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Hamilton Cancellation Line

#975Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/30/16 at 7:58am

MyFavoriteBrunette - omg thank you so much for telling me this! Yep, even if I were to buy my ticket now, ticket master is a lot more expensive than Stubhub. I'll keep checking what the prices are like on there for performances due to start in a few hours, hopefully I'll be able to master how to get them at bargain prices! Like I said, if I don't get to see it while I'm in NYC I won't be crushed but the thought of LMM not coming with it to London for another three years is just so depressing.

#976Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/30/16 at 8:29am

Callum_brown1 said: "Long time lurker, is it common for premium tickets to always be passed on? I'm going to be in NYC for a few days at the beginning of June and, typical for a foreign tourist, will be blissfully oblivious of the value of the amount of dollars I'll be spending! Unsurprisingly I'm desperate to see the show and would much rather buy my tickets legit than from scalpers. Also I'll just be buying one ticket - so would it be a good idea to hang around the theatre at the time premium tickets are offered (10am?)? If anyone could offer some advice I'd be delighted.


Yes. When I was in line, many of us passed on the premium tickets due to the price ($477). To be honest, I was not willing to spend more than $200 for a ticket. The box office employee offered 7 that day (1 pair and 2 singles were brought by tourists). 


Updated On: 4/30/16 at 08:29 AM

#977Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/30/16 at 8:55am

Em6 said: "Latest update on todays Hamilton cancellation line saga.  Recap:   We came at 5:30 PM yesterday and decided at around 9:00 to hire SOLD to sit for us .  We were 5th in line.  At around 8:05 tonight, our SOLD guy was next in line when the theater person came out and said the much dreaded words.  "That's it, everyone.  No more tickets"  Our guy looked at us with shock and devastation, that we actually felt so bad for him.  There was a lady in line that cried really loud, it was so sad.  They gave out 6 sitting tickets and 2 standing tickets tonight.  That's it.  I must say that the SOLD guys were very kind and professional all throughout the waiting period.  They were in constant contact with us keeping us updated.  Unfortunately, inspite of all our joint efforts, our guys were not able to beat the groups of people who were there, willing to sit for more than 2 days. We lost the professional fee we paid our guys, but we're still happy we were not the ones who sat for 22 hours.  It was cold day.  I don't think i could have handled sitting in the cold only to be told we weren't getting in.  So...we're now drinking our margaritas singing, "I  Wasn't in the Room Where It Happened...." 


I'm so sorry Em6. You have a great attitude! Are you going to try again? 


MISH2 Profile Photo
#978Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/30/16 at 9:32am

At least with row A rear mezz you get slightly more leg room.  I was a couple of rows back in November, and the leg room was non existent.

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#979Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/30/16 at 11:27am

MISH2 said: "At least with row A rear mezz you get slightly more leg room.  I was a couple of rows back in November, and the leg room was non existent."


YUP!  After seeing the show with StubHub resale I bought the week Groff was leaving, I went up to rear mezz row F to see the seats that I bought on StubHub after my cancellation line fail and when I sat down, I was like OH CRAP!  My legggggs!  LOL!  I checked it out because I planned to relist them on StubHub to resale but since tickets drop in price so much if no one buys, I didn't want to lose a lot of what I invested so have decided to go again.  A pricey decision but you only have this one life!    It's why I warned GatorGirl2 in post #947 about the legroom and the backpack she planned to bring to the cancellation line. I would hope orchestra seats are a wee bit roomier.

Updated On: 4/30/16 at 11:27 AM

#980Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/30/16 at 11:33am



Updated On: 4/30/16 at 11:33 AM

Anakela Profile Photo
#981Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/30/16 at 11:56am

nrubanobroadway, you keep asking now, in April, what time you should get on the cancellation line for your wait in mid-June. And you seem to keep asking because the answers you are receiving aren't good enough? Or something.

The date you're going to be waiting on line is 1- over a month away, and 2- after the Tony noms and the Tony awards themselves are announced. I get that you're young and excited, but if I were you I would wait for about the week before your date, read people's experiences at that time, and then start asking. You seem to want someone to say today "get on line at Xpm the night before Y date," and no one is going to be able to predict that today for you for mid-June.

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#982Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/30/16 at 12:25pm

nrubanobroadway said: "I actually live in Staten Island (about 15 mins away), so around what time frame should i get there. Thanks again to everyone for helping me"

There is no crystal ball that tells us when even WE should line up.  Otherwise, this forum wouldn't exist.  Anakela is correct with her advice.  And a lot of variables, how many tickets you want, will the the line double in waiting to 60 hours to be FIRST in line after the Tony Awards. Will the line triple in waiting time just after nominations where people say "oh no!  I GOTTA see it". 

This is just like a lottery scratch off ticket.  Not a guarantee win.  Just getting in line doesn't guarantee you a ticket to the show.  I waited 17 hours and didn't get any ticket.  So you can use that as a reference to how early you need to get in line.  


Updated On: 4/30/16 at 12:25 PM

#983Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 4/30/16 at 3:45pm

I've been in the cancellation line twice.

The first time I waited 9 hours on a Saturday and passed on the $477 tickets when 5 were available, the "good" scalper with $300 tickets just prior to an 8PM performance (he visits the line about an hour before each performance), and some stub hub tickets that were quickly dropping in value, and got as low as $400. So, I drove the 2 hours back home without having seen the show, but oddly feeling like it was a good experience (the line is sort of fun).

My second visit (6 weeks later) was much more serious and I was in the line for just 2.5 hours.  I didn't want to wait 24-ish hours, so armed with the knowledge of my first visit I took (actually pounced) the first "good" opportunity:$300 for $177 face value tickets from a tourist (see my earlier story for details). 

My advice for anyone is to get in "the room where it happens" you need to be in the vicinity of Richard Rogers theater. Face value tickets take an amazing investment of time as you need to be one of the first 5-15 in line. Be prepared to spend $300-400 and POUNCE when a (real) opportunity presents itself. 


#984Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/1/16 at 1:25am

Saturday update to our Hamilton Cancellation Line saga.  Recap:  So our line sitter sat for us for 22 hours for Friday show...he was 5th in line...and the person in front of us got the LAST ticket.  Booo!  We decided we just had to try "One Last Time....".  We got someone else to sit for us and she was 5th in line (again) for Sat evening show.  Around 2:00 this afternoon, someone came out from the theater and told the people in line that whoever is in line needs to buy the ticket AND watch the show.  This is a NEW policy they started enforcing today.  In the past you can hire a sitter, the sitter buys the ticket, comes out of the theater and hands it to you.  NOW, whoever is watching the show NEEDS to buy the ticket.  Some of the sitters, even the SOLD guys were caught by surprise.  I guess their customers doesn't come until closer to show time.  At 7:20, half an hour earlier than usual, they started going down the line. For some reason, the person in front left--not sure why.  The next 3 sitters did not have their customers present.  That made us FIRST IN LINE!!!  Yayy...we finally saw the show--again!  

Now for anyone who wishes to get autographs and pictures with the cast members here's a tip.  People usually go to the stage door where the barricades are set up--and yes some cast member do come out for meet and greet.  Tonight, LMM, Chris and Rory came out.  However, the white metal doors on the left of the main door, is where they exit.  You would barely notice them unless you really know what they look like.  We got pictures and autographs with Renee (Angelica), Daveed (Jefferson), Leslie (Burr), Anthony (Philip) Jon Roa (Hamilton understudy) and majority of the ensemble, as well as Alex Lacamoire.  Philppa (Eliza) and Okieriete (James Madison) were in a rush and didn't stop for pix or autographs.

I would say that the trip was a roller coaster ride, but had a happy ending.  Good luck to everyone else who wishes to see the show!!

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#985Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/1/16 at 2:08am

Em6 said: "Around 2:00 this afternoon, someone came out from the theater and told the people in line that whoever is in line needs to buy the ticket AND watch the show.  This is a NEW policy they started enforcing today.  In the past you can hire a sitter, the sitter buys the ticket, comes out of the theater and hands it to you.  NOW, whoever is watching the show NEEDS to buy the ticket"

I am soooooo confused, LOL!  So we're back to the "banned" line swapping?
I can't....LOL!

"Some of the sitters, even the SOLD guys were caught by surprise.  I guess their customers doesn't come until closer to show time." 

Yeah, when I did the line, the 4 sitters were there since 7pm Thursday.  Friday at about 6pm is when they started swapped out with clients, the last were two mature ladies who never could have sat out there 23 hours--I was dying at 17!  LOL!

At 7:20, half an hour earlier than usual, they started going down the line. For some reason, the person in front left--not sure why. 

Was this a line sitter?

The next 3 sitters did not have their customers present.  That made us FIRST IN LINE!!!  Yayy...we finally saw the show--again!  

Praise Jesus after the money you invested!

Thank you for your update!


MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#986Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/1/16 at 2:11am

Em6 said: "However, the white metal doors on the left of the main door, is where they exit" 

The doors right below the theater marquee, in the little alcove, correct?  Thanks for sharing this for fans =)

Hamilton Cancellation Line


Updated On: 5/1/16 at 02:11 AM

Wick3 Profile Photo
#987Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/1/16 at 5:59am

I have nothing against line sitters but as a fan I'm glad the theater has this new policy. I hope to see the show at least one more time before the Tony awards. The earliest I've waited is around 4-430am and I was still wide awake for the show. After a 30+ hour wait, though, I don't know. 

I had a bday party to go to last night in Hell's kitchen and on my walk home, I passed by the Richard Rodgers and saw 2 people sleeping outside --- for Monday night's show! I couldn't believe it! At first I was surprised to not see anyone from SOLD there (as many of you know, SOLD uses these little see-through tents with the yellow SOLD sign on top) but from what EM6 stated with the new policy, it makes sense why SOLD is not there. 

@Em6, so wait, what time did you line swap with your line sitter? At 2PM? A bit confused now whether line swapping is allowed or not (or whether they made an exception for Saturday since that's when they announced the new policy.) 

#988Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/1/16 at 10:17am

"Around 2:00 this afternoon, someone came out from the theater and told the people in line that whoever is in line needs to buy the ticket AND watch the show.  This is a NEW policy they started enforcing today" 

Is this new policy banning professional line sitters? 

Updated On: 5/1/16 at 10:17 AM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#989Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/1/16 at 10:44am

Marquis =/= marquee

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Adam Reyes
#990Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/1/16 at 10:45am




Updated On: 5/1/16 at 10:45 AM

#991Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/1/16 at 10:58am


I get what your saying above re 'being ready to pounce' on a possible opportunity -  and I like your approach however: HOW DO YOU KNOW that the scalper or the tourist coming by the cancellation line during the day are selling legitimate tickets????

It would seem to me that when one is handing over hundreds of dollars in cash you would want to be sure that at least you could get your money back in the event of counterfeit  (let alone some assurances that the tix are legit i.e. via ticketmaster resale).  Given the fraud going on with tickets, it seems to me the advantage of just waiting in the cancellation line for what the box office offers, OR purchasing via resale ticketmaster/stubhub is - at these prices - a much better way to go.! Just wondering if you have info/advice re ascertaining ticket seller's tickets' legitimacy. If not I 'd recommend people do  not do this!!

#992Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/1/16 at 11:00am

So is the policy officially changed then? The person waiting in line has to use the tickets, meaning no more line sitters?? It will be very interesting to see how this affects what time people start lining up now.

#993Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/1/16 at 11:17am

Em6 said: "Saturday update to our Hamilton Cancellation Line saga.  Recap:  So our line sitter sat for us for 22 hours for Friday show...he was 5th in line...and the person in front of us got the LAST ticket.  Booo!  We decided we just had to try "One Last Time....".  We got someone else to sit for us and she was 5th in line (again) for Sat evening show.  Around 2:00 this afternoon, someone came out from the theater and told the people in line that whoever is in line needs to buy the ticket AND watch the show.  This is a NEW policy they started enforcing today.  In the past you can hire a sitter, the sitter buys the ticket, comes out of the theater and hands it to you.  NOW, whoever is watching the show NEEDS to buy the ticket.  Some of the sitters, even the SOLD guys were caught by surprise.  I guess their customers doesn't come until closer to show time.  At 7:20, half an hour earlier than usual, they started going down the line. For some reason, the person in front left--not sure why.  The next 3 sitters did not have their customers present.  That made us FIRST IN LINE!!!  Yayy...we finally saw the show--again!  

Now for anyone who wishes to get autographs and pictures with the cast members here's a tip.  People usually go to the stage door where the barricades are set up--and yes some cast member do come out for meet and greet.  Tonight, LMM, Chris and Rory came out.  However, the white metal doors on the left of the main door, is where they exit.  You would barely notice them unless you really know what they look like.  We got pictures and autographs with Renee (Angelica), Daveed (Jefferson), Leslie (Burr), Anthony (Philip) Jon Roa (Hamilton understudy) and majority of the ensemble, as well as Alex Lacamoire.  Philppa (Eliza) and Okieriete (James Madison) were in a rush and didn't stop for pix or autographs.

I would say that the trip was a roller coaster ride, but had a happy ending.  Good luck to everyone else who wishes to see the show!!


Did they offer any single tickets while you were waiting? 

So do you think this will cut down on the professional line sitters? Lets hope so. I know they are nice for people who can afford them but the wait time was getting ridiculous tbh. Although maybe that won't change considering there isn't much time left to see LMM and Leslie before they leave. 

Awesome that you got to see the show again! I'm just a tad (Okay a lot) jealous. 





#994Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/1/16 at 11:18am

Adam Reyes said: "You can blame  tge so called ONLY PROFESSIONAL linesitting company sold Inc and others for the line policy change.... the so called legit company that doesn't pay taxes on anything and talks bad about other linesitters is the reason why this is over.  They continue sold Inc and the lady company to argue and fight and this caused the theatre to change policy....Some professional linesitting company .....just because you are LLC doesn't mean **** especially when u don't pay taxes on your income ...."

 Hi Adam, (if that's you're real name)

I'm Robert Samuel (MY REAL NAME) go ahead and Google me... I'll wait. I will respectfully and publically request that you not attempt to discredit my company or team. I have never posted on this site until now... You've questioned my LLC designation previously and now you're blaming us for changes in the line policy and accusing us of tax evasion. Wow!!! Did you question J & W before they  got you into the show? Again, I'll wait. I  personally know JACK and WILL  and there's no ill will between us.  The theatre has NO PROBLEM with me or my PROFESSIONAL linesitters, because we follow the rules and don't cheat our customers. My team is well compensated and are not exploited desperate homeless-like or substance abusers that others "companies" employ!  So much so that they ask to work with SOLD!  Now whether you're a faithful customer or an agent of theirs who's a bit miffed because of the competition, and your subsequent lack of work who's to say. You could even be one of those I refused to hire and this is a feeble attempt to get back at me?!?! BUT THE PURPOSE OF  THIS FORUM IS TO SHARE TIPS AND TRICKS ON GETTING INTO THE SHOW. Your oft misspelled and petty vitriol has no place here!





Updated On: 5/1/16 at 11:18 AM

#995Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/1/16 at 11:49am

Mediamaven2 said: "Question for POCONOPANTHER:

I get what your saying above re 'being ready to pounce' on a possible opportunity -  and I like your approach however: HOW DO YOU KNOW that the scalper or the tourist coming by the cancellation line during the day are selling legitimate tickets????

It would seem to me that when one is handing over hundreds of dollars in cash you would want to be sure that at least you could get your money back in the event of counterfeit  (let alone some assurances that the tix are legit i.e. via ticketmaster resale).  Given the fraud going on with tickets, it seems to me the advantage of just waiting in the cancellation line for what the box office offers, OR purchasing via resale ticketmaster/stubhub is - at these prices - a much better way to go.! Just wondering if you have info/advice re ascertaining ticket seller's tickets' legitimacy. If not I 'd recommend people do  not do this!!


Well, to be honest, you have a point... But there are a few things to know. The scalper I was referencing (African American man that, in colder weather, wore a Lincoln Center Jazz jacket) was always there an hour prior to curtain and offered to walk into the lobby to ensure I got into the theater (the same cop was there every time I visited's sort of interesting to notice the patterns on that block). As for the tourist. The name on his ticket matched his drivers license. Also, I had him call my cell phone so I had his Name, address, and phone and we took a selfie so I had his photo too! Not a 100% guarantee, but I wasn't worried when I walked into the lobby. 

I guess my advice is to keep your eyes open, as you are right, there is zero guarantee a tourist or "good" scalper will walk past the cancellation line so an individual could end up in line for 24+/- hours and go home not having seen the show.  I put myself in a location where these type of transactions take place and it worked out well for me. A lot of people in NYC are working scams... But some are not. 


Updated On: 5/1/16 at 11:49 AM

#996Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/1/16 at 12:01pm

Em6 "Now for anyone who wishes to get autographs and pictures with the cast members here's a tip.  People usually go to the stage door where the barricades are set up--and yes some cast member do come out for meet and greet.  Tonight, LMM, Chris and Rory came out.  However, the white metal doors on the left of the main door, is where they exit.  You would barely notice them unless you really know what they look like.  We got pictures and autographs with Renee (Angelica), Daveed (Jefferson), Leslie (Burr), Anthony (Philip) Jon Roa (Hamilton understudy) and majority of the ensemble, as well as Alex Lacamoire.  Philppa (Eliza) and Okieriete (James Madison) were in a rush and didn't stop for pix or autographs."


Do the actors mind this though? Like I feel like if they aren't going out the stage door they are doing it purposefully to avoid taking pics and stuff. Do they seem annoyed when you ask them to stop? 

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#997Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/1/16 at 12:03pm

LizzieCurry said: "Marquis =/= marquee

Thank you for catching that   My auto correct thinks I'm must always be referring to the Marriott next door!  LOL!  Too much Hamilton cancellation line talk in my phone as of the past several months...



#998Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/1/16 at 12:07pm

So now line sitters are banned? 

ZellMorrowsPledge Profile Photo
#999Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 5/1/16 at 3:51pm

Quick question because I haven't heard about it in a while? Does this show still offer standing room tix?

Use my code "YZTFG" for $20 OFF tickets on TodayTix!
