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Harry Potter access code?

#275Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 2:59pm

That’s what I thought but I just searched and single tickets are still available. I had a code for 1pm, searches for two hours to get two tickets but nothing popped. Chose one ticket and a lot of options were still available so I bought one. Hoping to buy one more ticket so that I’m at least in the theater with my child instead of waiting outside ??

Updated On: 2/7/18 at 02:59 PM

#276Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 2:59pm

Just a general question but am I the only one who did not want to pay $354 fo a ticket?

Randy Lewis
#277Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 3:31pm

I was in the 11 o'clock group and just got my confirmation email at 3:30 eastern time so took 4 1/2 hours. I also wasn't sure it went through; credit card showed pending but I kept getting error message.

dearalanaaaa Profile Photo
#278Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 3:50pm

Randy Lewis said: "I was in the 11 o'clock group and just got my confirmation email at 3:30 eastern time so took 4 1/2 hours. I also wasn't sure it went through; credit card showed pending but I kept getting error message."

Thank you for the update! Does it show up on ticketmaster? The number to call doesn't seem to work and it only beeps.

Randy Lewis
#279Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 3:54pm

Yes it does show up in my ticketmaster account now.

#280Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 4:10pm

herewegoabc said: "I got the Something Went Wrong, Something Went Wrong, Access Code Has Already Been Used to Complete a Purchase. It wasn't showing up in my orders, but I put in my CC #, phone, country, and NY and got an order number (clicked on it and went to another error message). I put the order number, my email, and phone into a DM at TMfanSupport Twitter to ask if valid and got a response in about 5 minutes. It's valid and should show up in 24-48 hours. They also said I should get a confirmation email in that same timeframe.

MUCH easier than waiting on hold via phone!

Thanks for sharing! I did the above and found the order number, sent it to TMFanSupport and waiting for a reply. 

macnyc Profile Photo
#281Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 4:57pm

For the last HP presale they had a chat function right on Ticketmaster. That was handy after I realized I had spent too much money on tickets and wanted to return them. I was able to do that all through the chat. But I don't see the chat option now.

#282Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 6:28pm

MyMeredithMonster said: "I'm bummed to hear about all the trouble everyone is having! I got stuck on standby both times, so, no code for me... I really want to see this show in October or November, but I doubt there will be much (if anything) left tomorrow.

Add me to the list of those seeking unused codes. I'd love to try for some dates if anyone isn't using theirs. Thanks either way and good luck to all those trying for tickets!

I wasn't able to pm you but I only have 2 tickets for October not 3.  Sorry!  Good luck tomorrow - I'll be trying for June for the third time - not optimistic but I just can't stop myself from continuing to engage in this exercise in futility!

If anyone has 2 seats to trade for June 13 or 17 - in exchange for October 24 - please let me know.  I have 2 $199 tickets and will trade for equal or even higher if necessary and pay the difference. I'd even pay for your trouble.  PM me if you want to discuss!

In fact maybe there ought to be an HP trade thread like I noticed there was for Hamilton.  



#283Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 6:42pm

TheaterGal3 said: "herewegoabc said: "I got the Something Went Wrong, Something Went Wrong, Access Code Has Already Been Used to Complete a Purchase. It wasn't showing up in my orders, but I put in my CC #, phone, country, and NY and got an order number (clicked on it and went to another error message). I put the order number, my email, and phone into a DM at TMfanSupport Twitter to ask if valid and got a response in about 5 minutes. It's valid and should show up in 24-48 hours. They also said I should get a confirmation email in that same timeframe.

MUCH easier than waiting on hold via phone!

Thanks for sharing! I did the above and found the order number, sent it to TMFanSupport and waiting for a reply.

Hope you got an answer! I got my confirmation email, and it's now showing in my orders.


broadwaynerdnewbie Profile Photo
#284Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 6:54pm

Theatrefan2 said: "Just a general question but am I the only one who did not want to pay $354 fo a ticket?"

No, I think part of the reason I had trouble finding tickets is because I limited myself to the first tier of ticket prices. I ended up not purchasing today and opted to wait, not because I think the price will go down but I just wasn’t comfortable paying almost 400 dollars for tickets. Maybe after tax season.

dearalanaaaa Profile Photo
#285Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 6:57pm

Update I just got off the phone with a rep and they told me the tickets were infact purchased, and the order number. I can't believe it took 8 hours for it to finally arrive!

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#286Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 8:55pm

My purchase time wasn't until 1pm. I couldn't find a single pair of tickets for less than $165 the entire year. I want to see it, but not for that price. I decided to go solo and nearly the whole run became available. I wish you could have the option to not get 2 seats together. My sister and I would have rather spent less and not sat together than spend $700 on a pair of tickets.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

Melissa25 Profile Photo
#287Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 10:05pm

I had 2 tickets for $800 and then the location was revealed: Right Orch Row T 22,24.

Either I have to have my head examined or find a new hobby.  This seat snob couldn’t spend $800 for these crap seat locations.  And they called these “premium.”  





#288Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/8/18 at 3:11pm

That's the problem I have with this whole process too. The designated premium seats include not-so-great locations, and without being able to pick your seats, you have to rely on the TM system's definition of "best available." I found a center aisle seat in Orchestra row P, and took it fear of not finding anything better. Not that it is a bad seat, but for the premium price being charge, it isn't all that great.
