Orchestra ZZ 30 is available on Ticketmaster for Sunday 7/15, $40 per part.
That was great, I snatched up 2 tickets for me and my uncle for the same day i bought an accessible ticket for my aunt, Orch ZZ end of the row. Kinda feel jipped I paid double for worse seats, (I got her Dress C L center for 20), but grateful nonetheless
Anyone have any experience in ZZ 29 or the row at all? Now deciding between that and Balcony D 24. Both aisle seats, but both have some obstructions. ZZ has the overhang, while D in Balcony is further to the side and has the barrier in front of Row C partially obstructing it. Definitely leaning towards ZZ, but would love some more opinions. It’ll be my 2nd time seeing it (first time will be from B1 in orch).
Updated On: 5/21/18 at 09:30 PMI sat in ZZ the other day, I would much rather take the balcony any day. ZZ felt a little cut off by the overhang which was rather low and just a little boxed in. I would assume in Row D of the balcony, you could use a booster to avoid the railing. If I had the choice, I would definitely opt to sit the balcony rather than ZZ
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/28/10
Wow! I just logged into Ticketmaster to check seat availability. Usually when I have done this in the past, I was number 3 or 4 in line and entered in a matter of seconds. Ten PM on a Monday and I have 2,930 people ahead of me!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/12/15
hermionejuliet said: "I sat in ZZ the other day, I would much rather take the balcony any day. ZZ felt a little cut off by the overhang which was rather low and just a little boxed in. I would assume in Row D of the balcony, you could use a booster to avoid the railing. If I had the choice, I would definitely opt to sit the balcony rather than ZZ"
I sat in row x and I thought it was a pretty good view. Do you think that it’s be a very similar view or is the overhang much worse in ZZ? I ask this because I had originally bought tickets for my dad to see it for next march in the last row of the balcony. I bought the row ZZ seats for this July hoping to bring my dad then since it is is much sooner. Would those not be worth it?
Also, I noticed that there seems to be tickets for $80, $110, and $145 for almost every performance in the summer, yet the system doesn’t let you buy these seats. I wonder whether they’ll fix that soon
also leswickedly i think it’s be cool to have a different viewpoint by sitting in the balcony. I really enjoyed having different views each time I have gone. There are also some effects that are probably better experienced from above
Broadway Star Joined: 10/28/17
I was able to get a $40 per part seat in orchestra row Z for a Saturday in September. So glad I'll be able to see this! Thanks so much everyone for continuing to share updates here - it's much appreciated!
Notreallysilent 2 said: "hermionejuliet said: "I sat in ZZ the other day, I would much rather take the balcony any day. ZZ felt a little cut off by the overhang which was rather low and just a little boxed in. I would assume in Row D of the balcony, you could use a booster to avoid the railing. If I had the choice, I would definitely opt to sit the balcony rather than ZZ"
I sat in row x and I thought it was a pretty good view. Do you think that it’s be a very similar view or is the overhang much worse in ZZ? I ask this because I had originally bought tickets for my dad to see it for next marchin the last row of the balcony. I bought the row ZZ seats for this July hoping to bring my dad then since it is is much sooner. Would those not be worth it?
Also, I noticed that there seems to be tickets for $80, $110, and $145 for almost every performance in the summer, yet the system doesn’t let you buy these seats. I wonder whether they’ll fix that soon
also leswickedly i think it’s be cool to have a different viewpoint by sitting in the balcony. I really enjoyed having different views each time I have gone. There are also some effects that are probably better experienced from above"
That means the tickets were there but have already been sold.
As for ZZ, it is still good seat- especially for the price. I haven't been in the last row of the balcony to know if it would be better/worse, but I also had some really annoying surrounding audience members, so it could have been a variety of issues rather than simply the view if that makes sense. Simply because of the difference in date, I would say that giving Row ZZ is worth a go.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/12/15
Thanks for the feedback! I think I’ll stick with the ZZ ones and maybe my dad will want to go again in March. As for those seats that seem to be glitching it’s for every performance in the summer and it’s been happening since tbis afternoon. Right after you click it says select a new price but when you back to the performance that ticket price is still there. So I think when they changed the prices There was a glitch in the system where you can’t get them for some reason. Maybe they’ll release an email tomorrow saying about these new tickets.
Also, I’m just curious where else are the $80 per part tickets? Literally the only place I’ve seen them when tickets pop up for them is row e of the balcony. Is it only one row in the thester that they gave the $80 per part seats?
Notreallysilent 2 said: "Thanks for the feedback! I think I’ll stick with the ZZ ones and maybe my dad will want to go again in March. As for those seats that seem to be glitching it’s for every performance in the summer and it’s been happening since tbis afternoon. Right after you click it says select a new price but when you back to the performance that ticket price is still there. So I think when they changed the prices There was a glitch in the system where you can’t get them for some reason. Maybe they’ll release an email tomorrow saying about these new tickets.
Also, I’m just curious where else are the $80 per part tickets? Literally the only place I’ve seen them when tickets pop up for them is row e of the balcony. Is it only one row in the thester that they gave the $80 per part seats?"
Yes, if you decide against your March tickets, you could always try to get a refund (which should be honored for pre-may? At least hopefully).
I had the same issue earlier this afternoon with the glitch. I think especially with so many releases right now, they just aren't updating the system that quickly. Eventually when the specific date with no tickets pulling did update and only the upper brackets were available with the other selections completely gone. Hopefully you are right and there is more availability though!!
I also have only seen $80 per part in the upper balcony. So who knows!
Congrats to all who snagged tickets! Enjoy the show!!
June 5th has an $80 per part balcony seat this morning. Have a good day all!
amaklo said: "CT2NYC said: "Orchestra J 18 is available on Ticketmaster for Sunday 5/27, $130 per part."
How can that seat be $130?? I paid $299 per part for seats in Row M!"
Maddening, isn't it?
Understudy Joined: 1/14/16
Yes it IS maddening - I feel like we were taken advantage of because we were so excited to get tix to the show that we cued up & bought early at ridiculous prices!!!
That’s not taking advantage. That’s business. Some folks like getting tickets to secure those seats. You’d probably feel worse when they start discounting tickets (not going to happen anytime soon, lolz).
Updated On: 5/22/18 at 09:33 AM
WayTooBroadway said: "That’s not taking advantage. That’s business. Some folks like getting tickets to secure those seats. You’d probably feel worse when they start discounting tickets (not going to happen anytime soon, lolz)."
That's the point. They HAVE started discounting tickets. Seats that have previously sold as $299 per part premiums are selling for less.
CT2NYC said: "WayTooBroadway said: "That’s not taking advantage. That’s business. Some folks like getting tickets to secure those seats. You’d probably feel worse when they start discounting tickets (not going to happen anytime soon, lolz)."
That's the point. They HAVE started discounting tickets. Seats that have previously sold as $299 per part premiums are selling for less."
For a show that opened (literally) one month ago.
Lot666 said: "amaklo said: "CT2NYC said: "Orchestra J 18 is available on Ticketmaster for Sunday 5/27, $130 per part."
How can that seat be $130?? I paid $299 per part for seats in Row M!"
Maddening, isn't it?"
Was the row M seat a lower number seat? Because if it's dead center on the aisle I can see why there would be a big price difference since seat 18 would be closer to the wall. Still a huge price difference but it would make some sense.
Stand-by Joined: 5/2/15
Broadway Joe said:
Was the row M seat a lower number seat? Because if it's dead center on the aisle I can see why there would be a big price difference since seat 18 would be closer to the wall. Still a huge price difference but it would make some sense."
Nope, my two Row M seats are directly behind the Row J seat. Someone above said the Row J seat being a single is probably the reason for the big price difference. That makes the most sense, but it still irks me.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/31/16
I almost hate to chime in because I also fall into the camp of people who had to purchase in advance because I'm not local and travel to NYC for theater trips when I can, so I have to plan out what I want to see in advance and usually buy tickets in advance. I have noticed pricing all over the map over the last month, and have returned/purchased new tickets probably 4-5 times now as a result. I initially purchased at the $299 level (willingly albeit not happy about the cost because I did want orchestra seating), and have "upgraded" my seats as better seats have been released. I started out in Row M off to the side for $299 - those seats eventually were downgraded to $199. I eventually landed in Row L 1 and 3 and was thrilled to be on the aisle, but then they started releasing Row H one day while I was still in my return window, for $249! I returned Row L, moved up a few rows to seats 6 and 8 (still very close to center aisle) and saved at least a bit of cash. My Row L tickets were re-listed at $299 while Row H continued to sell for $249. The other day, I noticed they started releasing Row G for $249, while Row O much further from center was going for $299!
It isn't just single seats, it's certainly doubles as well (I don't know if you could say the same for 3 or more). And it isn't just last-minute, as would be the norm for shows that sell their leftover seats for non-premium prices if they haven't sold a couple of days before the show. So for those who would have preferred to pay less, it's even more infuriating, I'm sure, than it has been for me since I went in assuming I'd have to pay $299.
This all pales in comparison to the ticket situation for Boys In the Band. What they appear to be doing over there is the epitome of unfair. Don't get me started...
Nycat63 said: "his all pales in comparison to the ticket situation for Boys In the Band.What they appear to be doing over there is the epitome of unfair. Don't get me started..."
I don't know what your Boys experience has been, but I bought my front/center orchestra tickets back in early January and paid a lot less than what seats are listed for on Telecharge now. For that show, it seems that those who bought early saved; the opposite is true of Harry Potter, where those who bought early were robbed.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/31/16
Lot666 said: "Nycat63 said: "his all pales in comparison to the ticket situation for Boys In the Band.What they appear to be doing over there is the epitome of unfair. Don't get me started..."
I don't know what your Boys experience has been, but I bought my front/center orchestra tickets back in early January and paid a lot less than what seats are listed for on Telecharge now. For that show, it seems that those who bought early saved; the opposite is true of Harry Potter, where those who bought early were robbed."
I think that's true as long as you purchased your Boys tickets VERY soon after they went on sale (I'm happy to hear you did - that was the right call!) I was tempted to as well because I figured the cast alone would make it a popular ticket but wanted to watch the movie first as I was unfamiliar with it and make sure I thought it was something my daughter would also enjoy. In almost the blink of an eye - and well before previews even started - most of the good seats (at least for June with the exception of Wed matinees) were gone and I was left with Row O in the Orchestra as my best option. I figured I had just waited a bit too long, that scalpers had bought many seats, etc. (the usual risk you take not buying the day tickets go on sale, but that's usually not that big a deal). Right after I purchased my tickets, I saw a post that plenty of tickets were on StubHub - the assumption being scalpers were taking a big risk because of the cast, and that lots of cheap tickets would be available later as they couldn't unload them. It turns out it's likely the production, not scalpers, who are holding most of the seats on StubHub. Seats that would have sold for $179 or possibly mid-premium ($250 I believe) if you bought super-early are listed for over $1000, and for each show roughy 1/3 of the seats are on there.
My plan is to watch Telecharge the week I'm in NYC and see if they put the seats back on Telecharge - and then beg them to exchange mine. Or, I'll just suck it up from the back row. But it does seem incredibly unfair - scalpers were bad enough, but to have the production essentially working against the ordinary theatergoer is quite a bit more frustrating.
The HP ticket releases have been strange. I've returned tickets and upgraded three times because better seats have been released for less money.
Of course, that's a risky strategy now that the producers are taking a harder line on returns.
On May 3 and 4 there seems to have been a big release of $130 seats in great locations. I purchased a pair for Row M in the orchestra, on the side, and the next day bought another pair, on Row G in the orchestra on the center aisle. Both are for Saturdays. I don't know if they had been premium seats that were "downgraded," or if they had been held back. I told some colleagues, and they also bought great seats those days. '
Thanks to BWW posters, who alerted me to the release!
I really feel producers should reward those who purchase early, not punish them by releasing better seats later!
Again, that’s business. Flex/scale pricing (or whatever they call it) is not unique to CURSED CHILD or BOYS IN THE BAND. What I meant earlier... these are not “discounts” but just “price changes.” We know that producers have done this previously for (anticipated) hot ticket shows.
The same case goes for airlines. The seat next to you or behind you is probably more expensive.
Updated On: 5/22/18 at 04:38 PMVideos