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Hamilton Cancellation Line

#875Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 9:11am

First and foremost, to everyone who posted information in this thread, THANK YOU! Long time lurker and finally took my chances at the cancellation line (4/26) and was successful. I waited for 9 hours and got amazing orchestra seats. 

Cancellation line: SOLD had the first 2 spots. I was originally 9th in line and that changed due to people bailing or buying premium tickets. Throughout the day I saw Anthony, Renee, Jasmine, Daveed and took a photo with Lin. My fellow line sitters were awesome. I was able to leave (bathroom, food) and come back multiple times with no problems.  Tickets weren't released until 6:50 (very nerve-racking). 

NOTE: We also had people watching Stubhub prior to showtime and the prices dropped significantly. At 4 PM, orchestra seats were at $650, by 6:55 they were down to $250 (minus fees). 

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :) 


Updated On: 4/27/16 at 09:11 AM

#876Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 10:18am

If you had ended up getting the stubhub tickets, where would you have printed them? I've thought about doing that but it seems nerve wracking buying them that close to curtain. 

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#877Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 10:20am

FedEx at the Marriott:

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#878Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 10:35am

casedilla2 said: "If you had ended up getting the stubhub tickets, where would you have printed them? I've thought about doing that but it seems nerve wracking buying them that close to curtain. 

Someone actually did and printed them at the FedEx. 

Updated On: 4/27/16 at 10:35 AM

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#879Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 10:43am

Hamilton Cancellation Linecasedilla2 said: "If you had ended up getting the stubhub tickets, where would you have printed them? " 


The FedEx Kinkos at the Marriott Marquis in located on the 8th floor. A quick elevator ride away. They close at 7pm and is only good if you buy an "Instant Download" ticket that gets sent directly to your email.  Second option is someone here mentioned there's a Staples on 8th Ave, not far from the theater.  I guess they have computer lab one can use to print emails.  If its a pick up ticket, you can print it directly at the StubHub offices on 40th between 5th and 6th at the Marriott Courtyard.  It's 10 minutes walking from the theater, so 20 min RT.   Prices do drop and good orch seats are available.



sarahb22 Profile Photo
#880Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 10:56am

According to the official Hamilton website, they recommend getting tickets from Ticketmaster, Ticketmaster Plus or to make sure the tickets aren't counterfeit.  They don't list Stubhub, so does that mean they consider Stubhub less reliable?

Updated On: 4/27/16 at 10:56 AM

#881Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 11:13am

Does the theatre not accept a ticket on a smartphone? Surely if they're just scanning a barcode it won't make any difference if it's printed or on my iPhone screen?

Anakela Profile Photo
#882Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 11:15am

sarahb22 said: "According to the official Hamilton website, they recommend getting tickets from Ticketmaster, Ticketmaster Plus or to make sure the tickets aren't counterfeit.  They don't list Stubhub, so that mean they consider Stubhub less reliable?"


Yes StubHub is less reliable. if SH sells you fake tickets yes they will refund your money if they can't get you actual tickets. So you do get your money back. But, that's the thing, there are ways for you to be sold fake tickets via SH. Twitter (and maybe even that NY Times article about counterfeit Hamilton tickets mentioned this too?) occasionally has tweets from people talking about buying fake Hamilton tickets via SH, getting to the theatre, and not being able to see the show because when their SH fakes are discovered there are no real tickets available for SH to give to them.

Then again there are people who buy Hamilton tickets on SH and they're legit, and they have no problems.

There is no way - at least right now, at this point in time - that I've heard of for someone to sell you a fake ticket via Ticketmaster resale, as TM knows they are all actual TM tickets when it lists them.

#883Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 11:31am

Callum_brown1 said: "Does the theatre not accept a ticket on a smartphone? Surely if they're just scanning a barcode it won't make any difference if it's printed or on my iPhone screen?

No, they won't. It has to be a physical ticket. 

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#884Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 11:41am

I purchased via TM for May 10th (cheapest date at the time) after my 17 hour line fail.  I didn't want to risk a fake ticket on SH.  However, the weekend I learned Groff was leaving, I lost my mind and that Monday I bought same day instant download on StubHub and got in fine.

#886Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 12:36pm

The problem being that Ticketmaster will not allow the resale of Premium or Preferred seating any longer. I just returned from NYC and paid a small fortune to be in the Rear Mezz so we could see the OBC. I have tix purchased on TM for Thanksgiving weekend the moment they went on sale and now I can't list on TM resale because they have implemented this policy.  Seems ridiculous that some seats are able to be resolde via TM and some are not???  Has anyone else had this problem or heard of the same elsewhere?  Thanks!

Anakela Profile Photo
#887Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 12:54pm

LJD123 said: "The problem being that Ticketmaster will not allow the resale of Premium or Preferred seating any longer. I just returned from NYC and paid a small fortune to be in the Rear Mezz so we could see the OBC. I have tix purchased on TM for Thanksgiving weekend the moment they went on sale and now I can't list on TM resale because they have implemented this policy.  Seems ridiculous that some seats are able to be resolde via TM and some are not???  Has anyone else had this problem or heard of the same elsewhere?  Thanks!"


Interesting! I have never heard of this, and it doesn't sound familiar to anything I've read on here from other people. So what happens -  you're in TM, you look at your order, try and click 'sell,' and then an error comes up saying that you can't sell them because they're premium tickets?


I find it interesting that you already have access to your tickets in TM. I bought tickets in the last block, but mine are December 2016 (regular, not premium), and I couldn't relist them right now even if I wanted to, as they have a "delay" on them ("There is a delivery delay on this event. Please check the Event Detail Page for information on when the delay will be lifted. Once the delay has been lifted, your tickets will be available via your selected delivery method." ) There isn't even a 'sell' button listed next to them in my TM account. Clicking the "event detail page" link says they'll be available for printing 90 days before the performance.


Updated On: 4/27/16 at 12:54 PM

#888Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 1:34pm

You are correct, I purchased in the same block as you did, so my tickets are not available yet either.  However, when I was looking for RESALE TM seats for April school vacation (in Boston), to travel to NYC just to see Hamilton) I checked the TM website for 11/26/16 which I already had tix for, and there were seats already being sold!  I do not have the transfer/print button or the resell button on my order either, so I called TM yesterday after we returned from NYC, and I went thru two people on hold and was finally told that the Premium and Preferred seats were no longer able to be resold on the TM website.  I told here there were def premium seats being resold and she said it will not happen anymore?

Wick3 Profile Photo
#889Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 2:20pm

Sunshine31 said: "First and foremost, to everyone who posted information in this thread, THANK YOU! Long time lurker and finally took my chances at the cancellation line (4/27) and was successful. I waited for 9 hours and got amazing orchestra seats. 

Cancellation line: SOLD had the first 2 spots. I was originally 9th in line and that changed due to people bailing or buying premium tickets. Throughout the day I saw Anthony, Renee, Jasmine, Daveed and took a photo with Lin. My fellow line sitters were awesome. I was able to leave (bathroom, food) and come back multiple times with no problems.  Tickets weren't released until 6:50 (very nerve-racking). 

NOTE: We also had people watching Stubhub prior to showtime and the prices dropped significantly. At 4 PM, orchestra seats were at $650, by 6:55 they were down to $250 (minus fees). 

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :) 


Isn't today April 27th? I guess you meant April 26th (Tuesday)? That's awesome! If you waited 9 hours, I guess you arrived at the theater at around 10am? 


#890Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 4:02pm

Wick3 said: "Sunshine31 said: "First and foremost, to everyone who posted information in this thread, THANK YOU! Long time lurker and finally took my chances at the cancellation line (4/27) and was successful. I waited for 9 hours and got amazing orchestra seats. 

Cancellation line: SOLD had the first 2 spots. I was originally 9th in line and that changed due to people bailing or buying premium tickets. Throughout the day I saw Anthony, Renee, Jasmine, Daveed and took a photo with Lin. My fellow line sitters were awesome. I was able to leave (bathroom, food) and come back multiple times with no problems.  Tickets weren't released until 6:50 (very nerve-racking). 

NOTE: We also had people watching Stubhub prior to showtime and the prices dropped significantly. At 4 PM, orchestra seats were at $650, by 6:55 they were down to $250 (minus fees). 

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :) 


Isn't today April 27th? I guess you meant April 26th (Tuesday)? That's awesome! If you waited 9 hours, I guess you arrived at the theater at around 10am? 


Thanks for catching that Wick3. Yes I did! 

The SOLD arrived late-Monday evening. I was shocked that the line was so short. It really didn't grow until 3ish (some of the late comers got tickets). 


#891Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 4:10pm

hi thanks for the story, but i wanted to ask you all if i get there on a Wednesday at 5AM and stay on line for the entire day (matinee and if i don't get matinee, evening, i could make it in? I live out here on the island on the forgotten in Staten Island, so i could easily get over) thanks 

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#892Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 4:58pm

nrubanobroadway said: "if i get there on a Wednesday at 5AM and stay on line for the entire day (matinee and if i don't get matinee, evening, i could make it in?

5 am for two tickets, most likely not early enough.  5am might be good if you just need one ticket, unless other 1 ticket patrons get there before you.  It's all luck.


#893Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 5:11pm

MinervaMoon said: "I can see how the bonding and adrenaline would make it all worth it once you get rewarded with the show, since it sounds amazing. My problem though is not that I don't want to wait 30 hours (even though that's pretty strenuous); it's that I can't wait 30 hours because I won't physically be in the city. 

I guess I'm just asking about the following two questions:

(1) Is 21 hours in advance enough time to be at least reasonably sure to get in?

(2) If not, is line switching policed, and if so, how?



I am also super-curious about the answer to #2... we did our cancellation line experience back in late March... the line sitch had already gotten intense, but these rules were NOT in place.  We made a deal with SOLD to wait for 10 hours total and we waited for another 9.  In fact, back then the only rule was that the person who was buying the tickets had to be on line when the box office opened at 10am.  So the SOLD guys were cool to let us split up the wait like this:

SOLD: 5:30pm-9:30pm (tues evening)
US: 9:30-midnight
SOLD: midnight-6am
US: 6am-1:30pm (when we got our tickets) 

This strategy was all we could afford and, miraculously, put us at the front of the cancellation line.  We had 1 day to get this show in, so I know the stress you're feeling!!!!!  

I remember the next morning, around 10am that Wednesday, when these girls announced they were starting the Thursday line... the SOLD guys were totally shocked.  They hadn't seen the wait jump that significantly.  

So yeah, I wonder why the new rule -- and how it's enforced, other than the honor system and people on line policing it themselves... What I wonder is, say you and a friend want 2 tickets total... if the friend starts the wait and you do a bunch of hours in the middle and said friend comes back for the end, what's wrong with that?  You're still only buying 2 tickets for 1 place on line, a place both of you secured?

#894Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 5:22pm

nrubanobroadway said: "hi thanks for the story, but i wanted to ask you all if i get there on a Wednesday at 5AM and stay on line for the entire day (matinee and if i don't get matinee, evening, i could make it in? I live out here on the island on the forgotten in Staten Island, so i could easily get over) thanks 

When I was there yesterday, 9 people were already lined up for Wednesday shows. 


#895Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 8:57pm

Sunshine31 said: "Wick3 said: "Sunshine31 said: "First and foremost, to everyone who posted information in this thread, THANK YOU! Long time lurker and finally took my chances at the cancellation line (4/27) and was successful. I waited for 9 hours and got amazing orchestra seats. 

Cancellation line: SOLD had the first 2 spots. I was originally 9th in line and that changed due to people bailing or buying premium tickets. Throughout the day I saw Anthony, Renee, Jasmine, Daveed and took a photo with Lin. My fellow line sitters were awesome. I was able to leave (bathroom, food) and come back multiple times with no problems.  Tickets weren't released until 6:50 (very nerve-racking). 

NOTE: We also had people watching Stubhub prior to showtime and the prices dropped significantly. At 4 PM, orchestra seats were at $650, by 6:55 they were down to $250 (minus fees). 

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :) 


Isn't today April 27th? I guess you meant April 26th (Tuesday)? That's awesome! If you waited 9 hours, I guess you arrived at the theater at around 10am? 


Thanks for catching that Wick3. Yes I did! 

The SOLD arrived late-Monday evening. I was shocked that the line was so short. It really didn't grow until 3ish (some of the late comers got tickets). 



So did you just get a single ticket? Or two tickets? 


I also want to know about line swapping, I don't understand how that would be enforced? 

Its gonna be annoying if we can't resell premium tickets on ticketmaster. My cousin offered to get me premium tickets for join so I took her up on that and turns out they are for August 20th. I mentioned multiple times that I wanted to see the OC but she bought them anyways. Now I have to offload them. How does ticketmaster know they are premium? 


#896Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 9:46pm

To answer the line swapping questions, I will share my experience from when I did the cancellation line on April 5th-6th. We got on line at 10pm. There are no signs posted stating anything about the line swapping. When we got there, a line sitter told us what place we had on line and told us about the line swapping. We had booked a room nearby so that we could warm up and clean up every so often. I told him that it was just the two of us and we were only getting two tickets. He didn't say anything and we swapped out during the night. We were both on line together well before the box office opened. No one seemed to care that we did that. In fact, everyone on the line looked out for each other and took breaks to warm up. Even a line sitter encouraged us to take breaks and get warm, eat, etc. Everyone was really pleasant and took care of each other on line. When the box office opened up at 10am, someone came out and enforced the fact that we could not swap out. In fact, he said we could not leave the line at all or we would lose our place. He later relented a little and confirmed that we could run to use the bathroom as long as someone was willing to hold our place. Hopefully, that info helps. I guess that until the box office opens, it really depends on who is on the line and how they feel about it. The policy is only technically enforced by the theater when the theater is open. 

#897Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 10:18pm

Updated On: 4/27/16 at 10:18 PM

#898Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 10:22pm

Hey guys! Long time reader of this thread, first time writer.

Planning on doing the cancellation line June 8th (Wednesday) I fly in just before midnight the night before from Australia and plan on heading straight there and I was wondering the chances for a single ticket for Wednesday day/night show? 

Anyone done the line and going for a single ticket? Experiences? Advice? Wait time?

much appreciated:)

#899Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/27/16 at 10:25pm

I was quoted $725 for a SOLD line guy. So that plus two tickets are 1000 at least. If you have only saved 200 you need to wait in line yourself. 
