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Harry Potter access code?

#225Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:08pm

for those of you who had access so far, are premiums available and, if so, is there much inventory or are those getting scooped up as well?  I don't remember anything over $199 last time, so I'm assuming they didn't release premiums the first time around.

Not that I want to pay that much, but I may not have a choice between that and not seeing the show at all (I'm not a local or near NYC), and at this point if given the opportunity (IF being the operative word) I might just spring for premiums if they are available today or tomorrow.

Leah Robertson
#226Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:13pm

I was looking for a specific date in June so I jumped straight to that month, but when there was no availability I skipped ahead a few months just out of curiosity; I didn't see anything late August."

@Lot666, what June date were you looking for? I'm on standby hoping for June 20-24. Just wondering if there's hope.

#227Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:14pm

Well, one part of me is glad and one part is super frustrated.

i wanted three tickets for the same day, and figured I had a better shot at Sunday, because it’s a work night for most people. Couldn’t do Wednesday. After a few searches, I got $40 tickets. Great . Hit “buy” and it kept telling me my network was down or something. It wasn’t. I was on WiFi. Eventually timed out and lost the tickets. Grrrr. Couldn’t find anything else  for $80 or under for three on a Sunday, even on dates that were green. Switched over to two people on consecutive nights and got tickets for $40 a part in January. I’m just really sad that one of my daughters won’t be able to go. She lives further away and will be new at her job and may not be able to take much time off,  which is why she wanted to see it in one day. I will keep checking occasionally; someone may return tickets. So, glad I’m going, but feel like a bad mama right about now.

i wish Ticketmaster had a system that let you see availability across a few dates. I’m second guessing myself. Maybe I could have found something, but I fell prey to the “buy now or else” frenzy. Grrrrr.



vanbrig Profile Photo
#228Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:17pm

I'm on standby...again. If anyone has a code they won't use, I would be extremely grateful

#229Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:18pm

Leah Robertson said: "I was looking for a specific date in June so I jumped straight to that month, but when there was no availability I skipped ahead a few months just out of curiosity; I didn't see anything late August."

@Lot666, what June date were you looking for? I'm on standby hoping for June 20-24. Just wondering if there's hope.

Same question - I'm a June only as well.  Also wondering if sold out at all price points?  Again, if anyone can confirm or deny that premiums are up, that would be great as I'm very frustratedly thinking that might be my only hope at some point.  Have never, ever paid for premiums but I'm guessing it will still end up costing me less - with less risk - than StubHub.  I hate this system.  Not to mention all the people who bought 6 tickets in the first release knowing they were only going to use 2 and sell the rest at a profit, rather than put them back into the mix for the rest of us.

#230Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:19pm

March through November is now sold out at all price points

StageDoor3 Profile Photo
#231Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:21pm

Thanks for the update, englishpauliewallie.   I sure hope they set aside blocks of tickets for tomorrow's sale.  And that's going to be a bigger frenzy than today.

Updated On: 2/7/18 at 01:21 PM

Broadway Joe Profile Photo
Broadway Joe
#232Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:24pm

I hate this ****ing system so god damn much. Everything is yellow which means going fast but when you click on it nothing is available. F*CK off.

Cv611 Profile Photo
#233Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:26pm

I got premium in June at 11am. Tickets were $299 each. I got a seat on the aisle. My friend bought premium tickets at 12pm and she couldn’t find anything as good as mine. I don’t think they are selling out- but I couldn’t get any closer then row F when searching.

Updated On: 2/7/18 at 01:26 PM

vanbrig Profile Photo
#234Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:28pm

Well I hope they've set some aside for the sale tomorrow. One person in my group was lucky enough to get a code today, but we were only able to get one ticket (I hate the way they don't have a "don't need to sit together" option). So I need still need one more. Hopefully just needing one will help...

showchoirguy Profile Photo
#235Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:30pm

ok so this was "fun"

After many attempts of trying to get tickets, I got the "code already used for purchase" message. I emailed Ticketmaster and I'm still waiting for a response. While I was on my lunch break I checked my bank account and the was a purchase from Ticketmaster, but when I went to check on my account, there is no order history. Does it take a while to update on the site or did I just make a purchase for tickets I may not actually have?

#236Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:36pm

got a 1pm code I'm not using.  Not much left, unless you're looking for single seats....PM me if you want the code!

SORRY - CODE IS CLAIMED....and my inbox is

Updated On: 2/7/18 at 01:36 PM

shari evelyn
#237Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:36pm

stagehand1 said: "What a frenzy! I am desperately trying to get my wife (and me) 2 tickets for our anniversary. I would be happy to pay up to $60 for an unused code (or will pay 150% of the ticket purchase price for sat/sun shows on March 10, 17, 24, 31, April 14, May 5, 12, 19, June 9, 16, 23, 30, July 7, December 15, and any day next February (2019). I would really, really appreciate it."


I PMed you.


#238Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:38pm

THE SAME HAPPENED TO US!! However, go to VIEW ALL ORDERS and then in the boxes enter your cc, phone, email and NEW YORK in the state box. It puled up an order with an order number for me even thought that order number is not clickable. I am now on hold with ticketmaster to get this mess resolved. They have charged my card. They will give me the tickets I purchased!!!

kade.ivy Profile Photo
#239Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:40pm

I’ll just need a single so holding out hope for tomorrow. How did the month of May look for availability at just a glance for those of you who purchased today? .

#240Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:40pm

For folks wondering about Premium ticket availability ... I can tell you that as of 1:02 pm ET there seemed to be fairly good overall availability in July, but I didn't spend too much time looking, probably less than two seconds. I went for premiums right away figuring that would give me the best chance of decent tickets. I tried July 1 (Sun) first and was offered row Q off to the side. Then I tried July 18 (Wed) and was given H13 which is pretty much center, so I grabbed it. The whole process took me less then 3 minutes. I feel very fortunate, especially after hearing all of the problems folks have been having. (I can't believe row Q is Premium!?)

I really appreciate all the experiences and advice from this board!

#241Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:41pm

This is beyond frustrating. Keep clicking on dates and "find tickets" only for the site to say JK, there aren't any after all!

We don't need to sit together; why is the site forcing blocks of seats that are all in the same row?

Guess we won't be seeing the show unless Ticketmaster gets its act together in the future. Shouldn't have to win the lotto just for the chance to purchase, and shouldn't be forced to limit yourself to a single seat in order to freaking use your lottery win!

#242Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:44pm

Cheapest out there now is $330 plus ticketmaster charges.  And the resales are already on stup hub.

MyMeredithMonster Profile Photo
#243Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:46pm

I'm bummed to hear about all the trouble everyone is having!  I got stuck on standby both times, so, no code for me... I really want to see this show in October or November, but I doubt there will be much (if anything) left tomorrow. 

Add me to the list of those seeking unused codes.  I'd love to try for some dates if anyone isn't using theirs.  Thanks either way and good luck to all those trying for tickets!

"Yeah, Clarissa, explain it all."

macnyc Profile Photo
#244Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:47pm

I feel I paid too much money for what I got (dress circle, next to the last row, all the way on the far side). So I'm going to try again tomorrow in the general sale. Maybe some additional seats will be released. Failing that, there's the Friday 40, although I imagine those will be hard to get. It's nice that tickets can be returned if cheaper or better options turn up.


vanbrig Profile Photo
#245Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:52pm

This whole thing is very discouraging. I've never had any issues getting tickets before, but with this system I just can't win. I'm trying to optimistic for tomorrow, but I just feel like it won't work out. The website says that queue spots are randomized so no matter how early I show up, I'm sure I'll be at the very end Harry Potter access code?

#246Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 1:54pm

MyMeredithMonster said: "I'm bummed to hear about all the trouble everyone is having! I got stuck on standby both times, so, no code for me... I really want to see this show in October or November, but I doubt there will be much (if anything) left tomorrow.

Add me to the list of those seeking unused codes. I'd love to try for some dates if anyone isn't using theirs. Thanks either way and good luck to all those trying for tickets!

I have October tickets (I think in the $199 range) that I purchased in the first presale out of sheer panic.  It was stupid - my only possible trip is in June, but everything was gone by the time I got a standby access code late in the day, and I bought was was left because I got caught up in the frenzy (you know, on the off chance that I'm made of money and can fly to NYC whenever I want just to see a show!) 

I absolutely refuse to put them on Stub Hub or sell them for more than face, but I'm still holding them in case I can trade with someone for June 13 or June 17, or if I'm lucky enough to get tickets for those dates tomorrow or in the coming days as maybe they cancel tickets or people return them.  If you want to send me a PM, I'll hold on to them and let you know before I simply return them to TM.  But there's no way you will see me put them on Stub Hub - I hate those people.

Broadway Joe Profile Photo
Broadway Joe
#247Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 2:04pm

I ended up with orchestra row T a few seats in towards the center in Feb 2019, I kept pulling up extreme side seats so I jumped at these when they came up. The rows I was pulling up kept being row k, l , m and n but I really didn't want an extreme side row.

I detest this system. I spent so much time going through and clicking on yellow dates just for them to say they were sold out. This verified **** is garbage, there are still tons of tickets on stubhub. It prevents and does nothing but make it an annoyance for people to get tickets that they can still sell anyway. F*CK ticketmaster.

I hope I can win the friday lotto and ill be like everyone else and sell these to pay for the rest of the shows I see all year. So annoyed.

Lot666 Profile Photo
#248Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 2:04pm

Leah Robertson said: "I was looking for a specific date in June so I jumped straight to that month, but when there was no availability I skipped ahead a few months just out of curiosity; I didn't see anything late August."

@Lot666, what June date were you looking for? I'm on standby hoping for June 20-24. Just wondering if there's hope.

I was looking for June 3, but I didn't see anything available in June or July; there was one date at the end of August and several from September on.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage
Updated On: 2/7/18 at 02:04 PM

vanbrig Profile Photo
#249Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/7/18 at 2:05pm

Jeesh, all of this talk of how quickly tickets are going and the lack of knowledge about what will be available during the general sale is freaking me out. I wouldn't normally care about a play so much, but I really, really want to take someone in April who is having health issues. I don't know if he'll be in good condition to travel the longer we put it off, but I can't just use my single ticket to send him to the show; I know he won't want to without me. Been trying for a code, but no luck. If anyone out there is the praying type, please pray I get the chance to get one more ticket tomorrow!

Updated On: 2/7/18 at 02:05 PM
