Has anyone obtained an access code yet for Wednesday's ticket release?
It's too soon.
Usually, you'll get notification of your status 24 hours before the presale. It will be either yes, you will be getting a code, and for which time, or you'll be on standby.
If you are selected to receive a code, you will get that I believe two hours before your sale window opens.
Stand-by Joined: 5/1/16
Anyone know what time the emails will be sent out? They said we’d receive an email today to let us know if we’ve been selected for code, standby or nothing.
I have not received an email yet either, so I'm sure you're fine.
Stand-by Joined: 5/1/16
Verified fan tends to send e-mails later in the evening.
As a point of reference, I got my standby message the last go around at 2:14, so hopefully we will be expecting an email soon.
That being said, I am not excited to go through this process again and honestly probably only will if I get an actual code.
I registered. Nothing yet.
Nothing here on the west coast either. It's my understanding from the info below that Ticketmater will notify us of our status today. They already notified me that I registered as a V Fan. Does that mean they will let us know if we are getting a code or if we're wait listed or SOL? I've got everything I can cross crossed.
"On Monday, February 5, we will send an email with details about your Verified Fan invitation status, and additional details to help you prepare in advance.
If you are getting a code - "Keep your phone handy - your text notification will arrive 1-3 hours before tickets go on sale at 11am ET on Wednesday, February 7"
Good luck everybody. The process was smooth sailing for me last time, hope everyone has a similar experience!
West Coaster here too and so far..nada.
*fingers crossed*
7:30pm here on east coast and nothing. Later than I thought...even for the "Wait List" e-mail.
Surprised to have not gotten anything yet. I definitely thought someone would’ve gotten something. Still waiting...
Searching Twitter, I haven't found anyone who hasn't gotten one.
There's hope!
Has or hasn't? I can't imagine it's just us here that haven't gotten notices
Just got standby If anyone has a code and would be kind enough to help with one ticket for late April / early May please PM me. Thanks and good luck everyone.
Got standby as well. Would like to see if anyone got a code.
Stand-by Joined: 12/3/13
Looks like it’s my time for some luck, got picked for a code, Wednesday 1pm time.
Updated On: 2/5/18 at 08:17 PMUnderstudy Joined: 9/22/16
Broadway Star Joined: 10/31/16