Swing Joined: 7/29/09
How was Row W? I’m in seats 9-11 in a few weeks
As you know I search for tickets a lot for this show and getting to live in the city a popping over to the Box Office is now a tradition for me and a privilege that I recognize. I have gotten to see this show four times since Previews started and I've sat in the following seats: Orchestra C 1, Dress Circle M 103, Orchestra J 4, and Orchestra Y 28. I'm only 5'5" with a shorter torso. I have not had a problem seeing in any of these seats or felt like I needed a booster. Yes, of course the further your seat the less expressions you see, however I think the trade off is the magic/tech elements are beautiful further back. I hope this helps someone who was worried about there seat. I will post about my seat in the Balcony in a few weeks when I go back.
Dress circle B 1-3 are available on Ticketmaster for Wednesday 4/11, $120 per part.
macnyc said: "spikethebunny said: "My hubby and I sat in DressC Row L on the aisle on Saturday. These are the $155 tickets. To be honest, they weren’t amazing as everyone’s heads were in the way (so I don’t really agree there are no bad seats). The Dress Circle wasn’t raked enough there and while I’m short and had no qualms going and grabbing a booster seat, my almost 6 foot husband had to use one as well as we couldn’t see over the two rows in front of us. Using a booster seat was definitely new for him! Once we had the booster seats, I could see 95% of the stage, minus the super tall gentleman’s head two rows in front of me who blocked upper stage left. I also agree you can’t see any of the actor’s faces from there.
HOWEVER, all being said and done, by the time the show started and everything began happening, I didn’t care about anything besides the fact that I was there and witnessing some of the most glorious staging I’ve ever seen. I loved absolutely every second, and would not necessarily choose those seats again, but if I had to, I’d endure TWO booster seats for that show."
Thanks for your comments! I'm a bit upset because my ticketsare in the same row. I'll be sure to get booster seats. Still, it seems odd that we'llneed to do that!"
You could get lucky and have shorter people or kids in front of you and you’ll be fine. We had one super tall gentleman two rows in front and I think he caused a ripple effect of people not being able to see, so others sat higher and we had to go grab boosters. Though the ushers did not seem at all surprised we got them, so maybe it wasn’t the first time. The huge plus of those seats is they are the closest to the exit and bathrooms so I beat the lines both intermissions. Grab a booster if you need to, but I do promise it won’t ruin the show completely. It was still one of the most incredible theatre experiences I’ve had in years. :)
Stand-by Joined: 5/1/16
Anyone know how the view is in the first few rows of the orchestra all the way to the side? I’m in row D seat 25 and am really worried it’s too close and too far to the side. Should I try getting another seat?
Swing Joined: 2/11/16
I have 2 tickets for Wednesday April 11 that I can no longer use (and unfortunately cannot return). They are in Orchestra Q. They cost me over $800 but would sell for less if anyone is interested.
Chorus Member Joined: 3/1/18
WickedLinds said: "Nycat63 said: "Thank you for this bc it's my current dilemma - Row A center aisle or Row M off to side (not terribly but still further than ideal). I'm short and have bad enough vision that with a pushed back dress circle I wouldn't just miss facial expressions, I might even miss some "big picture" stuff, so near to mid-Orch is my only option. I amworried about the neck strain in A bc I do have a bad neck, but more so reading here that it might ruin some of the "magic" by being too close. Did you feel you sacrificed that? If so, I'll be fine vision-wise in Row M as long as I don't have tall people in front of me (realize that's a risk I'll have to take)- I don't want to sacrifice the magic/effectsAND get neck strain! Would love your thoughts!
As an update to my previous post I just read on the other HP thread that a 6'3" poster who sat in row D felt the stage seemed very high, which doesn't bode well for two 5'1" people! Of course neither do rows further back bc you never know who will be in front of you (eg, a 6'3" guy) but I wonder if I'm still better off in Row M!"
I'm not sure how the Palace Theater stage in London compares with the Lyric, but I didn't feel like my neck felt too strained from second row. I'm 5'5" and one of the reasons I liked being closer was there were fewer heads to look between. When sitting farther back, I felt like I was always moving around trying to see the action on the stage and like there were always too many heads blocking my view.
As far as the magic, I don't feel like much of it will be given away by sitting closer. It was my second time that I sat up close so I knew what to look for and was actually wanting to figure out how they did the illusions. I could only work out a few, but if it's your first time, I don't think much of it will be obvious if you're not looking for it like I was.
But take all this with a grain of salt as I'm not sure how the Lyric compares with my experience in London. I'm seeing it from row C mid-rowon Saturday so I can update then!"
Update: My husband and I were in Orchestra C18 and 20 on Saturday and loved our seats! I didn't think the stage was terribly high (seemed less-so than the Palace Theater in London) and I didn't see anyone in row A, even the shortest one, straining their necks to see.
I was really impressed with the view from the sides of orchestra, and how they set up the stage in such a way as to provide a great view no matter where in the row you are. There were only 2 more seats on the far side of us, and they also seemed to have full view.
The illusions are perhaps slightly better from center, but nothing is ruined by being on the side. I'd sit side orchestra again anytime! On a side note, orchestra J on the far side has significantly more legroom than any other row in front orchestra.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/31/16
Thank you WickedLinds!!
Featured Actor Joined: 4/8/08
So based on what I'm reading here, they really have constructed the reconfiguration in such a way that the seats on the far end of the rows in, say orchestra row M or N don't miss anything and are unobstructed? That's hugely impressive if so. But someone who's sat on the side recently please confirm it before I make my final decision whether to let go of my tickets that are way upstairs but closer to the center. Thanks!
Orchestra D 1 is available on Ticketmaster for tomorrow's show, $189 per part. It was just reduced from the premium price of $289.
CT2NYC said: "Orchestra D 1 is available on Ticketmaster for tomorrow's show, $189 per part. It was just reduced from the premium price of $289."
Correction, D 1-3 are available, as well as orchestra E 6-12, also $189 per part.
Dress circle B 105-106 are available for tomorrow's show, $155 per part.
Megsamegatron said: "As you know I search for tickets a lot for this show and getting to live in the city a popping over to the Box Office is now a tradition for me and a privilege that I recognize. I have gotten to see this show four times since Previews started and I've sat in the following seats: Orchestra C 1, Dress Circle M 103, Orchestra J 4, and Orchestra Y 28. I'm only 5'5" with a shorter torso. I have not had a problem seeing in any of these seats or felt like I needed a booster. Yes, of course the further your seat the less expressions you see, however I think the trade off is the magic/tech elements are beautiful further back. I hope this helps someone who was worried about there seat. I will post about my seat in the Balcony in a few weeks when I go back."
On average, how much have tickets been for you? And around what time do you pass by the box office to see about tickets?
I went around 1pm the day before the show I wanted to see and ended up with the Dress Circle C 4 seat, which was perfectly fine.
Orchestra D 1-3 are still available on Ticketmaster for tomorrow's performances, $189 per part. I have them in my cart, and they'll release at 4:40 p.m., EDT.
Chorus Member Joined: 7/7/17
Has anyone sat in the rear dress circle? If so, how is the view? Just bought tickets for center dress circle row L for $155 a piece.
rwkpa26 said: "Has anyone sat in the rear dress circle? If so, how is the view? Just bought tickets for center dress circle row L for $155 a piece."
I sat in those seats and posted about my experience there above. They don’t really sit above the row in front, and we had a very tall man two rows in front, so we had to use booster seats to see (I’m 5’1”, so that’s not new to me, but my husband is almost 6’, and had to grab one for himself, which never happens). But, again, we maybe just got unlucky and everyone in front was tall. I still thoroughly enjoyed every second of the show and being so close to the exit meant I was first in line for the bathrooms at intermission. :)
Featured Actor Joined: 4/13/11
Has anyone sat in the Balcony? I have Balcony Center Row C on Saturday and wondering how things look from there. I skimmed most of the thread and didn’t see much about that area.
billyelliotfan123 said: "When you return tickets are you getting a full refund? I have a ticket in June I am looking to return"
I've returned tickets three times via the chat option. The first two times, the exact amount of my purchases was credited. My third return was $3.50 less than I paid, so I emailed Ticketmaster and they credited me that additional amount. I thought it was odd that the credit was not correct, but they fixed it, so it all worked out fine.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/15/17
Can anyone speak a little to the Mobile Ticketing for this show? I have mobile seats for May, but this is my first time using that option. Do you just get one QR code on your phone for all the seats, or is it individual ones you scroll through for them to scan (like with pdfs)?
Forgive me if this has been discussed elsewhere in the long thread, but I was unaware that the refund policy had changed. Originally, a full refund was guaranteed up to 14 days prior to the performance as long as the seats were purchased at least 28 days in advance. Now, all tickets purchased after April 3 can be exchanged only up to 28 days prior to the performance. I suddenly saw a much better seat today for April 21 and purchased it with the assumption I could get a refund, and did, since the original was purchased in March. That will no longer hold with newly purchased seats.
AlanR2, a big thank you for pointing out the change in the refund policy, which I wouldn't have known about if you hadn't mentioned it. And also thank you for noting that good seats have opened up for April -- I was able to get a great seat for a few weeks from now! I'm very excited!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
They've also changed the return policy language. Even if you are within 28 days of the performance, it is suggested that you should call Ticketmaster and they will try to work with you.
I wonder if they have a significant amount of returns they weren't able to re-sell.
Does anyone know who how early they let you pick up your tickets? As in -- seeing it at the end of April, but will be in town next weekend (14th) .... can I pick up my tickets?
pdjennings said: "Does anyone know who how early they let you pick up your tickets? As in -- seeing it at the end of April, but will be in town next weekend (14th) .... can I pick up my tickets?"
I believe it's 72 hours beforehand but you can always stop by and ask. :) You can visit the store as well while you're there.
AllThatJazz2 said: "Can anyone speak a little to the Mobile Ticketing for this show? I have mobile seats for May, but this is my first time using that option. Do you just get one QR code on your phone for all the seats, or is it individual ones you scroll through for them to scan (like with pdfs)?"
I didn't have a mobile ticket but I saw people with them being scanned and it seemed like it was just one for the whole group. That being said, the cell signal is a little spotty (at least at the 42nd street entrance) so make sure you have it ready before you get to the doors. Log into your account and have them up, etc.
Anothe ticketing thing, make sure you have the correct ticket for Part 2. I keep my tickets in the Playbill and somehoow put my Part 2 ticket in my Part 1 Playbill. So when I went back the next day, I had the Part 1 ticket but not my Part 2. Luckily, they were able to sort me out at the box office but it's still a hassle.
Just got an e-mail about more tickets being available for April 7 to May 13, including cheap seats.
Just scored A1 for April 21, so that should be interesting...