sorano916 said: "That being said, the cell signal is a little spotty (at least at the 42nd street entrance) so make sure you have it readybefore you get to the doors. Log into your account and have them up, etc."
I usually just load them earlier and take a screen shot of it, then you always have the photo as a backup.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
Megsamegatron said: "As you know I search for tickets a lot for this show and getting to live in the city a popping over to the Box Office is now a tradition for me and a privilege that I recognize. I have gotten to see this show four times since Previews started and I've sat in the following seats: Orchestra C 1, Dress Circle M 103, Orchestra J 4, and Orchestra Y 28. I'm only 5'5" with a shorter torso. I have not had a problem seeing in any of these seats or felt like I needed a booster. Yes, of course the further your seat the less expressions you see, however I think the trade off is the magic/tech elements are beautiful further back. I hope this helps someone who was worried about there seat. I will post about my seat in the Balcony in a few weeks when I go back."
How in the name of Merlin's Pants have you been able to even afford to see it that many times already...I also find it interesting that the US ticketing system with Ticketmaster for this is basically "take it or leave it"...not much choice to be had. The UK system is odd, I still haven't figured it out. Also got an email for the new slew of tickets BUT isn't it for London? Because there's still nothing past March for NY...
The email I got said it was new Broadway tickets that were released, but I never checked the website to confirm how many are available. I imagine a lot of them went quick. And I agree; I do wish the Ticketmaster system was a bit more flexible.
The idea of seeing it over and over again is interesting. When I checked, the people that I know who live in the city have either seen it once, planned to see it once, or aren’t seeing it at all (one of them isn’t an HP fan). While their location is ideal, jobs and other plans have prevented them from dropping by the box office all the time or standing in line for hours on that day they released preview tickets. There’s also the whole cost factor. To each their own, I suppose.
I think I’ll be satisfied seeing it just once later this spring. For me, I’ve always thought of Broadway shows as a treat that I indulge in every once in a while (it keeps them special to me). And this is gonna be a HUGE treat for the person I’m bringing with me. I’m so excited!
JennH said: "Megsamegatron said: "As you know I search for tickets a lot for this show and getting to live in the city a popping over to the Box Office is now a tradition for me and a privilege that I recognize. I have gotten to see this show four times since Previews started and I've sat in the following seats: Orchestra C 1, Dress Circle M 103, Orchestra J 4, and Orchestra Y 28. I'm only 5'5" with a shorter torso. I have not had a problem seeing in any of these seats or felt like I needed a booster. Yes, of course the further your seat the less expressions you see, however I think the trade off is the magic/tech elements are beautiful further back. I hope this helps someone who was worried about there seat. I will post about my seat in the Balcony in a few weeks when I go back."
How in the name of Merlin's Pants have you been able to even afford to see it that many times already...I also find it interesting that the USticketing system with Ticketmaster for this is basically "take it or leave it"...not much choice to be had. The UK system is odd, I still haven't figured it out. Also got an email for the new slew of tickets BUT isn't it for London? Because there's still nothing past March for NY..."
Actually, there are plenty of Prime and Premium seats available for April and the beginning of May, and a lot of them were already available last night. The problem when these emails are sent out is that Ticketmaster gets overloaded with people searching for tickets, holding them in their cart, and then ultimately releasing them, which makes it difficult to get the best available seat at the time that you're searching. Also, they'll sell rows of seats out before they move to aisle seat of another row. You can buy an inferior seat, then 5 minutes later, a much better seat will pop up, either because someone released it, or because a row has sold out. It's much better to look for tickets daily, and randomly. That way you can get a better idea of what is actually available. For example, just the other night, a lot of front side dress circle aisle seats were available for 4/11, $120 per part, and some were still available the next morning. If they had sent an email out, those seats would have been gone in minutes, if that.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/12/15
Speaking of $120 seats, I have one in my cart for April 18. It’s row y seat 15. It’ll be released in 5 minutes. I sat in the row x last night and it was such an amazing view would highly recommend the rear orchestra. The overhead literally does not block anything.
uodate: y 17 is also available.
2nd update: $165 per part tickets are available for May 27, which Memorial Day weekend. Row a seat 19 in the balcony
Sweet... just wondered when the show opens, and it is 4/22, so I am seeing the final preview performances. Not that it was cheaper or anything.
haterobics said: "Sweet... just wondered when the show opens, and it is 4/22, so I am seeing the final preview performances. Not that it was cheaper or anything."
What, you don't think the $10 per part preview discount is a good savings?
Whoa, you mean a day later and this $610 ticket would be $630? Glad I got in under the wire!
Swing Joined: 4/4/18
Hi people,
I am selling ONE ticket for 5/13 (both parts one and two). Unfortunately, I bought this on StubHub so the price I paid is definitely higher than face value but considering most of the prices on there are $500+, I think it's still a decent enough deal. Just trying to make back what I paid because I completely forgot I won't be in the city that day but possibly willing to negotiate for less if you make me a reasonable offer. It's a balcony seat and I paid close to $300 (total not per part) but I'll waive the ridiculous $50 stubhub fee I paid and sell the two tickets for $250 (total not per part) but again, make me an offer if it's decent. I can transfer to you via ticketmaster and the tickets are mobile. Reach out if you're interested. Planning on putting them back up on stubhub but figured I'd rather try to sell here first.
AllThatJazz2 said: "Can anyone speak a little to the Mobile Ticketing for this show? I have mobile seats for May, but this is my first time using that option. Do you just get one QR code on your phone for all the seats, or is it individual ones you scroll through for them to scan(like with pdfs)?"
I used mobile entry. You get one QR code for each ticket for each part (so there were two of us and I had four different codes). For part one, I showed the first two tickets (swiped between them and they scanned them one by one), then for part two, I showed the next set. I will say, Ticketmaster went down briefly the day before and I had mobile tickets to Frozen and panicked (it came back up right before the show) so I also screencaptured all my tickets in case Ticketmaster or my internet went down before the show.
CursedChildTix said: "Hi people,
I am selling ONE ticket for 5/13 (both parts one and two). Unfortunately, I bought this on StubHub so the price I paid is definitely higher than face value but considering most of the prices on there are $500+, I think it's still a decent enoughdeal. Just trying to make back what I paid because I completely forgot I won't be in the city that day but possibly willing to negotiate for less if you make me a reasonable offer. It's a balcony seat and I paid close to $300 (total not per part) but I'll waive the ridiculous $50 stubhub fee I paid and sell the two tickets for $250 (total not per part) but again, make me an offer if it's decent. I can transfer to you via ticketmaster and the tickets are mobile. Reach out if you're interested. Planning on putting them back up on stubhub but figured I'd rather try to sell here first."
Hard time believing you would’ve spent that much money on a ticket where you just happened to forget you were not in town that day. Also you just joined and your name is CursedChildTix. I don’t buy the sob story. Try scalping tickets elsewhere.
Swing Joined: 4/4/18
LesWickedly said: "CursedChildTix said: "Hi people,
I am selling ONE ticket for 5/13 (both parts one and two). Unfortunately, I bought this on StubHub so the price I paid is definitely higher than face value but considering most of the prices on there are $500+, I think it's still a decent enoughdeal. Just trying to make back what I paid because I completely forgot I won't be in the city that day but possibly willing to negotiate for less if you make me a reasonable offer. It's a balcony seat and I paid close to $300 (total not per part) but I'll waive the ridiculous $50 stubhub fee I paid and sell the two tickets for $250 (total not per part) but again, make me an offer if it's decent. I can transfer to you via ticketmaster and the tickets are mobile. Reach out if you're interested. Planning on putting them back up on stubhub but figured I'd rather try to sell here first."
Hard time believing you would’ve spent that much money on a ticket where you just happened to forget you were not in town that day. Also you just joined and your name is CursedChildTix. I don’t buy the sob story. Try scalping tickets elsewhere."
Lol k. Maybe I just like to read word out of mouth on the preview threads and don’t have an account so I made one for this purpose. Here’s some proof.
Well I'll be damned. Those seats are normally $20 per part, so best of luck.
Updated On: 4/5/18 at 08:57 PMSwing Joined: 4/4/18
I did say “make me an offer.” I’m not being inflexible. I’m aware they’re more expensive than normal but seriously they’re cheaper compared to most of the stub hub prices. And as for $20 honestly who is really able to pay that during this ridiculous ticket process? The scalpers are immediately buying them up and reselling for usually way more than I paid. I have friends that have seen the show for way more than I paid in similar seats. I’d like to make the majority back and I have time but I thought I’d offer them here first on a “make me an offer” basis. My mistake, apparently.
Understudy Joined: 2/23/18
Hi all,
I just wanted to say thank you so much for all of your help!! ALL of you on this thread!!! You guys have been so awesome in answering questions and informing of new seats and ways to get tickets!!! Bc of this thread I was able to get cheaper and better tickets through the box office 2 weeks ago and was able to see the show last night!! It greatly exceeded my expectations! Since I saw the show I was able to return my $40 per part tickets I had for November 14th (both parts on the same day). The seats were Balcony D21-23. I just returned them about 5 mins ago. If anyone wants them go for it!!! and again Thank you so much!!!!
Understudy Joined: 2/23/18
Theyre alreadt available on ticketmaster.
CT2NYC said: "they'll sell rows of seats out before they move to aisle seat of another row. You can buy an inferior seat, then 5 minutes later, a much better seat will pop up, either because someone released it, or because a row has sold out. It's much better to look for tickets daily, and randomly."
CT2NYC knows what he's talking about. It irks me that this is seemingly the only show on Ticketmaster for which you cannot select seats from the house map. This "we'll tell you which seats you can buy" approach is infuriating.
Orchestra O 22 is available on Ticketmaster for Wednesday 4/11, $155 per part.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/12/15
For Wednesday April 11 there now seems also to be a $155 per part dress circle row a seat 117, which is probably a very good seat. I’ll hold it in my cart for a few minutes
edit: April 18 there is also $155 per part comets dress circle row b seat 101.
Lot666 said: "It irks me that this is seemingly the only show on Ticketmaster for which you cannot select seats from the house map."
There are lots of them. Not Broadway shows, but comics and concerts there are a lot...
Featured Actor Joined: 11/13/13
I know people were asking previously how the first row of the dress circle that wraps around works, so I took a couple of pictures (I won the Friday Forty and we were seated in 19 and 21, the farthest seat is 27, I believe, so I sat in that seat when it was empty and took a picture of the view sitting all the way back and the view leaning slightly forward)
This is the view fully seated in the seat
This is leaned slightly forward, basically as far as you can without getting in the way of the person next to you.
I've also posted other pictures from the first row dress circle on my instagram (same username as here). At first I was a tiny bit disappointed the lottery seats were so far towards the end part of the first row, but honestly the view was pretty freaking great. It wasn't awesome having to be turned slightly to my left, but we could see absolutely everything (save for half of a person when they were sitting on the stairs in one early scene). The staging really is perfect, there really aren't any obstructed view seats. I spoke with some guys in the box right above where we were sat and they said even the box seats were pretty good, view-wise.
Chorus Member Joined: 3/18/18
I asked twice at the box-office if the lottery tickets ever gave orchestra seats .One time they told me back of orchestra but not front: another person told me sometimes first few rows. But the second person told me they don't tell you at the time you buy which seats you have; I guess you collect them right before the show and find out then.
Chorus Member Joined: 3/14/17
Knox Lee said:
And I had called --- Harry Potter tickets cannot be purchased through phone. Only through their website. "
You can now purchase Harry Potter tickets over the phone through Ticketmaster.
Just be aware this change has been made VERY recently, and some TM representatives may not be familiar with the change yet. The TM representative I talked to a couple of days ago could not find this event by a "normal" search and tried to hang up, but I asked him to doublecheck with his manager. After learning that he could find this event by a "manual" search, the representative was apologetic and helpful.
Also, the automated phone service did not seem to work with this event, which is quite understandable taking into account that it has two parts, so be sure to call during the representatives' operating hours.
I hope this helps. Good luck!!
Understudy Joined: 2/23/18
theatered100 said: "Knox Lee said:
And I had called --- Harry Potter tickets cannot be purchased through phone. Only through their website. "
You can nowpurchase Harry Potter tickets over the phone through Ticketmaster.
Just be awarethis change has been made VERYrecently, and some TM representatives may not be familiar with the changeyet. The TM representative I talked to a couple ofdays agocould not find this event by a "normal"search and tried to hang up, but I asked him to doublecheck withhis manager. After learningthat he could find this event by a "manual" search, the representative was apologetic andhelpful.
Also, the automated phone service did not seem to work with this event, which is quite understandable taking into account that it has two parts, so be sure to call during the representatives' operating hours.
I hope this helps.Good luck!!"
When you call can you specify the price point to search for?
Chorus Member Joined: 3/14/17
Fanboy99 said:
When you call can you specify the price point to search for?"
I was at least asked to specify if I want regular or premium at the beginning.
I wanted to check out the actual seat location for both regular and premium, so the representative searched for both. I did not ask him to search for a specific price point among all the regular seats because he mentioned that low-priced seats were sold out for the dates I requested, but I am positive that you can make a specific request when the representative performs a search.