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#15re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/9/09 at 9:32am

I would love to know why anyone thinks the audience interaction is "pretentious?" I saw the word a lot when someone described SPRING AWAKENING and the microphones and I guess I can understand that. But the whole concept of HAIR as the the "hippies" have taken over the theatre and they're running rampant through it. I do, however, agree that they all might be a little too clean to be a haggle of hippi. But their commitment to their characters and to the show at large is so wonderful that any of these silly flaws are easily overlooked. For me, anyway.

I don't think the idea of the audience interaction worked as well at RCMH just because it's so damn big. It works to great effect at the Hirschfeld because everyone's evenly dispersed. But I liked the performance quite a bit.

fgreene1938 Profile Photo
#16re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/9/09 at 9:58am


As the intiator of this thread, I just wanted to point out that I didn't call the "Hair" number "pretentious", a poster to this thread did...and everyone's entitled to her or his opinion.

And to FindingNamo: Your comment "On the other hand, pull out the part of the sentence about the tribe and '33 Variations' and fgreene is exactly describing my reaction to the Liza performance" made me laugh out loud (and I think Liza's a hoot).

#17re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/9/09 at 10:22am

Why didn't the cast perform the nude scene live? This would have greatly increased the ratings.

And everyone could definitely make the final decision about whether or not the cast is clean cut.

#18re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/9/09 at 10:24am

I thought it was exhilarating...the best number of the night by far. I can't wait to see HAIR again.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#19re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/9/09 at 10:31am

"How many times can you run into the audience and harass them without it getting old?"

Well, each night at the theater they are performing for a different audience, so it does not really get old.

I love this show and am happy it won Best Musical Revival.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

logan0215 Profile Photo
#20re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/10/09 at 2:19am

I love how people expect them to be literally grungy and dirty for the sake of authenticity.

This group of Broadway actors seems to be embodying the message that Hair offers and are the real deal. For example: they took their own personal time in between shows on a Sunday to come and perform and fight for Marriage Equality.

And P.S

re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards

Are they grungy enough for you?

Because that's the original cast of Hair...

I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America. [turns and winks directly into the camera] - Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock

Marquise Profile Photo
#21re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/10/09 at 4:38am

The girl who plays "Crissy" is so over the top with her mannerisms. She needs to tone it annoying to watch. She does it every time she performs.

Oh wow and is that Melba Moore and Paul ("Last Dance/Main Event") Jbara in the first vintage HAIR pic? Updated On: 6/10/09 at 04:38 AM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#22re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/10/09 at 5:49am

I love Chrissy. I find it hard NOT to watch her....and honestly, if you need to "accept" her actions -- the character is probably stoned...and being stone will make an individual become mannered. I totally buy it.

Thanks for the reminder photo...they look pretty clean. But I wouldnt suggest the actors don't bathe but clothes that didn't look quite as pristine wouldn't hurt.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#23re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/10/09 at 7:18am

I prefer my hippies showered, thank you very much. I remember my older. unshowered hippie-cousins from when i was an adolescent in the late 60s, and they stank.


They only thing that covered their unpleasant body odor was the lingering scent of marijuana on their unlaundered clothes, from which all around would get contact highs.

If that's the experience you crave, go hang with some homeless people and sing Aquarius with them.

How many times can you run into the audience and harass them without it getting old?

If it means I can get Will Swenson's crotch in my face and Gavin Creel's ass in my lap...?

May it run as long as they original did.

#24re: 'Hair' Number on the Tony Awards
Posted: 6/10/09 at 9:17am

I too think it's the most exciting revival to happen in ages, but that doesn't preclude it from being an odd performance. I thought Will Swenson was a bit too wild, for my taste. I was half afraid he was going to kill someone during his jaunt into the audience. Does his singing get as breathless and labored during the actual show as it appeared to at the Tonys?
