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Hamilton Cancellation Line

#1025Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/2/16 at 10:20pm

MyFavoriteBrunette said: "macnyc said: "Wow, the Grange looks lovely in its "new" setting inside the park. When I was a student at City College back in the day, the Grange was wedged in between an apartment building and part of St. Luke's Episcopal Church on Convent Avenue. I'm glad the decision was made to relocate the building to a more appropriate setting, but I certainly thank the church for saving the Grange! 


Yes! We saw a video of the house move. It was incredible to watch!

So I am off today and tomorrow and toyed with the idea of doing the line last night.  The only two days this month that seemed feasible for me, since I know I need a "recovery" day!  LOL!  Instead, I learned that a pair of designer shoes I ordered at work with my one day only employee discount were no longer available (Louboutin) so the money I would have spent on that, I bought yet ANOTHER resale ticket!  This is called "Hamildebt"  LOL!  

Walking to the theater now...I pray the ticket is legit!  The prices on SH were dropping early and quickly today.

So happy for you!  ALittleLessMiserable!
"I'll see you on the "same" side!"  I'm in seat 2.




What time did you wind up buying the ticket if you don't mind if I ask? 

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#1026Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 1:23am

gatorgirl2 said: "What time did you wind up buying the ticket if you don't mind if I ask? "

Hi @GatorGirl2 

This post will have nothing to do with the cancellation line other than I decided not to use the cancellation line LOL! But I hope to try again...maybe I should go back and get on it now.  When I left the theater at 11, there were only 4 people.  2 sitters and 2 civilians.

To answer your question, I bought my StubHub ticket at 1:30pm.

Last night I went through StubHub for the next two weeks and documented what nights had row A center and documented the quantity available and the current price.  I set the search for 1 ticket only, so I wouldn't waste my time looking at sales that only sell in pairs..  There were 13 for Monday.  Two blocks of 4 and one block of 5.  None for Tuesday.  Wed & Thu has 5 each day and Fri & Sat none. 

Last night, the tickets for Monday were in the $1100.00  This morning they were $900, at noon they were $700 and another block $800.  I cross referenced the tickets on TM only because I was getting worried about authenticity.  I saw the same exact seats but selling for more.   

 When they dropped to $658 I was gonna buy them (over my budget) but while texting my husband about the prices dropping the tickets were purchased.  I didn't wanna spend $700 on one of the other 4 singles available, not much of a difference but even while I was thinking of those--they disappeared as well!  

 So now the only single ticket left was in row Q.  Not what I was looking for so I started looking at the orchestra sides and remembered "Fiddler on the Roof" looked "okay" from there.  In my search, I found orch right row B seats 2  thru 8 for $550.  I was sure that if I bought it, I'd get seat 8 towards the middle so seat 2 could be sold at a higher price since 2 is an aisle seat.  I searched the seat view at "A View From My Seat" and  I decided to buy it.

When I went to download it, it was seat 2 on the aisle.  It was so happy about this!  By 2pm, the next 3 seats in that block went down to $505.00 and then they were gone. Didn't make it to 3pm.

All the while I was scared that my tickets may not be real just because of all the fake ticket chatter.  I've never had a problem with any StubHub purchase, I compared them to other ticket PDF's I had to recent shows and everything looked right.  Would find out when I got to the theater.

I got to the theater, my ticket scanned and I got in and I can die happy that I saw Lin, Leslie, Chris and Phillipa spit out their lyrics, I saw Renee's fillings!  I saw tears stream down their faces as they sang and even had two eye moments with Lin!  One during Cabinet Battle 1.  I got to see some of the cast leave via the door that em6 mentioned (Thank you!) including my fellow Cuban, Alex Lacamoire who graciously signed my Playbill.  Lin ran in a car but I waved my Puerto Rican flag to him and he acknowledged!  I thanked Leslie for a great show and blessed him and he said Thank You and Oak gave me an eye wink as he left with his skateboard.  Jon Rua was an absolute doll and the rest of the ensemble was just as gracious--the dance ensemble is just breathtaking!

@GatorGirl2 there is PLENTY of legroom in orchestra!  Nothing like upstairs!  You can fit your backpack under your seat (as they request you stow it) with no problems.  GET IT!

Now that I've seen Hamilton via the rear mezz and up front orchestra, they are definitely two different experiences.  I feel like it was more human and raw up-close as you see more of the emotions in the actors faces.  I cried so much!  Up in the mezzanine, you can appreciate the artistry used with the lighting, the moving stage and the ensemble dance numbers.  "The Battle of Yorktown" and "Hurricane"  look amazing from the mezzanine.  I'll just have to get in more Hamildebt and see it from like row J, LOL! 

Check out the CRAZY LEGROOM!!!!!! LOL!  OMG!  I'm delirious!  And I wanna cry! #Hamildebt

Updated On: 5/4/16 at 01:23 AM

Wick3 Profile Photo
#1027Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 6:23am

MyFavoriteBrunette said: "I got to the theater, my ticket scanned and I got in and I can die happy that I saw Lin, Leslie, Chris and Eliza spit out their lyrics, I saw Renee's fillings!  I saw tears stream down their faces as they sing and even had two eye moments with Lin!  One during Cabinet Battle 1."

You saw it from Row B?!?! That's AWESOME!!!! Wait what did you mean by Renee's fillings? 

Did you see any signs stating no lawn chairs/tents outside the theater?

#1028Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 9:13am

What time do the scalpers come to the lines and at what price do they sell them for? And is there any security against them doing this? Do they go to the back of the cancellation line? I'm thinking of just giving in and paying a bit more than waiting 22 hours....

Updated On: 5/3/16 at 09:13 AM

#1029Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 10:40am

Here is my experience from the Cancellation Line for the 5/2/16 performance.

If you read 'alittlelessmiserable's post (#1024), I'm the 'older gentleman' she was talking about.  She is spot on with how the line was when she was there, so I won't rehash too much of what she said and I'll take my story from when she left.  A quick recap, I got there at 9:40 that morning and was number eight in line.

After 'alittlelessmiserable' left, I was now sixth in line.  The first four people were getting pairs, and the lady in front of me and myself were getting singles.  The line pretty much stayed the same until about 2:00.  A mother/daughter team came after me and settled in.  The line stayed that way until another woman (looking for a pair) and a man looking for a single came on line.  This was around 3:00.  Then another mother/daughter team came in around 3:30 with plans to start the line for Tuesday show, but they figured why not wait in our line and give it a shot.  After 4:00, more people started to fill in the line.

At 5:00, they moved everybody over to the other side of the entrance and got us in a more orderly line.  The tension is starting to build and I'm not sure if I'm going to get in.  The 4th person in line was a SOLD sitter and he was giving us some tips on some of his experiences in line (Thanks Shalann[sp]).  He said that he's seen as many as 22 tickets available to only one being available, but he said that where I was in line, my chances were pretty good.  That made me feel a little better, but I was still nervous.  At 6:15, the first two pairs (a mother and her three daughters) were told to go to the box office.  In doing the ticket math, I would be getting the 10th ticket available.  Looks pretty good so far.  Come to find out, of the first two pairs that were sold, one of those pairs was a no-show lottery tickets (lucky on them!).  So now that means there are still a pair of house seats up for grabs.  My chances are getting better!!  By 6:30, the line now has about 30 people in it.  It's now 6:40 and no more tickets have been sold since the first two pairs.  Getting nervous again.  Five minutes later, the third pair is called to the box office.  Then another five minutes go by and the next pair goes in.  Now I'm second in line!!  The lady in front of me said that when they say the next pair, come with me and we'll go in as 'a couple'.  I said I was good with that!  The mother/daughter team that was behind me for some reason was no where to be found (my guess, they went the StubHub route)!  So the woman that came at 3:00 looking for the pair got moved up behind me.  At 6:50, they called the lady in front of me and me to the box office.  I'M IN!!!!!  I couldn't believe my luck!  The weight of wondering if I was getting in or not was finally lifted and it felt like I could walk on air!!  My seat was Row G, Seat 101, $177.  The mother/daughter team that came expecting to start the new line for Tuesday's show was able to get in.  When it was all said and done, not including the premium tickets that were sold earlier in the day (2) or the two no-show lottery tickets, 13 tickets were available for purchase (12 seats, 1 SRO).

The show was amazing!!  Les Miz has always been my favorite show, but I think there's a new number one in my book now!!  My wife had to work that day so she couldn't see it with me, so I cant wait to see it again and take her with me.  I'm so happy that I took the effort to do this.  I'm glad that I didn't have to do the 3:00 am to get my spot on line.  My situation I think was more the exception, not the rule.  If you do the wait, your results may vary.

And finally, the SOLD guys stated that there will be some more changes with the line sitting policy regarding tents and overnight stays (stay tuned).  Also, with the Tony nods going out this morning (Hamilton w/16), demands for tickets will be greater.  SOLD also said that the worse and hardest day to get tickets are for the Wednesday matinee.  All in all, it was a fun day and a great show and I look forward to seeing the show again.

#1030Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 11:31am

@Tuna2 -- glad to see you got in! was an absolutely fantastic show!

#1031Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 11:45am

@alittlelessmiserable -- The show was off the hook!!  I loved every second of it!  I'll be buying the cast recording CD before the end of the week!  I'm glad you got in as well and it was a pleasure to meet you.  Take good care and enjoy those future shows!

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#1032Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 12:02pm

Wick3 said: "You saw it from Row B?!?! That's AWESOME!!!! Wait what did you mean by Renee's fillings? 

Did you see any signs stating no lawn chairs/tents outside the theater?


"Yes.  Row B which is 3rd row.  Row CC is first row where lottery winners sit.  Those are too close.  You have to watch with your head tilted up a bit and I'm sure like what happened to me when I saw "Fiddler", all the actors feet were cut off from view.  But you're guaranteed to get a lyrical shower!

When Renee sang, she came close to the stage front and as she belted out her song, I literally could see the fillings in her right molars.  All I could think was "WOW!  I'm close!  I'm in Hamilheaven!".  

No signs up yet for the newest rules coming to the line.  SOLD didn't have their tents up last night when leaving the theater.  Maybe they'd pop them open in the wee hours especially with the rain. They sat in their chairs.

Tuna2: Thanks for sharing your line experience.  It's always hard to predict what the outcome of waiting will be.  So great to read two positive experiences and hopes that one need not line up days in advance to see the show.  

Seeing it in rear mezz next Tue with the tickets I bought the day after I didn't get tickets on the cancellation line March 11.  I wish now that I hadn't bought them since for the same price, one can get same day tickets in the orchestra.  But I have them and taking my sister who is dying to see the show and could never afford to splurge on something like this.  She's got our mom living with her, her grown kids and a grandchild.  Taking her to "Hamilton" will be great escape for her =)


Updated On: 5/3/16 at 12:02 PM

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#1033Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 12:16pm

ROW B   SEAT 2.  The first four seats here and on the opposite side are designated for Low Vision & Deaf/Hard of Hearing.  It was amazing.  No heads in my line of view!  And I could hear the bass boom for canon explosions and other numbers
WHYYYYYY DID IT END?!?!? OMG!  I can truly die happy now!  I saw spit!  I saw fillings! I saw tears in their eyes and streaming down the actors faces!  UH-MAZING! #Hamildebt

xplosions and other numbers.  


Updated On: 5/3/16 at 12:16 PM

sarahb22 Profile Photo
#1034Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 12:37pm

I won't be surprised if they make some drastic changes to the cancellation line policy, especially with the warm weather coming.  People are going to be showing up DAYS in advance to sit for tickets, clogging up the street and making pedestrian traffic difficult.  I'm not sure what solution would work, but the RRT is going to have to do something if they don't want a mob scene come the summer.

Wick3 Profile Photo
#1035Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 1:22pm

sarahb22 said: "I won't be surprised if they make some drastic changes to the cancellation line policy, especially with the warm weather coming.  People are going to be showing up DAYS in advance to sit for tickets, clogging up the street and making pedestrian traffic difficult.  I'm not sure what solution would work, but the RRT is going to have to do something if they don't want a mob scene come the summer."

I'm just grateful they have this line. I do wonder whether there will be fewer (if any) cancellation tickets given Tony voters (roughly 840 of them) would all have to see this show from now until The Tonys, right?

#1036Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 7:19pm

Does anyone know around when scampers come out at the door and about how much they charge?

Anakela Profile Photo
#1037Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 7:29pm

I just (~7:15pm Tue night) walked by the cancellation line on my way home from work. There were six people already on line for tomorrow, with two women who looked like they were trying to figure out if they were going to join the line or not. I thought it would be a bit more crowded, day of the nominations and all. 

And fwiw people are/were sitting in chairs, but there were no tents. No clue if that's a 'new rule,' or if they just didn't feel like opening their tents yet. 

#1038Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 8:05pm

@Tuna2 that is very lucky of you! 

Now I am really nervous about my chance of doing it again next week. It sounds much more intimidating now that the waiting time seemed to be significantly increased. I figured that is going to be my last chance of doing this show this year. Considering the popularity of the show and Tony awards and later tour schedule.


#1039Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 8:43pm

nrubanobroadway said: "Does anyone know around when scampers come out at the door and about how much they charge?


would also want to know


#1040Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 8:46pm

MyFavoriteBrunette said: "ROW B   SEAT 2.  The first four seats here and on the opposite side are designated for Low Vision & Deaf/Hard of Hearing.  It was amazing.  No heads in my line of view!  And I could hear the bass boom for canon explosions and other numbers




Wow that is a amazing seat! I will be looking for one ticket so I'll keep an eye out while I am there. If I am further along than #5 in line then spending 500 on a seat that is three rows back seems even better than premium seats that (from what I can understand) could be in the mezzanine. Have you used the price alert feature on the app? I have one set but I don't know how reliable it will be. 

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#1041Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 9:00pm

Metalmeatwad & Nrubanobroadway

I've always seen the same scalper on and he's around a lot when ticket holders start showing up to line up to get inside.  He's always working the ticket holders line and the cancellation line to see who bites.  His price also drops closer to curtain.  One time, I went to the cancellation line at 5pm (yeah--I know!  Joke!) and I overheard him selling his ticket very close to 8pm for $300.  The patron went in, texted her mom outside to say she got in and then the mom started opening her wallet and he ushered the mom away walked towards the Marquis Hotel to finalize the transaction.

i know that no money can be exchanged by the RRT 

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#1042Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 9:33pm

gatorgirl2 said: "Wow that is a amazing seat! I will be looking for one ticket so I'll keep an eye out while I am there. If I am further along than #5 in line then spending 500 on a seat that is three rows back seems even better than premium seats that (from what I can understand) could be in the mezzanine. Have you used the price alert feature on the app? I have one set but I don't know how reliable it will be."

My phone has an old iOS that doesn't support the SH app so I just go in and look obsessively, LOL!  I was very blessed yesterday with that seat.  Today, the same block of 4 seats in row B was selling for $757 today at 1pm


#1043Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 9:33pm

MyFavoriteBrunette said: "Metalmeatwad & Nrubanobroadway

I've always seen the same scalper on and he's around a lot when ticket holders start showing up to line up to get inside.  He's always working the ticket holders line and the cancellation line to see who bites.  His price also drops closer to curtain.  One time, I went to the cancellation line at 5pm (yeah--I know!  Joke!) and I overheard him selling his ticket very close to 8pm for $300.  The patron went in, texted her mom outside to say she got in and then the mom started opening her wallet and he ushered the mom away walked towards the Marquis Hotel to finalize the transaction.


i know that no money can be exchanged by the RRT 


Thank you very much??


#1044Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 9:33pm

MyFavoriteBrunette said: "Metalmeatwad & Nrubanobroadway

I've always seen the same scalper on and he's around a lot when ticket holders start showing up to line up to get inside.  He's always working the ticket holders line and the cancellation line to see who bites.  His price also drops closer to curtain.  One time, I went to the cancellation line at 5pm (yeah--I know!  Joke!) and I overheard him selling his ticket very close to 8pm for $300.  The patron went in, texted her mom outside to say she got in and then the mom started opening her wallet and he ushered the mom away walked towards the Marquis Hotel to finalize the transaction.


i know that no money can be exchanged by the RRT 


Thank you very much??


Wick3 Profile Photo
#1045Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 10:03pm

metalmeatwad said: "nrubanobroadway said: "Does anyone know around when scampers come out at the door and about how much they charge?

would also want to know

In addition to what MyFavoriteBrunette stated, I've seen that same scalper at RRT, at Hedwig back in 2014, and at Book of Mormon back in 2011. As a rule of thumb, he'll normally hang around the ticket holder line asking if anyone has any extra tickets they're willing to sell. He'll buy those tickets at face value price or lower. He then goes to cancellation line and sells that same ticket at double face value price (~$300) but expect to bargain. Obviously the ticket price lowers after the show has started. 


#1046Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/3/16 at 11:33pm

nrubanobroadway said: "MyFavoriteBrunette said: "Metalmeatwad & Nrubanobroadway

I've always seen the same scalper on and he's around a lot when ticket holders start showing up to line up to get inside.  He's always working the ticket holders line and the cancellation line to see who bites.  His price also drops closer to curtain.  One time, I went to the cancellation line at 5pm (yeah--I know!  Joke!) and I overheard him selling his ticket very close to 8pm for $300.  The patron went in, texted her mom outside to say she got in and then the mom started opening her wallet and he ushered the mom away walked towards the Marquis Hotel to finalize the transaction.


i know that no money can be exchanged by the RRT 


Thank you very much??



"Last Friday, I think that was the same scalper selling tix, who told one of the lady in the cancellation that she could go in the theater to verify that the ticket was legit.  The lady went in the theater with the tix and never came back out to pay.  Not cool."


Updated On: 5/4/16 at 11:33 PM

#1047Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/4/16 at 12:31am

I've seen this scalper trying to sell tickets for around $300 outside the Rodgers as well. Does he really get them from people who have an extra ticket in the line just before the show? I find it hard to believe there are that many people who show up with a ticket they're not going to use, but maybe I should start asking people in line, lol

Anakela Profile Photo
#1048Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/4/16 at 9:50am

I've seen this scalper trying to sell tickets for around $300 outside the Rodgers as well. Does he really get them from people who have an extra ticket in the line just before the show? I find it hard to believe there are that many people who show up with a ticket they're not going to use, but maybe I should start asking people in line, lol


You should, you never know! You have to remember most people who go to the theatre aren't like the people who hang out on these boards, who know about things like cancellation lines and past-dating and such...


For example, before I moved to NY, on one of my trips out here many years ago I had tickets to Wicked. Which I knew nothing about, just that a coworker had told me "it's The Wizard of Oz told from the Wicked Witch's point of view," and that sounded interesting. We had great seats - center orch row G, or something - and then the person I was supposed to go with got sick. All I knew about theatre tickets was they say "no refunds, no exchanges," so that's what I figured was going to happen: I was going to still go, and we'd lose out the money on the sick person's ticket.


That night at the theatre when the guy in the box office was handing me my will call tickets, I don't even remember exactly how the conversation happened anymore, but he learned that I actually only needed/could use the one ticket, so he gave me a cash full refund on the second ticket, because he would have "no problem" selling it to the cancellation line, and during intermission I had a lovely conversation with the girl who got to see the show from that now cancellation line ticket.


If my tickets hadn't been will call, and I'd had them in hand, only knowing "no refunds, no exchanges," and while I was waiting to enter the theatre some scalper was walking the line asking if anyone had any extra tickets, and offered to give me cash for it, I would've absolutely sold it to some scalper.


Of course now I know better, and if it was a ticket to Hamilton there's no way I'd be letting it go to some scalper for face value. :) But you never know about anyone else there...

Emma MK
#1049Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/4/16 at 11:54am

casedilla2 said: "I've seen this scalper trying to sell tickets for around $300 outside the Rodgers as well. Does he really get them from people who have an extra ticket in the line just before the show? I find it hard to believe there are that many people who show up with a ticket they're not going to use, but maybe I should start asking people in line, lol


When i did the cancellation line he was going up and down the entry line asking people if they had spare tickets. In the end he managed to get 3, which he ended up selling to the people at the back of the cancellation line, which really sucked. He didnt even ask people near the front.
